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12608690 No.12608690 [Reply] [Original]

Is an English degree worth it? Or would it be better to just get a STEM degree and pursue writing on the side?

>> No.12608710

STEM is a meme. Learn a trade. There will be jobs and lots of money.

>> No.12608751


or just go study theology

>> No.12608758

Do STEM. Computer Science is the new trade.

>> No.12608765

STEM is so fucking alienating and depressing that it might actually help your writing.

>> No.12608766


>> No.12608776

No, it's not worth it even at Harvard unless you want to become an SJW and philosophize about sex, something useless unlike actual philosophy which deals with the nature of existence. Not only are there no jobs, academia is compromised by leftists. My advice would be to just do YouTube videos aka propaganda and actually be respected unlike that hack John Green.

>> No.12608791

>don't go to Uni, just do youtube videos xdddd
The West has fallen.

>> No.12609277

I do STEM, English is an enormous meme, as are most degrees in Arts or Humanities. I appreciate books even more now as a means of escapism from the miserable reality of stress and constant study. Most English students I know don't even read extra-curricular literature,

>> No.12609289

The answer you will never get on /lit/ unless it's me taking time out of my day to type this out:
Do whatever. Life success and living situation depends very little on undergrad degree and very much on who you are, what you prioritize, who you know, how hard you work, etc.

>> No.12609318
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>take degree in meme
>spend 3-4 years regretting meme study
>acquire nice big debt from tuition and living expenses whilst studying meme
>have to compete with other meme graduates for meme graduate schemes
Well at least you did what you wanted and you tried your best

>> No.12609346

STEM is a meme.
LMFAO tons of dudes in my school going STEM and can never find jobs while everyone else is.

>> No.12609349

Can you define what “worth it” means to you?

>> No.12609372

Both are memes if you just want to make money. Jesus just go straight for finance if that's your measure of worth. STEM is heavily overrated for wagecuck opportunites.

>> No.12609445

Studying theoretical physics or pure maths might be a "meme", but making essays about Proust or Shakespeare for class for 4 years in a row will probably not land you in any kind of job unless you a) are highly extroverted and capable of talking to many different people, and b) can forego your beliefs for the sake of putting up with identity politics and corporate doublespeak, in which case you might be able to do just well as a journalist or PR writer.

>> No.12609467

Maths and Physics are easy back-door degrees into the finance industry. You're far more likely to get picked up by a bank or as an analyst for a large company with these degrees than one in Economics or Business & finance. I really don't know why people think they can just get into these industry's with these degrees, it's like expecting to be invited to work at a top law firm after getting an undergrad in Law.

>> No.12609477

Two words: Hospital Administration

Geriatrics is the future

>> No.12609551

STEM. English majors are hapless fuckwits who can't do anything other than whine about how terrible X or Y is, and how they could do better if it wasn't for white men, patriarchy, muh ass hurtz feelings or mumsy didn't give me huggles.
PS. Computer science isn't, Coding is patching others mistakes, mere drudgery for neckbeards too incompetent for faculty of education. Any competent engineer ( one who designs and builds physical shit- planes, transport, trains, ships, plant ect) or conehead (Physicist, Chemist, Mathematician ect) can hack code or knit a computer out of steel wool whilst falling down drunk. I'm not that bright, so I opted for Aerospace Engineering and a ATP ticket for lulz and banging skybags or bimbo's impressed by that kind of crap. That all boils down to driving a bus and riding a wrench. Then again, I'd love to see an english major or Zuckerburg take apart and reassemble a 737, or get one on the ground in a 40kt crosswind and zero visibility with every body aboard walking away unaware of how thin the margin is. It's not much, but I'm doing something cool, and the money's not too shabby as the sauce.

>> No.12609562

Degrees that could safely land you a job:
Most engineering degrees, some technology degrees, Medicine, Law, Business, Education, Finance
Degrees that might not get you a job outside of Academia, but that are still important for the furthering of human knowledge:
Physics, Mathematics, Astronomy, Linguistics, Anthropology, History
Degrees that are, for the most part, memes, but that once every hundred years might produce a genius who has a strong impact on the way people think about stuff:
Philosophy, Theology, English.
Degrees that are memes, and that keep on existing just because people fall into them:
Art, Cybernetics and Astronautics-related stuff.

>> No.12609565

lmfao this
every year in undergrad I get more and more unhappy. Cant wait till grad school!!

>> No.12609573

>assigns equal weight to degrees in education and medicine
t. someone who has does not have a degree

>> No.12609591

Do STEM for practical purposes. Write on side.

>> No.12609610

Youll be a wagecuck either way, if you want to study something you like and get paid less go english, otherwise go stem and get paid more.

>> No.12609647

I feel pretty depressed studying Philosophy, mostly because I spend so much time thinking about myself and my own issues that I rarely ever get to interact with others, and whenever I do talk to somebody else, I feel like I'm never really being sincere or hearing about what other people really want, only what they suppose other people want. But then again, I feel like I might be just as lonely studying in STEM, or even in English or something, since I have somewhat niche interests (Romantic-era poetry, Mediaeval philosophy) and also have extremely poor social skills. Therefore, I can't say studying STEM or Humanities are really that different in terms of how depressed and secluded one can get.

