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12618344 No.12618344 [Reply] [Original]

>get drunk and start a shouting match with God
>yell how life isn't worth the suffering, why not stop it right now, there is no point in continuing, I want rapture
>life has progressively gotten worse ever since, develop an illness

d-did I fuck up?

>> No.12618368

>start a shouting match with god
no, you didn't.
to do that, the thing that you're talking about must exist, if there's no other thing then you didn't started a shouting match, you were just screaming alone and drunk.
there's no conversation nor discussion if there's not an receiver, so, there's no transmission, so, there's no transmitter.

>> No.12618372
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don't tell me that you can't hear God?

>> No.12618375

anon, that's you schizo kicking in

>> No.12618457

wait, did God shout back or you were just yelling at the sky?

>> No.12618484

>d-did I fuck up?

Kierkegaard believed that he and his whole family was cursed because his father once muttered a slightly malcontent challenge against God in his youth.

I'm fucked as well because I have pretty much called God every name in the book and cursed him more times than I can recall. I know nothing good awaits me now and cannot be saved.

at any rate, there's this https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=JAMjMZCfmZY

>> No.12618498

Can't you just say sorry (and mean it) if you realise what you did was wrong? If God is the traditional christian God I assume you're reffering to, he should forgive you.Given, that you feel genuine remorse for your actions.

>> No.12618514

>Did I make the magic invisible man ruin my life by yelling at him?
>Did I fuck up my life by wallowing in resentment and blaming my problems on the universe at large?
Quite possibly.

Also, "shouting match" implies that God was shouting back at you.

>> No.12618535

I've never cursed God, but I have never praised him either.

Has ignorance cast me in a blessed life, or a life of sin?

>> No.12618546

>implying communication from God has to be verbal
conscience, premonition, shape of events, the way the world responds to your actions, religious emotion, things that you are not fully conscious of, can't fully describe but you are sure of

>> No.12618579

>I know nothing good awaits me now and cannot be saved.
Not with that attitude. You simply have an uphill battle, it will be hard, but now that you know how important it is you will take it up.

Perhaps if nothing changed, you remained in favor, your life went perfectly - would you yourself change at all? Was there not something rotten in yourself from the start, that you need to get rid of, is it not in control right now? You have been provided with fire and brimstone, sufficient to burn out any rot. Just or not, hopeless or hopeful, cursed or blessed - you still know the principle of sacrifice, don't you?

>> No.12618616

Shouting is verbal, yeah.

>> No.12618647

lol this

>> No.12618762
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A match implies you are in league with god capitalized, so I assume you mean the god of all and yourself. So there is multiple problems, yes. You should start with clarity and conciseness and then move on to coherence so that you can actually address a divinity properly. (Me.) But then, God in a shouting match wins by default because no voice has to be spoken out loud for you to hear Him so you too become quiet. You are in fact able to only hear a shouting God in a manner that cannot lead you to shout back at Him directly because he is neither outside nor inside except that you may hear yourself impersonate a figure of Him - and that is impossible to say whether or not what existed is God as such (unless you are so less than humble as to suggest you have qualifications to ascertain that sacred phenomena). Did you fuck up? Yeah, when you took for granted a vague notion of your God and then addressed it as though it understood or cared for you. You seem to have not tried to locate God for a fair match to begin with, so why would you expect it to play fair. Understand the demiurge and renounce your rote thinking of morality, negate your desire to witness His appearance. Convert yourself not to religion but to the spiritual war against the temple of your body. The truth will manifest in the limitations of desires of the flesh and desires of reason and abstraction. Listen, hear, feel, but let all pass, do not attach words and phrases to them. Sense that desire to know God and do not give it a name, remain with this communion until He has need of abstraction, yourself. Sense that point in which an awareness exists of all reality. Allow sight and sound and feel to pass with memories and thoughts and words and even the separateness of the self from the world which must exist for us to exist. Become within this world the ego that may negate action and desire and you may find that God is waiting for you for the real game beyond the shadows of the cave.

>> No.12618822

Be humble and apologise with contrition. Say the Lords Prayer. God wants you to be reconciled to him. Remember Luke 17:3-4:
>If your brother sins, rebuke him; and if he repents, forgive him. And if he wrongs you seven times in one day and returns to you seven times saying, ‘I am sorry,’ you should forgive him.

>> No.12618898



>> No.12619272

While it is in your interest to work together sufficiently at the will of some Ministers bowels, God's will is done. Are you or are you not a pacifist to the extent that you have no desire in this world material or otherwise? Is it not in Christs name you rally banners of each misguided faith so as to call attention to their lack of reading comprehension or ability to value vice as it is and not as it is where good is not. That where evil is not is good is so vile a thought to you, I cannot suffer with humility if I am a man of boundaries, if I am a man at all, and not this Devil you make of me for saying that I spite reason itself as I do any form or symbol that is constructed to either describe or prescribe the divine!

>> No.12619282

why would God give us the reason to deduce his lack of existence if he didn't actually exist?

>> No.12619316

My observation on relationships is in many ways but the most important one is with one self, as you must assure you have grown to know your weaknesses and strength, to be able to settle your self. You did not shout at god, but yourself. Did you listen? He did. He re-minds your promise to you.

>> No.12619368

>Lonely alcoholic is surprised his life is in a downward spiral and that he is unhealthy
>Blames it on god

>> No.12619380

If god didn't exist he wouldn't have have anyone anything because he never was.

>> No.12619395

I drink only several times a year

>> No.12620600



>> No.12620630
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God didn't give us reason, Satan did.

>> No.12620644

I never looked at it like that.
In light of the fact this happened in the Old Testament, too, where god is a huge dick, Satanism seems much preferrable to Judaism.
They might well have switched up the narrative, considering Jews are evil.

>> No.12620659

>Satan powertripped and created a shit world to worship him
>God decided Satan is a dick and made humans sentient
>Satan freaks the fuck out for 3000 years, including killing everybody, as well as inflicting his now independent people with diseases that caused roughly 10 Billion deaths

>> No.12620729

literally gnosticism, so ultimately a cope

>> No.12620735

Wasn't that about Judas being the good guy?

>> No.12620773

It's about the duality of spirit and matter, the first one supposedly coming from God, and the second one coming from a flawed creator called the Demiurge.

>> No.12620803

Is Elsagate satanist MK Ultra brainwashing to turn toddlers into zombified bodies unable to think or understand language and relegated to a life of whoring and insanity once they grow up?

>> No.12621353
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>> No.12621385

>the second one coming from a flawed creator called the Demiurge.
but the flawed creator must ultimately come from God as well, unless you are proposing a Manichean dualism in which case Light and Dark, Good and Evil, are both co-eternal substances. which is probably right

>> No.12621390

fuk u demiurge

>> No.12621432

Maybe apologize? Idk

>> No.12622101

If you could take back all the suffering you've experienced in the past, would you?

In the past I eould have said "no", ad it was my claim against God.
Today I still say "no", as it's what brings me closer to Him. Would you pray, if you weren't scared? Would you have any understanding, would you grow?

>> No.12623506

Reddit is that way >>>

>> No.12623724

Its okay anon, I have it on good authority that spilling the blood of unrepentant sinners will grant you forgiveness

>> No.12624715

don't joke like that, can't you see he's mentally unstable?