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File: 31 KB, 624x416, goodgirl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12625177 No.12625177[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Pic related.

>> No.12625182

I see I’ve influenced another. Perhaps you should read the bible and get your mind off the words that have left my mind.

>> No.12625188

Are there any books that can teach me how to be a sex slave for a woman?

>> No.12625192

Jane Eyre you fucking cuckmeisterfaggot

>> No.12625196

OK first of all this is all fantasy. The way you turn a woman into your sex slave is you dicuss what you want with her, try it out, talk about it after. Like any other fun sex with a normal person. You could get into a 24/7 arrangement but there's no way you would jump right into some kind of master slave lifestyle without starting with baby steps and making sure both of you are on the same page through long and intimate discussion.
That being said:
Histoire d'O
The Ties That Bind
the 120 Days of Sodom
are all super hot (one of them fucked up to the point I lost my boner but still worthwhile reads).
But yeah, biggest thing is being open about your fantasies to your chick. She's not a mind reader. She'll be into it, girls are almost universally down for submitting. Start with some sexy rope harnesses and light spanking.

>> No.12625198

obvi venus in furs

>> No.12625230

You go on a slave raid of course. Get the boys together, mount your horses, and go nuts.

>> No.12625241


Check out based Gor:

>The series is known for its repeated depiction of sexual fantasies involving men abducting and physically and sexually brutalizing women, who grow to enjoy their submissive state.


>> No.12625248

The Game

Do a google search for 'fractionation seduction' or the 'octoberman sequence.'

>> No.12625265

take your incel wish fulfillment fiction back to riddit.

>> No.12625266
File: 301 KB, 1824x1578, 1549936664371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One thinks sex is an act of power but forget those engaging in any sexual activity surrender agency and power to a capricious instinct able to be set off by any passing wind, always to leave you drained and tired. You think you profit from it but you don't. It's more pathetic than injecting heroin.

>> No.12625274

What are you talking about virgin? Every time I have sex my motivation improves, I start working out, and I become very productive and kind.

>> No.12625288

how to fuck a woman's brains out by ThornDaddy. Weird book, im not into s&m myself but the guy does have an interesting perspective on the subject of women.

>> No.12625296

t. megabrainlet

>> No.12625302

Placebo because your bugman life revolves around nothing else. If you had actual goals and dreams, you will see how sexual acts deplete your capacity to exert agency in life to engage in them.

>> No.12625307

>What are you talking about you druglet? Every time I inject heroin my motivation improves, I start working out, and I become very productive and kind.

>> No.12625317

I have sex maybe twice a year because I happened to go out to a party. I've only ever had one night stands and have dropped women for trying to date me. my life does not revolve around sex you delusional idiot.

>> No.12625328

Sex is in fact good for your health. To state otherwise is to refuse the scientific method.

It's like saying
>don't eat food because you are falling victim to your own feelings
Maybe you should listen to those feelings. If you go with them, you'll feel happier.

I mean even reading is falling victim to your boredom. Why can't you just stare at a wall like a real man?

>> No.12625336

>my life does not revolve around sex you delusional idiot.
It quite clearly does, for you to be taken so aback by these posts.
The fact that you are only ever to get what you can take in your partying with temporal hookups, shows that you are very desperate for it and have no other choice. Not only that, you are suffering from the daily want and release of vicarious substitutes like masturbation. You are a slave.

>> No.12625345

Shut the fuck up faggot

>> No.12625353

>Sex is in fact good for your health. To state otherwise is to refuse the scientific method.
Is this satire?
You managed to make yourself look retarded right off the back.
It is you who denies the scientific method by refusing alternate hypotheses to be tested and instead asserts your view as total and absolute infallible dogma.
>It's like saying
No it isn't like saying anything.
That is a straw man.
>Maybe you should listen to those feelings. If you go with them, you'll feel happier.
>I mean even reading is falling victim to your boredom. Why can't you just stare at a wall like a real man?
Strawmanning intensifies

>> No.12625384
File: 241 KB, 512x755, N1NKjIc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No friends, no girlfriend, no sex.
Get on my level, pleb.

