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12601102 No.12601102[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why do people become manchildren? Why do they read genre fiction, play video games, watch Star Trek and anime, cosplay?
How does modern philosopher explain it? Any examples in modern literature?

>> No.12601103
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They haven't suffered enough.

>> No.12601104

because they get tired to compete for women in order to be chosen to give them an easy life

>> No.12601105

There are no more rites of passage, adolescence stretches on and on...

Also this >>12601103

>> No.12601106

Your interests aren't any better. Just like everyone else, you are mediocre and you are nowhere near as interesting as you think you are. Your ideas are boring and unoriginal, and a single unique thought has never entered your brain, just like every other jackass out there. You will die alone, you will be forgotten and your legacy will be shitposting on a Mongolian marionette forum.
Have a nice day.

>> No.12601111

that is beside the point though

>> No.12601114

Le epic edgy reality check xd

>> No.12601120

I see the truth hurts. As it should.

>> No.12601122


You have pursued intellect and rejected humanity. Although you will live no longer than these people, you choose to spend your time in pursuit of knowledge which no one but yourself will ever appreciate and which does little but separate you from the daily experience of your fellow man. You have condemned yourself to a life of suffering and isolation and they have given themselves the great gift of happiness. You made the wrong choice.

Progress -- cultural, spiritual, intellectual -- is a lie. Zhuangzi called the era of man in the state of nature the age of perfect virtue and was correct. You must learn to be human again by unlearning all of your nonsense.

What personality disorder results in a person getting upset over the fact that Star Wars is a more entertaining piece of art than Homer?

>> No.12601125

can’t you just let us have fun shitting on people please

>> No.12601143

the pic is pure unconscious suffering
they suffered enough so they will never look at it

>> No.12601152

why usa people so cute?

>> No.12601153

At least I will not die among plastic figures of X-Men.

>> No.12601155


Once you wake up and have the realization that no one gives a fuck that you've written detailed notes on your interpretation to Hegel, or that you've read the complete works of Shakespeare, or that you can flawlessly recite Baudelaire in French...Once you realize that no one gives a fuck about any of this nonsense is this day you are finally born and can start enjoying life.

>> No.12601182



Objective aesthetics are real, there is an absolute ethic, and there is a way of being infinitely more satisfying than feigned innocence and a life of sense pleasure.

>> No.12601185


>> No.12601186

Thinking you're better than people is more edgy

>> No.12601189

Society rewards them for it.

It's pretty obvious, really.

>> No.12601191

Having a vast historical understanding doesn't necessarily come at the expense of a personal life. They are not mutually exclusive, one simply becomes more aware of what is quality art; something you are clearly not qualified to speak on.

>> No.12601195
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>they have given themselves the great gift of happiness

>> No.12601199

This >>12601103 and escapism. Life in the modern world is just too dreary if not moderated by panem et circenses.

>> No.12601212

Because the incentives for the traditional adult life have been destroyed. It's harder to get a house, the only jobs are either freelance or 80 hours a week, women/men don't like responsibility, especially towards one another.

Video games/porn are the only reasons why people can stand the decrease in living standards.

>> No.12601213

>the great gift of happiness
There's no way any creature in that photo has ever felt anything near happiness.

>> No.12601224

>How does modern philosopher explain it?
Nick Land has a good essay on atomisation

>> No.12601225

i think its because its less threatening, so these candy ass adults play pokemon because nothings harmful about friendship and magic. but also, these are the same fucking retards that like to self diagnose themselves with depression, anxiety, schiz, etc, and wave it around like they have a crutch now so you have to respect them. shit is gay

>> No.12601231
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Its an easy identity that is gained through nothing but raw consumption and carries with it a narrative of the intellectual, but underappreciated, underdog.

