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/lit/ - Literature

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12593323 No.12593323 [Reply] [Original]

>go to school
>we're supposed to give a seminar during our English class
>Get Pynecone assigned to me
>day of the presentation
>call the book 'the crying lot of 49'
>student in the front starts smirking
>the more I say it the more people want to giggle
>at some point the teacher cuts me off and tells me it's ok

I went home and cried in the bus.

>> No.12593900

My story is basically the American school system in a nutshell

One time there was a lockdown because there was an active shooter nearby who had killed his parents and wounded others at a nearby university and I was totally oblivious to this because I happened to be skipping at the time cause it was senior year and I was about done with the public school system. When I finally went back to school there were cop cars parked outside and the doors were locked so I just went home.

Not /lit/ related in any way except that I was at a coffee shop reading Crime and Punishment when I was skipping

>> No.12593940

Lying faggot

>> No.12593951
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>I was at a coffee shop reading Crime and Punishment when I was skipping

>> No.12593955

>had to give a monologue from to kill a mockingbird in 8th grade
>nerd that everyone hated and made fun of gets assigned one of the racist characters (can't remember which)
>gives his monologue and screams 'nigger' at the end of it in the voice of the character thinking it would get laughs
>no laughs
>walks to the back of the class in silence

>> No.12594005

>be edgy, depressed teen
>seriously considering committing mass violence
>actively planning
>one teacher I liked assigns me Crime and Punishment
>really pushing it on me
>read it
>legitimately changed my life
>graduate high school
>now almost done with bachelor's
>going to med school next year to use edgelord disgust and gore tolerance for good

>> No.12594013

>skip English classes and don't read the assigned books
>spend the time reading romantic poetry and playing Monster Hunter 2G in the city gardens
>get top marks by speculating on blurbs and writing flowery critiques with phrases ripped from Cormac Mccarthy
It was a better time

>> No.12594016

That was you anon, wasn’t it?
That teacher knew. Teachers have a good sense about those kinds of kids

>> No.12594017

Something kind of similar happened to me thanks to a French teacher that got me reading some Catholic lit and helped me find God. I am graduating college this semester, and was thinking of sending her a thank you email though I'll keep it a little more vague, maybe

>> No.12594033
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absolutely based

>> No.12594046

There’s absolutely no way either of these occured in American High Schools.

>> No.12594072
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>11th grade english teacher is pre-sjw feminist single mom (this was 2008)
>assigns us a fucking michael crichton book glorifying the NSA
>I told her basically I wasn't going to read it
>Assigns freedom writers
>I told her that it was basically her power fantasy
Zoomers will never understand the days before use militant white males were terrorists. I still think of sending that bitch pics of my bookshelves on her school email sometimes. I hope her poor kid didn't turn out tranny.

>> No.12594085
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>be quietest person in the class
>never say anything without being called on
>class is discussing some poem
>have a completely different interpretation from anyone else
>raise my hand
>autistically explain my interpretation with my voice shaking and my palms sweating profusely
>everyone just stares at me
>teacher says "Ok" and moves on
>never raise my hand in a class again

>> No.12594109

Actually Crime and Punishment is pretty commonly assigned in AP Literature classes in high school here in the States. It's lost on most students though me included

>> No.12594168

not him but my brother was reading the brothers karamazov which, according to him, he got off a list off of a list of "works of literary merit" given to him by his school.

>> No.12594192

I am American, she was just a very good teacher and it was an AP lit class.
You should thank her, I thanked my teacher without going into detail but I know she knew anyway. She was very happy to hear from me and yours will likely be too.

>> No.12594284


>> No.12594357

Yeah, thanks, I appreciate the push to do so. I feel like I always have felt I should but put it off and out of mind. I'm gonna write something now, thanks bro, I feel good about this

>> No.12594409
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The year before this I had an actually cool teacher
>Be me, edgy grateful dead listening pothead
>write a hunter thompson rip off story about obviously doing drugs in a trailer park
>set against being passed over for the draft during the vietnam war
>she loved it
>next story
>murky anarchist sci-fi short story about a genetically engineered monster who destroys the economy of monolithic ancap skyscraper cities
>visible disappointment
I have never really tried to write anything since desu but I just don't seem to be a creative and not for lack of trying a variety of mediums. At least I can carry a tune on a piepan, barely.

