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/lit/ - Literature

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12619172 No.12619172 [Reply] [Original]

The other day another anon in a Gómez Dávila thread posted this absolutely woke stack pic and it got me thinking about making a "/lit/ reactionary literature" chart with no /pol/ tier wacko crap or nonsense.

What are the essential books and authors for the contemporary reactionary? Fiction or non-fiction, directly political or not, it's all about the mindset. Cioran, Gómez Dávila and De Maistre seem like a very good start, and I would personally add Il Gattopardo for some fiction and Seneca for a classical parallel.

>> No.12619289

you need to step up

>> No.12619298

the western canon really

also wyndham lewis

>> No.12619312

de Bonald
Barbey d'Aurevilly
Léon Bloy
Christophe Boutin
Not all are true reactionaries, but they are all very interesting.
Also read literature from the antiquity and the middle ages.

>> No.12619319

>Pourquoi les réactionnaires finissent païens ?
I can't even find a single exemple of that.

>> No.12619326

Yeah this whole article is pretty whack m8

>> No.12619332
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>> No.12619334

der Bürgergeneral by goethe

>> No.12619335


>> No.12619343

>the western canon really
I think every reactionary should have an understanding of Greek-Roman philosophy. Epictetus, Plato, etc give an alternative to the "liberal hedonism" of our times.

>> No.12619358

Yes, of course, without that understanding any reactionary posture is nothing but a pose. But I'm interested specifically in modern reactionary writers, as in, people in a position specifically similar to ours.
This is why for example the "conservative" writers of the late Roman Republic bear particular interest, because they shared our sense of eschathology and collapse.

>> No.12619361


>> No.12619601

What does Bloom have against Lewis? T.S. Eliot considered him the greatest prose writer of his generation.

>> No.12619651

i wasn't aware bloom had any issues with lewis, although it might be because of a book he wrote and jokingly titled "The Jews: Are They Human?"

>> No.12619666


>> No.12619777

"When the High Modernist critic Hugh Kenner assures us of the permanent eminence of the novelist and polemicist Wyndham Lewis, we can be persuaded, unless of course we actually read books like Tarr and Hitler. Reading Lewis is a rather painful experience, and makes me skeptical of Kenner's canonical assertions."

>> No.12619800

Juan Donoso Cortes

>> No.12620050

All literature is reactionary.

>> No.12620397


>> No.12620407

This plus Malaparte, Abel Bonnard, Boutang.

>> No.12620410

moldbug obviously

>> No.12620418


>> No.12620420
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Conservative /lit/ discord


>> No.12621153

second bump

>> No.12621333

Harold Bloom is a wuss, Lewis is badass.

I would say him, Ezra Pound, Marinetti, Nietzsche and T.S. Eliot are what OP seems to be looking for here.

>> No.12621377
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>no /pol/ tier wacko crap or nonsense.
What exactly do you consider nonsense?

>> No.12621418

"Hitler is hiding out in the North Pole"
"We gotta put ourselves back in tune with the SunSpirit"
"There's a 5000 year old conspiracy against the white race"

>> No.12621514

Hitler is hiding out in the south pole you illiterate.

>> No.12621545

pretty much hard to find davila in english tho, anon. and even in spanish, you won't find much. mostly stuff out of print by now (except one book i think).

similar situation for de maistre but there is a reader of his out there in english that is pretty good and contains his most important work St. Petersburg Dialogues

>> No.12621567

GD is readily available in Spanish, at least here in Colombia.

>> No.12621616

i think his "textos" is available in spanish too for americans, but that's about it from what i've seen. i wanted to order a nice copy of his stuff from spain but they didn't ship internationally :(

i'm just letting OP know in case he puts book covers or something in his graph

>> No.12621640

For a moment there, I thought you were talking about C.S. Lewis, and I thought "what the fuck. Why in the hell would Bloom hate him?"

>> No.12621645
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the traditionalists: esp. guénon/evola

right wing poetry: yeats, ezra pound, eliot

the great catholic reactionaries: maistre, bonald, donoso cortes

necessary deep ecology stuff (all reactionary stuff should probably be environmentalist): devi, kazcynski

for the memes: BAP

(missing many)

>> No.12622524
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>> No.12622594
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>tfw someone makes a thread out of your pic

>> No.12622640

>natural law
The Nazis truly were a meme, huh?