>> No.12625403

That matters not if you are still suffering release at your own hand. You are not free. You are equally as ensnared, if not more so, than someone having sex. The only remedy lies in total chastity—complete abstinence from all sexual acts including masturbation and including even mentally lusting.

>> No.12625421

>Right off the back
it's a baseball idiom, right off the bat

>> No.12625439

Oh, I forgot to mention I'm also on NoFap.
I pretty much equate it with sex, since they both deplete you of energy.

>> No.12625448

I'ma try this

>> No.12625455



Abuse and Ad Hominem.

This forum is for the intelligent discussion of literature. Abuse can be reported. Name calling brings down the IQ of the board.

The irony is that name calling discredits YOU, not me.

>It is you who denies the scientific method by refusing alternate hypotheses to be tested
I'm not saying you can't test it. I'm saying your conjecture is inconsistent with the evidence and therefore should not be accepted. YOU are denying the scientific method by rejecting the evidence that sex is healthy.

>It is you who denies the scientific method by refusing alternate hypotheses to be tested
No, that's what YOU'RE doing: Asserting your view as absolute fact without evidence. That's literally the definition of religion.

Nice straw man back-to-back abuse.

Talk about hypocritical fallacies. You literally just accused me of everything you yourself were doing. Maybe that projection meme has some credibility.

>> No.12625458

Justine by DeSade. That part where the girl saves him and he thanks her by torturing and enslaving her. Also the part where she gets raped by a bunch of monks in a monestary.

>> No.12625496

>sex is good because le science

hello r*ddit

>> No.12625524

>science is "retarded"
Fuck off anonymous 4chan cowards. I came here to discuss books, not be called names like it's fucking high school. Some people just never grew up.

As soon as someone resorts to name calling, you know they gave up and are just acting out of desperation at that point. I know I'm right, I don't have to convince voluntary idiots.

The time I spent writing this, I could have spent writing a book.

Go kill yourselves.

I'll not be reading this board any further, so please call me whatever you want. Obviously humiliating others brings you intense happiness (more irony!).

>Unlike you, I'm in full control of my feelings and therefore all of my actions are perfectly logical without bias
>proceeds to abuse a stranger through the internet


>> No.12625536
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Males are obsolete
Think about it. Males are a disposable mutation with the Y chromosome, whereas femaIes are the real compIete humans. Now that there are machines to do labor that males would do, and there's so much sperm in sperm banks, why should we keep males? They are more violent, rapists, and they start all the wars and are the source of most human suffering.
I think we should get rid of males completely, or if we're going to keep them around we should use genetics to make them small and cute, sort of like pets to own. They'd be much better that way and much more safe.
What do you think femanons? Let's build paradise.

>> No.12625560

This is retarded

>> No.12625574
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I hope to God this is a real girl's wishes, and either way I desire this SO badly. I hate most men, they're such absolute animals and will never change their disgusting, primitive ways. I want a matriarchy, wherein the sweetest women lead the world, and I unironically want most men to be banished somewhere else, where they can no longer harm anyone but themselves (actually, better if they can't harm eachother either, all of them kept under watch of security of some kind). And before that happens, I want there to be a screening. A screening for the goodest boys among these men. And from this screening, the sweetest and kindest boys are selected to remain with the women in their utopia, and each of them receives a nurturing dominant girlfriend to love and take care of them forever. And all boys are made as cute as possible, while still being boyish and not just clones of little girls now. And everything is in order now, with women running society, men banished to elsewhere, and cute kind boys spending the rest of their days in the loving embrace of their caretaker girlfriend's. I want to be a girl's cute pet so much... :(

>> No.12625577


>> No.12625593

Are there and books that can surgically remove my unhealthy submissive side?

>> No.12625604

I think doing some smaller experiments would be more wise than suddenly killing millions of males.

>> No.12625605


>> No.12625612

Is this how women cope? Knowing that they will never be equal to a man. I pity you, please kys.