>> No.12594414

sci fi is fuckin gay what did u expect

>> No.12594469

I mean I realize this now but in highschool I was a total pleb. Which is fine. My relative is like 16 and plowing through ulysses and pynchon and IJ (completely without any influence from me) and its like what's the fucking point even. Like yeah I get it kids are smarter than you think whatever but live a little before bothering with shit like this (/lit/s adores books, including those well outside of the pomo shit mentioned) imo.

>> No.12594505

>fresh start for grade 10
>get sick with whooping cough first week
>end up having to take 1/3 of the year off for recovery
>get assigned no homework or self study, got no clue what other are learning
>get back after getting better, try to catch up of everything
>class is on the last few days of studying Macbeth
>get told to not bother with it, as it was too late for me to read for school
>years later, regret not reading it

I plan on picking it up someday, just have other books I need to plow through

>> No.12594649
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Shit a kid shot and killed his parents in the dorms at my university last year. That shit was crazy. Nobody knew the scale of the shooting and everyone was worried we were going to be the next big shooting. I wanted to be safe so I shut all the blinds and locked the door and just stayed away from windows. Pretty sure the guy actually got insanity. Don’t know what he’s up to now, can’t imagine he’s living it up. Kind of crazy that nobody really talks about that less than a full year later. I guess people don’t care who dies so long as they aren’t students.

>> No.12594667

> I wanted to be safe so I shut all the blinds and locked the door and just stayed away from windows
>not owning a gun

>> No.12594703

I honestly probably will buy a gun once I graduate, but if I hid a gun in my dorm (even if I used it to protect myself or my fellow students) I’m pretty sure I could have been kicked out of school.

>> No.12595624

>be a normie i highschool
>only care about parties, smoking weed, hooking up with girls
>despite all of this, never had a gf
>super fucking pleb taste in literature, thought watching the film was as good
>depressed, but still had a plan for life and was optimistic about what the future will bring
>10 years later
>still no real gf, ever
>have career despite almost failing uni
>have a more cynical view of life
>have almost no social life
>no weed to chill me out
>have not had sex despite living in big college town

I like to think that there are solutions to my problems, but I honestly do not know anymore. I guess I'm just filling my life buying stupid shit and focusing on the rat race, but I get the feeling that it will not bring me joy in the long term. Whatever, needed to get it out.

>> No.12595981

That's karma for you.
Get fucked, normalfag.

>> No.12596074
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>Dumb thot someone in our advanced English class had a big soliloquy about how she thought all the characters in To Kill a Mockingbird were mexican because it took place vaguely in the South
>The teacher (also a thot) backs her up by saying "wow, I never thought of it like that!" to everyone's chagrin
>same girl would also stop the class to ask where POWMIA is on the map and why there are so many people flying the Powmian flag
>she apparently sucked the dick of anyone who asked but I only heard of this years later

>> No.12596091

>only student taking creative writing
>teacher is an ex-military hippie with great taste in books
>we spend the whole year procrastinating and telling stories
>one day in our english class (also taught by him) the whole room reeked of weed
>pulls me aside after class
>listen anon, be careful. don't get busted for stupid shit
>weed smell wasn't me, but I didn't have the heart to tell him
>thanks mr c

for reference, the school had like 200 kids K-12. very conservative area, kids got expelled for ciggies, let alone marihuanas.

>> No.12596154
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>school asignment
>we have to read a book and then explain to the whole class
>i read the republic by plato
>then idk what to do when im in front of the class
>i pretend that the book was about ideology
>i talk about nazism, communism, anarchism, republicanism

>> No.12596198

Dumb frogposter.

>> No.12596212


>> No.12596345

>do a speech on politics
>Make a pro Assad speech
It was actually kind of balanced I suppose my thesis was whether we were asking the Syrians what they want. This was early days of the war

>> No.12596358

i have no memories from highschool, it is as though it never happened - it might as well had not

>> No.12596373

That's just not good teaching anon
No need to beat yourself up about it

>> No.12596395

>not owning a gun
Whether or not he had a firearm, the other measures that he took were all reasonable.

