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12626673 No.12626673 [Reply] [Original]

It seeps in through the cracks, around corners

Leaving warnings, reforming into order

Teeming voracious masses
Collected, empathic

Teething on nails

Chasing our tails
Hoping hotter heads will help us prevail

When we are wrapped in the coil of the cold

When our frigid figures fracture, grow old
Sublimate or start to generate mold

We churn, a dynamo in the night

We run to ache, ache to run, until light

Standing monolithic in our solo flight
Putting fire back into the fight

Pushing back with each ounce of our pressure

Counting pounds beyond our mind’s will to measure

Holding out for the winds to bring us peace again
Daring not to dream prophecies of pleasure

Sending out signals, lost to the stars
Here I am, there you are, though we’re far

Our distance demands practice, patience, and plans

Reaching, catching, a dog chasing cars

A whisper, a wink, and a smile
That flash of your face in denial

Each microexpression a tentative lesson

A trial, a torture, vicious, vile

Mocked in makeup, in moxie, in guile

Staying just as we are for a while

Each loss and each lesson is a berth and a blessing
Our battles and blunders, our style

Diving in, climbing out, letting go

Always taking it too fast or too slow

Pacing and preening, waning and weaning,
Letting loose all those secrets we know

Flaking the paint off the places we’ve hid

Playing our hand, our odds, our bids

In the embrace of our pastures

Less the grips of our masters
Counting stellar lights through our eyelids

Knowing we are astronomically adrift

Lost in boxes, in banking, in thrift

Bound up in our time, caged in our own minds
Holding out one sore thumb for a lift

Compassionate castaways, cons,

Lovers, losers, lawns

Keeping moving until, by strength or by will,

We find ourselves once more under the dawn.

>> No.12626921
File: 87 KB, 700x700, Crisis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12626988

There are things they’ve forgotten. More profound than greed or jealousy, they’ve forgotten what icons and idols and angels and daemons do. That they have a certain power, an influence over the thoughts and expectations of the world which has no real parallel in history. They’ve forgotten, if they ever understood it, that with power and influence come responsibility.

They’ve forgotten things buried a long, long way down in the human psyche, things that only anthropologists and historians like to talk about. They’ve forgotten that when you make a God-King, you have to ritually burn him alive once his reign’s over.

>> No.12627043

The Constitutional guarantees of our country have been suspended for some time now, and an assault has begun on the checks and balances structure of the government. The Republic is in peril; the Republic has been in peril for several years and is now cut away almost to a shadow of itself, barely functioning. I think they are carving it up in their minds, deciding who sits where forever and ever, now. In the face of this no one notices that virtually everything we believed in is dead. This is because the people who would have pointed this out are dead: mysteriously killed. It's best not to talk about this. I've tried to list the safe things to talk about, but so far I can't find any. I'm trying to learn what the Lie is or what the Lies are, but I can't discern that anymore. Perhaps I sense the Lie is gone from the world because evil is so strong now that it can step forth as it is without deception. The masks are off.

>> No.12627100

It reads like you tried to write the same poem 3 times and instead of picking 1 version you stapled them all together.

>It seeps in through cracks, around corners
>Teeming voracious masses
>Teething on nails
>Chasing some tail
>Hoping hotter heads might prevail

>Calling out to the winds for peace
>Daring, not to utter prophecies of pleasure
>Compassionate castaways, compassionate cons
>Lovers, losers, on bright brown lawns
>Once more, unto the dawn

>> No.12627119

This piece could benefit from some improvements to pacing and flow that would lend the passage more gravitas and impact. The use of a period to separate “forgotten” from “More profound” gives the impression that you’re starting a new idea, when really you’re expounding on that original statement, and then in the next sentence you introduce a new idea at the end after a comma. Merging those first two ideas as one sentence and then instantiating “They’ve forgotten…” as a new sentence would lend itself better to the message.

There’s also some junctions that could be improved. You’ve got some strong riffing in the form of “They’ve forgotten what…” “That they have…” “...an influence over…” but the rhythm is also disrupted by the current structure of punctuation being used.

