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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 19 KB, 288x358, ayn rand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1260288 No.1260288 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a single book written by a woman that is worthwhile in any way?

Pic most certainly unrelated.

>> No.1260293

Sylvia Plath - the bell jar

>> No.1260298

Helene Cixous

welcome to the 21st century

>> No.1260301
File: 23 KB, 306x450, The_City_of_Ember.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The City of Ember - Jeanne DuPrau

>> No.1260306

A.S. King - The Dust of 100 Dogs

or Please Ignore Vera Dietz

They're both great.

>> No.1260309


How do you pronounce that last name?


>> No.1260311

Ayn Rand, Anne Frank, Agatha Christie (I don't like her work but many do), Joan Didion, Ruth Rendell, Enid Blyton (Famous Five FTW)... and that's off the top of my head. Anne Frank couldn't write for shit to be fair but she gets bonus points for the whole death thing.

>> No.1260318


>> No.1260323


Huh, I see.

>> No.1260324

>Ayn Rand
Can you please explain why you like her writing? I absolutely despised Atlas Shrugged.

>> No.1260327

J.K. Rowling.

>> No.1260337

>Is there a single book written by a woman that is worthwhile in any way?
We the Living is the only book worth reading by her. [Maybe her book on art, but I haven't read that one so idk.] The rest are shit.

>> No.1260340

The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath
Mrs. Dalloway by Virginia Woolf

>> No.1260347

The Man Who Loved Children by Christina Stead. Try these too you ignorant fuck

Patricia Highsmith
Daphne du Maurier
Virginia Woolf
Flannery O'Connor
Miles Franklin
Penelope Gilliatt
Doris Lessing
Hannah Arendt
Ursula Le Guin
Margaret Atwood

>> No.1260348

>The rest are shit.

for the record, this is because of the patriarchy inherent in literature, not because women are inferior writers

>> No.1260350

The Left Hand of Darkness by Ursula K. Le Guin.

>> No.1260355

Oh look, it's a woman.

>> No.1260363

A lot would say Ayn Rand. Also, JK Rowling counts as a woman.

Ayn Rand is respected because she was the first person to openly write what a lot of rich people thought privately.

>> No.1260367

>JK Rowling counts as a woman.
But is it literature?

>> No.1260371

nope, just someone who isn't a complete asshole

>> No.1260375

I actually just finished reading George Eliot's "Silas Marner" and quite enjoyed it.

>> No.1260381

"patriarchy inherent in literature"
care to elaborate?

>> No.1260383

That there is literature and inherent in it is a patriarchy...

>> No.1260389
File: 19 KB, 320x268, whigs2PetePumaBugsBunny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CJ Cherryh
Lois McMaster Bujold
Octavia Butler
CS Friedman
Marion Zimmer Bradley
Ursula Le Guin
Connie Willis
Vonda MacIntyre
Jeanne Robinson
Nancy Kress
Kelly Link
Kate Wilhelm
Anne McCaffery
Joan Vinge
Elizabeth Moon
Elizabeth Ann Scarabourough

You don't need a penis to be a good author

>> No.1260392

Astrid Lindgren.

>> No.1260396 [DELETED] 
File: 58 KB, 595x1130, 1286930637162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could anyone recommend some astonishingly good short stories for me to read? Ones like The Lottery or A Good Man is Hard to Find?

>> No.1260395


what's happening in her post is that she's mixing two truths in order to produce a fallacy. Truth one, "patriarchy is inherent in literature", is presented as an excuse for Truth two, "women are inferior writers". We are supposed to conclude that Truth two is wrong, and in order to do this, we omit Truth three: men have better taste.

>> No.1260397

But there is no real truth. Everything is subjective.

>> No.1260398


Do you claim that to be true?

>> No.1260402


Metanarrative, how does it work?

>> No.1260408

[adj. ih-lab-er-it; v. ih-lab-uh-reyt] Show IPA
adjective, verb, -rat·ed, -rat·ing.
to add details to; expand.

>> No.1260415

women have only been allowed to participate in intellectual circles & schools within the last 30-40 years..

given the complete exclusion of women throughout history, it can be understood that "literature" as a concept was created from an exclusively male-centric understanding of the arts

>> No.1260418

which obviously exposed the patriarchy inherent therein

>> No.1260419

Am I male?

>> No.1260420

The Handmaid's Tale - Margaret Atwood

>> No.1260423

You happen to have a picture of one, at the beginning of your thread, OP! In point of fact, you have one of the greatest.

>> No.1260427

Also, even female writers have a tendency to write about a male protagonist and antagonist. It's no secret that literature in androcetric on many levels.

>> No.1260430

Margaret fucking Atwood. That is all.

>> No.1260436

Unfortunately, no. Women are like parrots--they can string together a few words, but they can't convey any complex concepts because they do not understand the underlying context.

This is not to say that I dislike female authors; on the contrary, there are numerous authoresses that I would fuck in the ass with great vigor.

>> No.1260435
File: 25 KB, 314x295, 1287979425992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mary Shelley
>No results found
She wrote one of the best gothic novels of all time, and when she was 19 no less.

>> No.1260438

Don't mind me I'm just saving this entire thread.

>> No.1260439

>one of the best gothic novels
that's like being the world's tallest midget i guess

>> No.1260440
File: 27 KB, 500x312, dragonball derp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If you try hard, you could possibly sound stupider! Give it a go!

>> No.1260444

Well she was one hell of a tall female midget if you ask me. Certainly one worth mentioning.