>> No.12601236

These people all look pretty young. Life expectancy is rising and changes in economy and culture have drawn out the timescale for various milestones of maturity. They're nerds living through a prolonged adolescence. It's not like nerd culture aside these same people would be emotionally mature and socially skilled people, they would probably just be slightly more miserable, slightly more alone, and watching sitcoms or something.

>> No.12601243

Hedonism. Pleasure is seem as the greatest good. Fiction, games, etc give them pleasure.

>> No.12601252

holy shit imagine the smell. not one of them looks like they've had a shower in the week preceding this photograph

>> No.12601265

You question should have been why are more and more people becoming manchildren?

>> No.12601273
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>> No.12601279

When I played video games all day I’d have fun during it, and then when I’d try to fall asleep my mind would fill up with so much pain and guilt. I imagine my experience isn’t unique.

Happiness like that is short and temporary, and not something you should pursue.

>> No.12601339

Dead wrong, pal.

>> No.12601356

>I imagine my experience isn’t unique.
Doesn't mean it's common too. Not everyone is neurotic.

>> No.12601368

White PPL never strived in their easy mode life

>> No.12601401

I won't even comment on your snarkish rant, but
>Mongolian marionette forum
This is just bad taste. It was always a shitty meme and using it shows that you'd feel more at home on reddit.

>> No.12601424

It's utilitarianism

>> No.12601432

being unattractive is suffering, ask r9k.

>> No.12601443

Solace in shallow water.

>> No.12601452

>Mongolian marionette forum
yikes and discordpilled

>> No.12601462

For me it honestly depends on what game.
For example if its any kind grand strategy, civ game or whatever i will get to the end of the day and feel like killing myself. Its because those games are addictive but not actually fun.

>> No.12601464

becoming a manchild isn't really a process it's a lack thereof, growing older without growing up

>> No.12601493

Manchildren only exist under capitalism, it allows for the creation of identity through pop-culture references, culturally iconic images and commodity fetishism. Same reason why furries couldn't exist under any other political-economic system.

>> No.12601501

Honestly, I think they just haven't discovered any other hobbies and have a very limited view of how competent they can become.

I used to look down on people who were good at guitar hero. In my view, getting good required almost as much practice as getting competent at playing an actual guitar.

In actuality, you can extend that to any game. It's part of the reason I play so few nowadays. I could get really good at playing streetfighter, or I could train a martial art.

You'd embody a fraction of a percent of your original power fantasy, but that being pretty good at boxing (or any other useful art) would feel better than being excellent at streetfighter in terms of self-worth.

Getting good at anything is a matter of being able to dedicate time to it. Games in particular are designed as a shortcut to our problem-solving reward centres. The rewards are bigger and come easier, but are ultimately much less satisfying, than gaining a new skill.

>> No.12601513

Any books that expound upon this? Furries unsettle me deeply and the way they've made strides towards the mainstream is mind-boggling. I didn't mind them so much back in the 00s when they were just jailhouse faggots pretending their fandom wasn't a fucked up fetish. Now it's something else.

>> No.12601524

I don't know about furrie-theory but the british actor/screenwriter Simon Pegg wrote an essay about the commodification of nerd culture which is fairly interesting, if a little undergrad-y.

There is definitely a market for exploring what it means when such a strange, niche fetish becomes a mainstream success, but I have no idea if its been written yet.

>> No.12601546

What do you mean? I haven't heard a peep from them.

>> No.12601550

I probably should have said in general, rather focus on furries (they just particularly unsettle me), but I think I remember that article, I think there was a lot of backlash IIRC, beyond the normal geek backlash that you'd see when geek wasn't cool before.

>> No.12601558
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Look at them you faggot. Not one of them is beautiful or rich, all ugly lower middle class kids. They're coping. Imagine them sitting there reading Joyce and annotating Henry James, it would be the same. It would be the same.

>> No.12601561


>> No.12601605

I wouldn't because it could at least present them with the possibility of climbing the social ladder.

>> No.12601610

based but also cringe

>> No.12601655


Did they all BRRAAAAPPP in her mask?

