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/lit/ - Literature

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12623516 No.12623516 [Reply] [Original]

How's the Novel going, /lit/? Did you make any headways in writing it? Have you finished an Outline or a rough draft? Perhaps even have an inkling in what you want to write about?

If not, do you want to talk about it? Maybe talking about it in this thread could help you.

>> No.12623563

I’m writing a novella. I have an outline. I’ve broken it into 7 distinct chapters/parts.

I ain’t saying shit about the story though because it’s good enough it will probably get stolen.

>> No.12623602 [SPOILER] 
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I'm writing a novel alright, a Visual Novel. It is shit btw, only have a draft and some chapters of it.

>> No.12624066

Okay, okay. I'm kinda on the fence if I want to write my protagonist they way I want him. Since his the "misunderstood" overweight underachieving nerd who is actually "smart" and finds solace in videogames and "nerdy" things. The entire novel is satire and a deconstruction of the YA dystopian genre.

>> No.12624350

Cool mind sharing more.

>> No.12624380

I finished the model. Rn I'm making sure that I get my formatting right so the dimensions will transfer to paper and then after that I have to make about 350 pages of the cross section of the model .002 of an inch apart. I'm hoping to get this done by the end of the week.

>> No.12624867

>I ain’t saying shit about the story though because it’s good enough it will probably get stolen.
I doubt it.

>> No.12625087

Breddy good. Made a lot of progress yesterday, wrote the one character's entire arc in outline and the bulk of the writing for it, started on the other character's sections to flesh him out. I've been skipping around the outline writing sections out of order. Anyway I finally "found" the story in it that I wanted to tell, and it should have a clear direction from hereon out. Only about 20k words though, so far, but the entire thing is outlined so it's just a matter of sitting down and working through all the scenes. 90k target wordcount.
Feel like I might fall short on the wordcount even though there's enough plot to cover it. Not sure how other novelists spread "nothing fucking happens" over 300 pages so easily when I have a whole plot and can't hit target. My other novel had too much plot to pack into 120k words, so maybe I'm just used to a more condensed, rapid-fire style. Terrible. I'll need to look to similar novels as this one and take notes on how things are done.

>> No.12625554

What's it called so I can buy it.

>> No.12625570

If I ever get published I'll attentionwhore here, friend.
>tfw just want them royalty gibs so I can writefag as a career
This novel is entirely commercial, so agents should eat it up. Trying to make something both commercially valuable and actually good is harder than you'd think.