>> No.12625619

Sex isn't even that great

>> No.12625629

A source?
You realize all of these come from surveys?
You realize the that disagreeing with them does not "refuse the scientific method"?
>Abuse and Ad Hominem.
I said your argument made you look retarded, and it does. But after this post, I will say that you truly are a retard, which, yes, is an example of an ad hominem.
>I'm not saying you can't test it. I'm saying your conjecture is inconsistent with the evidence and therefore should not be accepted.That is not what you were saying. In fact, you addressed nothing in your post to anyone specific.

You began with the retarded premise that "Anyone who disagrees with this viewpoint refuses the scientific method". which—lets take take a time out here for a moment, is ludicrous regardless of the content and anyone who actually is a scientist laughs at you for professing this—anyways, which was unsubstantiated at the time, and now is substantiated with a shit-tier WebMD source. You try to LARP as though you are some great scientific mind but in reality, you come across as a brain dead individual.

> YOU are denying the scientific method by rejecting the evidence that sex is healthy.

It's clear
1. You do not know what the scientific method is.
2. Are incapable of presenting evidence to even ascertain your case, let alone evaluate it.

>> No.12625633

t. coping virgin

>> No.12625642

lol irony

>> No.12625656

Women have higher education and wages than men many places, anon. The national wage gap will be closed and then the male sex is done. Finished. Redundant. You're gone.

>> No.12625664

How is it ironic? You can't downplay something you've never experienced.
I'm a virgin and from other people's opinions, I can only conclude that sex is something worthwhile.

>> No.12625670


>> No.12625700

Please anons stop fighting. Let's be civilized humans and agree to disagree because none of this matters and we could be reading Gravity's Rainbow right now.

>> No.12625740

>she doesn't realize that men will resort to violence in desperation
Institutional power and hierarchy survive only through force, and that is a game men will always win. You can moralize violence as bad however you want, but men who feel justified are still going to seize what they can when they can because they can, and the when is inevitable.

>> No.12625755

Not her/them but this only further proves that men really should be eliminated from this planet, the worthless savage that he is. Make him into a mule for labor, or else simply get rid of them entirely. Society should only be for women, and the cute boys they look after.

>> No.12625915

Your entire argument is based around valuing woman power dynamics over man power dynamics, I didnt make an argument either way your just projecting your own ideology onto my post. Your a moralize who's saying nothing more than muh feelz.

>> No.12625918

Read Crowley and learn how to start your own cult.

>> No.12625919

Get a fetlife account.

>> No.12626029

what if i have a chastity fetish

>> No.12626052

The Sex God Method by Daniel Rose
To get a fundamental understanding the dynamic

Study Game in order to actually get women

>> No.12626068

read bataille faggot

>> No.12626080

Then you either kill yourself or get your PMOA gamma knifed. Only options.

>> No.12626088

Then you have patrician taste and should find a keyholder mommy gf.

>> No.12626106

Some countries like Thailand have a lot of human trafficking, so you could buy sex slaves on the black market there, with some as young as infants.

>> No.12626119
File: 165 KB, 1000x432, 1548980353040.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You wouldn't know patrician if it came up and bit you in the face.

>> No.12626120


What the fuck

>> No.12626143

god I wish that were me

>> No.12626171

>gamma knifed

>> No.12626187


okay, this is epic

>> No.12626194

Imagine you spend your life trying to become a reputable professor and the only thing you're remembered for is your 38 volume long alien sex slave conan fanfiction

>> No.12626232


It's a perfectly legitimate philosophy of life.

>> No.12626260

The future is to be enslaved to women. Or rather, no women, but mommies. At once we'll be dependent, heteronomous, immature (how's that for counter-enlightenment!), but also cared for, mommy giving us everything we desire, as long as we please her. There'll be milk for everyone under the bonds of matriarchal servitude!

>> No.12626261

It relaxes me.

>> No.12626430

that was terrible
more of a depiction of pop femdom tb-h

>> No.12626441

what's a better femdom novel?
DAE actual femdom porn sucks and they should have women do what the leather daddies in gay bdsm porn do? Strapped up, plugs, public humiliation, edging, muscle worship, etc? It's in the literotica short stories and the hentai, might as well be in the porn.