>> No.12601664

>you choose to spend your time in pursuit of knowledge which no one but yourself will ever appreciate

That's the point.

>> No.12601687

Publish or perish.
Of course, no one can appreciate the insight you've gathered, if you don't publish anything.

>> No.12601694

Spending your time hooking up is as bad as spending your time with genre literature, if not worse. At least genre literature doesn't give you bad habits.

>> No.12601702

You think of the millions of man hours expended on Football Manager or Warcraft. We could be on Mars by now. Though obviously they would have wasted their time on something else had games not been available

>> No.12601709

>769. The Rise of Homo Abortus. The typical family in the past had half a dozen children, most of whom died young. But modern medicine conserves everyone, thus it floods society with mobs of weaklings who wouldn't have made their first birthday in previous times. Physically inferior because they only exist due to science's help, mentally inferior because of a safe, coddled lifestyle, and there you have the vast amount of decadent organic matter that generates and perpetuates modern decadent ideologies.

From Orgy of the Will

>> No.12601714

All these people upset because people like things and they wont fall the hurr man must work hard meme.

>> No.12601715

Are board games superior?
If you spent your time playing board games, would that be a useful skill?

>> No.12601719

I gave birth to you, so now you owe me.
Start working, sucker, who's gonna take care of me when I retire?
Useless shitty son.

>> No.12601720

If anyone is associated those things with manchildren, they're retarded. The thread is just about the manchildren that tend to permeate those things today.

>> No.12601724

Can I be a socialist and still believe this?

>> No.12601734

America by Jean Baudrillard

>> No.12601768

It's denial of said suffering. It's not that people aren't suffering enough. It's that they aren't not willing to acknowledge it and try to sublimate it.

Doing something from your own suffering is incredibly hard, no matter the temporal context.

>> No.12601782

how do u know manchildren don't work hard? just cuz someone has shit taste doesn't mean they aren't driven to succeed.

>> No.12601806
File: 275 KB, 553x983, 992BB658-111D-4836-B7D6-A043466FA07B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I blame this guy. He looks like the leader of this vveird cult

>> No.12601878

I would say so, just because they facilitate a genuine social connection and social connections improve your life in a more general manner.

Part of the problem with videogames is that they're stultifying, even on a social level. You might as well be watching Keeping Up with the Kardashians.

>> No.12601894

>they facilitate a genuine social connection and social connections improve your life in a more general manner
You could say the same with sport too. Getting half decent at golf may seem foolish, but will pay off big time if you have serious professional ambitions. Not so much a similar number of hours on Everquest

>> No.12601909
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They've suffered. But not enough.
What part of "enough" can't you understand.
These people have it too good.
Exactly why they need to suffer even more so they cannot deny it. The fact that they are overweight shows they don't even known the pain of hunger.

>> No.12601939

I honestly think that people who have no interests outside of simple pop-culture are doing themselves a disservice.

These are power fantasies. I think they simultaneously make the subject of the fantasy seem unrealistic and out of reach, whilst sublimating the desire to reach for it by depicting "chosen ones" who fall into their "power" serendipitously.

Everyone is capable of doing something they would find more fulfilling than consuming media, picturing someone else fulfilling their fantasy or "playing" a simplified version of that fantasy in a videogame.

Everything takes "work", but the reality is that work is not necessarily hard. You get "good" at a thing by turning up and doing that thing on a regular basis, more than the average person. This goes for anything.

Take harem anime. It depicts a regular guy, who has multiple very attractive women vying for his attention through no action on his part. In reality, with consistent practice (socialising with women and establishing attraction), you could get somewhere in the region of this (and would likely be happy with one woman, that you find attractive who is genuinely attracted to you). The only hard part is stepping out of your comfort zone. Anything you do consistently will become routine.

These forms of media simultaneously make that step seem bigger, whilst assuaging the discomfort arising from not taking it.

