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12603702 No.12603702 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.12603709

he's an embarrassment
no one takes him seriously or cares about him
now fuck off back to /pol/

>> No.12603720

I don't care about him. I do think its funny the kid who told me about him in like 2008 was simultaneously getting turned into a tranny by /d/ and /gif/ and is one now, and varg is out of prison and a """"nazi"""" which is closer to what I am.

>> No.12603729

>simultaneously getting turned into a tranny
Someone needs to create a theory of why the fuck this is happening so much. The progs are obviously useless on this subject and nobody in academia is going to touch it

>> No.12603746

This kid was literally fapping to futa on /d/ when we were in highschool in the mid-late 00s dude. What was i supposed to do stage an intervention with him while we played metal? Its not like anyone saw this coming back then. Though we should have considering emo music had already convinced people to kill themselves and cut themselves and be bisexual and for boys to wear makeup
>why is this happening
Unironically MKULTRA

>> No.12603751

>needs to
lurk more

>> No.12603753

i don't think of him

>> No.12603769

Our society is unironically so feminized with rules and limitations and empathy--which is self-pity en masquerade, that men are weaker and more sensitive. Also, (((-----)))). What else is there to say?

>> No.12603782

10+ years of fapping to futa hasn't made me a tranny. /gif/ is full of the MKUltra stuff, however. But 3D is ugly and clumsy so I'm safe.

>> No.12603811

capitalism, overthrow capitalism and humanity gets restored back to normality

>> No.12603832

>10+ years of fapping to futa hasn't made me a tranny.
You probably have strength of will. He was raised by two dykes. Never really had a chance.

>> No.12603855
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beezum is britty guud

>> No.12603888
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>> No.12603907

He’s such a brainlet it’s actually funny. In one of his videos he tries to explain Plato’s cave and completely inverts the meaning

>> No.12603929

Stop listening to /pol/ and read Stirner already

>> No.12603984
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That fails to account for the sheer number that have fallen for this phenomenon though. It's not like all these motherfuckers are autistic.

>> No.12603992


autism rates have gone up too, though

>> No.12604001

You mean more people have been diagnosed with autism.

>> No.12604016

Fantastic musician. Early Burzum is just perfection.

He is now a fucking meme, he should have stayed in prison.

>> No.12604023

Shit's a spectrum, dawg

>> No.12604076

Reminder to ignore and report all butterfly fag posts

>> No.12604081

Loved his music. But i dont think even with nac soc mindset one can take his shit serious.
Every time the dude goes into some serious debate and is proven wrong he goes in a autistic rambing on "everything those genetic scientists say is wrong".

>> No.12604098

>like his music
>traditionalist with fascist sympathies
>still don't care for him as a person
his pagan larp is pretty embarrassing, as is his welfare lifestyle in france

>> No.12604126

You could substitute autism for generalized lack of identity, perhaps. The world as it is right now isn't over keen on people having an identity other than "worker", "consumer" and "parent".

>> No.12604156

the world is absolutely obssessed with muh identity right now
im gay, im a strong woman, im a poc, im whatever the fuck

'parent' has to be one of the lowest status things to be right now, nobody is promoting that at all. I see mainstream press articles arguing that even having children is immoral

>> No.12604205

I could buy that.

>> No.12604237

The phenomenon of Varg is actually kind of fascinating. He's literally a convicted murderer crypto-Nazi welfare client in France who lives on a farm with his wife aka the birthing station, and tens of thousands of people live so empty lives they think a guy like that has anything useful to say.

>> No.12604266

Who would you need to live an empty life to think a guy like that has something useful to say? Varg is a weird and interesting guy.

>> No.12604304

He's an example that every obnoxious /pol/tard should follow instead of making an embarrassment of themselves online every day.

>> No.12604353

>he says this while simultaneously embarrassing himself online
what did he mean by this?

