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/lit/ - Literature

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12628195 No.12628195 [Reply] [Original]

>In a 1928 letter to a mutual friend of T.S. Eliot, Virginia Woolf wrote: "I have had a most shameful and distressing interview with dear Tom Eliot, who may be called dead to us all from this day forward. He has become an Anglo-Catholic believer in God and immortality, and goes to church. I was shocked. A corpse would seem to me more credible than he is. I mean, there’s something obscene in a living person sitting by the fire and believing in God."

>> No.12628202

she was a pretty vile person, most of the modernists were

>> No.12628207

She died in mental and physical agony and her work grows less relevant by the day. I think Tommy had the last laugh.

>> No.12628214
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Based, as you kids say.

>> No.12628227

True. I have never met someone who has read any of her books.

>> No.12628239

A mature adult is shocked that another adult gave way to childish delusions; I am not surprised. If she wanted to be more disgusted she could have read his 'poetry'.

>> No.12628244
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What if Eliot looked like this tho?

>> No.12628251

didn't know she was a fedora tipper

>> No.12628280

I honestly dont know who this is. Was she a writer? Did she write around the same time as Joyce and Eliot?

>> No.12628282
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>> No.12628297

No one really cares about Dante’s contemporaries.

>> No.12628306

This the bitch that killed herself in her oven

>> No.12628317

No. Ovens as we know them were just barely a thing when she was alive. You’re thinking of Sylvia Plath

>> No.12628322

>Sylvia Plath
Is she a writer too? Why is this thread on /lit/?

>> No.12628323

Wow imagine not liking a writer because of some dumb shit they said in their personal life. Woolf fills a specific niche in modern literature and she does it well, you don't have to agree with this dumb shit she said to enjoy her work. Plebs get out NOW!

>> No.12628329

this post is laughable if you are seriously comparing Eliot to Dante. I would take To the Lighthouse over any Eliot, any day.

>> No.12628331

What has Eliot even done?
I don’t see him mentioned even here.

>> No.12628334
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that's Plath. Woolf filled her coat with stones and walked into Frank Ocean

he's been fucked up by it ever since

>> No.12628339

>I should be reading Ulysses (...). I have read 200 pages so far - not a third; and have been amused, stimulated, charmed, interested, by the first 2 or 3 chapters - to the end of the cemetery scene; and then puzzled, bored, irritated and disillusioned by a queasy undergraduate scratching his pimples. And Tom, great Tom, thinks this on a par with War and Peace! An illiterate, underbred book it seems to me; the book of a self taught working man, and we all know how distressing they are, how egotistic, insistent, raw, striking and ultimately nauseating.

>> No.12628347

Yeah, you do that.

>> No.12628349

I can't tell if this is memeing or you're actually that stupid

>> No.12628352

Unironically based, putting the pseuds in their place

>> No.12628357

Honestly Woolf's politics are fairly controversial by today's standards:
>generally racist
>On top of all this, she shit-talked literally all the noteworthy writers of her day, including Joyce

I'd be willing to bet that the only reason she's not considered too controversial for universities is because of her feminist writings. It's why Mrs. Dalloway, her essays and Orlando get taught in classrooms but not something like The Waves.

>> No.12628367

>An illiterate, underbred book it seems to me; the book of a self taught working man, and we all know how distressing they are, how egotistic, insistent, raw, striking and ultimately nauseating.

Looks like Feminists have had shit opinions since the beginning.

>> No.12628373

>she shit-talked literally all the noteworthy writers of her day
A lot of writers and artists do this shit, it's not shocking or controversial at all

>> No.12628375

she wasn't a real anti-semitic, she married a jew

and her racism was that typical upper english sort where they looked down on everybody lower than them, whites included

>> No.12628377

the real redpill here is realizing that all the modernist writers are overrated and their influence on literature ended up being more negative than positive

>> No.12628380

Lovecraft married a jew, and he was an anti-semite

>> No.12628382

Surely she knows her favorite Tolstoy believed in God, too? She reminds me of the rootless and worldly aristocrats in his novels.

>> No.12628388

>Surely she knows her favorite Tolstoy believed in God, too?
Lol no. Christ was just a great man to him

>> No.12628389

he wasn't, he was fine with jews, he hated other races

>> No.12628391

How're those student loan payments coming along?

>> No.12628397

The real redpill is reading XXth century literature outside of the anglosphere before making such moronic and sweeping statements.

>> No.12628398

Joyce is an overrated meme, read more literature and you'll realize it

>> No.12628405

fuck off modernist fag, anglosphere literature is the best the world has to offer

>> No.12628407

In terms of religious affiliation, you could argue he wasn't anything more than a "cultural Christian", but he definitely believed in God. I don't know that I've ever heard anyone claim otherwise.

>> No.12628410

Never even read anything except Dubliners, don't really care for Joyce. Why are you dodging the question? The more you put off paying, the more you'll owe

>> No.12628411

Just shut the fuck up

>> No.12628413

Mmm, no. Harold Bloom has read plenty and he says Joyce is the only writer in English who comes close to Shakespeare

>> No.12628429

college is free in my country bro
sorry but no
>taking literary critics seriously
embarrassing, try reading some books for yourself okay?