>> No.12601949
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modern board games also have far more interesting themes and exploration of mechanics overall.

I do a few new videogames a year though that are worth my time.

>> No.12602023

Believe me, being in their shoes must not be that easy. I can relate to be at the bottom of the chain.

I doubt people lack self-awareness the way we think they do.

>> No.12602042

That can't be real

>> No.12602045

I just read the republic by plato and he described manchildren perfectly by his democracy analogy.

>> No.12602066

that's quite a lot of punctuation for you mr. croshaw

>> No.12602079

>white supremacists are proud of THESE people
That's a y i k e s for me, balamafam.

>> No.12602084

>everything is relative xDDD
that's a yikes from me

>> No.12602089

They might be miserable, true. But they're not self-aware enough to change. Just because they spend the majority of their emotional energy hiding from their pitiful existence does not make them any less blind. In fact, willful ignorance is worse than naïve innocence. If they had no self-awareness, only then would their experience draw real empathy.

>> No.12602101


Therefore the trick is to never aim for expertise in video games and treat them as temporary distractions much like a movie or an album.
But that begs the question whether that should apply to reading books as well. I suppose if one is trying to get through their backlog to le upvotes on /lit/ then that time could be better spent reading something that is enlightening or constructive to self development, if not something that informs learning of a beneficial skill.

>> No.12602102

i think playing nintendo is like being a bdsm tranny or something, it's an alternative lifestyle that just requires no sense of shame, they probably legitimately enjoy themselves

>> No.12602106

Movies and albums though have (at least so far) greater artistic merit. It can be very worthwhile to watch/listen and then contemplate the artistry and meaning. I mean, that's literally what this board is for with literature.

>> No.12602107

Ah, based and redpilled as always icycalm aka Alex Kierkegaard.

>> No.12602114

>probably enjoy themselves
Do they look happy to you?

>> No.12602120

at least ops pic is playing contemporary vidya, check out the dudes on /vr/ who dedicated every waking hour to recreating the 90s in their basement after work, its sort of impressive in an autistic way but also kinda wtf

>> No.12602123


>> No.12602128

they look more happy than some /lit/ angsty kid posing with canonical text by himself in the student lounge posting seething posts about "roasties"

>> No.12602129

Not entirely valid though. Teddy Roosevelt was a weakling as a child. So it's true that we are too soft on children, but this does not mean we have to return to letting them die in such great numbers. We must simply recognize that it is not worth saving them if we are not going to cultivate them properly. Since few want to change our use of medicine, let us change our parenting.

>> No.12602132

>The typical family in the past had half a dozen children, most of whom died young.

This is not true.

>> No.12602136

post like this are a lot more cringe than playing zelda on a portable nintendo

>> No.12602140

Oh yeah, the invisible hand of Darwinism takes care of the objectively weak.

>> No.12602141

The point is that it was a lot more common in the past, and the further back in the past you go, the more common it was.

>> No.12602143

>when confronted with facts just deny it

lit is such intellectual discourse

>> No.12602155

ITT: people like things I don't like reeeeeee!

>> No.12602157

books and Sony exclusives is the true patrician lifestyle

>> No.12602169

You understand what I mean Anon.

>> No.12602170

Nobody gives a fuck about your meme headcannon you monumental faggot

>> No.12602178


Very true, but I was merely referring to those individuals that pursue these things in the name of gaining the approval of elitists by passing arbitrary milestones at the detriment of their personal development.
For example trying to become Global Elite in CSGO is probably as much of a waste of time as going through the discography of a classical artist for the sake of "completion". Both are arguably hollow achievements because they are devoid of the contemplation that you alluded to.
Now if the individual is playing a casual/fun game of CSGO with friends for the purpose of socialising or listening to personally rewarding or challenging pieces by a composer then this is much more preferable by the parameter's that we're discussing.

