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12625071 No.12625071 [Reply] [Original]

No more than 30 books, anon kun~

>> No.12625093
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based and redpilled. a duffle bag of paperbacks is all you need.

>> No.12625133


>> No.12625663

>No more than 4 inches, anon kun~

>> No.12625778

God japan is so gay, their mannerisms are gay, their brains are poisoned by childrens cartoons, and they will be extinct by the 25th century

>> No.12625799

Gettin' real tired of your shit, Kondo-sensei.

>> No.12625859

That allows me to keep all 30 editions of Mein Kampf. No problem, Asian Fascist Mommy!

>> No.12625878

I researched why they do this and it's not really because of anime but more because of kabuki which is really big on exaggerating their movements.

>> No.12625884
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No. Go big, or go home.

>> No.12626139

Do males also do this?

>> No.12626169
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Yeah. It's all for TV though.

>> No.12626482

>women being feminine is gay

peak confused decadence

>> No.12626488

Not in real life. Only, and only for TV

>> No.12626548

That isnt femininity you fucking neckbeard, stop watching anime

>> No.12626760


How do you think she comes?

>> No.12626774
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t. bitter roast dog

>> No.12626776


>> No.12626785

that's impressive, considering the rest of humanity will be extinct by the 22nd century

>> No.12626787

Sorry lady, my interests in philosophy require more than that.

>> No.12626831

With her tongue out, eyes rolled up, 2 peace signs, and a satisfied moan.

>> No.12626869
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> tfw not enough of a man to just become a philosopher hobo
> tfw can't help but romanticize the notion of a philosopher hobo

>> No.12626875

Shut the fuck up, you worthless asiatic untermenschen.

>> No.12626980

I actually read that book before the big KonMari fad swept America. It's decent if you're willing to be honest with yourself about how many of the books you own you're actually going to read one day. She does seem to have the typical contemporary understanding of books as status indicator rather than resource for recreation. Her claim that she tears out individual pages rather than keep an entire book was maddening.

>> No.12627051

I felt so sad when I read that part. I felt she doesn't really understand the pleasure of a good read and the build up to the best parts of a book. Which is fine I suppose, since reading isn't really for everyone but seriously tearing out pages from a book or you should just keep sections of a book you only like was a bit much.

But it has helped me cut down on my shelf of books. It helped me figure out that I should start donating or giving away books.

So I've given to my friends, Yukikaze by Kambayashi, Annapurna by Maurice Herzog, Canticle of Leibowitz, Ten Billion Days and One Hundred Billion Nights by Ryu Mitsuse, and other great books away.

For the rest I donated to a variety of thrift stores for resale.
Treasure Island, Swiss Family Robinson, Three Musketeers, Count of Monte Cristo, Rum Diaries, etc and such

>> No.12627063

You would be man enough if you knew you would inexplicably have women throwing themselves at your feet despite being a dirty greasy homeless man with disgusting spindly facial hair

>> No.12627065
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>tfw almost there but don't want to go homeless because i like my solitary hovel that isolates me from the normals

>> No.12628257

shit tase

>> No.12628540

No self-control to stop 4 inches in? Shamefuru.

>> No.12628546

Please define then.

>> No.12628569


If this is actually a recommendation she's made, it wouldn't surprise me. And even if it isn't, the idea is in keeping with her line of work. Interior designers hate books, and they especially hate large shelves of books. The reason for this is that a bookshelf is a big object which the interior designer didn't select, didn't come up with. To the interior designer, a bookshelf is a big object, getting in the way of their job-to change things up around the house.