>> No.12628438

>college is free in my country bro
Then what's to get excited about? It's not like you went to college because you were especially gifted.
>inb4 b-b-but i'm at a top uni!
>inb4 b-b-but i can't tell you which it is because 4chan is scary!

>> No.12628447

wtf are you on about m8, go take your pills

>> No.12628454

>college is free in my country bro
What kind of shithole do you live in?

>> No.12628460


>> No.12628465

Another idiot product of the British educational system. Why do you bother replying to posts if you can't be bothered to read the thread?

>> No.12628469

Im really sorry.

>> No.12628472

Why was she so based? Her comments on Leonard Woolf jewishness are hilarious

>> No.12628474

envy is not a pretty emotion lads

>> No.12628477

Nothing. She was frigid and a lesbian. Your Chad holds no power

>> No.12628484

Fuck now I cannot help reading your posts in that disgusting scotish accent.

>> No.12628493

Redpilled as fuck. Depressives like Woolf have more insight and write better than schizos like Joyce

>> No.12628496

My rich parents pay for my useless degrees tyvm.
Imagine being poor or middle class and attempting to make it in the humanities, you are all the cause of the critical theory take over.

>> No.12628602

t. Nigger

>> No.12628606


>> No.12628655


>> No.12628710

pseuds recognize pseuds

>> No.12628714

>Virginia Woolf
>A mature adult

>> No.12628723

>she married a Jew

No one could compare to Rupert Brooke so she just threw in the towel.

>> No.12628748

I have and I hated them

>> No.12630079

>favorite Tolstoy
her favorite was Proust to the point of obsession, -a contemporary.

>> No.12630121

I have preconceived ideas about Woolf (I don't trust female authors in general, and she's ugly as fuck) but I never read her. Can anyone tell me
- what her best work is?
- how to into her, I mean, what's a short but good work?

>> No.12630492

>best work
Either To The Lighthouse or The Waves. It’s disputed.

>good short intro
Unironically her essays (A Room of One’s Own being the most famous of these). They read like short stories.

>> No.12630924

>Odd Future Woolf Gang
Mind = blown

>> No.12630945

>Woolf hates Ulysses not because of its elitism and difficulty but because it reminds her of the proles
Seriously, what is her fucking problem? How can such a sublime novelist also have shit-tier attitudes about class and race?

>> No.12630955

>he doesn’t read around a literary context (both cultural and critical) in order to flesh out his own opinions
>he doesn’t read critics in order to better understand his points of disagreement
Why are you so vehemently anti-intellectual?

>> No.12631020

>he was fine with jews
No he wasn't. Sonia said he wouldn't shut up about them. He married her because he thought she was one of the very few "good ones"

>> No.12631229

>She was frigid and a lesbian.
proof? wasn't she married to a dude?

>> No.12631248

Ulysses still is the best bookie any moocow will ever read.

>> No.12631258

I don't know what it is, but I would genuinely love to look down and see her sucking my dick. Something about the lips of a frigid women of anglo stock being wrapped around my pole is just an undeniable fetish for me.

>> No.12631269
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cringe, more like it.

>> No.12631299

She's pretty obviously being tongue-in-cheek.

>> No.12631330

True, but she also had a lesbian relationship with Vita Sackville-West. I think bisexual would be a fairer term

>> No.12631333

Tripfags are really the most cringe this website has to offer.

>> No.12631342

Maybe the attitudes aren't quite as shit tier as you believe them to be

>> No.12631366

Nobody actually fucking likes proles lmao,at least shes honest about it

>> No.12632220

I'd much rather spend my day with obnoxious poshos than with my grandparents lmao

>> No.12632241

Joyce > Eliot > Woolf

t. frog

>> No.12632256

Can't disagree

t. anglo

>> No.12632276


One can smell when someone's religiosity is based on fear and egocentrism (or fashion-trends, like most of the people here). Maybe that was the scent she captured on Eliot.

>> No.12632296

Tommy is even less relevant than she is.
Also his "conversino" was just yet another stage of his acting out, as pretty much all of his major life decisions were. The guy was self-conscious walking multi-layered ironic joke.

>> No.12632399

As someone who's read writers from all over Europes in three differents languages including English, I can tell you that Joyce can compare favorably to almost any prose writer out there, and yes I'm including most of the great French prose masters.

>> No.12632439

Based. Woolf was a bloodless anglo harpy

>> No.12632440

Why? It might've been different in Woolf's time but if you're part of the upper class in this day and age then you're probably uncultured and dumb as shit. Most of the exorbitantly wealthy people I know are practically braindead, neurological plasticity just doesn't exist for them because they've never had to adapt to anything, literally the most closed-minded and unreflective people. Proles who educate themselves for nothing but self-betterment are far more interesting people

>> No.12632446

kek I did that too

>> No.12632455


>> No.12632476


She may have been lesbian and using her marriage as a “cover” Happened all the time.

>> No.12632494

It's completely different now the upper classes are just spoiled degenerate babies

In Woolf's time is was different, they were sent away to boarding schools and given very strict but effective educations that created gentlemen. They were also much more religious back in those days.

>> No.12632565

she probably had a degenerate fucked up view of sex because she was raped as a child

>> No.12632641
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Woof you say? Into the bin it goes.

>> No.12632756

Based satanic dyke

>> No.12632997


>> No.12634406


>> No.12634433

absolutely based

>> No.12635781

I love virginia woolf