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12594145 No.12594145 [Reply] [Original]

I want to move to somewhere in Canada to write a book for the next 2~3 years.

Any suggestions?

>> No.12594151

>I want to move to somewhere in Canada
don't, it fucking sucks here

>> No.12594156

Depends what you are looking for. Montreal has by far the cheapest living costs of any major city and has a great intellectual and cafe culture, as well as lots of support for the arts and culture in general.

If you're wanting to live in like, a secluded cabin or something, I would highly recommend the Gulf Islands in British Columbia. A great balance between secluded and civilization, total peace and quiet.

>> No.12594171

Whitehorse and buy a potato farm

>> No.12594173

I'm Canadian and it is the most financially feasible option.

I've been to Montreal but I would prefer something much more secluded, with beautiful nature but also a wealthier small town nearby that I can get good quality groceries in.

I do want near total seclusion though. I am certain without it I will not be able to write properly.

>> No.12594174

I was thinking about doing something like this, except instead it'd be somewhere in Mexico for a couple of months and renting a place for dirt cheap

it may not be as geographically isolated as staying in a Canadian cabin, but there'd still be a sense of cultural and linguistic isolation

>> No.12594197

move to some small city where the rent is cheap and you'll have solitude

>> No.12594227

Maybe try Victoria, BC. Much quainter than Vancouver and is a small/mid sized town with plenty of nature to see. If it's still too big for your taste then I would suggest anywhere north on Vancouver Island. Cheers

>> No.12594256

If you’re only an American citizen you can only stay 6 months without a visa

>> No.12594290

>I want to move to somewhere in Canada
My condolences.

>> No.12594334

I would reccomend the small town of canmore alberta, its surrounded by mountains, but expensive to live. I live there if you want a friend i'd be around :)

>> No.12594462


>> No.12594466

How would it be any different than living in rural America?

>> No.12594654

What are you writing (generally)?
Maybe we're full.

>> No.12594662

I wouldn't want to move to Canada because it's too cold but if you're a rural Canadian lesbian cowgirl hmu

>> No.12594803

I like it a lot actually, but something less touristy.

>> No.12594811

I want to move to BC for the cold weather ski and weed. How do I do that as a second class EU citizen?

>> No.12595227

Weed is legal everywhere in Canada now.

>> No.12595229

do yourself a favour and stay in your country, its way better than Canada
everyone in this fucking shithole should die

>> No.12595366
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Emma's Lake, British Columbia- it's a glacial lake on top of a mountain, about a four hours hike+drive from the city of Powell River, an isolated decrepit post-industrial boom town that boasts the third oldest movie theater on the continent and has been described as "similar to Twin Peaks, the TV show".

Now the beauty of this lake, besides the obvious (pic related), is that it has a cabin where anybody can live in. The reason I mention this is because I am personally planning to move up there in another two months, and camp out like a bum until the summer ends and the rain forces me to come crawling back to civilization.

Usually I hate people, but even for a misanthrope the prospect of spending months in total isolation doesn't sound appealing. To but it bluntly, I would appreciate your company OP. As long as you give me the hogs-share of the day in total silence to read and hike and contemplate life, we could spend the evenings getting drunk on hootch around a campfire and telling ghost stories.

>> No.12595457

Just stay away from Québec unless you speak french. Merci / Thank you.

>> No.12595469

tfw you'd rather have algerian, Haitian, and African immigrants instead of educated anglos

>> No.12595487

Why is life in Canada so awful? I would be grateful if a perceptive anon could put their finger on the cause

>> No.12595572 [DELETED] 

Algerians are better people than Americans. Not as obnoxious ; hotter women, too.

>> No.12595585

Algerians are better people than Americans. Not as obnoxious ; hotter women, too.

>> No.12595586

There's no stable culture or ethnic boundaries, outside of some municipal and regional ones.
Being Canadian means nothing, and was co-opted as a beer slogan anyway. A shitty mass produced domestic beer that is now owned by an American company.
Every ill that permeates America seeps into us across the border through Hollywood, Netflix, MTV, Facebook, etc

Margaret Atwood was somewhat popular, but it wasn't until a hamfisted netflix show did she really take off, etc.

