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12591126 No.12591126 [Reply] [Original]

I'm currently reading The Plague and it's a bit mediocre. I'm continuing on because I like the central conceit of the book but there's nothing about it that really stands out to me.
I had the same thing with the Stranger.

Why is Camus so well-known? Because he looked cool and was a digestible pop-philospher?

>> No.12591147


His philosophy is even worse. He also loved football (soccer), which is the mark of the pleb in Europe, despite recently gaining popularity in the US as an hipster sport (this tells a lot on the state of culture in the US). But what can we do? He was a good looking frenchman who could type, and in this he can be considered above average. I mean, in those years all frenchmen who could type were considered intellectuals (Sartre, Deleuze, Merleau-Ponty), but Camus was also good looking.

>> No.12591187
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>He also loved football (soccer), which is the mark of the pleb in Europe

>> No.12591188

He was the Chomsky of his time

>> No.12591200


it is thou

>> No.12591206

It turns out sitting in quarantine is pretty dull
he is well known because he is pretty good entry tier

>> No.12592290

Will I like it if I liked the stranger?

>> No.12592312

It's the kind of book you should read when you have already suffered a bit in your real life.

>> No.12592324

Really? I quite enjoyed The Plague - out of all his works, it's my favourite. Mostly because the story is nothing extraordinary; it's ordinary men, trying to live their ordinary lives during a tumultous time, doing their duty (or not).

>tfw no Jean Tarrou friend

>> No.12592464

No you fucking brainlet it's not because he looked good, it's because people have different tastes and you clearly just don't enjoy his style. That's fine, I don't rate him that much either, but he's still obviously got worth

>> No.12592489
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i am reading it now and i have to say its great.
Rieux M.D says somewhere in the middle of the book 1 sentence which is camus philosophy core.
"-But you know everything you do is temporary right?
-Yes but that doesnt mean i have to stop fighting"
I still dont get it how human how knows his ending finds courage to step against it but well
the ones who wont do that are not going to have great life