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File: 40 KB, 1024x576, kondo-sama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12609797 No.12609797 [Reply] [Original]

Kondo-sama > Spengler

"Reaction is oriented towards order; creating order requires virtue; virtue is a habit; habits are first established via small tasks like tidying; therefore, the most Reactionary book ever written is Kondo Marie’s The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing."

kondo thread, bitches.

>> No.12609802


>> No.12609819

first, your bedroom. next, the world.

>> No.12609824

I suggest this article:


Her statements doubly apply to the three major problem areas in the West. For example:

In essence, tidying ought to be the act of restoring balance among people their possessions and the house they live in.

Replace “house” with country. We have too many possessions; we are drowning in stuff just as we are in information overload. More importantly, we need balance. Every part has to has its place, and we need only what is necessary. The result should be pleasing to the eye and easy to use, not ugly and awkward like… well, like it is now.

>> No.12609833

Get rid of those people that no longer spark joy. Make your parting a ceremony to launch them on a new journey. Celebrate this occasion with them. I truly believe that our possessions are even happier and more vibrant when we let them go than when we first get them.

In this hilarious spin on intentionality, she imparts agency and emotions to our possessions. Why not extend that to people? Those among us who do not belong — sociopaths, Leftists and other ethnic groups — need to go home. They have a place, but it is not here.

>> No.12609839

Our nations are houses. They are there to shelter and protect us. They refresh and heal us as we go through life. If we do not tidy them up, they cannot serve this function, and we will not feel like cherished inhabitants but alienated outsiders. People who do not feel at home tend to act out against whatever is sheltering them, furthering social decay.

>> No.12609842
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i...i dont think im ready for this redpill, anon.

>> No.12609854

imagine people thinking they are changing their life by throwing things away

>> No.12609855

"If you are going to put your house in order, do it now."

There is no better time than the present, since the alternative is misery, and we will not know how miserable we were until we experience the alternative. So perhaps, we should be promoting the idea of tidying our countries. Who would have thought that a nice Japanese lady could drop so many red pills?

>> No.12609859

So you think immigrants are "things"? That is a very racist remark.

>> No.12609861

leftists have been making people feel guilty for buying stuff since the 19th century, sort of like how catholics try to make u feel guilty for jacking off

>> No.12609877

where do you think you are, boy-o?

>> No.12609897

not to count you can fight consumerism only if you are rich enough to buy extra quality things instead of plastic and one-use shit.

>> No.12609908
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this. it always starts with a clean room

>> No.12609917
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She goes where Nick Land and Moldbug are afraid to go.

>> No.12609928

Post her ahegao pic.

>> No.12610032

Kondo is honestly a great author and thinker, she masterfully combines elements from confucian ethics, shintoist spiritism, hermeticism, perennialism. not to mention a strong critique of capitalism and consumerist mass culture in the spirit of the frankfurt school. probably my favourite woman philosopher.

>> No.12610057

I find it funny how Peterson is reviled by the extremists of this board, yet someone with the same message but with far less nuance is praised as some kind of messiah that has the solution to remove niggers/capitalists.

Would Peterson be better accepted here if he was a MILF?

>> No.12610067


peterson is also a massive crypto-leftist

>> No.12610073

Peterson is overtly political you know.
>Would Peterson be better accepted here if he was a MILF?
Yes, but that's totally besides the point.

>> No.12610099

Meh, from what I've seen of this video it's basically "he's not with us so he's against us" and "he worked for a guy who worked for Soros once", it's exactly the kind of self-masturbating religious logic that SJWs uses.

>Peterson is overtly political you know.
Did Kondo took a stance on her political views?

>> No.12610166

Yeah, he's a neoliberal, I don't get why you'd have to turn that into a fucking conspiracy theory.

>> No.12610183

>in the spirit of the frankfurt school

Don't you dare to compare Kondo-sama with these evil degenerate kikes.

>> No.12610215

God, I just love her. I want to hug her so much.

>> No.12610228

Her philosophy presupposes emotional attachment to objects and people, i.e. "Does it make you happy?"

Nothing in my house makes me happy. Other people don't make me happy. I need certain objects and I need certain other people in other to fulfill certain goals I've set out for myself, but I don't feel any emotional connection to those people and things.

>> No.12610234


>> No.12610249

Daily reminder that she was endorsed by the Daily Stormer. Twice.

>> No.12610281

Do you at least spark joy for yourself? If not you know what to do anon.

>> No.12610289

I am the only thing that sparks joy in my life.

>> No.12610311

What's your issue with them anon

>> No.12610324
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Marie Kondo is a reactionary at heart. Her critique of consumerism is based on her masterful synthesis of Western Virtue Ethics and Eastern Confucian Ethics (with a Shinto flavor) and has nothing to do with the Jewish tricks of the evil Frankfurt School.

>> No.12610348
File: 72 KB, 600x500, GetFile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Marie? it's Roger. we need to talk. i've got a job, it's for our 'friends' in Germany. yeah. call me back.

>> No.12610368

What is evil about the frankfurt school?

>> No.12610385

Psychoanalysis, Marxism and other wicked Jewish lies.

>> No.12610479



>> No.12610559


>tfw no kondo alt-right gf

>> No.12610583

when's The Cleansing

>> No.12610870

so did she write a book?