There are a couple usage and mechanics issues, along with best practices that could be improved. If I was going to re-write this, it would look like:

There are things they’ve forgotten, things more profound than greed or jealousy. They’ve forgotten what icons, and idols, and angels, and daemons do. They’ve forgotten that they have a certain power, an influence over the thoughts and expectations of the world, which has no real parallel in history. They’ve forgotten, if they ever understood, that with power and influence come responsibility.

They’ve forgotten things buried a long, long, way down in the human psyche: things that only anthropologists and historians like to talk about. They’ve forgotten that when you make a God-King, you have to ritualistically burn him alive once his reign is over.

>> No.12627182

>They forgot that with power comes responsibility.
>Beyond the greed, beyond their jealousy,
>icons, idols, angels, and daemons
>are buy one get one free.

>They forgot that deal, made before they were born
>GI God doesn't die, he melts.

>> No.12627218

This is a pretty strong and coherent piece, fairly easy to follow and clear in meaning and purpose, except for one passage where it’s hard to determine what exactly it is intending to convey. “...but I can’t discern that anymore.” Usually to discern is to judge something apart from something else, or to separate things from each other, which makes sense given the subject of the clause is clearly the “Lie(s)”, but the meaning is potentially changed when reading the second half of that sentence because the sentence is now being reframed with the subject as the loss of discernment, and not the “Lie(s)” it/themself. If that’s intended it does its job, if that isn’t intended then that sentence should be restructured some.

If I was going to rewrite this, it would look like this:

The Constitutional guarantees of our country have been suspended for some time now, and an assault has begun on the checks-and-balances structure of our government. The Republic is in peril, the Republic has been in peril for several years, and is now cut away almost to a shadow of itself, barely functioning. I think they are carving it up in their minds, deciding who sits where, forever-and-ever, now. In the face of this, no one notices that virtually everything we believed in is dead. This is because the people who would have warned us are dead: mysteriously killed; it's best not to talk about this. I've tried to list the safe things to talk about, but so far, I can't find any. I'm trying to learn what the Lie is, or what the Lies are, but I can't discern that anymore. Perhaps I sense the Lie is gone from the world, because evil is so strong now that it can step forth as it is, without deception. Perhaps, the masks are off.

>> No.12627243

It was dead before you were born. Lincoln opened the door to the abyss, FDR shut the door behind us.

>> No.12627275

Nixon buried the ashes where the door once stood, and Reagan built a military base on top of it.

>> No.12627528

Reagan was a pawn, Nixon was the final sell out of our government to the financial elites. Allowing China to enter the world economy was the biggest foreign policy error since Truman didn't take down the Soviets before they had nukes. American hubris takes the form of the handshake. We can't comprehend the possibility of a sane person hating us.

>> No.12627667

Sounds like lyrics for a Mgla single.

>> No.12627777

The wage slave

Hans job is to flip burgers and he feels like it is meaningless. Every day he comes to work and does the same thing, some times his coworker has something fun to say, some times he thinks about asking out the girl who works at the reception. But he never does. Everything stays the same.
One day on his way home, Hans comes across a bike being on display in a store. How nice it would be to have that! And so from that day forward he works hard to get what he wants. He gets there first and leaves last. And now, he almost has the money for the bike, only a bit more. Yet before he can reach his goal, a supervisor appears at the store and has news for him:
For his extraordinary engagement, he is to be promoted to the restaurant manager. Everyone claps. And he is excited, maybe this will bring something new into his day!
The weeks pass, he already has the bike. But he never actually made up his mind to go somewhere with it, it only serves him to get to work every day now, even on Sundays. Every single day he works, and he works a lot, and barely is he keeping it together. One day this comes up, one day that. It is never-ending, and always something new. So much stress.
The month's pass, the workers get less. The new machines are starting to replace them, and Hans is working more and more.
And in the end, he is the last one at the job and is finally let go.
And so he sits at home and is bored. He drove around with his bike a bit, but no point in that.
No challenge, no change, just universal basic income and everything for free.
He hasn't even spoken with another human in years now.
And then it knocks at the door. "Hans", a man who used to work with him says, "They forced the companies to employ at least 5 people per restaurant, let's go get our jobs back!" And at that moment, Hans realized: He actually liked his job.
Back in the kitchen, Hans is flipping burgers again. His job is literally meaningless now, but it does not feel that way anymore.