>> No.12596427

>never cared about reading
>have to do a presentation on a book of your choice
>pick a book recommended on the internet
>teacher is impressed by my choice and asked me how I found this book


>> No.12596514

Cool autism bro it was still clear he was unarmed

>> No.12596530
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This story is potentially boring and might dox me as it was the main rumor in my pretty large high school for like six months but I don't care of people know I browse /lit/. It's the story of how at a young age I realized the perils of trying to be a liberal hipster arts boy.
>Go to massive urban high school in a famously liberal city
>The school has a massive zone so covers some blue collar areas, some middle class areas, and some upper class areas mainly populated by successful lawyers, writers, etc
>Parents are incredibly strict so force me to do really well in school, play a couple of sports, basically they believe if I have zero free time I'll never have the time to start doing drugs
>Thus, I manage to become one of the "smart" kids as well as one of the "athletic" kids. The group I have least access to is the "artsy/hipster" kids
>Unfortunately, I mainly pop boners for art hoes (at the time). These individuals have zero respect for the types of status I had. In response, i start dressing in vintage tees, skinny jeans, snappy hipster type clothes (I still think I looked pretty cool) and professing progressive politics in class discussion
>The plan works better than expected, and I get word the queen bitch of the hot art girls clique is into me
>She's kind of classically pretty, tall, blond, etc, but really into writing and art, dresses like zoey deschanel, sort of a high school dream girl
>I ask her out and we start hanging out
>I benefit from the social status of dating this sort of alpha art chick
>Over the course of a month or two it becomes clear that she is a psycho
>Really into harry potter
>Watches a lot of porn. more than me at the time, and I was a teenage boy.
>Believes in the healing power of crystals
>Generally buys wholeheartedly into the trappings of progressive culture, got mad at me for laughing at southpark style jokes
>I'm not having fun, my parents say stuff to me like "make sure your relationships are fun and relaxed at this age" so I resolve to break up with her
>When I do dump her, she starts crying really hard
>At the time I was like "damn, I must be hot shit." but now I realize she probably saw herself as god's gift to men and getting broken up with at all was a massive blow to her fragile ego
>That week I hear that she's telling people I have a small penis
>I don't, but even if I did, basic human decency dictates you don't do that.
>Plenty of high school girls get broken up with and don't try to nuke their exes chances at ever hooking up again
>It shouldn't have bothered me but at the time it was pretty humiliating to have a bunch of chicks think they knew an embarrassing story about me
>Side note: good friend at the time was dating one of her friends and his last words to me were "dude you have a tiny dick lmao," before he started ignoring me, we are estranged to this day

>> No.12596539
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>10th grade
>english department composed mostly of 26-32 year old white women
>the white women become collectively obsessed with slam poetry
>make everyone write a poem and present it for the class, slam or otherwise
>write super mushy emotional poem about my grandmother’s liver cancer
>lose my shit and start crying immediately after presenting
>other kids crying too

i guess it was effective writing but also the most emasculating moment of my life

>> No.12596556

>A couple of months pass
>Hear she's gone to another school for a like three weeks for some reason
>Then she comes back to school, shortly after she publishes an article in our school magazine
>We have an incredibly liberal program like I said, so the leaders tended to encourage expression of any and all ideas
>One example: many girls did self portraits and casts of their own breasts as some kind of feminist statement
>Those were displayed in the school lmao
>She publishes an article in our school magazine, similarly radically "honest" and probably shouldn't have been published
>Essentially says she's been depressed, starving herself, and cutting
>The article blames an emotional abuser and bad breakup
>I didn't emotionally abuse her, I was fucking chill, and I just broke up with her like a normal person
>So now a majority of girls in this school think I'm an abuser with a tiny penis
>Luckily, I have by now begun hanging out with a group of broey, fratty, into sports, etc, traditionally male dudes and less hipsters
>They make un-pc jokes and talk shit about women, swear, more diverse crowd than the SJW kids but say racist shit all the time
>Play a lot of nba 2k
>One time we're having lunch at this guy's house who lived by the school, one of them throws the magazine at me and is like "look what you did you asshole, all because you had to get your tiny dick wet"
>Dumb joke but it's super cathartic for me, I'm laughing super hard, everybody kind of cracks up
That's the story of how I found out that classically male spaces, red state culture, fratty shit, jocky shit, etc, all of that is a support structure for men and incredibly healthy and wholesome. These guys were just fucking around but looking back on it their casual support and acceptance probably kept me from getting depressed or something in high school. To this day I do not buy into prog pretentions or social scenes that profess to be culturally woke or anything.