>> No.12604453

His interpretation of adam and eve was way off the mark. I respect that he's sticking it to (((the man))) with his lifestyle, but the bullshit he spews about religion reminds me of my 17yo self. Not based and very narcissistic

>> No.12604460

>the birthing station
Yeah, she should be paying reparations to those poor blacks by birthing ugly mutts instead

>> No.12604470

>Tabletop game nerd who tried to make his own game
>Uses papyrus font in his videos unironically
>Once had a friendly back-and-forth with him about how silly flat-earthers are in the comment section to one of his videos
>Had a famous YT comment on a Boney M. video for a whille

I don't agree with his politics and, y'know, the whole murder thing wasn't cool, but he's weirdly endearing just as a guy.

>> No.12604485

Yes of course, the choice is obviously between having 5 children with a convicted murderer, or being a literal self-hating race cuckold.

Kys /pol/goloid.

>> No.12604501

Makes great fucking music, is shit in mostly any other way.

>> No.12604526

Why would cia do MK ultra shit in the west nowadays? it's much less risky to do it in africa in relation to public outcry, though it's easier to collect data in the west.

>> No.12604533

No u

>> No.12604541

>but the bullshit he spews about religion reminds me of my 17yo self.

Shouldn't surprise you as the man went to jail when he was 18 and stayed there until he was 34.

His mental development is probably stuck at 20.

>> No.12604577

Based and redpilled. Pseud hipster kids calling his way of life cringe are just scared the reality that that is how you're supposed to live and they know they wouldn't be able to. Comfy black metal wizard dude with a bit of /tg/ autism sprinkled in.
I hate current the Survive the Jive VS Varg drama, though. Totally retarded shit. Nothing more Christian than hating each other because of minor disagreements in beliefs. Both sides acting like children.

>> No.12604596

you are reatarded. not saying that varg is right on everything but he is surely right on having as many white children as possible. and calling her a birthing machine just makes you either dumb or a cuck

>> No.12604599

Nothing wrong with being a murderer. Are you scared of being killed or why that negative attitude towards killers?

>> No.12604600

>idolising a literal murderer

>> No.12604603

Careful with that edge zoomer.

>> No.12604606

See and reply to >>12604599

>> No.12604614

Is killing never allowed? Why? Soldiers kill people all the time and they're treated as heroes. Don't you see the irony in that? Oh yeah, they're GOOD guys and kill BAD guys, that's why. Lol, brainlet

>> No.12604619

When he burned down that church it was pretty cool

>> No.12604638

Killing is clearly allowed, especially in self-defense.

Murder on the other hand, not so much.

>> No.12604642

i loathe when people say atmospheric black metal belongs solely Burzum. Burzum certainly is the earliest example of it, but Paysage d’Hiver was the first to realize and perfect it

otherwise, he’s retarded in many ways, and i enjoy how his voice sounds, especially how he pronounces “Burzum”. his kids are cute too

>> No.12604663

Why not and don't reply "because it's bad". There are plently of things that should earn one of a death sentence. It shouldn't matter if it's the government or an individual who fulfills it. The only disagreement is that retards like you are afraid of power and want to out-source it to authorities so that they feel safer.

>> No.12604673

Do you even understand the difference between killing someone because of self-defense, and murder, or are you really 12 years old?

>> No.12604695

>Why would cia do MK ultra shit in the west nowadays?
The program was far more than simply kidnapping and drugging kids and is the basis for all of youth subculture going back to at least the 60s if not beats

>> No.12604697

Yeah I do, that's not the point. I just said there's nothing wrong with murder as a thing separate from killing in self defence. Attacking someone first is not the only thing that should deprive someone of the right to live, and so there are many reasons people should be killed or murdered. Murder is just more illegal killing. Man made laws aren't some divine truth that makes murder somehow worse than killing in self defence.

>> No.12604731

I like his music and his youtube channel is funny. total psycho though

>> No.12604732

The simpler explanation is that we've glorified the oppressed and victimized and so for those that are utterly unremarkable, being trans is a way for them to gain status and escape from being a straight white male. Thats why these people are so touchy about their gender identities, it's literally the only interesting aspect of their personalities.

