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/lit/ - Literature

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12619269 No.12619269 [Reply] [Original]

Why do STEMlords like reading children's books so much

>> No.12619410

easy to read and enjoy, not having enough time to invest on hobbies.

>> No.12619428

i would direct you to /sffg/ to watch behavior patterns. On the plus side they are much more sincere readers, contrary to Gass and Joyce posters

>> No.12619432

Autism makes it difficult to relate to complicated, implied motivations and emotions and combined with being STEMlords tend to be very utilitarian. Probably most wouldn't mind someone like Hemmmingway

>> No.12619436

Seething ?

>> No.12619443

Yeah and this acquaintance I used to know who watches the kardashians on broadcast is a more sincere film watcher than an (insert acceptable level of art film director for your particular bitchy criteria here) fan. Acid burnouts who play shitty minor guitar jams are more sincere musicians than classically trained pianists.

>> No.12619460

sincerely consuming media for pleasure will always be a truer experience than pedantic analysis for analysis (and ego's) sake.

>> No.12619462

I tried to read the first Harry potter book when I was 8. I thought it was boring so I went back to reading goosebumps and star wars books
I enjoy sci-fi and fantasy but it's not like I go out of my way to read something on the level of Harry potter.
I enjoy stories with more thought than Harry playing with his wand. Caves of steel was good because of its discussion of automation and it's impact on society. Ring world was good because of its discussion of the purpose of such a thing, how it would be setup, and in the case of its sequel, how it would fail
I did enjoy hitchhikers guide, but it was assigned reading in high school

>> No.12619493
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>consuming sincere truth
oh dear

>> No.12619505

you dont offend me. I pity you. You have fallen so far from the experience of sitting across from a storyteller and creating worlds to enjoy that you see it as a negative to enjoy a medium that you have presumably devoted yourself to. Instead you have taken the drippings of the Ivory tower, those who have decided that they cannot do, so they much teach, and remove any wonder or pleasure from the reading act. And then you posture on 4chan about it. Wrap yourself in a good book my good faggot

>> No.12619522

I'm not opposed to the idea of their being good genre fiction I just don't really give a shit. At the point I would probably enjoy it its already going to be something like Dick or Ballard or Borges and is barely a genre piece. If I ever run across the book of the new sun I would check it out. That said I loved the xanth series in middle school and warhammer 40k in highschool but the vast majority of this stuff is the same kind of thing and i don't care about tortured space hero man guy and his weighty decisions

>> No.12619549

>i don't care about tortured space hero man guy and his weighty decisions
>his pretentiousness keeps him from enjoying an adventure in space
You're a real fag aren't you

>> No.12619563

Anon I have seen star wars like 40 times i owned VHS in the 90s please

>> No.12619580

So, you can't enjoy space Viking with it's discussion of the rise and fall of galactic civilizations and revenge story because you watched star wars?

>> No.12619652

>rise and fall of galactic civilizations and revenge story
So star wars

>> No.12619691

>So star wars
>he doesn't recognise star wars as the hero's journey
>he thinks star wars gets into discussing the raiding of non nuclear power worlds

>> No.12619695

They do jobs that require intellectual effort all day and like to come home and crack open a light read.

>> No.12619704

The only good sci-fi written in the last 30 years is parts of the jenkinsverse and only because the idea is very novel compared to the bullshit shoveled daily by isaac arthur tier spergs.

>> No.12619715

>The only good sci-fi written in the last 30 years is parts of the jenkinsverse
Why do you think I only read old sci-fi? Space Viking is from the 60's

>> No.12619738

>The Courage to Be Disliked

>> No.12619772
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/lit/, guys, this may be a tall order but can you guys start differentiating between the engineering supremacist/ CS bugmen STEMfags who tend to have the annoying personalities/ disregard for beauty you assign to STEM in general and those of us whose passion for research or desire for life experience has driven us into medicine, biology, physics, and chemistry research?
On average it's a more whole guy who's pursuing the latter fields. Someone you'd probably have a good time hanging out with, who knows what it means to work hard and take risks, who has a desire for the sublime and likes to challenge themselves, who would not judge you for studying lit or humanities.
Just a thought. I'd sure appreciate it anyway.

>> No.12619779

>medicine, biology, chemistry
>not full of the most bland normies in existence
Pick one

>> No.12619801

There are tons of classics and respectable modern middlebrow that are easy to read and enjoy. There's really no excuse.

>> No.12619823

Did you get bullied in undergrad or something?