>> No.12627947

I breathed in with the rim of the tall glass bong pressing against my cheeks. The weed in the bowl singed delicately with that orange glow beneath it and the gray, smoky wisps floating above it. A crispy burn crept up that sticky, green mass of pot, hardening and blackening it the longer I sustained the inhale. The transparent neck of the bong slowly filled with thick, milky smoke, twirling and turning inside of its glass chamber, seeping through the ever-shrinking ice cubes resting upon the ice catcher, pouring into my lungs and tickling them. The tickle turned into a burn, then a harsh sear, then my body contracted and I violently coughed, ejecting a thick white cloud that floated and dispersed around the room.

>> No.12628079

Just realized how rigidly this reads, can anyone advise me how to spice it up? Maybe vary the sentence lengths and alternate between passive and active?

>> No.12628196

It was a dreary winter even;
it was then I stopped and stood,
on my walk about the town,
and saw a being in the wood.

His gait was slow but light as wind.
His face, the image of Apollo.
But he was pale and white, as though
he had arisen from the snow.

He came to meet me, from the forest
to the path on which I stood.
He smiled and offered me his hand,
and in his eyes was only good.

We turned and walked our different ways,
he on the path, I to the wood.

>> No.12628204

Feedback for my poem please. Also please suggest what should I read for understanding poetry.

Brother, oh brother grant me your ear
The pain is intense,
She screamed, pulled her hair,
her face was hidden under a dark veil,
Stench of blood dispatched the aroma of incense,
The demon king rose, silenced her sisters wail

His command was followed without resistance,
Stop blenching,
You're sister of the king ,
Of all existence,
Respect this throne,
Silence your scorn
hurt, she was,
But silenced her mourn,
narrated the tale with aplomb

It is not I who bought shame,
To this great kingdom,
Hear my story with all your wisdom,
Two warrior sanyaasis,
Ridiculed, rejected, renounced me,
Cut my nose, spat on our family,
Seeked what should be mine,
and thwarted by the wife of one of the swine
That villainous wench,
Her beauty is unparalleled,
Her honor upheld,
My thirst of venegeance, must be quenched,
Oh great king, succour me,
Protect your name,
and the expanse of your claim

Demon king paused,
Collected his thoughts,
Without fear there is no reign,
Those two must be slain,
A King's name must be beyond reproach,
How dare two humans attacked what gods couldn't broach,

Call my strongest warriors, act with haste,
Attacking my sister is an attack on me,
March to their ashram and lay it to waste,
King orders and men bleat,
Attack on you my king, death , those two will meet

Don't be a fool ,
his sister responded with a scowl,
Why use a lion ,
when a step of wolf can maul,
Music of flute is different from veena,
Be stealthy act like hyena,
Attack the women ,
add her to you harem,
Make her your wife,
leave her protector somber,
Force them to ponder,
Repent their folly, cry and wander

Her words performed their magic,
Hunt for pride was stalled, lust was unfurled,
What happened was tragic,
Was it lust, was it pride,
Or it happened as gods foretoled,
No learnings are learned,
truth is concealed,
dance till the end ,
To the tune of destiny

>> No.12628206
File: 6 KB, 225x225, pedant.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a reason for that. Its supposed to be cubist.

>> No.12628212
File: 96 KB, 500x500, 1550446957323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Poetry is just for people too lazy and too unskilled to write lyrical prose.

>> No.12628234

Your imagery is meaningful only as a way of describing the characters you are righting about. What does any of this description say about you? You could be anyone based on this description, so who cares? Don't describe a person smoking weed, describe how you smoked weed this time. What makes this time noteworthy? It seems rigid because the sentence, "I hit the bong" is all you are really saying.