>> No.12626463

based softboy poster

keep fighting the good fight anon, you're one of the best things about this board, even if you're probably completely fucking insane (what you're describing here sounds like "femme-fascism").

>> No.12626472

Just learn to make women orgasm.

>> No.12626476


Fuck men. We are so disgusting.

>> No.12626477

This is some dope satire. The fact that (hypothetical) women think they could do away with social hierarchy simply by excluding or suppressing men is deliciously ironic. You just know civilisation would collapse, women are far better revolutionaries than they are establishments, eventually it would end in passionate slaughter

>> No.12626508

so enslave men cuz woman said so.. sure is nazi and sexist and racist all in one.

truely you lesbians need serious mental health and 90% brain lobotomy to fix you're seething hatred of men

>> No.12626593

You know I don’t agree with the idea of male genocide right
I appreciate what he’s doing to make effeminate masculinity more accepted on this board, but the dude is clearly a fucking lunatic who fetishises his own repression.

>> No.12626598

My gf is a very strong-willed feminist who doesn’t like the idea of being a sub. How do I convince her otherwise /lit/

>> No.12626627

actually it's a chiropterological idiom, right off the bat

>> No.12626644

Break up with her.

>> No.12626648

I dont agree with the idea of male genocide as well as do our future matriarchal overlords I think.
We just want all these "manly" hair apelike man to be enslaved.

>> No.12626684

>tfw stupidly hairy with strong beard genes but also am deeply sensitive and effeminate
W-will I have a place in the matriarchal utopia?

>> No.12626692
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>> No.12626694

Im not stupidly hairy! Im a blonde latebloomer! Ill be alright. Im also a good boy.

>> No.12626696
File: 178 KB, 370x521, chick.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a 10 year younger fuckbuddy who only gets off when being completely dominated, face fucked and told what to do. She also loves to eat cum and have in her face. She blows my every time she sleeps over.

But that's extremely exhausting. She's not a "sex slave", her fetish just dictates our relationship and fucking her means taking on a persona. "Go on your knees now", "Lick my balls". That's only fun the first 10 times.
"Sex slave" either means she's into it, in which case she's not a slave, or it means that girl is miserable, in which case you don't want to be around her.

>> No.12626855

fuck I'm cringing

>> No.12626947

I tried this a few times with my GF. I came on her face while she was on her knees. I felt disgusted and sorry for her and immediately wanted to take it back. She did not mind it, but I always had the same feeling:"she does not deserve this."

>> No.12626950


>> No.12626962


>> No.12626973

It felt horrible, man. Im into rough stuff, You know, grabbing her neck and squeezing a bit, spanking her ass til its red and it burns, but this is degradation, man. I dont wanna degrade the person I love.

t. basedboy

>> No.12626982

>t. basedboy

wanted to write t. basedboy

t. basedboy

>> No.12626983

you're not degrading her (immortal soul), just her body (fleshy prison)

>> No.12626986
File: 285 KB, 385x385, let me stop you right there.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Im into rough stuff, You know, grabbing her neck and squeezing a bit, spanking her ass til its red and it burns,
>but cumming on her face is where I draw the line
Do you realize how ridiculous you sound right now?

>> No.12627009

Yeah, even if it were so, I love her body as much as her soul.

Why? That is where I draw the phenomenological line between roughstuff and degradation.

>> No.12627016

i-i want mommy's milk please...w-what do i have to do to receive it?

>> No.12627020

Right, because spanking her ass like a child isn't humiliating right?

>> No.12627021

wtf happened here?

test: basedboy
test: basedboy
test: s oyboy
test: basedboy2

>> No.12627027

No. Why would it be?

>> No.12627031


>> No.12627035

Words get filtered all the time you utter phillistine.

>> No.12627037

I am Sorry I have not mastered the arts of posting on an anime imageboard, yet, sensei.

>> No.12627047

haha t basedboy
i didn't know they filtered that one either

>> No.12627087

I firmly believe in the equality of the sexes, but even I'll admit that that kind of matriarchy sounds appealing (not with fascism though, probably something more akin to classical liberalism with a matriarchal social structure would be better). It'd be interesting to see a matriarchal society tried out, but the problem is that I think the brains of too many women are adjusted to patriarchal society, meaning it might be more difficult for them to make a matriarchy devoid of all the negative influences of patriarchy.