>> No.12609690

A quick job search in my city brings up several thousands of results for both medicine and education-related jobs. Most elementary, middle, and high schools around here will hire anybody who's "good at working with kids" and has a degree related to the subject they can teach, or a general Education degree.

>> No.12609810

Switched from english major to journalism major. Was jobless looking for a little over a year but, after abusing my minority status Im interning at Vice and will most likely be promoted soon. Don't give up anons especially if your a minority you can use your status against the retard liberals as a plus.Use their bigotry against them.

>> No.12609815

Several thousand jobs exist because anyone with a brain steers clear of working in education, sure it's a job but hardly rewarding.
The pay is on the whole pretty awful and you have to work with children, need I say any more?

>> No.12610668

I like PCs. Whatsmore fun computer science or computer engineering?

>> No.12610681

Earned a Bsc (Hons) and am currently doing English Masters. Honestly, I think only you can answer that question. I think some people are fine with keeping their passions as a side hobby but INFPs like myself have to pursue what's in our hearts.

>> No.12610686
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Fuck you.

>> No.12610721

lmao what the hell?

>> No.12610761

>you like software
>you like hardware

At most schools CE is basically just a mashup of CS and Electrical Engineering classes.

Also, I don't know about everywhere else, but at my school all of the CE majors were chads while CS was filled with the kind of redditors and autists that you would expect.

>> No.12610856

the weakest of the humanities, and that's saying something

>> No.12611087

I'm an English major three months away from graduation and have to agree that it's a meme. I thought I'd meet like-minded people who had a serious interest in literature, but most people don't even read outside of class. I want to be a short story writer, but after graduation, will probably do technical writing or teach English abroad until I make it or kill myself at the age of 30.

>> No.12611360

Let's be fair here, you can do worse than theology for humanities. I hate to beat a dead horse but gender studies is a disgrace to the word "study."

>> No.12611388

Memes aside what do you even study for gender studies?
Majority of BA majors have a women themed class at my university but no gender studies degree yet.

>> No.12611398

>but at my school all of the CE majors were chads while CS was filled with the kind of redditors and autists that you would expect.
thanks. now I'm definitely torn

>> No.12611402

Do you do extra-curricular science experiments and equations?

>> No.12611417

You shouldn't be going to University if you aren't rich and come from a connected family, anyway. Go and learn a trade that will actually make you money instead of spending ridiculous amounts of money to have a vanity BSc. Nobody cares that you know how to create an robotic limbs. You will never be more than a social-climbing boot-licking middle classman. Embrace your mediocrity and go do something that is no frills and will earn you decent money. It was fine for generations before you. You are not better than them.

>> No.12611426

My uni forced me to take several gender studies classes as part of any BA program so I can respond to this.
The crazy thing about these classes, and why I said they're worse than theology, is that there isn't any concrete, rigorous, or even loosely systematized thought. Theology at least tends to stem from some kind of system. Lessons within a class and between other classes will contradict each other and even attack one another on basic principles.
Classes always begin by forming desks into a circle as they're discussion led, but the only thing that happened in those classes was ideological cannibalism. Students attacked one another and even the instructor. I kept my mouth shut the entire time and even then I would be attacked for not talking.I suppose one consistent pole in all of these classes is that whitey is bad, men are bad, but after that it's a free-for-all for who's the most oppressed, who's oppressing who within and without the class, who's talking too much, not enough, etc.

To answer your question though, there really wasn't any study. It was all about transmitting my "story" or some gay shit.

>> No.12611435

>My uni forced me to take several gender studies classes as part of any BA program so I can respond to this.

I don't believe you for a second. What university and why is there official policy reasoning?

>> No.12611446

Portland State University.
I really really really wish I was making this up, because I felt completely robbed after I graduated, but it's the truth.
It was part of the "cultural diversity" section of the English major.

Also we had to take at least one anti-colonialism class.

>> No.12611480

>It was part of the "cultural diversity" section of the English major.

That doesn't exist anywhere.

>Also we had to take at least one anti-colonialism class.

No, you didn't.

>> No.12611490

Maybe anon had to take them as part of a cultural studies requirement? I had a choice of four different classes for mine, including some women studies literature course. I ended up taking literary studies instead.

>> No.12611513


While it seems that they lowered the requirements from when I was there they still require you to take these kinds of classes. Scroll down to number III.

>III. Culture, Difference, and Representation: (4 credits)

Only one class, way less painful, but still required. I was required to take more in 2014. I doubt I have it but I'll see if I can dig up an old BA requirement sheet.

>> No.12611514


>> No.12611518

I'd also like to point out that many classes like medieval literature or the english novel are typically hijacked to basically be gender studies classes which also happened.

>> No.12611573


>> No.12611773

what was the point of the SAT?