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/lit/ - Literature

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12593193 No.12593193 [Reply] [Original]

Fuck lawyers and fuck jannies

>> No.12593220

Pynchon thread?

I started reading Gravity’s Rainbow, about 100 pages in and really enjoying it, but I feel like I’ve already encountered all the meme scenes that get talked about here except for the scat.

>> No.12593230

Yeah my favorite parts of the book are definitely after part 1. I found part 2 to be kind of a drag for the most part but 3 was tons of fun and 4 was like a dream

>> No.12593234
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>> No.12593272

TCoL49 is fun

>> No.12594120

What anime is this?

>> No.12594124


>> No.12594188

>100 pages in
O’boy, you don’t know the half of it yet. You’re in for a wild ride if you actually finish it

>> No.12594190

what did the lawyers do?

>> No.12594215

End of Evangelion

>> No.12594218
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The first two words are literal with Ms Maas hubba hubba
>tfw you bang a guy and become entangled in a barely tangible yet omnipresent conspiracy behind the veil of society you can't quite grasp

>> No.12594229

>The first two words are literal with Ms Maas hubba hubba
first two words of what?

>> No.12594247
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The OP

>> No.12594279

I don't get it.
Warpe, Wistfull, Kubitschek, McMingus weren't the real problem from my understanding.

>> No.12594291

oh i get it, cuz she fucks Metzger.

>> No.12594304
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It's been about 5 years since i have read the book and despite having given away three copies of it in that time I could be wrong, but isn't the guy she starts an affair with by dressing in two dozen layers of clothing the lawyer she met when she arrived in the city and things spiral out of control from there? I have two more copies coming and I'm gonna re-read it this weekend but I am pretty sure that's right.

>> No.12594396

yes, but things were already bad at that point.
Now that i think about it, the story is full of lawyers.
Rosenblum, who is an ally but a perv.
Metzger was an idiot and a pedophile.
Di Presso, who is a tragic loon crook.
Warpe, Wistfull, Kubitschek, McMingus are just Pierce's lawyer buds, but that doesn't necesarrilly mean they're bad. Pierce was ultimately either killed by the Trystero, faking his own death to escape them, and/or to harass Oedipa with an elaborate ruse.

>> No.12594402

sorry i meant to add that he might be working with them too.

>> No.12594556
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>> No.12594564
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>> No.12594568

If you're enjoying it, whatever you do don't put it down before about page 400. After that you won't be able to put it down.

>> No.12594601

Real answer since it’s the most /lit/ anime: Mrs. Bernard Said. Seriously I feel like anyone who hasn’t browsed /lit/ or a similarly pseud-infested literature discussion platform can’t enjoy the show fully.

>> No.12594615

Like I told him earlier part 2 is kind of a drag but it gets better

>> No.12595850


>> No.12596046
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>anime slut who doesn´t read books

>> No.12596048

i'm like 200 pages in V. and it feels like nothing has happened yet.
FUCK these stencil chapters with like 30 characters and 12 sub chapters

>> No.12596059

thats as far as people get. thats why theyre memes. theres lots of other shit that would be meme'd if people finished the book

>> No.12596072

You're just learning now that people here haven't actually read any of the books they meme about

>> No.12596692


The Stencil chapters are the best imo, but i agree the earlier ones are hard to follow. But that's just Pynchon, baby

>> No.12597096

What a retarded thread to post this shitpost in