I'd rather not surrender my ability to think freely. I love women and think of them as the TRUE heads of the household, but it's because of that that I think it would be unfair to force them to shoulder the responsibility by themselves. I don't want to be a child to a woman, I want to be her wife (if that makes sense)-- To be her emotional support and her equal just as much as she is mine.

>> No.12627098

>im sooo sorry for ejaculating like oh my god i felt sooooo bad

this is peak catholicism

>> No.12627105

By what measure do you distinguish "being sought" and "degrading"?

>> No.12627131

That's exactly the problem, a lot of women are almost as good as men (if not better) at maintaining patriarchal hegemony. In moving to a matriarchal society they would lose the one scapegoat that prevents them from being held accountable. Even though your conception of it is more liberal than fascistic, I don't think I could imagine a matriarchy that isn't, in some shape or form, violent. If patriarchy is the violence of corporal punishment and wife-beating, then matriarchy is the medea slaughtering her children. I'm of the opinion that any –atriarchy is inherently repressive

>> No.12627159

Placebo. Sexual release raises cortisol in men so it's actually having the opposite effect.

>> No.12627192

Getting into this shit right now

>> No.12627205

There is none. It's a masterpiece.

>> No.12627207

The modern basedboy
>May I please sleep with you tonight, princess? It's okay if you are interested in ethical non-monogamy. I'm sorry for being a man.

The modern basedboy, overcompensating variant

Normal man with healthy endocrine system
>Let's fuck

>> No.12627210

Being spanked by my parents wasnt and isnt humiliating. But if my dad came on my face, yeah. How do You distinguish?

>> No.12627220

U should compensate her and let her castrate u

>> No.12627229

me, an intellectual
>sex? no thanks, i'm asexual

>> No.12627230

To be fair, I want to be a child to a mommy, but I'd want to be as a mommy to her too.

>> No.12627238

>women are almost as good as men...at maintaining patriarchal hegemony
Women are highly socially intelligent, so this is no surprise. They see that who they canget benefits from the patriarchal system, so they adapt accordingly. This doesn't mean that they necessarily like the situation however, as there are many women who want to drop out of this structure despite being conscious of how to navigate it. Non-conforming women and effeminate men face predjudice under this system, which has in recent years attempted to construct a sexual market place where such non-conforming behaviours be one less viable. This is why, while I agree with your statement that -atriarchies are repressive, I still like the idea of a matriarchy as some interpretations of the term depict a more egalitarian view of sexual politics.
Or maybe it's just because I want to submit to a woman, possibly both.

>they would lose the one scapegoat
This can only be a good thing. In my experience, women in positions of authority that don't play the victim card in that sense are generally fantastic leaders. Removing that safety net would likely lead to the creation of more "no nonsense" women willing to get their hands dirty out of necessity.

>> No.12627239

As I said, she didnt mind. But I did. I mean I spank her butt during the day as she does mine cuz we find eachother so cute. I dont wanna cum on her during the day, not ever.

>> No.12627241

You don't have the same relationship you have with your dad than with your gf. What's the difference between coming on her face and choking her? Why is one act more "degrading" than the other?

>> No.12627250

Some intellectuals have espoused chastity. This does not make them asexual.

>> No.12627272

Because we fight each day and hit each other out of affection. Spanking her e.g. during sex is a sign of affection masked as "dangerous/violent play", cumming on her face feels like degradation, disrespect. I do not disrespect her. Why is this so hard for You to grasp?

>> No.12627291

You said you choked her and were into "rough stuff". Yet summing on her face upsets you. Is "rough stuff" also a sign of affection masked as dangerous/violent play. Either you are lying or you're a massive hypocrite.

>> No.12627302

Yes, rough stuff is a sign of affection masked as "dangerous/violent" play. It is pretending, we are playing. Cumming on her face just creates a void.