>> No.12628240

Ok, now this is epic

>> No.12628253

This is the third short story that I posted here. Is it good? What could I improve? I don't have a good enough feeling for it to say what exactly I would like to improve and I'm sure any flaws are much more obvious to you. Last time you guys gave me really good advice.

>> No.12628273

Here is naught you'll want to look upon:
the meter tight, the lack of rhyme foregone.

Here are not the subjects which you seek:
the parties, class-disparity,
psychology, vulgarity:
the empty words and passions of the bleak.

And neither can I swagger up, as thief,
to poets of posterity:
I haven't the dexterity
to claim from off their heads a single leaf.

And like those plastic trees you mount
that newly plastic holiday,
the plastic laurels you account
have value just because you say.

Though Keats and Milton we uphold,
lyric prose now holds your sway.
"This is what we did of old,
but this is how it's done today."

>> No.12628276

Thanks. Writing a novel is way harder than I thought it would be

>> No.12628423

What do you think friends? It's about what I imagine seeing after being buried at sea.

I sat submerged and watched the waves above
Splashing, like atoms, the surface of my soul;
Through which I thought I saw some sun glimmer,
Like doubt engendered by an unknown eye,
Diffuse, outstaring, and too deep set, as if
Adam had heard a slivering sound, as if
There, upon the first idea, we slipped, and,
Tumbling, conniving, god had wed the rain.
Thence transited the thought - which was the dance
Betwixt the gapless intervals of me,
Lifted in the lilac-wild wind
Of fairy songs. This, too, was the thought:
That I had dropped - a constant wingless plunge-
Over a nowhere edge - flat to my fate.

>> No.12628517

Your semblance of meter is inadequate imo. Those short "Stop blenching," "Of all existence," are not interesting, neither on their own nor seperately. A longer line length would stretch your imagination and allow you to write more inventively. That's really only the least obvious problem though. There's not really a truly impactful line here (except maybe your conclusion which is nice). You might benefit from reading Marlowe -- to learn dramatic rhetoric.

As for things to understand poetry. I would try reading more poetry! Shakespeare's Sonnets are a master class, especially with the elucidations of Helen Vendler's wonderful The Art of Shakespeare's Sonnets if you want some added instruction. The mode of narrative poetry your grasping at here is Milton's in English (although his ambition was the epic) and he is yet to be surpassed.

>> No.12628538

>the parties
(I should have made a note that this refers to political parties and politics in general, not frat parties that some incel poet is shaking his fist at.)

>> No.12628742

I can talk,
Just not with the people i'd like too.
Communication is Idle
and talking is boring
and yet every night I ask myself,
Why can't I talk?
Do I lack Confidence,
Or is everybody just brain dead,
I can't figure it out,
Maybe I'm too young,
But will I ever be old enough,
I'm just tired now
And even though my lips move,
I hardly ever talk.

>> No.12628817

> tumblr

>> No.12628932


There is a part of our progress that must be made in the dark. When we tread new ground we cut the path before us anew, not because we know where our freshly minted trail may lead, but because we know it goes to a place we have never been. Whether we suspect our journey is one of self improvement, discovery, or misadventure, we continue anyways with the understanding that what we might encounter brings with it the wonder, mystery, and danger of the unknown. There are moments among our travels when we reach a clearing or peak, and the trail behind us stands clear against the wilderness; there are moments when the ways forward present themselves, and challenge us to cast our lots where we may, this time, knowing what trials the course ahead may yield.
In these moments, we face unique personal struggles unlike other hazards that have confronted us in the past. Seeing the lay of the land, and the swath we have carved behind us through it, we must evaluate ourselves, our place in the world, and consider where we may hope to arrive. This is not a task like others we have undertaken, here we must grapple with the internal tapestry that weaves to form the patterns and plans that we have learned to accept as ourselves. In these moments, we are called to answer to our own sensibilities, to question those things that in all other circumstances we have embraced as given.
The ever-changing world we occupy has made it easy to lie to ourselves, and about ourselves. We have drafted and printed disparate codes of law which match the flexibility of the world they are forged to endure, which depend on that world to hold them together. Like a diver who ascends too rapidly to the surface, in the wilderness of treading new ground we have the psychic bends. The sharp drop in pressure allows external validations and social constructs to limply fall away, and we are left to contend with ourselves as we are, and our objectives as defined by ourselves, without the comfort of familiar ground from which we could draw stability. In the wilds, what we have is what we have brought with us, and what cannot help us will only weigh us down. To progress we must travel light, and embrace the limitations of our supplies where limits exist.