>> No.12596561

Could you try to actually contribute, instead of just posting vapid bullshit? Fuck off.

>> No.12596564


>> No.12596568

glad you liked it, makes it worth typing that whole thing out lmao

>> No.12596574

Bitch was desperate for attention. Being in the arts, her style, the need to attack you after... All signs are there.

>> No.12596581

Have fun in med school bro, I'm enjoying it a lot.
It's a really good way to gather a fuckton of life experience and wisdom in a really short time, the crowd is pretty toxic (at least if you get into a "prestigious" school, it's kids who've been born and raised to be competitive and smarmy as fuck) but you'll find your people.
Do zanki and qbanks from the start. Actually, start it now.

>> No.12596586

should have just whipped out your cock and smacked your dipshit friend with it

>> No.12596587

Iktf. Its not red-state culture, its natural male culture. I had a similar exp happen to me and I’m brown. Hung out with hipster fags who were insufferable, then hung out with ppl in my socio-economic class (hispanics) and felt supported.

>> No.12596596

Glad to hear it. It's super valuable stuff to realize at such an early age.

>> No.12596598

>Always been depressed
>Assigned to read The stranger
>Get blown away
>First piece of literature this school forced me to read that isn't complete shit like John Green or Jordi Sierra
>Look deeper into this kind of literature
>Become even more depressed

Worth it desu

>> No.12596600

based and fun

>> No.12596601

anon, that would make me a faggot

>> No.12596607

nah, more edgy than gay.

>> No.12596637

>be me, 12th grade
>year is 2013 so before any e celeb political youtubers made it into normiefag town
>hardly speak in class, but gain a reputation as the dude who criticizes liberalism and socialism.
>literally brought up critique of communism when teacher was lecturing on woman in the dunes and somebody snickered
>word spreads
>some retarded kids in other classes get it the wrong way and think I converted to communism
>book report day
>give socialist evaluation of clockwork orange with descriptive monologues of the sexual scenes
>last day of school
>teacher plays game where she passes around strips of paper that describes a student
>she calls on first person
>he reads "popular among class and disparager of socialism"
>"oh jeez I wonder who that is"
>class chants my name
>i just smile and sink in my seat
>6 years later
>present day
>get tired of all these political youtubers even though I aspired to be one and happy I didn't
>political rhetoric everywhere makes me cringe

>> No.12596645
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>> No.12596652

Bro, are you that kid that used to emulate glenn beck in his videos? It is weird that when he grew up, he rejected everything that he stood for before. Llke nigga is a cynic now.

>> No.12596653

>all mexican

>> No.12596675

>be me, 10th grade
>known as the quite kid
>big guy in my class who acts like the big tough guy
>especially hates me and bullies me every chance he gets
>geography class starts
>we play a game of naming capitals of countries
>person who calls the right capital first gets a point
>person with the most points at the end wins
>teacher asks "Capital of Mexico?"
>I answer mexico city
>My bully "lol, thats wrong, wtf are you thinking"
>teacher shuts him up and gives me the point
>I snicker silenty
>my god what a fucking retard xDDDDD

>> No.12596699
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thankfully we have HWNDU to disabuse us of that notion

>> No.12596702

Are you talking about a youtuber or someone you knew in highschool? I was influenced by glenn beck and watched his show when was on. Now I hardly agree with anything he has to say and realize how delusional the dude is.

>> No.12596722


>> No.12596739

Ikr, he was one of the fking dumbest guys ever. Luckily he fking left my class after like 2 years, didnt have to deal with the constant torment he put me through

>> No.12596781

Bro the same thing more or less happened to me and I'm 30: accusations after a break up, which wasn't even really that, it was just telling a hipster "poly" girl I wasn't interested, after which she flipped out and went on a rampage of rumors.

This stuff never changes.

I got my act together, stopped the art girl train, and found a more traditional woman, thank god.

Liking crystals and horoscopes is an instant red-flag now.

>> No.12596860

You'd have to be an idiot to actually believe in that stuff, which is why it surprises me the popularity is increasing (according to like two news articles I guess).

>> No.12596873

I've never received a decent answer as to why this stuff is popular among a crowd that disparages Christianity and any expression of faith white people may have.