>> No.12604806


>> No.12604846

I wish I could have an autistic french breeding sow of my own like he does.

>> No.12604879

Remember when he was let out of prison on a weekend retreat, abducted a family, and tried to flee the country by joining the French foreign legion? What a fucking moron.

>> No.12605056

I went to my local record store and bought and listened to a copy of "Burzum." I suffered a great deal in the process. The music was dreadful; the songs were terrible. As I listened to “The Crying Orc” I noticed that every time an orc went for a walk to cry in the desolate frost-encrusted forest, Varg instead screamed that the character "stretched his legs." I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times.

>> No.12605345


>> No.12605471

What is his political position those days?

>> No.12605508

He spends too much time on yt for someone who wants to pass for a hardworking family man with now 7 children.

>> No.12605529

He always gets into beef with other channels that don't worship his ass while publicizing the ones that do.
His wife takes care of the children and the house while he acts like a manchild.
He can't accept criticism and is a borderline priests/chitristians murdering instigator.

>> No.12605546

>It's to do with choosing not to categorize oneself because that limits what the self can be. Why not make the whole spectrum available? Then the impulse gets misunderstood and cutting genitals off=empowerment makes sense to certain individuals.

>> No.12606285

I've never read or listened to any of his nazi bullshit, but I do care about him. His early music is god-tier and that specific genre of music wouldn't have existed as we know it without him.

>> No.12606319


















>> No.12606325

fucking kek

>> No.12606332

is varg going to make it 15 years? is his way of life sustainable?

>> No.12606566

Varg is an interesting guy who has an interesting perspective on things. I don't think he's right all the time, but at least he's not some fag who hides his views for shekels.


>> No.12606588

intelligent in some ways, retarded in many others. Just like me, that's why I connect with him even though I disagree with his views most of the times.
He's like the personification of a more subtle and meticulous /pol/ poster.

>> No.12606595

That's boogieman shit, the simpler explanation is internet porn

>> No.12606630

>his kids are cute too
They're raised by an autist and a meme. I feel sorry for them.

>> No.12606695

My sides

>> No.12606746

Bump. Good thread.

>> No.12606770

Why the fuck do you niggers keep saying he is on welfare? He makes music and writes books, so does his wife.

>> No.12606837
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>> No.12606838

Hvis Lyset Tar Oss was an awakening musical and almost spiritual experience for me at 14, and to this day I still think his music is beyond good, it's mystical, like he's a vehicle for something else.

This is further proven by the fact that he is an absolute goddamn lunatic.

>> No.12606846

I am too stupid to understand this. Explain it to me?

>> No.12606868
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he makes music that i like

>> No.12606878

What is wrong with having 5 children?

>> No.12607181
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>What is wrong with having 5 WHITE children?

It is anudah shoah!

>> No.12607219

Varg is better than all Continental "philosophers".

>> No.12607250

Having children at all, no matter the color, increases the net amount of suffering in this world. They had no say in being brought here, will suffer for maybe 70+ years and then leave without their consent. Having children at all is wrong.

>> No.12607328

Incredibly based and redpilled

>> No.12607365

Why is "suffering" bad? If you are too weak to endure life you can always off yourself.

>> No.12607422

Leftist weakling.

>> No.12607439
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stop watching porn

>> No.12607481

anti-natalist sperg

>> No.12607644

Hi re*dit

>> No.12607824


>> No.12607889

Absolute brainlet. Do you seriously believe that Varg is on par with Kant, Nietzsche, Heidegger et al.?

>> No.12607900

Based and redpilled

>> No.12607903

he has a comfy life

>> No.12608014


>> No.12608070


Not Kant, but he is certainly is much better than Nietzsche or Heidegger.

>> No.12608094

What are the odds this another dumb fucking American?

>> No.12608108

His videos rarely get to ten minutes. Watch his wife's channel if you want to get an actual picture of his life. I mean, he is not exempt of criticism, but you could pick other things to do so

>> No.12608109

well, lets see.
>lives in the woods
like a nigger
>lives off welfare
like a nigger
>has a shit tonne of kids
like a nigger
>we-wuzzes nonexistant history
like a nigger
tell me why people think hes based again?