>> No.12628940


Our perspective, too, is often misleading. Should we catch a peek of the promise of our journey’s end we are left to wonder if what we have sighted is the glimpse of the carrot of potential, or if what we have seen is a trick of the mind, which eagerly urges us to continue forward and avoid the sting of the stick which follows so closely behind. We must stop and muse upon what our destination may be, and upon which scene we dare stop to take respite along the way. It can also be our folly to, for fear of losing sight of the object of our desire, linger too long in place, or settle in too fully to the vista we’ve found. In whatever case, we must be willing to take steps before we will arrive, and we cannot clutch our hopes too tightly, lest we crush them in our zeal.

Truly enough, from such a vantage point we may miss the trees for the forest, and move blindly past the nourishing fruits that might give our journey meaning and purpose, in our eagerness to reach some end to our quest. It is bold courage, then, that we might sometimes dare to linger among the wild things, stopping to learn the places they go, and what paths they have taken through the hinterland in their own turn. Being so advised, we are wise to take on those things they have found which make us stronger, and run wide of fetid farrows where they have wallowed in our midst.
Still there is the strike of strange providence, sites we may savor or struggle through as we choose, which further waylay us from our already meandering course. Whether they possess meaning or mishap, we meet these odd matches colored by our previous perils and triumphs, measuring them not on their merits, but our own. It is the way of the traveler to assert their own values in place of the virtues of the course, but the way is open, or it is shut. In our Mercerist slough and ascent we may cast ourselves as Sisyphus before the stone, or the proverbial snowball building mass and energy as it goes, but the lay of the land stays the same. In time, we will convince ourselves there was a purpose in our place, that those pliant but persistent memories possess relevance only discovered through patient ponderings. If our spirit holds true it is our joy and sorrow to embrace each twist of fate as the ephemeral deviation it is, giving it no more power over us, and assuming no greater influence of our own over it, than any other fit of chance we abide.
Perhaps it is our way to lay our tracks in meandering circles, stopping to get our bearings occasionally, and check our progress against the ever wandering stars, metering each movement in fanned fingers held out against the horizon. Others may take to their task only briefly, stopping before long to make their place where they have arrived, rather than to find it where it already sits. As with everything, it is the truth of the traveler which turns the trail to be trod, twisting it to the shape we have taken.

>> No.12628944

Whether or not we find what we seek, all paths, once started, have an end.

>> No.12629344

crit thread? Not sure if I am communicating what I feel in this. Lemme know some feedback, thanks everyone.

Vengeance be thy name Lord! His majesty, with a most acrimonious deception, floods Man with seas of awe and allure only to sever him with frigid air. Man, abandoned, gazes at the sightly azure amid a halo on the horizon whilst moored to the dead stone of his cliff. “Lord, why sever us then curse us with Being?” His only answers are the gusts surfing our shoulders whilst caressing the luscious shrubbery with sightly currents and wakes coalescing into a soft flow before tiding off into ledges and stones. Man concedes, "Lord, you carry the luminous daylight before lapsing it into the illustrious night. But please spare your cruelest of all, since it is not amongst the verdant land"— His majesty hast placed his greatest trick within thy heart— thy smile, brandishing euphoria! The celestial corona which tresses upon the soul, only to mar it with its fleeting fluttering moment splashing a lovely melody to the waves of an arabesque. Coveted then deceitful. A pursuit which reveals an ultimate tragedy— all is cloaking naught.

