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File: 266 KB, 504x627, Destruction_of_Leviathan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12608769 No.12608769 [Reply] [Original]

Just as a refresher, the LORD ignores Job's arguments and instead enumerates the various facets of His creation, emphasizing how great and powerful He is and how far away his concerns are from humanity. It is as though the LORD is saying, "I am in charge of the cosmos, petty human affairs don't particularly concern me."

This is the interpretation taken up by the New Oxford Annotated Bible that I have: "The divine speeches are notable for their silence over Job's complaint of injustice, as if God means to say that administering justice is not part of his cosmic plan."

Thoughts? Does this make the writer of the book of Job a deist? From the author's perspective, the LORD creates the universe and manages nature but doesn't respond to or care about human concerns. This is hard to reconcile with the historical books in which the LORD actively concerns himself with the righteousness of the Israelites.

>> No.12608804

Everything is for God. Humans just happen to benefit in His plan. It’s not that complicated.

>> No.12609057

He clearly cares about human affairs, or he wouldn't have messed with Job in the first place. I think the point is he doesn't owe Job anything. He's the sovereign of the universe and if Job doesn't like what he does, too bad.

>> No.12609196

Ecclesiastes is to Hell: an existence where one has everything except God is no existence at all. Job is to Purgatory: an existence where one has nothing, but has God is in the state of Becoming/Purifying. Song of Songs is to Heaven: an existence where one has Love and God is in the state of Being.

God does answer Job's question, he effectively gives frame to the nature of his suffering and to it's ultimate purpose. Everything must be tested by Satan, even something as mighty and powerful as God. In order for something to Be, there has to be something that Is that is not that Being.

>> No.12609222
File: 538 KB, 770x581, 1549759794612.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Its literally just Shut the fuck up and Sit the fuck down, cuz I know everything, stupid human.

Wow, now this is profound

>> No.12609276
File: 41 KB, 700x700, G-O-D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is practically a basis for dystheistic antinatalism.

>> No.12609337

>you can go to heaven if you follow God’s word and try to live a sinless life
>”nah, let’s actively hate God and go to Hell instead”

>> No.12609392
File: 14 KB, 227x222, The_Path_To_Salvation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me know how that is going for you. Also hatred of God is misotheism. Calling God evil is Maltheism. I am doing neither.


>> No.12609429

There's no heaven or hell in Job. If Job could be assured of everlasting paradise, that would undermine the whole story.

>> No.12609452

>God reproveth Job
>1 What the fuck hast thou just fucking said about me, thou little bitch?
>2 I'll hath thee know I created the earth, I hath made numerous raids successful against the Hittites, Girgashites, Amorites, Canaanites, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusites, and I hath over 2.5 million confirmed kills.
>3 I am extensively trained in divine warfare and I am the greatest God, thou shalt have no gods before me.
>4 Thou art nothing to me but just another Edomite. I will wipe thee the fuck out with precision the likes of which hath never been seen before on the Earth, marketh my fucking words.
>5 Thou thinkst thou can get away with saying that shit to me in a prayer? Think again, fucker.
>6 As we speak I am contacting my secret network of angels across Israel and thy postion is being traced right now so thou better prepareth for the flood, maggot. The flood that wipes out the pathetic little thing thou calleth thy life. Thou art fucking dead, kid.
>7 I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill thou in over seven hundred and seventy-seven ways, and that's just with my bare hands.
>8 Not only am I extensively trained against behemoths, but I hath access to this massive beast called the leviathan and I will use it as my servant to its full extent to wipe thy miserable ass off the face of the continent, thou little shit.
>9 If only thou could hath known what holy retribution thy little "clever" lamentations were about to bring down upon thee, maybe thou would hath held thy fucking tongue.
>10 But thou could not, thou did not, and now thou art paying the price, thou goddamn idiot. I will shit wrath all over thee and thou will drown in it. Thou art fucking dead, kiddo.

>> No.12609489



>> No.12609558

so called "dystheism" is just calling God evil while wanting to not look edgy. And of course you hate God because you have not his love in you.

>> No.12609594

No, I literally just don't think its good for people to come into existence, only to be subject to damnation. God's righteousness is irrelevant to me, its academic. Its hardly better for evil, fallen beings to be under righteous condemnation than for innocent ones to be under the condemnation of evil. God is bad for humans, period.