>> No.12602183

He's right though. Infant and child mortality rates were not higher than 25% most of the time.
That is not a majority and hence not most.
Of course the number of people that reached 50 years old was low, since early deaths add up cumulatively.

>> No.12602197

i feel you

>> No.12602233

>implying you can become a professional book reader
E-Sports are a real thing (and full of cringe, but real nontheless)

>> No.12602236

The issue isn't with the people, but with the society they live in, i.e. the government that's (not) running shit. Millions of hours are sunk into grinding on stupid Korean MMOs because society LETS these games be made, which are admittedly shit and only encourage anti-social behavior out the ass, and then lets them be sold to the people (or even given out to them for free), and then does nothing at all to instruct people on the dangers of wasting way too much time in them, and does very little at all to redirect the interests of these children towards better activities. Does that mean all video games should be banned or that having something to waste time on occasionally is a bad thing? No, and wasting time is part of the healing process for when we've done strenuous exercises. People need recreational time to heal. But different types of people need different types of recreation, and there are certain types of recreation that no one really needs, like something that encourages anti-social behavior to an extreme degree.

>> No.12602239

>You will die alone, you will be forgotten
thank God

>> No.12602249

While I agree with you for the most part, I've got to take issue with your description of classical. Classical artists do not have "a discography", and if someone did try to familiarize themselves with the entire work of a particular classical artist, they would likely not be a completionist by the end of their experience. The more comparable music listener to the CSGO player is the hipster who only pays attention to what he thinks is cool and listens to music for its social positioning rather than its intrinsic aesthetic value. It is very difficult to listen to much "heavy" music, watch many kinos, or read much literature without at some point falling more in love with the artistry than the social value of appearing to have good taste. So far, I think the greatest barrier to video games is that they're relatively simple works for their length. To really devote yourself to the pure aesthetic experience of a game demands far more time than any other medium, but has yet to achieve the same level of nuance and depth. Not enough changes from the beginning of most games to the end to justify the amount of time spent playing, except as a puzzle. Ultimately, I think we're agreeing though--casual gaming is mostly harmless. It can probably be taken seriously to a degree, but a degree less than chess or go or poker, and that simply because those games have greater longevity. No one will be playing CS Go in 10 years, but Chess will survive quite a long time. (Part of this is that chess and the others do not get updated. There is no fix or patch needed to keep them interesting and skill testing. Although computers are beginning to beat people, they remain unsolved. Video games are products, so they need to sell. It is unlikely there will ever be a video game which cannot be solved, because the updated meta-game is an essential selling point of the product.)

>> No.12602264
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The internet has firstly created echo-chambers where you are isolated from social forces that compel you to grow up and normalise manchild culture, secondly it has radically monetized man child culture

>> No.12602281

>All these people SEETHING and desperate for the approval of the degenerate denizens of an anime forum

>> No.12602288

>complaining about "manchild culture" on 4channel


>> No.12602315

I suppose my point was that even if one is listening to something that requires intellectual engagement such as classical music or jazz, it can easily be de-intellectualised by the individuals approach to it.
Some scenarios to illustrate the point;
- the individual listens to the works of an artist to gain hipster points, much like your example stated. There is no appreciation of the artistry, but an aim for mastery through completion (not unlike the approach to many video games)
- The individual listens to mediocre classical music to be sophisticated by association. Again there is no appreciation of the art behind it, therefore no self-development or greater learning taking place.
Ultimately, I agree that it's hard to engage quality media and not become enamoured by it to the point that we seek it out as much as we can.
However, there are individuals that have an intrinsic ability to simplify and commodify art of great significance, thus learning nothing from it no matter the quality of what they consume.
I honestly wonder if this is a result of a steady diet of consuming uninspiring media which result in them only being able to appreciate any piece of art at the most superficial level regardless of complexity.

>> No.12602317

>reddit spacing
Kill yourself.

>> No.12602334

>Nothing is better than anything else, just do whatever you want bro it's all the same
Wow big brain on you buddy