>> No.12629790

love it
super edgy

here is my try:

>> No.12629950

>acrimonious deception
this is an unintuitive use of acrimonious and so i would personally avoid using it like this

>frigid air
a frigid air, to avoid ambiguity

>amid a halo
what is this halo, a sun dog? amid doesnt sound right when followed by a singular object - should be uncountable. ironically it would probably work better if you swapped the azure and halo parts of the phrase.

i feel this word is so unevocative that it is abit redundant in the particular contexts youve used it in so far. and in the sentence about gusts, its abit implausible since you cant see wind.

feels abit anachronistic.

to be honest this whole sentence doesnt go any where. you say that "god only answers with" but you don't justify the "only" bit and just go on a tangent elaborately describing winds rather than writing something about these gusts which emphasises god's abandonment/neglect. i think the way to emphasise that matter would be to keep the description bare and sparse or atleast convey negativity no?
This is why also "luscious shrubbery" i think feels weird to me; because for me, emotively, it contradicts/is ambivalent to any notion in the sentence.

Plus watch out for overusing -ing verbs in this sentence; makes the sentence convoluted and is repetitive. i do like the "coalescing into a soft flow before tiding off into ledges and stones" phrase though.

>luminous daylight
abit redundant; luminous just means give off light. using this word would work best in a context where luminosity would be salient. not about daylight, because in the day, light is everywhere. use a different word which adds something else.

>lapsing it into the illustrious
why would you describe something that is illustrious (positive) as something to be lapsed into (negative)

>since it is not amongst the verdant land
should use amid not amongst for uncountable noun ("land").

>His majesty hast
see this is why i dont like people using archaic english unless they know it well because they will use it incorrectly or inconsistently. i dont know any sort of archaic english but i only had to look this word up to find that it is only used in the second person i.e you hast/thou hast.
>Lord, you
>your cruelest
also shouldnt this be thou and thy or something like that? inconsistency

>But please spare your cruelest of all, since it is not amongst the verdant land"— His majesty hast placed his greatest trick within thy heart— thy smile, brandishing euphoria! The celestial corona which tresses upon the soul, only to mar it with its fleeting fluttering moment splashing a lovely melody to the waves of an arabesque.
to be honest all of this is unreadable. no idea what youre talking about. do you know what youre talking about?

also tresses upon doesnt really work. do you know what it means?

>Coveted then deceitful. A pursuit which reveals an ultimate tragedy— all is cloaking naught.
i would have this in one sentence.

Overall abit messy -

Grade D.

>> No.12629986

Thanks, really appreciate it. I wrote it a bit ago. I've been stepping out of my comfort zone without training and it shows. I wanted to write something pithy and prose-y and failed.

>to be honest all of this is unreadable. no idea what youre talking about. do you know what youre talking about?

Ya, in that specific part I'm talking about when you experience someone else smile and laugh with you, it is a fleeting moment of levity, but there is nothing more to it. It makes me sad that there is nothing more to laughter, smiles, and the way they make me feel, beside those feelings themselves.

It's not a sound critique of those things, for example, smile and laughter can lead to companionship, etc., but it resonated with me on a level. On the same level that viewing the horizon from an ocean cliff does. Like I'm severed from life, and experiencing it at the same time.

>> No.12630059

>Ya, in that specific part I'm talking about when you experience someone else smile and laugh with you, it is a fleeting moment of levity, but there is nothing more to it. It makes me sad that there is nothing more to laughter, smiles, and the way they make me feel, beside those feelings themselves.
see, i did not get that at all

you would probably do a far better job writing in a style youre more familiar with especially because the subject mattee isnt uninteresting. sentiments alot of people have related to.

>> No.12630095

Ya, I re-read before posting and disliked it due to all of its contrivances, but decided to post it anyway just to see reaction. Thanks for your honest critique, I appreciate it.