>> No.12596893

Probably just satisfying the craving for spirituality with the most narcissistic belief system available besides Islam. Instagram spirituality.

>> No.12596961

its media not mediums

>> No.12596989

>michael crichton book glorifying the NSA
I've read majority of his books, which one glorifies the NSA?

>> No.12597027

im out of college but live in brooklyn and get really turned on my art hoes despite all their cliches
>tfw dont have a post-punk new-wave gf to smoke outside shows with
however, are a lot of them really into crysta shit? ive never really known any

>> No.12597051

Nah I'm sure you could find some chill ones.

>> No.12597052

the most emasculating moment of your life so far anon

>> No.12597060

Not him but I know there was one essentially funded by big oil to spout their stance on climate change.


Perhaps yours are more advanced. I'm just speaking of the Chicago area myself. I just wish I weren't into such women. I don' even know why I am in the first place.

>> No.12597062
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Really. You don't say.

>> No.12597066

Digital Fortress

>> No.12597069

here's the thing I've learned is an art hoe is just a basic HR chick who doesn't have a job yet.

>> No.12597100

not him, but isn't digital fortress by Dan brown?

>> No.12597157

god I'm so done with db

>> No.12597171

chicago, like wicker park or logan square?

>> No.12597229
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>that pic
I dont want to advocate for /pol/ tier politic discussions, but i simply never understood the deal of people laughing/mocking at the apperance of these people of a certain political movement for being with fat neckbeards, skinny guys or anything else. What the fuck did they expect any political wing meetup to be like? Full of 30 year old body builders or "normal" people from all shapes and sizes?

>> No.12597278

They're just being mean is all.

>> No.12597313

the humour comes from the fact that a /pol/ meetup, originators of the "le ebin 56%" meme, is made up almost entirely of self-hating "non-whites." It's just ironic.

>> No.12597417
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>le ebin 56%" meme
That's another hole i dont get about their politics. No one comes to the conclusion of what is being "white", in their defenition to be considered "white" you need to be a 6'2ft, 100% blonde, blue eyed ripped chad of german or nordic descent. Never once in the entire history europe was full of blond, blue eyed people. Every time someone brings out that being from "european descent" also includes brown haired and brown eyed people, these faggots go all sperg with "lmao slavs dont count they are degenerates" and "South europe isnt really europe btw" and cut europe to just being north germany and scandinavian countries. As far as i know being "white" simply means having light skin, these faggots shrink the meaning of "white" so much it even starts in fighting inside their shitty cult. Not sure why anyone whould give a shit about this charade.

>> No.12597482

if I could explain the logic behind /pol/ memes to you I certainly wouldn't be mocking a picture of their meetup. It's possibly the saddest, most self-hating board on this website, while paradoxically holding the highest opinion of itself out of any board. 6'2ft, 100% blonde, blue eyed ripped chads of german or nordic descent aren't posting on /pol/, their totally-not-gay admirers are.

>> No.12597497

Fuck, I don't know. I remember bill maher making fun of him in a video, but don't know your name. I think he is a jew. anon, are you a jew?

>> No.12597501

The standard for whiteness as one should explain to racial masochists who always want a definition of "white" is: an individual is white if they are supposed to feel white guilt.

>> No.12597519
File: 83 KB, 195x204, adkjnbwef.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>know girl since the 7th grade
>a little homely, maybe more accurately described as plain
>she ends up in a lot of my classes throughout the years
>end up sitting next to her a lot because our last names both start with N
>never consider her as a romantic interest because of her looks
>realize in the 10th grade that i like her a ton
>grow as a person with her
>have my first experiences reading literature and philosophy with her
>because of this she decides that she wants to be an english major
>she comes to visit during the summer after her freshman year at college
>totally different person
>dyes her hair eccentric colors now
>dresses like your average art hoe
>has become extremely hostile and argumentative
>can't connect with her at all anymore
>still distraught about it 8 months later

>> No.12597528

>last year of hs
>for literature class we're asked to write poetry
>going through weird shit in that time
>managed to put those fellings in a weird obscure poem
>really good by my standards lole
>at first teacher thinks I didn't wrote it so made me fail the class
>after convince her it's mine she tells me I write really good and that I should persuit a career as a writer
>she even tells me if I want she can send the poem to actual ports and publishers
>laugh about it and reject the proposition because I didn't anything like it at the time
>later realize I made a mistake but I'm to retarded to talk again to the teacher about it
>regret every day since then

did I fucked up, lit? I want to believe I have actual talent and that I'm going to have other opportunities like that one but I know it's not true ;_;

>> No.12597565

>stroking her classmates' ego by saying dumb shit, thus making them feel better about their own idiocy
>stroking her classmates' dicks with her tender mouth, on demand, and just to relieve them of their stress

Man I love thots.