>> No.12622642

Christine de Pizan, Maximilien de Béthune, Claude de Seyssel, Tommaso Campanella, Charles Loyseau, Nathaniel Johnston, Gilles-André de La Rocque, Friedrich Schiller, Jean Joseph Mounier, Robert Brady, Henri de Boulainvilliers, Giambattista Vico, Peter Oliver, John Brown, Edmund Burke, Justus Möser, Augustin Barruel, Johann Gottfried Herder, Antoine-François-Claude Ferrand, Louis de Bonald, Franz Xaver von Baader, Giacinto De' Sivo, Vincent-Marie Viénot de Vaublanc, Johann Georg Hamann, François Dominique de Reynaud, Pierre-Antoine Berryer, François-René de Chateaubriand, Joseph Görres, Antoine de Rivarol, Friedrich von Gentz, William Cobbett, Karl Ludwig von Haller, Friedrich Schlegel, Friedrich Julius Stahl, Alexis de Tocqueville, Henry Sumner Maine, George Fitzhugh, Johannes Janssen, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Adam Müller, Pierre-Simon Ballanche, Thomas Carlyle , Orestes Brownson, Frédéric le Play, , Wilhelm Emmanuel von Ketteler, Louis Veuillot, Antoine Blanc de Saint-Bonnet, Karl von Vogelsang, Jean-Baptiste-Victor Coquille, Émile Keller, Hippolyte Taine, James Fitzjames Stephen, Léon Gautier, René de La Tour du Pin , Félix Sardà y Salvany, Vladimir Solovyov, Juan Vázquez de Mella, Giuseppe Toniolo, Juan Vázquez de Mella, Halford Mackinder, Werner Sombart, Rudolf Kjellén, Karl Haushofer, Hilaire Belloc, Ludwig Klages, G. K. Chesterton, Othmar Spann, Jacques Bainville, R. H. Tawney, Ivan Ilyin, José Ortega y Gasset, Romano Guardini, Ananda Coomaraswamy, René Guénon, Henri Massis, Josef Strzygowski, Karl Polanyi, Hermann Rauschning, Georges Bernanos, T. S. Eliot, Léon Daudet, Carl Schmitt, Dietrich von Hildebrand, Martin Heidegger, Julius Evola, Hans Freyer, Christopher Dawson, A. G. Street, Ernst Jünger, J. D. Unwin, Lewis Mumford, Ernst Kantorowicz, Leo Strauss , Eric Voegelin, Oswald Spengler , Michael Oakeshott, Theodor Adorno, Bertrand de Jouvenel, Patrick Devlin, Simone Weil, G. E. M. Anscombe, Philippa Foot, Jean Ousset, Marshall McLuhan, Robert Nisbet, Ivan Illich, Leszek Kołakowski, Alasdair MacIntyre, Wendell Berry, Christopher Lasch, John Finnis, Charles Taylor, Robert P. George, John Milbank, Roger Scruton, Patrick Deneen, William T. Cavanaugh, Andrew Willard Jones, Peter H. Wilson. Don't be afraid to learn from Marxists and postmodernists.

>> No.12622654

Problem is, reactionaries are just straightforwardly wrong. There's an occaisonal talented figure among them - Eliot and Pound being the most recent examples - but as a worldview, there's nothing of value to be found.

>> No.12622672


You're wrong.

>> No.12622685

care to expand upon this

>> No.12622735

yeah nature is just random and follows no rules

>> No.12622746

Nothing that hasn't been unpacked elsewhere, it's all just an elaborate word-game to frame "I'm scared of new things" as somehow profound or meaningful.

>> No.12622792


Nothing that hasn't been unpacked elsewhere, it's all just an elaborate word-game to frame "New things are good" as somehow profound or meaningful.

>> No.12622812
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>> No.12622818
File: 65 KB, 333x499, b_jouvenel_on_power.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bertrand de Jouvenel, specifically "On Power". Low-key the most important book on political philosophy written in the 20th century. Will probably make your head explode from cognitive dissonance.

>> No.12622902

>monstrous, disorganised list, impossible to navigate or make sense, of which you've read a third of the authors at the absolute most


>> No.12622952

The point isn't that I've read all of their works all the way through, however of course from what I have read from these authors, they are worth the attention of someone who considers themselves reactionary. And for the most part, the list is in chronological order.