>> No.12627304
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>> No.12627313

>Literalists, otherwise known as lifestylers, incorporate elements from the Gorean culture and gender roles in their daily lives and some adherents of this approach were prosecuted for leading coercive sex cults.
>some adherents of this approach were prosecuted for leading coercive sex cults


> The teenage role-playing Goreans who concealed many of their personal aspects such as age or lack of experience thanks to anonymity managed to appeal to a considerable number of married and middle-aged women as kajirae in role-playing contexts.
>teenage role-playing Goreans
>managed to appeal to a considerable number of married and middle-aged women


>Such notoriety caused by this profile and related practices in the virtual Gorean community succeeded in creating disdain among both feminists and the BDSM community.
>Nevertheless, scholars have discussed the way that Gorean subculture groups on media such as Second Life and Internet Relay Chat have influenced the development of online role-playing and even the Mmorpg genre.

>succeeded in creating disdain among both feminists and the BDSM community.
> scholars have discussed the way that Gorean subculture t have influenced the development of online role-playing and even the Mmorpg genre


>> No.12627316

This but to extend it further

The modern basedboy
>May I please sleep with you tonight, princess? It's okay if you are interested in ethical non-monogamy. I'm sorry for being a man.

The modern basedboy, overcompensating variant

Normal man with healthy endocrine system
>Let's fuck

The superior man.
>What the fuck am I doing? This isn't a woman I would want to start a family with, so why the fuck would I sleep with her, waste my time, and risk VDs?

Penultimate God Tier
>I have defeated lust and no longer need to live with the burden of sexual release. Chastity and continence are freedom.

>> No.12627317

its not degradation to her if she enjoys it

hell, if she enjoys degradation in general then you're showing affection, not disrespect, by utterly abusing her.

>> No.12627324

go to the middle east start taking concubines when you destroy another tribe

>> No.12627344

I was just waiting for mommygf anon to intervene. Mommygf anon is downright nuts but he never disappoints.

Thanks Mommygf anon.

>> No.12627355
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>its not degradation to her if she enjoys it
>hell, if she enjoys degradation in general then you're showing affection, not disrespect, by utterly abusing her.

>> No.12627363

Learn to enjoy femdom :^)

>> No.12627368

This meme is getting better by the minute.

>> No.12627372

As I said she didnt mind the facecumming. That is a pretty neutral reaction. So she basically doesnt give a shit about it. It was my idea. If she wanted me to split her ass in half with an axe I'd do it.

>> No.12627375

>letting nerds define health

>> No.12627376
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>> No.12627385

savor your tepid tripples, cuck prime

>> No.12627397
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>To state otherwise is to refuse the scientific method.

>> No.12627398

Dunno if there are any books but it's pretty simple.

Some women are open and honest with themselves, for these go direct to treating them like a slave as it's wwhat they know they want.

Others deny their desires or at least don't show them so openly, for them simply start to take command, and increase slowly over time. Begin with little matters, offhand comments here and there. Eventually she'll become used to obeying and you just crank it up.

Anyway, women are natural born degenerates that love being degraded and used, so really you're just fulfilling their desires.

>> No.12627403

why is it exhausting? isnt it amazing?

>> No.12627405

God Tier
>My holiness make people have sexual thoughts about me, but I am content with copulating with the stars

>> No.12627417

2 twice?

>> No.12627443


What kind of autism is this?

>> No.12627456

the only ethical relationship a powerful man may have with a useless woman is as her pimp. whether he pounds one of her holes is incidental. a woman chiefly evaluates a man by what fraction of a good pimp he would make if pressed into that role, which is the classic arrangement of man and woman that long predates nuclear families. Most men would lead their submissive harems of dick puppets, many of the women married to their pimp, while some are legally recognized concubines,and still others only harem chattel not counted on any ledgers. But these harems would march into a city as a circus and spiritedly inhabit a favorable domicile and thus begin whoring and collecting for the whores' pimp a small fortune for the night, more than payment for the labor of herding and tending that many libidinous, mischevious women, eunuchs and various slaves.