>> No.12596119

Canada and the Canadian Question by Goldwin Smith

>> No.12596157


t.socially maladjusted kissless NEET in Manitoba

>> No.12596167


It isn't. On the contrary life in Canada is incredibly good. You will have a bunch of idiots whining about multiculturalism/liberals/Trudeau/how there is no "identity" but these are largely just unemployed, special needs, /pol/tards who live with their parents.

Life in Canada sucks if you're poor/homeless but being poor anywhere sucks so it does not really make a difference.

>> No.12596243

Anyone can live in the cabin for free?

>> No.12596338

i live in toronto and have a gf. i've also lived in montreal, windsor, ottawa and saskatoon

>> No.12596363

Dont come to Quebec, we don't need writers

>> No.12596371

Self-hating anglo-canadians are quite pathetic desu.

Au contraire.

>> No.12596402

Pardon mon ami?

>> No.12596752

>gets btfo
>s-self hating anglo!
lmao get bent, you french canadian faggot

>> No.12596809


We live in the best society in history and people still find a way to complain.

>> No.12596817

>t. pinker

>> No.12596956

t. bugman

>> No.12597047
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Amazing landscapes, good work opportunities for 7 day a week, 16 hour jobs where you can get enough to survive for the next year over the course of a couple months.

fantatsic scenary, Fjords

>Radisson, Nord-du-Québec
An absurd and strange place. Miserable in the winters. That and the language learning curve of it all would yield divine inspiration for writing. This gets my vote by far.

>> No.12597055

Vancouver Island

>> No.12597077

I’m not even the anon you were responding too. Anglos, again, projecting this hard. Meilleure chance la prochaine fois et tout et tout.


>> No.12597080


>> No.12597289

only good post in this thread.

>> No.12597291

This but unironically

>> No.12597292

Interior BC, or as the other poster has mentioned, the Powell River area. Northern Vancouver island could work too

>> No.12597306

Yeah, just bring your shit and camp out. They get a lot of hikers passing through the area, but if you holed up to hone your art nobody would fault you

>> No.12597335

Crazy I didn't know they had things like that. I'm from Alberta, if I get laid off soon maybe I'll see you there this summer.

>> No.12597523

/lit/ posters cannot meet one another without a fight to the death. That's why I never say a word about this website. I sure hope the two of you do not see one another

>> No.12598143

It's a spiritual experience being up in the far northern part of eastern Canada. Almost nobody there. You just get the impression that you are at an ancient part of the world, largely untarnished by human hands.

>> No.12598150

who fucking cares what you have to say

>> No.12598233

Again, anglo-canadians are pathetic, insecure goujats. Go search for an identity now. And learn a new language, while you're at it.

>> No.12598239



>> No.12598242

>She outjoices Joyce and checkmates Chekhov
Fellas I love Alice Munro as much as the next leaf but I'm starting to think the Boston Globe is run by a bunch of fuckin furries.

>> No.12598261

>Fellas I love Alice Munro as much as the next leaf

>> No.12598279

i speak 3 languages, french faggot lmao

>> No.12598315

Anglos are not welcomed, please go to english speaking provinces :))

>> No.12598365

>go seek out a sociocultural identity so that you can be a slave to the world

>> No.12598371

No reason to stop, my friend.

>> No.12598375

You guys really can’t stop bitching, right ?

>> No.12598464


This and I am not even Quebecois

>> No.12598496

If you don’t speak French stay the fuck out of Québec

>> No.12598502

Mais qu'est-ce que si je-peux ?

>> No.12598518

Judging by that sentence you don’t

>> No.12598535
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>> No.12598959
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Boys where do I go in Vancouver to meet hipster girls with extremely low standards

>> No.12599135

J'admire ton effort

>> No.12599231

lol j'parle francais retard smb

>> No.12599244

>I do want near total seclusion though. I am certain without it I will not be able to write properly.