>> No.12623006

I bet a quarter of them aren't even translated into English. I've tried looking for de Rivarol in the past and never found any.

>> No.12623025

>/pol/ tier wacko crap or nonsense.
define pol tier wacko nonsense

>> No.12623039


>> No.12623059

Put in Leon Gautier in that list.

>> No.12623086

>don't know even 5% of the authors
>every one of that 5% is fantastic
Thanks anon

>> No.12623108
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>> No.12623123

yikes lmao

>> No.12623126

go to bed serrano

>> No.12623144

i wanna see your reaction gif to devi

>> No.12623156

the beta García Márquez vs the chad Gómez Dávila

>> No.12623161

i really wonder whether /pol/acks recommending this stuff have actually read it. but to be fair, i wonder whether anyone on this board has actually read what they're recommending.

>> No.12623163

you actually wonder?
do you?

>> No.12623188

i do, lad, and i will never let them take away my ability to wonder.

>> No.12623190

I have read a few translated excerpts from the blog Carlsbad 1819, and seeing as the image above included non-English works and others were recommending untranslated French authors, it only seemed appropriate to include Antoine de Rivarol and others untranslated into English.

>> No.12623210

she seems insane

>> No.12623231
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good toilet lecture

>> No.12623250
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10/10 would racemix

>> No.12623267

I'm surprised that we never see Bl. (soon to be St.) John Henry Newman on these lists. Earlier Anglican Newman is some of the best controversial work on the duty for Christians of an established Church in English; late Newman is also good. The Biglietto speech is a must.

Also Henry Edward Manning and Gerard Manley Hopkins complement Newman well.

>> No.12623290


>> No.12623846
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>Nothing that hasn't been unpacked elsewhere, it's all just an elaborate word-game to frame "I'm scared of new things" as somehow profound or meaningful.
*clears throat* WRONG

>> No.12623864
File: 33 KB, 380x506, junger autograph.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

r8 my autograph

>> No.12623951

Friendly reminder that you can't be a true reactionary unless you are a Catholic.

>> No.12624039
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Have Papi call a Reconquista, then I'll convert. Until then, the Protestant spirit flows through my veins even if it has become a mockery of its former self.

>> No.12624040
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I could have sworn there was a time not even that long ago when leftists came across as the bright ones. What went wrong?

>> No.12624386

how much did you pay for that?

>> No.12624590

interesting list, and even though i know only some of your authors, i would add Edgar Julius Jung and Gerd-Klaus Kaltenbrunner.
And even though I've only read his Culture Industry, Adorno is a goldmine for conservatives/right-wingers/reactionaries/basically anyone critical of modern capitalism as the highest of feelings, even though he is rather difficult to read.

>> No.12624864

Read On voluntary death in Japan by Maurice Pinguet. One the best books I've read in the past two years.

>> No.12624962

Edmund Burke
Thomas Carlyle
José Ortega y Gasset
Gaetano Mosca
Ernst Jünger
Eric Voegelin
Bertrand de Jouvenel
Erik Von Kuehnelt-Leddihn
Alasdair MacIntyre
Mencius Moldbug
Marie Kondo

>> No.12624969

about $300. There were some other odds and ends I didn't realise I was getting. A few handwritten notes from I don't know who and a couple of 1950s newspaper articles on Junger from a German paper. Haven't translated everything yet. Having the autograph of a legend like Junger is very powerful though. Strange to have a totem like that around but its a reminder to live with a bit more feeling

>> No.12624970


>> No.12624983

>The other day another anon in a Gómez Dávila thread posted this absolutely woke stack pic
Sperg-tastic post.

>> No.12624992
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>> No.12624994


>> No.12625049
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I don't think a digital copy exists, at least i didn't find one on libgen. The only english copies I've found on a quick search were rather expensive, but there were several french and german editions available.

>> No.12625137

Where can i get translations of Davila on pdf? Archive.org deleted De Iure for some reason.

>> No.12625171

Epistemic closure, triumphalism and decadence. Or more basically: pride. Pride systematically dismantles all other values.
Read Patrick Deneen: liberalism has failed because it has succeeded.

