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/lit/ - Literature

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12609078 No.12609078[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I was watching the news today and a thing about tinder came up. There was a representative from them saying that their new ads are intentionally made to exclude the word "love" or "the one", and instead promote up hook up culture as the new thing people should want. Her reasoning was that people in love are harder to sell things to then people who who are not. What are some books about ways neoliberalism poisons society?

>> No.12609092

It's that damn liberalism's fault no one loves me :'(

>> No.12609097

>people in love are harder to sell things to then people who who are not.

Seems a bit of a silly premiss. Might be detrimental to their service, but not universally.

>> No.12609145

you're reading too much into this
they simply noticed that most people just use tinder for hook ups

>> No.12609166

It's your fault too for buying into the politicization of private life. Moral decay can happen under any system of government. Nor is it the fault of the capitalist for using his capital as he sees fit--it's his property. If you arrange for the censorship of advertisements targeting hookup culture, you won't be able to stop there. You'll have to censor entertainment that promotes it too. And then? Will you have stopped it? Most likely you will have exacerbated the problem, making it more taboo and therefore more attractive to people already inclined to rebellion and counter-culture. Would you rather advertisements try to 'sell' love? I think you will find that most people who use the service (young people) sympathize with socialism, communism, or at least modern Leftism. If hookup culture is therefore made up of people politically with anti-liberal sentiment, who moreover want to politicize everything, how can you blame liberalism, which protects commerce and free enterprise, yet has nothing to say about private life? Do you want the government to dictate the morals of society? Isn't that the responsibility of the Church?

>> No.12609219

>hookup app advertises in a way that encourages hooking up

Did you discover another enlightening fact today?

>> No.12609243

/pol/ was right all along?

>> No.12609244
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Cringed and bluepilled.

OP, read pic related.

>> No.12609252

There's a bunch of other matching apps and websites bouncing off of that and promoting themselves as non-hookup, actual love finding apps. Can you really complain if the god machine spat out an antidote at the same time as the poison you described? idk.
I always err on the side of meeting girls at parties or through mutual friends. You never know who is who on the web.

>> No.12609255

>If you arrange for the censorship of advertisements targeting hookup culture, you won't be able to stop there. You'll have to censor entertainment that promotes it too.
Why not? It is better than the status quo where our dear corporate overlords push hookup culture to everyone.

>> No.12609264
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i wish i had my copy on hand, there's this great passage about the untethering of individuals from a historical continuum that has them utterly exposed to the terrors of their own impending death, and by this same virtue vulnerable to the unscrupulous.

>> No.12609266

dude, you're cherrypicking corporate overlords

>> No.12609272

What kind of sad sack is using Tinder to find "the one"?

Even the fuggos in Tinder get their literal choice of dick. It's a cock carousel.

If you want a spouse, find her in healthy, social activities like sports, church, festivals, poetry readings, whatever. If you want a piece of ass for the night, go to Tinder. Everyone knows this.

>> No.12609278

Dating sites don't want you to get married. Yes posting success stories gets people in the door, but once you are married you are a "former customer". From a business standpoint they want you to keep using the app and one way to do that is to promote hook ups.

>> No.12609283

>le slippery slope

>> No.12609284

Neoliberalism or neo-liberalism refers primarily to the 20th-century resurgence of 19th-century ideas associated with laissez-faire economic liberalism. Those ideas include economic liberalization policies such as privatization, austerity, deregulation, free trade and reductions in government spending in order to increase the role of the private sector in the economy and society.
>muthafuggin new age conservative capitalist baztids, gonna fug up the whole country.

>> No.12609288
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>If you want a spouse go to festivals

You fucking what m8?

>> No.12609291


op should be going hard on Badiou, Zizek, Lasch and
Byung-Chul Han

>> No.12609293

Wait a second, this isn't about literature. You just made a blogpost and asked for book recommendations at the end of it.

>> No.12609295

Not the ones you are thinking of.

>> No.12609298

>Seems a bit of a silly premiss. Might be detrimental to their service, but not universally.