Definitely the gulf islands then!! Might be hard to find a place thats super secluded for cheap, unless you wanna look around northern Vancouver Island. Since you're not Canadian im assuming you want an area thats not too cold otherwise I would really suggest finding a cheap place outside Whitehorse.

>> No.12599247
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esti d'tête carrée sors de chez nous

>> No.12599249

sorry im a dumbass and didnt read the first comment but still I reccomend van island/gulf islands or whitehorse for sure.

towns in the interior of BC are also nice.

>> No.12599269

Hipster girls don't really exist in Vancouver its too expensive but your best bet is probably Chinatown and maybe Gastown (though its pretty yuppie these days). I'm in my early 20's and hang with artist types and when i visit Vancouver every summer we chill in chinatown or eastvan.

>> No.12599300

Good job les gars, continuez comme ça.

>> No.12599343

Where in Chinatown?

>> No.12599346

>your best bet is probably Chinatown
So, Vancouver?

>> No.12599395

why the fuck would any non-french speaker live in quebec

>> No.12599432
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To learn and speak French, idiot. It's actually the closest non-English speaking location for most people, and certainly the most easy to just drive to and immerse yourself. Also nice and Catholic unlike the rest of heretic Canada.

>> No.12599471

shit province filled with faggots and shitskins lmao, i pity anyone who has to live there
also imagine not being able to learn the ultimate brainlet language anywhere in like a month

>> No.12599474

super original!
Fortune for sure is prob the top place, DD Mau is cool, look to see if there are art shows in the area, Hindenburg (sort of dingy but good punk and indie shows so lots of hipster girls would be there depending on who is playing).

The pubs and bars in Gastown are definitely good too btw just gonna be more bougie and less "hipster" girls but the pubs (lamplighter for example) are usually pretty open and social

>> No.12599501

>shit province filled with faggots and shitskins lmao
Quebec is 87.2% white you fucking retard

>> No.12599506

Thanks. Been to fortune many times as well as most bars in Gastown like Lamplighter. Will look into DD Mau and Hindenburg.

>> No.12599517

>learning French from Quebecois


It sounds more like English than English does


>> No.12599524

Montréal is actually filled with upper-class anglos who don't speak a word of French.

>> No.12599529

spent couple weeks in montreal and saw nothing but niggers and arabs LOL
no one gives a fuck about some boomers living in bumfuck quebec

>> No.12599540

Fucking tourist. Qc city is 91% white - get a grip.

>> No.12599548

feel free to never come back u mongoloid

>> No.12599558

>implying anyone cares about quebec beyond montreal

next time i'm in montreal i'll be sure to spit on every numale frenchie poofter i see lol

>> No.12599570

>>implying anyone cares about quebec beyond montreal
good i don't want you coming to the rural land

>> No.12599580

bye bye bye anglo

>> No.12599586

i live in toronto
it's based

>> No.12599594

sunshine coast

>> No.12599633

Move to Grey/Bruce country my man. We have the highest alcohol consumption per capita than any other region in the country

>> No.12599637

What upper class anglos? The ones with some sense moved away a long time ago. The ones left are on the verge of death. There are probably more immigrants and frenchies living in Westmount than real wasps these days.

Also lol @ all those seething quebecers in this thread. Must feel good that the best writer and the best musician to come from your province were both anglos.

>> No.12599653

meant for >>12599524

>> No.12599740

fuck you, you stupid burger

>> No.12600311

if you actually get this triggered over such asanine bs you should just kill yourself desu

>> No.12600357
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stay mad :)

(The québécois are the most boorish people in the country and their reactions in this thread aren't helping their case)

>> No.12600383
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>> No.12600386

>montreal is Quebec
Cringe, wronged, and bluepilled.