>> No.12625568

great thread

>> No.12625725

Holy shit anon this is fantastic

>> No.12625751
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What are some good introductory books on reactionary thought and ideology? I have no idea where to start, and need something easy to digest before I start diving in.

>> No.12625881

I would suggest starting with Burke's Reflections on the Revolution in France for non-fiction and The Leopard for fiction.

>> No.12625991
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He explains why Democracy and increasing the franchise is bad. He argues that a form of epistocracy would perform better and I think he also argues that this form of government was the intention of the founding fathers but I may be confusing this book with another called The Myth of the Rational Voter which is also worth a read.

>> No.12626099

She is honorary Aryan.

>> No.12626659

third bump

>> No.12626838

>necessary deep ecology stuff (all reactionary stuff should probably be environmentalist)
You are missing Pentti Linkola

>> No.12628265

Anyone have Enst Junger's On Pain?

>> No.12628321

Based AND redpilled.

The most reactionary author out there rn

>> No.12628324

>José Ortega y Gasset
Why does he count as Reactionary/Conservative?

>> No.12628345

Read La rebelión de las masas

>> No.12628364

The book is not reactionary. It’s about being against mob rule. He even BTFOs fascists and syndicalists, which have a lot of power in Argentina, for example.

>> No.12628387
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>fascists are reactionary
the eternal burger strikes again

>> No.12628425

>necessary deep ecology stuff (all reactionary stuff should probably be environmentalist):
Absolutely correct, and one of the worst parts of being on the Right in America - the glory of the Earth, and of Nature, is ignored because muh treehuggers

>> No.12628483

>is ignored because muh treehuggers
Yes, as well as liberals pushing for technophiliac solutions for environmental issues, and for not addressing the China problem when they are responsible for 40% of global air pollution alone.

>> No.12628502
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>> No.12628506

Non-burger here.
All signs show fascism and like ideologies are usually reactions to certain mindsets within the country.

>> No.12628734

reactive, reacting, not reactionary™

>> No.12628819

a hard copy have you tried libgen though?

>> No.12628836

>and syndicalists
You identify why he attacks them. They're too revolutionary. Reactionaries(tm) consider fascists to be modernist retards because the latter don't want to go back.

>> No.12628857
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>Reactionaries(tm) consider fascists to be modernist retards because the latter don't want to go back.
no reactionary has ever written about winding back the clock. Its about past forms in future ones or acceptance/rejection of status quo in its totality.

>> No.12628903

Not him but please elaborate further.

>> No.12628918

It is pretty much universally known you can't go back in time. It is generally a slur to be accused of wanting to wind the clock back because its just so obviously not going to happen. Most people who have been retroactively called reactionaries such as Thomas Carlyle for instance may admire past forms of society and government but want to implement them into the future. Not just LARP like its 1400 or whatever. Carlyle was famous in his own day for pushing for huge social reform for instance. Including prison reform. There is no sense in just trying to go back in time when there is a whole future to claim. Someone like say Ernst Junger or Houllebecq everyone's favourite frog would subscribe to a more fatalistic strain of what pejoratively or not could be called a reactionary school of thought. That is that we are the victims of historical cycles and processes and there is nothing to do but let them play themselves out. This Spenglerian view is in my opinion the most accurate diagnosis of the mess we're in but history is full of many unforeseeable last minute reversals so who knows really

>> No.12628926

What is de Pizan doing here?

>> No.12628964

>is ignored because muh
This is unironically due to effective Marxist D&C. Your example is hardly a rare one. There are political faultlines that would not exist but for our constant assault by propaganda.

>> No.12628971

What are some good textbooks for learning French?

>> No.12629229


>> No.12629809

forth bump

>> No.12630380
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I've seen several liberals and libertarians named ITT, and I just want to stress out they are NOT Reactionary.
That said, what are some Reactionary Muslim writers?

>> No.12630426

Sayd al-Qutb comes to mind. Arash Najaf-Zadeh perhaps.

>> No.12630472

Where should one start with Carl Schmitt?

>> No.12630494

Fantastic chart

>> No.12630741

Concept of the political

>> No.12631949

Are there any readable modern reactionary writers this side of the 2010 decade?

>> No.12631970
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>> No.12632261

I want to gently pat Marie Kondo's head