>> No.12610888

i need a good primer on kondo, i want to be a part of the movement

>> No.12610907

She's vague enough that any politically stunted millenial can project whatever the fuck they want onto her

>> No.12611500

Today while reading Kondo-sama’s glorious books I had a spark (lol!) of inspiration: as she says we should imagine all of the things we keep in our house have a voice, and then murder the weak. I did so obediently, like a good deshi.

>> No.12611923

>house have a voice
do asians really believe in this? and still eat their own dogs?

>> No.12611935

Before you cleanse your lebensraum, you must first clean your living room.

>> No.12611938

Don't forget that Peterson was trendy here at one point.

>> No.12611940

>clean your gas chamber
Now I can understand the hype

>> No.12611943

You should set yourself the goal of overcoming autism.

>> No.12612027

post her feet

>> No.12612066

the angst
the angst

>> No.12612072

Kondo-sama is not a dirty Chinese dog-eating beast, she’s a noble Japanese Horse-eating goddess.

>> No.12612085
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>> No.12612096

quit trying to normalize your 'fetish'
did you know that finding feet to be sexual is apparently the result of a 'mis-wiring' in the brain?
therefore, no one without that same mis-wiring will ever find feet sexual.
so stop trying

>> No.12612100

i don't give a fuck lol gimme them feets

>> No.12612102

Well, anon. If nothing sparks joy for you, throw it all out. Then you can see what actually sparked joy for you. Kondo-sama presupposes nothing; the idea of “sparking joy” is having some connection to your stuff, making it valuable. If there’s no connection or sentimental value, it should be disposed of.

>> No.12612114

Is there message really the same though?

>> No.12612120

who gives a FUCK about decluttering and cleaning shit all i want to do is kiss her on the lips!

>> No.12612141

>make a serious contemporary oriental philosophy discussion on a literature forum
>all I want is cute asian gf who (probably has to) respects my white male viriginity

>> No.12612160

Kondo is better beceause she doesn't pretend to intellectualize cleaning. It is a good in and of itself.

>> No.12612474

still no asian girl feet...

>> No.12612856

>She says we should imagine all of the things we keep in our house have a voice, and then murder the weak.

I thought exactly the same.

>> No.12612911

Her feet is too pure to be seen by us mere mortals.

>> No.12613159


>> No.12613189
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>it is another reactionaries latch onto another popular trend by pretending it was reactionary all along episode

>> No.12613498

>t. butthurt leftist.

>> No.12614219


>> No.12614264

All this LARPing is embarrassing t.b.h.

I didn't think /lit/ could respect itself less than it already did, but apparently there is no limit to the self-degradation.

Time to leave this shithole and read a book.

Also screw this Kondomium shill, you only idolize her because you don' t want to openly admit that you didn't respect and pay attention enough to your mom in your twenties.

>> No.12614272


How do you think she comes?

>> No.12614295

In a way that sparks joy.

>> No.12614327
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They are afraid.

>> No.12614407
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>> No.12614418

/pol/ is larping here.

I still enjoy Kondo tho.

>> No.12614475

Simplicity is a good thing

>> No.12614653

Someday, we will do the cleaning!

>> No.12614679

Afraid of a random jap milf who sells books to directionless young men ? Try harder m8. This shit is like if the accelerationist youth planned a failed revival in Italy, only even more underwhelming somehow.

The disciplined people don't read her because the issue she deals with dont even register with them, they've sold them ages ago if they ever had them.

>> No.12614858

who the fuck is this gook?

>> No.12615077
File: 182 KB, 1024x576, 1548486872137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is great, saved. Thanks

>> No.12615162

"Hitler-kun. Do you really need all these Jews in your country? Do they spark vergnügen?"

>> No.12615198

Peterson is cuck who skirts the Jewish question because he's afraid of appearing "not respectable" like all cuckservatives.

>> No.12615202
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Oy ve- I mean friend! Stop being so close-minded! Don't you know that diversity is our strength?

>> No.12615205


>> No.12615258

Sorry you mean Peterson et al or the Japanese woman ?

>> No.12615270

Just like alt right gatekeepers.

>> No.12615275


>> No.12615288

Corporate shill.

>> No.12615303

t. psychopath

>> No.12615323
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I-I think I'm in love bros...

>> No.12615437

Peterson is a capitalist shill, a boomer Trotskyite and reddit as fuck

Mate Kondo is none of those things and also qt yes

>> No.12615716

>capitalist shill
I don't see how you'd reconcile these things unless you're coming at it from a Stalinist perspective.

>> No.12615842

I'll never read your books or watch your show, ugly yellow bitch.

>> No.12615902
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If anything I am intrigued with this regular behavior of reactionaries. Most ideologues only use Kondo for its memetic purposes like pic related, but there is never a real push to fully integrate her to their ideology like what reactionaries are doing ITT.

Is it because of its obsession with aesthetics that they would latch onto to not only a pretty Japanese woman, but also her obsession with aesthetics? Or because her philosophy is vague enough to insert the reactionary mindset as they see fit?

>> No.12616296
File: 6 KB, 1200x800, 0FD1A596-FA5B-4914-98F9-D9AE5EBA2A0B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post yfw the Japanese flag was just a giant red pill all along

>> No.12616333
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>> No.12616339

holy fucking shit

>> No.12616347
File: 119 KB, 1200x630, 2016%2F06%2F04%2Fd0%2F951947facf8f4f2eb09e20fedbc4c6c4.e3d06.jpg%2F1200x630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot face

>> No.12616453

>Rid your living space of that which does not spark joy
>Immigrants, Minorities, [and] Jews do not spark joy

>> No.12616476