>> No.12600401
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>> No.12600427
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Torontofag here. Contrary to popular belief it doesn't suck in Canada. It does suck in Toronto though. We got an Amber Alert about an hour ago for an 11 year old missing girl. We then got an update about 30 mins later saying she was found dead, killed by her own father. On the CP24 Twitter (Toronto news) there are untold people bitching about the alarm waking them up or "scaring the shit" out of them. This is Toronto. Fuck this gay ass fucking city so hard. RIP little girl.

>> No.12600432

Rip little girl and my heart goes out to that cheetah in the rain as well

>> No.12600730


>> No.12601203

>Must feel good that the best writer and the best musician to come from your province were both anglos.
Wrong and wrong. Although nobody expects anglo-canadians to actually engage with québécois culture (muh mtl trip !). Good job for Joni Mitchell and Mary Margaret Ohara though : surely that’s on you.

>> No.12601217

There’s nothing like anglo-canadians playing the Cultural Titans desu. They can’t even take themselves seriously in the first place.

>> No.12601230

>Contrary to popular belief it doesn't suck in Canada

canada gets worse every year. cost of living going up, civic life degrading, materialism increasing, too much immigration and foreigners coming in, mostly to big cities of course which are getting crowded. boomers are selling our future to keep real estate prices high.

>> No.12601254

If you want decent prices but still wanna be close to the city, the Laurentians or the rural areas around Montreal are good for that

>> No.12601259

its not as touristy as banff the town next to us, we are only really touristy in the summer then it becomes unbearable.

>> No.12601268

yeah, Toronto is fucking great

>> No.12601302
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Yes, keep telling one white guy to fuck off while the island gets flooded with niggers and shitskins on a daily basis.
Good goyim.

>> No.12601456

It's so cold you literally can't go outside for 4-5 months of the year

>> No.12601693

>Takes literal hours to go anywhere
>Smelly Indians everywhere
>The cost of living
>Vapid feminist cunts everywhere
>City shuts down all summer for queers

I moved to a rural town last year and I'm never going back

>> No.12601698

New Scotland sounds like a cozy domain.

>> No.12601739

I hope her poor father doesn't go to jail for practicing his culture

>> No.12602212

I second Labrador or Newfoundland

>> No.12602227

toronto embodies all the worst aspects of city life, while being completely devoid of any positives. unless you consider an array of ethnic restaurants, festivals and a shitty club/bar scene to be the height of city culture

>> No.12602243

Halifax is great, has a lot of history if you like WWI and WWII naval stuff. You can live outside of Halifax and drive into to town for your groceries. There's plenty of places that are cheap so long as you have a car to travel.
But the province is pretty rickety being rather poor. Lots of fisherman, drinking, smuggling and small town pettiness.
Some places are also weirdly religious/conservative. We have dry areas and religious nutters

>> No.12602259

Toronto is any generic American wannabe metropolis, except instead of endless nigger crime and exasperating nigger misbehaving in public everywhere you go, it has soulless chinks (who seriously do think of other countries as their natural property and have no respect whatsoever for the local inhabitants, which is why they'll immigrate and immediately begin spitting on the floor right in front of you in the middle of the subway terminal without making eye contact and while never learning the language), soulless fucking Arabs and assorted other West/South Asian semi-niggers (who you really do begin to notice, after a while, don't have theory of mind or something, they are like "simpler" versions of real humans, like an 80IQ barely-passable chimpoid semi-human who exists to rove around going "HOW DO YOU DO IT? HOW DO YOU DO IT TO ME? YOU DO THIS? I DON'T LIKE YOU DO! YOU NOT DO! YOU DON'T DO THIS!" when they're upset), and a sprinkling of mystery meat from the tropics who simply want to be left alone and live among the interconnected tubes and cubes of modern Anonymous Megacity #532.

Picture a series of gerbil cages connected by gerbil tubes and now picture cramming them full of chinks and Arabs wandering around going "goobedygoobedygoobedygoobedy I want purchase that, give me that, I want that," in a soulless cultureless cyberpunk Chinese-Indian 2077 joint venture business-industry hub, and you've got Toronto. Oh also fill it with the worst runoff of Vancouver snooty pot-smoking faggot hipsters.

