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12621910 No.12621910 [Reply] [Original]

why haven't you taken the ilyin pill yet?

>> No.12621982

How can I find a copy of that book OP?

>> No.12622032

i can't help you with a digital copy as i don't have one bro.

>> No.12622094

Does anybody know how much influence his thought has on modern Russian politicians?

>> No.12622175

>by force

That doesnt sound very "turn the other cheek" to me

>> No.12622199

that's kinda his point

>> No.12622304

There’s a big difference between “don’t return a petty personal insult” and “let the Bolsheviks kill millions of innocent people.”

>> No.12622345

>just turn the other cheek bro
>watches while bolsheviks massacre your entire country
There is clearly a place for force and that is demonstrated by Jesus' own actions in the temple

>> No.12622466
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Get thee behind me, Satan.
hostis != iminicus

>> No.12622473


>> No.12622480

I like iminicus better.

>> No.12624184

Force by definition is evil. Perhaps, arguably, sometimes, in certain contexts, in certain lights, vaguely, questionably, unfortunately, a "necessary" evil, but it's evil nonetheless.

The title of this book is an oxymoron.

>> No.12624186
File: 33 KB, 720x533, Literally+n+o+t+an+argument+_5b5ba9a94ab8b03812150636143a393d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Force by definition is evil. Perhaps, arguably, sometimes, in certain contexts, in certain lights, vaguely, questionably, unfortunately, a "necessary" evil, but it's evil nonetheless

>> No.12624222

Which of Schmitt’s books should I start with?

>> No.12624224

>Those commie bastards are killing kulaks and destroying Russian heritage! We need to stop them!
>Oh by the way, we just burnt a dozen villages to the ground because they refused to supply our army with grain for the winter, but hey, we're the GOOD GUYS, right?

>> No.12624827

imagine having such a caricatured understanding of history.

>> No.12624836
File: 110 KB, 403x572, Burning Protestants At The Stake, 1555, Vienna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder protestants will burn at the stake again one day.