>> No.1260447

lol you don't know what anal sexing is and you call her stupid XD

>> No.1260448

phallocentrism isn't always restricted to men.. these are archetypes

>> No.1260449

thread is about literature. women's absence from schools and intellectual circles (the latter of which i disagree) did not entirely preclude them from creating great works even beyond last 30-40 years, see jane austen, mary shelley, edith wharton, etc.)
you mistake recorded history for history. women's absence or marginalization in recorded history does not mean that they had little to no impact on history itself, including the view of the arts. who's to say men didn't develop their understanding of the arts in large part from their conversations or interactions with women, for instance?

>> No.1260456
File: 31 KB, 343x256, p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Frankenstein by Mary Shelley. It's more well-written than anything any of you will ever compose in your entire lives

- and she wrote it, in one weekend, when she was 17. U MAD?

>> No.1260454

I say it, women don't know shit. We'd still be enjoying the Renaissance if women hadn't gotten their periods all over it.

>> No.1260457

>women's absence or marginalization in recorded history does not mean that they had little to no impact on history itself

thus exposing the patriarchy inherent in (historical) writing... keep going bro

>> No.1260460

*history for recorded history

>> No.1260464


I understand anal sex about as well as I understand the important role of women in literature since the middle ages; clearly more than that twat I quoted.

>> No.1260479

your definition of patriarchal is written by a man. i'm talking about a philosophy or ideas centered around men and male dominance. my point was that your argument ignores social interactions between men and women as a source for ideas. so my point was,how can you separate female and male thoughts philosophically? you assume that if it's written by a man, it's patriarchal. that assumption is erroneous because the word's connotations signify more than that.

>> No.1260493

OP is a Troll. Ayn Rand is Brilliant.

'nuff said.

>> No.1260498

Did anyone try to define patriarchal, or was it understood?

And was it taken as simply "written by a man = patriarchal", or was it perhaps "vast majority of writers are male; no good reason for this; patriarchal"

>> No.1260502

p.s. your explanation as to why women's literature is "shit" which precipitated this whole conversation was bad.
"shit" is qualitative, not quantitative, so your explanation that somehow women's literature can be shit and at the same time not be because women are inferior writers is contradictory.

>> No.1260514

when you said patriarchy, if this is the same person, i took that to mean far more than just written by a man. again, because of the connotations of the word. i took this to mean as well "masculine" thinking and male-dominated/centric thought.

>> No.1260532

>my point was that your argument ignores social interactions between men and women as a source for ideas.

what you're really talking about here is female writing through a "male" filter.. which is something completely different from ecriture feminine/female writing

>so my point was,how can you separate female and male thoughts philosophically? you assume that if it's written by a man, it's patriarchal.

"male writing" explores themes of male sexuality, which is mostly concerned with relating the size of their penis (ie, phallocentrism) while "female writing" reflects on or abandons this entirely

>> No.1260543

female writers who work with male-centric themes can be just as shitty as the misogynists

>> No.1260552

ayn rand is a hackneyed witch

>> No.1260558

For a fantasy writer, Mercedes Lackey has a few decent books amidst a bunch of insane ones. The same goes for Anne Rice. Lots of crap but a few gems.

>> No.1260576

i read part 2 and have to at this point assume you're trolling. relating to the size of their penis? i have no idea what books i've read that would ultimately support that notion, without completely perverting any reasonable interpretation of the text.
this point doesn't actually address my point, unless you believe male literature is shit as well and that female writers are as bad as male writers and the whole of literature is essentially shit, in which case, i can only explain your presence here as trolling.

>> No.1260582

Name an authoress that wrote a worthwhile book and has a nice pair of tits. Exactly.

>> No.1260600
File: 83 KB, 459x600, Portrait-Of-Elizabeth-I,-Queen-Of-England-1575-76.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


help, help, im being oppressed

feminism has a lot going for it, but when seen as dogma it's little better than its opponent.

>> No.1260601

Not literature, but I enjoy Robin Hobb's books alot.

>> No.1260607

>If I interpret everyone else's arguments as extremes, I can make my argument the only valid one

Nice fantasy.

>> No.1260627

>i read part 2 and have to at this point assume you're trolling. relating to the size of their penis? i have no idea what books i've read that would ultimately support that notion, without completely perverting any reasonable interpretation of the text.

mind & body are infinitely intertwined, what we see in our mind is a reflection of what we feel in our body, and vice versa

Most directors make films with their eyes; I make films with my testicles.
–Alejandro Jodorowsky

Paint is about time, space and balls. And Amanda Lear doesn’t have any.
–Salvador Dali

A good novelist can do without everything but the remnant of his balls.
–Norman Mailer

>this point doesn't actually address my point, unless you believe male literature is shit as well and that female writers are as bad as male writers and the whole of literature is essentially shit, in which case, i can only explain your presence here as trolling.

I consider female writing to be more interesting than male writing... I don't know why you're jumping to conclusions

>> No.1260645

you didn't respond to my argument. :D you are trolling. no lulz though. i wish you were a feminist, i don't know too any people that have really engrossed themselves in feminist theory and would've liked to see someone seriously argue their position well so i could learn. oh well. goodnight.

>> No.1260758
File: 20 KB, 325x475, 127227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not a novel...just an excellent book written by someone w/ lady parts and serious smoking habit.

>> No.1260880

woof she's ugly as hell

>> No.1260977
File: 126 KB, 492x474, ha2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hey, fuckface: why don't you go eat a dick.

>> No.1261006

is this actually fucking happening? what is wrong with you, i'm genuinly curious to know what the fuck is wrong with you basement dwellers that keep posting this shit on /lit/. i dont even..... okay, gtfo.

>> No.1261010

men have better taste? are you fucking serious? taste is subjective. oh my god i am so sick of this shit, the one day i come back to /lit/ thinking things might have changed i found out that they most certainly haven't. well have fun with your discussions, you mysogynistic fucks.

>> No.1261015

Agatha Christie

specifically: Murder on the Orient Express and the story Alibi is based off of.