>> No.12608131

I'm obviously not comparing Varg with serious philosophers like Quine, Suppes, Kripke etc.

>> No.12608157

He’s a moron who hates non ´nordicˋ whites. He also lies about Neanderthals and cro magnons

>> No.12608231

He measures up to neither the Continentals nor the analytical philosophers. He's not even a philosopher - not even remotely. Just an opinionated crackpot who doesn't enjoy his ideas being challenged. His obsession with self-sufficiency and hate of civilization are probably fueled by the humiliation he must have felt spending 16 years in prison, being completely dependent and sustained by tax-paying Norwegians.
For someone who supposedly loves Quine and Kripke, your endorsement of Varg as superior to Nietzsche and Heidegger makes you come off like a total brainlet. And you likely have read neither.

>> No.12608396

I agree with absolutely everything you said about Varg. But I still think he is better than Heidegger.

>> No.12608407

Then you are an idiot.

>> No.12608426

Varg is wrong in almost everything he says. But at least he is competent enough to be wrong. This is not the case for most Continental philosophers.

>> No.12608498

>lives in the woods like a nigger
But blacks live in urban centers?

>> No.12608500

Anyone read Vargsmal? Even he himself is ashamed of it now.

>> No.12608522
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What book would be the best to start reading Varg?

>> No.12608528

Doesn't matter you may as well start reading about female genitalia

>> No.12608622
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Why? I did not understand your joke...

>> No.12608651

Why there are so many anti-Varg shills on /lit/ lately?

>> No.12608682

He's made a fool of himself lately

>> No.12608723

What has he done this time?

>> No.12608730

A week long slander of STJ.

>> No.12608757
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I like STJ. Why are they fighting?

>> No.12608788

because MK-ultra is about social engineering for the sake of controlling the population. why the fuck would the CIA care about Africa unless they were getting something out of it?

>> No.12608814

Thomas pointed out a recurring pattern in his/ and his wife's interpretations of Pagan myths and traditions in a rather mocking way after Varg criticized him for taking Patreon Doations, selling merch and what not.

Something else happened but I couldn't bother to follow

>> No.12608890

What are vaccines

>> No.12608906

Both mocking the other's beliefs. Varg provoked it by talking too much about the placenta, STJ started it by showing unnecessary hostility and now neither one tries to understand the other and bury the hatchet that should have never been wielded to begin with. Leave fighting over small differences in faith to Christians.

>> No.12608937

>makes a video about books he recommends
>praises some d&d manual

>> No.12608987
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this one

>> No.12609017

I never saw Varg using this term.

>> No.12609076
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Lol, Varg worships the placenta.

I have to agree on that.

>> No.12609202

Tom pls stop bullying Varg

>> No.12609378

>Loki is adrenaline release during childbirth
>Old Norse Religion is not Indo European
>Pegasus is placenta
Yeah I think it's safe to say that he's wrong

>> No.12609509
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Varg is NazBol-AnPrim Gang, if I must meme.
He really triggered "alt-right types" some time back by calling them "wannabe boomers" who just wish for more of what their parents had, limitless capitalism that consumes both their own "subspecies", nature, and everything. He did this while praising leftists for fighting against this, complimenting how "hippies" live by permaculture and in balance with nature, having beautiful free-range kids.

Naturally he states that his own unique sort of tribal primitivism is "real National Socialism".

>> No.12609583

what if Varg met Dugin, who would win?

>> No.12609604

Self-actualization is more difficult than ever. It was traditionally masculine to be a symbol of authority, to have power over your domain. Now we have little power over anything in our own lives, infiltrated as they are by corporate interests, dependencies, cultural influences seeping in through the drip-feed of the internet, our constant contact with the world of high politics has disenfranchised us from agency in our own lives. Weak-willed men choose to submit entirely and transform into the stereotypically submissive gender.

>> No.12609612