That's where I would disagree. If people are in love and get married (or at least are committed to each other in the long term), on an interpersonal level they are fulfilled. Advertisers prey on people that are lonely and feel unfulfilled because they are subconsciously looking for something to fill that void. So its much easier to sell products to people who are lonely or who aren't emotionally fulfilled in a relationship.

>> No.12609314

Hook up culture is a good thing for people who aren't autistic NEETs. I don't want a girlfriend. A girlfriend is like a part-time job, but instead of making money you waste it. Myself, I want to nut inside a warm hole and return to my apartment alone

>> No.12609316

Glad to see you don't have a soul anon.

>> No.12609321

Your attitudes will change once (or even if) you grow up.

>> No.12609339
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>le become more conservative as you age maymay
Not them but I went the opposite way of what you assume.

>> No.12609359

At least I found an interesting book itt

>> No.12609382

this, go to harvest festivals in the small town next to yours and comment on the beauty of a 7/10s sun dress.

>> No.12609388

this happens to most divorcees

>> No.12609408

A sadistic part of me sincerely enjoys leading women on, telling them they're so special and beautiful and smart, and then denying them affection and attention when they most need and want it. I was always like this, as far back as middle school. I have friendzoned far more girls than have ever friendzoned me. I suppose that I'm seeking revenge for the anxiety and insecurities that girls put me through during my teenage years and early 20s. Now that I know how to exaggerate superficial qualities about myself and trick them into sex, afterwards I like to make them feel used, unwanted, and alone. It's my little punishment for forcing me to play their stupid social games

Women control so much of the sexual marketplace; it's only right that they should experience a modicum of the suffering they inflict on men.

>> No.12609439

Wow great thread, not like half the board is already taken up with this shallow hand-wringing bullshit already or anything!

Just read that Bronze Age Pervert guy’s book or whatever and pack up your bags for 8ch*n boyo. Nobody is stopping you from realizing your fantasies of an echo chamber full of retards like yourself.

>> No.12609476
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I live in a metropolitan area in Western Europe. Good luck with that, Wojtek.

>> No.12609492

I would use a meetup app to go to a boardgame or puzzle group. Gotta make an effort.


>> No.12609566

A fusion of the church and state regulating moral attitudes in the media is a great idea desu.
Everyone always says “but then they gonna rebel against it”, but if you haven’t noticed literally 99% of people, ‘badass rebels’ included, are just buying into whatever crap the media feeds them.

>> No.12609665

Leftism is liberalism and don't believe any Communist who tells you otherwise

>> No.12609668

the reason people "successfully rebelled" against traditional moral norms of the time was because the state supported their doing so.

>> No.12609670

Then realize that the people who run dating websites want to push certain (((agendas))).


Remember kids, indoctrination is okay as long as it results in people thinking the correct thing.

>> No.12609692

The important thing to understand is that the vast majority of people literally think like this >>12609314 regardless of whether they will admit it or not.

People are hedonistic animals. They will do whatever makes them feel good superficially or in the short term. Freedom allows these animals to roam free, just as chickens without a coop will wander into traffic or be killed by cats.

People like this have to be controlled and violently repressed.

>> No.12609734

Do single men consume more than men in relationships?

>> No.12609856

not in my experience

>> No.12609869

Letting the chicken wander into traffic constitutes the most violent sort of "repression."

>> No.12610004

Anything on the topic of effects of hedonism? Or does this book cover that as well?

>> No.12610040
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>What are some books about ways neoliberalism poisons society?

The time for books is over, anon!


>> No.12610055

tinder is so fucked up man. dont know why I use it. im a handsome guy, I have enough going for me to date girls.

this one girl I matched recently. she's so hot. can tell she's pretty cool. we spoke for a while, conversation going good. then bang, she stops replying. she's so hot, I wanna fuck her and then cuddle then take her for breakfast. but no. instead just pointless hours of my life wasted swiping a screen and building up to this great abyss of nothingness.

>> No.12610068

Shut your trap Chad.