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12615440 No.12615440 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw in the 20th century, Latin America produced a better body of literature than sub-Saharan Africa and Scandinavia in their entire existence
How the fuck did they do it?

>> No.12615445

Except they didn't.

>> No.12615449

They absolutely did.

>> No.12615454


>> No.12615456


>> No.12615464

Shit I guess you're right

>> No.12615499

Ibsen alone is more important than the combined effort of all you banana republics.

>> No.12615504

Borges is a superior writer.

>> No.12615507

Latin America is significantly more populous than Scandinavia. I'm sure you can use your imagination to figure out what's holding the Africans back.

>> No.12615514

>Latin America is significantly more populous than Scandinavia
Fair enough.
> I'm sure you can use your imagination to figure out what's holding the Africans back.
lol you're right

>> No.12615526

more like the irony of the colonies producing better literature than their mother countries. brazil better than portugal (one hit wonder with pessoa desu), mexico/argentina/etc better than spain, america/india better than britain (canada is an extension of the uk desu), etc etc.

>> No.12615527

Nobody care about Borges except argie pseuds. Ibsen created modern theatre.

>> No.12615528

Latin American literature is a little bit overrated generally speaking. (not saying African lit is better or anything)

>> No.12615529

This. I’m a Latin American, and proud as I am of our literature I would take nothing away from the Scandinavians. Hamsun, Ibsen, Strindberg, Kierkegaard, Knausgaard, there’s plenty going on there.
The darkies on the other hand... well, not much to be said there.

>> No.12615533

Says a man who has clearly never read Camoes.

>> No.12615540

>india better than britain

>> No.12615541

>Nobody care about Borges except argie pseuds.
Everyone who matters, literature wise, in Europe and in the Americas cares about Borges. Don't be delusional.
> Ibsen created modern theatre.
Oh, yeah, theatre. That thing the world is crazy about.

>> No.12615561

Name one (1) person who cares about Borges.

>> No.12615563

>brazil better than portugal
what did he mean by this?

>> No.12615579

Harold Bloom, Michel Houellebecq, Bolaño, Del Toro, Pauls, literally eveyone worth anything. I doubt you've even read him if you have this shit opinion.

>> No.12615581

>tfw Australia has produced more poetry kino than all other anglo colonies combined but will never be recognised for it

>> No.12615592

rec someone, chart when?

>> No.12615626

there used to be shitposting threads about Baylebridge, who is certified /lit/ approved

>> No.12615629

Borges is way better than Ibsen, but Ibsen is probably more important.

>> No.12615634

No one on that list is worth anything lmao. Nobody cares about your special strain of magical genre fiction.

>> No.12615661

>No one on that list is worth anything lmao
Everyone in that list is more important than any contemporary faggot writer from Scandinavia.

>Nobody cares about your special strain of magical genre fiction.
Nobody except the world. Latin American fiction is more popular than Scandinavian fiction. Don't be delusional.

>> No.12615665

Borges is the superior writer, but Ibsen is a sacred cow.

>> No.12615699

Got any sources for those spicy claims, beaner?

>> No.12615826

Anyone who hates Borges is either a Fag, or hasn’t read it. It’s that simple, Borges alone all the Scandinavian cucks.

>> No.12616724
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Can you tell me what you mean by better?

>> No.12616745

The truth

>> No.12616837

Richer, stronger, culturally relevant.

>> No.12616847

What Brazilian nigger is better than Camoes, Pessoa, Saramago or Lobo Antunes?

>> No.12617033

well can you tell me exactly how something can be richer, stronger, and culturally relevant?

>> No.12617060
File: 126 KB, 309x475, Braudel - A History of Civilizations.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"How"? There are complex reasons, but mostly this is just your tastes we're talking about.

>> No.12617127

Machado de Assis. And is actually black kek.

btw, Pessoa is the only one good in your list. The rest is trash.

>> No.12617133

>Machado de Assis.
lmao now seriously, who?

>> No.12617171

Umberto Eco

>> No.12617693

I'm a Norwegian and I prefer Borges over Ibsen. Nobody reads Keiser and Galilæer which is his best play anyways

>> No.12618748

>A certain subcontinent makes more things than a few countries with far less people living in there.


>> No.12618752

Philip roth, john barth, nabokov, the list goes on...

>> No.12618763

I read that huge tome of his collected works that were released last year. Every one of his stories:

1. Upperclass female/male
2. Orphan, raised by rich uncle
3. Some degree of profligacy or degenerate living
4. Meets someone they love
4a. magical realism or "mystery" element introduced
5. degenerate behavior is pivot of plot
6. they or their remaining family die, a few lines given to the rest of their life

This was great in the beginning but became incredibly bland

>> No.12618813

wow a bunch of memes

>> No.12618831

Goth genetics. All the enterprising Goths left Scandinavia and formed the ruling class of Iberia, which filtered through to the poet class of Latin America.

The lazy Goths stayed behind in Scandinavia where dysgenics from.losing their best stock fuerher reduced them to their current miserable state. Obviously Africans needed be commented upon.

>> No.12618832

>no author is good

>> No.12618910

>america better than britain
o i am laffin