The last white Canadians are fleeing Toronto, the last generation of people who grew up there in the '70s, '80s, and even '90s are leaving for small towns and the maritimes because the city is a commuter hub for eerie shuffling chinks who don't make eye contact, and Arabs whose behaviour seems strange and uncanny so you just give them a wide berth while they goobedygoobedygoobedy and eat plastic-wrapped food. Toronto is one big Rube Goldberg machine for moving miscellaneous non-whites around. This music plays when you're in Toronto watching the niggers fly through tubes:
Toronto is the ultimate nigger-sorting algorithm with no purpose, it's like a tech demo for dystopia.

>> No.12602265

Just go to your local gheto if you're looking for inspiration. It's practically the same, besides you'll save yourself from buying a ticket.

>> No.12602272

pretty much perfect depiction of toronto

>> No.12602293

We have dry areas? In this podunk alcoholic province?

Anyway Anon, go live in Lunenberg or outside it. Small but incredibly wealthy and still nearby Halifax if you need anything specific.

>> No.12602325

Yup, I was surprised. It's a left over of the Prohibition era. The communities need to have plebiscites to allow liquor to be sold within the community.
But most of them are real small, and they just buy from larger towns anyways.

And it turns out I am out of date... by a few months. The law only just changed recently in September, 2018. They finally did away with the plebiscite rules.

"Amendments to the Liquor Control Act were introduced Tuesday that will remove the requirement to hold plebiscites in communities where the sale of alcohol is restricted.

Nova Scotia was the last province in the country to have such a requirement."

New Scotland has always been like a slow going tardy man. He knows he'll eventually get there, and doesn't always see the point of lunging towards the end goal but goddamn can it be frustrating for everyone else.

>> No.12602551

yes. The Canadian Rurality is divided in two, first the Ontario/Quebec farms near cities, theyre corporate feeling and no different then suburbs for the most part, always people driving around, immigrant loving and very valueless. second would be the more remot farms, these are isolated and not very interested in engaging with anyone, and keep to themselves much more then American countryside farmers.

>> No.12602580


This is compleletely true.

If you are of white European origins and have a soul intact, you would better served living in a medium-sized city, ie. Kingston, London, Peterborough, Red Deer, Cambridge, Kelowna, Barrie, Lethbridge, etc.

>> No.12602703

Dollarton, like Lowry.

Or the 1000 islands region. Rural enough to be cheap and secluded, but close enough to Kingston and Ottawa should you have the need of going to a city.

>> No.12602792

People diss Labrador a lot and say there's nothing there but I find it magical. There's no other place like it on earth.

>> No.12602862

they're right. fuck amber alerts

>> No.12603089

I want to move to somewhere in Canada
Don't worry, I have it on good authority that when America finally has its civil war we will be taking in anyone willing to help us fight and conquer them
t. not-CSIS

>> No.12603223

Fuck off, leaf

>> No.12603232

Is it legal to live in Detroit without health insurance, then just mosey into Canada for free doctor appointments?

>> No.12603281
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>tfw as America collapses into racial war-torn violence, and is ripped asunder by the Pro-Zionist White National Army and the Pro-Zionist Black People's Liberation Army, you sit comfy in your bed, on one of those long cold November--the month of crimson sunsets, parting birds, deep, sad hymns of the sea- days, where the sky seems to hang like a weighted blanket over the horizon, and watch live streams of hoards of mutt parasites being gunned down at the border by Chinese made KILLDRONES while the radio gives a play by play of Canada's unchallenged advances in the Great Alaskan Reconquista

>> No.12603483

If you're a Canadian citizen, yes.
If you're a US citizen, no.
Ontario will fall too. The rest of Canada will be nice and comfy.

>> No.12603531

tfw im gonna be far away from home in bongland fighting against sharia law with the canadian volunteer corp