>> No.12597589

There is a level of pain in that situation that comes with only experiencing it yourself and trying to convey it to other is quite hard. I have experienced it too my friend.

>> No.12597635

Man it sucks but at least you benefited from the phase where she was solid

>> No.12597678
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>sophomore year
>english class
>teacher assigns a project based on the world's a stage quote
>ask if I can write a poem
>teacher is stoked
>other students make films, composed original music pieces, choreograhped dances, etc.
>I wrote a limerick

>> No.12597719

Fuck we had to do something similar expect we had to role play the court scene or something and I remember some autistic kid talking about the rape and saying they should have test the sperm to see who it was.

>> No.12598284

Nice hentai

>> No.12598439

I'm not notable enough for bill maher to mention me and never made any youtube videos. Coincidentally I am of jewish descent.

>> No.12598551


>> No.12599116

share limerick anon

>> No.12599473

Writing is a craft you must practice every day. It is not a talent. If you practice and share your work with other writers you will find opportunities to get paid for your writing.

>> No.12599486

Sorry fag, you're the one we're cringing at.
Extremely cringe post desu senpai.

>> No.12599595

That's a fair reason to cry in public.

>> No.12600029
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>our english teacher split the class up into boys and girls
>She asked us to use class time to write a response poem to some elizabethan love sonnet
>My group looks to me to take the lead
>I knew Petrarchan Sonnets were a thing, so I decided we should just use that format
>I had fun asking the guys for random words and figuring out rhymes and metrical acrobatics to have it fit into the format with a coherent theme
>The girls' group couldn't write a poem in time so they did a fun thing where one of them simply read the same poem back while they struck funny poses
>After we read our poem, I heard one of them say "that's no fair, you had anon in your group."

It's one of the few times I felt good about myself in highschool. Usually I felt bad.

>walking to class when the bell rings
>Some guys who like to wait as long as they can before dashing, to see if they can make it call me over
>"Hey, anon, you're stupid right?"
>"Yeah you are anon. That's why your name is anon. Because you're stupid"
>"i have to go to class"
>I hear them laughing behind me as I leave

>> No.12600119

wait, am i the only one who doesnt understand this story?
You got the title correct.
why exactly were they laughing?

>> No.12600189

> Only classes I didn't skip were English, Humanities, and History, all honors or AP
> Dean of students gets mad at me for agitating during my junior year
> Said I was going to wear a swastika on Passover
> Get suspended
> Threaten to contact ACLU over violation of my right to religious expression
> Find myself in dipshit-level English and History in senior year
> Stop going entirely
> Get GED next week and fuck off into the southwest for half a decade

>> No.12600434

>"the crying lot of 49"
>not "the crying of lot 49"

>> No.12600495

>coming into my own, looks-wise and socially
>do a ton of coke for a few months
>take a prolonged bathroom break snorting coke
>stare at random girls while coked out, thinking I’m God’s gift to Earth
>kiss first and second girl a day apart
>drink for the first time at a cheerleaders house who I told to play sick for the day
Her dad came home because of a nosy neighbor
>try LSD on the beach one night with close friends
>go to independent study the next year and become a shutin
>dropout of JC
>become a 26 year old loser along with best friend who is in a similar situation
>best friend of 15 years gets into heroin and dies

>> No.12600498

im dyslexic i guess.

>> No.12600618

Well deserved :)

>> No.12600624

Hell yeah brother. Weird to think there’s more anons on campus, but I don’t reveal my powerlevel so we could know each other, but not know it.