>> No.12619836

No, did you? Seems like it with your cringy LARP

>> No.12619849

>le pick one retort
>calling others bland normies
It seems the pot is calling the kettle a nigger

>> No.12619855

t. med school reject who binge watches The Office

>> No.12619867

angry retard, why do you keep replying

>> No.12619870

>the office
God what a fucking awful show

>> No.12619880
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I'm not the one who's angry here

>> No.12619930
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really because you're coming across as super angry?
Is it because I am a girl?

>> No.12619933

STEMlord here, I read Shakespeare and Joyce. Haven't read any of those books besides K&R.

Ok I read Harry Potter but not since I was a teen.

>> No.12619945
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>biology major


>> No.12619965

>more human than mathchads
ok poonjab, tell us more about how many years of grad school you went to to be called doctor and how many zeros are in your bank account you minmaxing nuboomer

>> No.12619970

Because secure people who have demanding and fulfilling vocations don't have the need to compensate their existential pointlessness through bookish pseudo-intellectualism unlike the hordes of bartenders and copywriters with English Lit and Polsci degrees that are desperate to memorize as many prefab anecdotes about the human condition as possible in vain hope of giving their shitty failed life any semblance of meaning.

>> No.12619987

Middlebrow is boring and pointless. At least lowbrow is escapist fun.

>> No.12619991

As far as I'm concerned "STEM" is a meme acronym that only applies to that first group of people who crave a false sense of group identity. Someone in the second group doesn't study "STEM," they study chemistry, engineering, etc.

>> No.12619994

>haha le epic high school scimeme buzzword flamewar!
go back to lebbit, double nigger

>> No.12620004

*buys the simple path to wealth*

>> No.12620006

/sci/ actually gets more triggered than the wandering /mu/tants and /v/irgins do here lmao (...And Why That's A Good Thing!)
Also this

>> No.12620011

Your diploma is not a substitute for personality.

>> No.12620013
File: 159 KB, 495x495, twlhuwhii8a11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>children's books
>the C programming language

>> No.12620034

You didn't make much sense.

>> No.12620046

t. autistic bugman. Better hurry and write some more code so you can afford your metro apartment and daikamura collection. Soon you'll be able to afford that trip to the japanese thot district

>> No.12620121

>you're le buzzword with an anime term better meme buzzword before 4chan lingo!
Truly nothing like the elegant worldly verbosity of a patrician non-STEM "intellectual".

>> No.12620207

okay reddit I'm sorry I assumed you have any greater financial ambitions than steam games and loot crates

>> No.12620241

Literally nothing wrong with these.

>> No.12620287

>le reddit and gayming buzzwords
The unbridled power of humanities.

>> No.12620309

I think that humanities departments and their graduates should get the pol pot treatment. Don't pretend you aren't a video game playing reddit using un-selfaware meme spewing retard, even as you attempt to levy the latter accusation against me

>> No.12620317

>buzzword buzzword buzzword buzzword buzzword
buzzword buzzword buzzword "buzzword" buzzword buzzword buzzword buzzword buzzword

>> No.12620382

>i said ur rebbit and retarded!!!
Wow, third post in a row. Sorry that bartender remark touched a nerve so badly, bubba.

>> No.12620392

looks more like a business/marketing guy

>> No.12620400

Imagine posting like this and being from reddit and honestly wondering how people know and then denying it

>> No.12620416

Because they're emotionally simply people that like direct messages.

>> No.12620423

Imagine being buttflustered to such a degree that you literally can't utter anything but "you're a bad poopoohead and muh epic poleddit buzzwords" for over an hour.

>> No.12620553

Didn't you get the memo? You're either STEM or Humanities

>> No.12620561

Okay reddit

>> No.12620607

The inferiority complex you faggots on here have is rather amusing.

>> No.12622115

i found the uk one quite funny

>> No.12622213


>> No.12622585

The UK Office is /lit/, the US Office is NPC central. The UK Office, Peep Show and Blackadder are all god tier, but the UK Office has not one but two of the absolute best endings I've ever seen (S2E6 and Christmas Special Part 2, the former being utterly depressing and the latter being incredibly satisfying)
David Brent is Don Quixote on the outside but the Underground Man on the inside

>> No.12622641

They have succumbed to the globalist jewry

>> No.12622665

and they'll be living in a house with a wife and children and a steady job in five years while we're stuck shouting into the void on an image board, set in a belief that our writings aren't totally ubiquitous and banal.
must really suck to be them, huh :/

>> No.12622927

This thread just convinced me to finally buy the MaddAddam Trilogy.
My chemistry teacher marked my homework with it's recommendation when i was in sixth-form years ago.
Thanks for reminding me about it /lit/.

Has anyone else read a book recommended to them by a teacher? Some of my mates have become teachers, so I'm not sure how well I trust teacher recommendations.

>> No.12624275

Try The Dispossessed by Ursula K Le Guin