>> No.12627458

I keep thinking life isn't fair, because I'm not a 15 year old girl ballerina. Instead I'm a boring man. How can God be so cruel?

>> No.12627461
File: 19 KB, 341x438, Pious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. Pope Pious XIII

>> No.12627467

Congratulations. You are mentally ill.

>> No.12627479
File: 169 KB, 1600x894, IMG_20190216_172237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get the PhD course of Andrew Tate

>> No.12627489


>> No.12627497

Ballerina have very strenuous lives, both mentally and physically. Constant training, elitist dancing programs, lots of competition, pressure, bitching being judged by snobby old folks who have a dispoportionate grip on your future, insane levels of drama, being abused by pure-looking but dark-heatred dancers fuckboys.

Heck in older times there were often minor tragedies, as people weren't capable to deduce how a child would grow up from seeing her at 8, so ballerinas would enter training as children and then start puberty and develop body shapes unfit for classical dancing, and have to abandon their whole career without recourse. Now fortunately we can spot those cases in the early stages and avoid them the heartbreak and wasted years, but you get the idea.

>> No.12627504

If things were a little different I could have been a female ballerina and that wasted possibility brings me to tears. Is that really so wrong? I'm not saying it's something I could do now through hormone injections. It's not in my cards, I was born a male and I Iament that fact somewhat.

>> No.12627505

I wanted to make an elegant ^2 without the ^ but I overestimated my keyboard. Glad you cared enough to notice.

>> No.12627515

Sexual Power for Women
by Georgeann Cross

Written by a woman for a woman about a male slave, it leaks secrets on how women think.

>> No.12627518

Yes. It is. It's called a delusion. You need to be on neuroleptic drugs.

>> No.12627529

Sex is disgusting

>> No.12627547
File: 1.86 MB, 1210x6307, The secrets of women.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kind of like so? IKind of like so? I don´t believe these traits apply universally, women´s archetypal mental makup varies too much between individuals to be generalized like that, but I think It can help some men. I don´t even know who originally compiled this, it circulated here, but I also found it on some old bodybuilding forums.

>> No.12627551

You realize male is the gender with the greatest number of possible open careers right ? The only thing you can't do is olympic synchronized natation, pretty much, and even that might change eventually.

If you like ballerina so much become a classical dancer or an opera composer.

>> No.12627556

>saving this

>> No.12627566

the state of incels

>> No.12627580

It's freaking long but the two first part are hilarious. Top tier satire/bait with legitimate wisdom hidden inside. Nice catch anon.

>> No.12627582
File: 46 KB, 424x343, 3336361806_4301981f08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

huh, I never had bad associations with cuming on stuff. Cum on pretty faces looks hot too, so I don't get you. If the girl doesn't like it, of course than you won't repeat it, especially when it's the gf.

It's good for going through your fantasies, e.g. properly mouth fucking. Previously (with other chicks where this came up just situational) I was always a bit nervous and couldn't keep hard and it's actually not extremely practical to get down a girls throat.
That girl from the screenshot also always wants me to sit on her face. From 4chan I had concluded that only weird cucks want girls to sit on their case. But this 20yo girl clearly want to have my ugly asshole in her face. Which is gross, mhm.
Maybe my libido is kill, I'm not into sex this year, I just want to get through my book and sci-project todo list...

I read that a few years ago. Pretty sure it's just a male fantasy. Especially the emphasis in almost all of the 20 or so chapters that it would be oh so painful if you're being masturbated beyond cumming. That's unrealistic as she tells the stories, but at least there's some aspect to overstimulation where it derives from. But what's even more unrealistic is how she repeatedly states that it would be so embarrassing for guys if women would see them cum. Again, I like cuming on stuff, so I'd say there's pleasure in having girls watch you cum.

>> No.12627659

A woman who is not presently agape and amidst vigorous coital jostling is shirking her duties to her family, her friends, her community, her own ancestral women and yet more. Call her "The Smart Whore," they're as zealous for promiscuity and adamant about their risk seeking as if immortal. Her snizz must be pounded until bologna rings her gashes or else she will go rotten with desire and begin to fornicate with contraptions and beastly animals.