>> No.12600736


Nice projection and ad-hominem. Without fail everyone who critiques /pol/ on other boards just flat out makes shit up or conflates memes that are essentially morale and shorthand rhetoric with actual political beliefs.
The fact is, /pol/ espouses various political stances and as the meet up demonstrates is more diverse than most boards, certainly this one.
You argue on the equivalent level of a pol user saying all lit does is read infinite jest and recommend their diary or cry about no gf.
You know how disingenuous and deliberately reductive that view is but that's fair game when it's vaguely against your politics.

>> No.12600813

Are you in 11th Grade now?

>> No.12600869

ive seen this happen to girls i knew from school its just sad

>> No.12601009

>Nice projection and ad-hominem
No one is making those claims. Feel free to try and come to explain to me the being "white" requirements that most of them use. You cant deny that everytime a brown haired and brown eyed person appears in a photo/video claiming to be "white" most /pol/ users claim him not to be. It wouldnt be the first time i would see 2 our more /pol/ users going on a discussion on who is "white" or not. Please explain to me.

>> No.12601873

>chemistry class
>take turns reading out loud
>girl says et-ik
>she keeps reading, says it again, et-ik
>teacher doesn’t correct her
>no one seems to notice
>mfw Gaslight (1944) with Charles Boyer Ingrid Bergman Joseph Cotten

word she fucked up was etc. Nonresponse from everyone made me question reality, like if I was alive or dead, dreaming or awake

>> No.12601962

>My group looks to me to take the lead
>After we read our poem, I heard one of them say "that's no fair, you had anon in your group."

This happened to me so many times in school, it always made me feel embarrassed that people thought that I was smarter than them.

>> No.12601971

I'm sure someone corrected her afterwards, it would be quite rude to interrupt her in front of the entire class and explain her misunderstanding to her.

>> No.12602093

>girl says et-ik
What was she saying wrong?

>> No.12602110

Either etik (dansk) or ethic in a french accent.

>> No.12602149

She was trying to say etc.

>> No.12602167


>> No.12602245

Oh lol, that's funny

Do you think this is a goddamn game?

>> No.12602282

Good God, your writing must be fucking obscene if this post is an accurate representation.

>> No.12604169
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>> No.12604262

>have had suicidal thoughts myself, along with my brother and mom
>friend of mine kills himself
>heartbroken, long nights crying with girlfriend
>12th grade english class starts dickinson segment
>1/3rd of the class just bitches about hating poetry and makes jokes about wanting to kill themselves
>get assigned to write an essay about Dickinson's stance on grief
real bad month

>> No.12604333

will add that dickinson was good but like, geez at that moment was just draining. read Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard and that was more uplifting and I felt more like I got something of worth out of it

>> No.12604348

>7th grade
>public speaking shit
>talk about hiccups
>entire time everyone was laughing
Did pretty good desu

>> No.12604530
File: 13 KB, 190x265, 1549238715691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>beginning of highschool my friend group gets into weed
>started as an after school thing, eventually it became a lunch break affair , by the middle of highschool it was a between every class thing
>we weren't doing a very good job keeping it discrete
>eventually teachers get fed up and organise for the police to come
>afternoon class rolls around, we had just hit the communal bong, ready to watch some movies in English class
>as we enter, teacher tells us the police would be searching all students for drugs
>the bong and the weed were in my bag, sweating absolute bullets
>silently freaking out as I ruminate on how this is how it all ends
>police officers are starting the rounds when everyone just hears a loud SNIIIFFFFF at the back of the class
>it's the kid who's repeating the year and doesn't talk much, his nose is white with powder
>he snorts another round before the cops get to him, but by that time the bag was done
>they handcuff him, grab his stuff and leave with him
>could literally not process what had just happened, too shocked to talk to anyone else that day

later found out he told the police that it was MD instead of cocaine, he got put into rehab and turned his life around. I think he's doing chemical engineering now, cool dude

>> No.12604539
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They conveniently ignore the fact that Southern Europe formed the basic foundations of Western civilization. Norse/Germanic Aryans cannot be that superior if Mediterranean Europeans beat them at their own game. But, to counteract that, they claim ancient Greco-Roman peoples were of Aryan stock, and some supposed "browning" of the Italian peninsula took place. (Pro tip: it never happened.) I understand Greek populations being mixed in with Turkey for obvious reasons, but not Italy. Even then, not everyone in Scandinavia is of Aryan stock, and most Germanics are swarthy. They act like just because you have brown/black hair or non-blue eyes you're an African when that's far from how it works.