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12591340 No.12591340 [Reply] [Original]

>The Greeks, one of the pillars of Western Civilization. were always hospitable to foreigners and ranked hospitality as one of the highest virtues
>The alt right incels on /lit/ who are always hankering about "muh Greeks" and "muh Western Civilization" have problems with taking in immigrants and are extremely xenophobic
really activates those almonds

>> No.12591362

The Greeks were notoriously shit to anyone who wasn't from their city (regardless of whether they were Greeks or barbarians, though that made it worse).

>> No.12591365

lol what pretty much every greek text makes it apparent that they saw non-greeks as a lesser species

>> No.12591413

Guest friendship (xenia) had the implication that the guest would leave

>> No.12591424

They got hospitality for what they called "brothers" , aka other state-city resitent

>> No.12591435

> The Western Civilization meme strikes again

>> No.12591441

Is this bait? Greeks literally invented the term barbarian. Plato thanked heavens he was lucky enough to be born Greek rather than barbarian.

>> No.12591458

keep that low tier bait on /pol/

>> No.12591468

not even true, the Greeks were extremely racist and classicist.

>> No.12591477

Ugh, greeks aren't one of the pillars of the west we are FAUSTIAN and greek were APOLLONIAN

>> No.12591478

Obvious bait but read Plato, faggot
Also nice book thread OP

>> No.12591503
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This and anyone who was granted asylum would never have been granted citizenship of the polis. They would have represented a permanent under-class.

>> No.12591514

They were hospitable to Greek visiters not foreign settlers

>> No.12591537
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>when a leftoid tries to use the modern concept of racism and applies it to the ancient world

You ever been so racist that only your ethnic group was white and even other europeons were niggers?

You want to know how the roman empire fell?
literrrly because of a bunch of god damn sausage niggers who spent all day in their god damn Forrests dressed up as god damn furries

>> No.12591567

retard alert
Xenia (guest-friendship) was a reciprocal relationship. Odysseus' treatment of the suitors, who failed on both accounts (in being guests and in receiving guests, that is Odysseus himself in disguise), was certainly righteous.

>> No.12591588
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Being hospitable in our age would mean not sending moderates in to destroy another country, and instead developing relations which benefit the people of both countries.
'LET THEM ALL IN' isn't being hospitable, it's diplomatic sado-masochism.

>> No.12591628

This just isn't true. There are numerous examples of Greeks and barbarians sharing guest friendship.
But they didn't invite them to stay and become citizens they expected them to leave.

>> No.12591630

Why do people have to be so mean? How could someone as wise as Plato be an ethnic partialist, or even a racist? How could that be? Someone of such a divine mind, caring for the frivolties of one's arbitrary racial sorting? How can a person live with themselves, knowing within themselves that they see others of different backgrounds as beneath them? Why doesn't everyone have a conscience that recognizes the evil of such attitudes, and more importantly, why don't people just love everyone always? That's what I'm always trying to do, that's all I ever want to do. I don't care at all about any of these arbitrary particulars, I want only to satisfy the eternities in my present existence, and to love everyone that I see without distinction. I don't even see my own self as being of a racial category. Why are other people so cruel, to hold such notions towards other people? Why can't everyone just love eachother, always and forever?

>> No.12591653

And even then you had self-hating barbarians like Anacharsis.

>> No.12591667

Sup nigger

>> No.12591707

That's not 100% true. This is more about helenistic times when they stopped with all the crazyness bullshit like greeks = humans vs barbarians = orientals. But for sure they were very open to understand, exchange culture, etc with foreigns. Herodotus told us about that, about greeks traveling not only to trade, but also to know the world. Anyway the greeks were open even if they don't accepted in the appearances. Their own history, arriving the mediterranean coast, exchanging with the locals, miceneans, creteans, etc.
So, incels don't make sense because a lot of other things, but not exactly for the greeks. They propably only read the actual greeks instead of also reading their history and understanding their roots.

>> No.12591716

What in the hell are you trying to say?

>> No.12591727

>Is this bait?
No. Hospitality was huge in European cultures, almost all traditional cultures are like this in the world.

>> No.12591736

It's not about European cultures, it's about politeism

>> No.12591739

There is a difference between hospitality and taking hordes of strange people into your country as citizens.

>> No.12591743
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Iudaeorum sunt hostis humani generis

>> No.12591762

>the Greeks would allow mass immigration from asia at a rate that outscales native births because hospitality
that worked out well for the romans

>> No.12591763

Look I'm just deeply angered that women haven't yet gifted me the sex I so clearly deserve.

>> No.12591767

Hospitality is about literally inviting strangers into your home, bro. This is what they still do in Iran sometimes today.

>> No.12591773

alt-right people think the greek were/are arabs or some shit and only read people with 100% certified europoid haplogroups

>> No.12591775

Yeah and then the guest is expected to leave. It's more rude to overstay your welcome than to not have someone in.

>> No.12591791

Modern Greeks are in fact more turk than ancient greek

>> No.12591796

like clockwork

>> No.12591811
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>> No.12591812

Extremely woke

>> No.12591838

You seem to emphasise the "need to leave" a lot.

>> No.12591840

The greeks also had a great respect for Ethiopians and imagined that when their prayers/sacrifices failed, it was because the Gods were tending to the prayers of the Ethiopians at the time.

>> No.12591845

Everything you said was wrong. I’m centre left btw, European left.

>> No.12591864

Athens didn't even have an immigration policy, all foreigners were welcome in the city.

>> No.12591865

It's an important part of xenia (guest friendship). For example the suitors in the odyssey overstayed their welcome to their shame.

>> No.12591870

But not as citizens

>> No.12591906

The politically possessed are little more than mindless automatons spreading the word of their gods. It's like the cordyceps fungus which infects ants and controls their movements by hijacking their senses and desires, forcing them to climb to a high spot before the fungus bursts out of their heads and scatters it's spores onto as large an area as possible. Ideology does the same thing, burying deep into to person's mind and fundamentally altering the frames upon which they see the world. Then, like the poor ant, they move to a particular hobby or interest and the political ideology within them bursts out, infesting their interpretation and comments on everything. Little can be done about it, as not even they are in control.

>> No.12591934

So it was basically the same as the US with illegal immigration. To embody the greek spirit we should really have no borders and zero legal immigration.

>> No.12591997

>calling plato divine
he would kick your ass

>> No.12592229

Can someone give me a genuine response please? How can I idolize Plato or other geniuses of history, when I know them not to be noble in their souls? Why does it seem like I'm one of the few people who sees a problem in these kinds of attitudes, be it racism, classism, misogyny or otherwise? Why can't everyone just love everyone else, and make our stay on this planet easier for all? Life already has so much suffering in it (I've been very sad lately, crying alot, wishing I had someone to hold onto who'd care for and comfort me), why do people make it even harder?

Why do you say that?

>> No.12592558

At 1:16:15 to 1:21:15

>> No.12592610

The power of the moderns is inexhaustible.

>> No.12592650
