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/lit/ - Literature

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12587801 No.12587801 [Reply] [Original]

Is opera /lit/? Or does it belong on /mu/?

>> No.12587806

Opera is dead is what it is

>> No.12588342

Someone needs to write a really great opera again, I think it could be revived.

>> No.12588353

>Is opera /lit/? Or does it belong on /mu/?

It's a question as old as time itself, and as of yet humanity has not arrived at a satisfactory answer.

>> No.12588355

>theatre with songs
>is this literature

>> No.12588382

Considering how successful live concerts are it should be possible. Some acts are quite theatrical already, just need a consistent story to tell.

>> No.12588384

We remember operas more by composer than by librettist, so /mu/

>> No.12588392

I'm generally not a fan of the King of Boomers, John Adams, but Nixon in China was 5/5 bretty gud

>> No.12588479

I guess I was just hoping that opera could be discussed here, because I seriously doubt /mu/'s ability to discuss opera, at least outside of /classical/.

>> No.12588516

Do they even sell operas in book form?
There are plays, for sure, but I'm not sure about opera.
If there is a book you should be fine, just mention the book in the OP and technically you're on the safe side.

>> No.12588552

My brother has a large anthology of opera libretti, I think mainly of just the blue chip operas

>> No.12588568

Should be fine then.
If you want to talk about opera just pretend you're referencing a specific literary edition.
Kinda doubt the jannies would delete a generic Opera thread, but a book provides full cover.

>> No.12588613
File: 136 KB, 1000x665, CARMEN0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In that case, is anyone else really bothered and troubled by Carmen? I saw it this past Fall in my city. I'd seen it before when I was much younger, but this was my first time seeing it in a while. I was very impressed by how beautiful it was, but it's also a really troubling opera for me.

I mean, Carmen essentially ruins Don Jose's life. She gets him thrown in jail, she convinces him to abandon his time in the army for life as a criminal, she makes him abandon Micaela, whom he would certainly have been happy with. And then she deserts him because she's fallen out of love with him, as though she doesn't have any responsibility for leading him to ruin.

Don Jose isn't blameless, either, because he's the one who takes what's clearly a fling and makes it into a huge obsession. But at the same time, I can't help but feel that Carmen bears some responsibility for her own fate. She, essentially, created the monster that winds up killing her. Is the whole opera a cautionary tale? Is Carmen meant to be a warning to women, that they shouldn't be like this?

Like I said, it's a really troubling opera for me, but I feel like that's a sign of its greatness.

>> No.12588793

Ehh, I dunno. There are books about pretty much everything, that doesn’t make /lit/ the place for discussing it. The /classical/ thread on /mu/ isn’t very good but it gets the job done, sometimes.

>> No.12589268

>sells out large theatres across the world
Be honest anon, have you ever actually been?

>> No.12589274

Watch Marnie

>> No.12589400

/mu/ is the very worst place for talking about music outside of a narrow, narrow, narrow array of meme tunes.

>> No.12589433

Wagner is def lit

>> No.12589452

> Your flight was smooth, I hope
>Oh yes, Smoo-oo-oo-oo-oother than usual... I guess! It was very pleasant! We stopped in Hawaii for a day, then in Guam, to catch up with the time. It's easier that way!
>The prime minister knows about that, he's such a traveler!
>Not I, but a traveler come home for good to China

>News. News. News. News. News. News.
>Has a. Has a. Has a. Has a.
>Has a kind of mystery!
>Has a. Has a. Has a. Has a.
>Has a kind of mystery! ery! ery! ery!
>When I shook hands
>When I shook hands
>When I shook hands with Zhou Enlai on this bare field outside Peking,
>The whole world was listening, was listening, was listening!

>> No.12589456

Opera is alive and well, it's just not hugely popular among your demographic of under 18.

>> No.12590029

It's called Gesamtkunstwerk and it subsumes literature, pleb.

>> No.12590187

It's based on Merimee's merciless little novella (about 85 pp) so there actually is a /lit/ way in.
She essentially drives him crazy at the end with her 'I'll do what you want, but I will never love you' which, of course, isn't good enough for Don Jose..
The progress of both opera and tale are inevitable- Carmen is young, pretty, poor and going to achieve what she feels is the best kind of love available to her, and does. The irony is that it's the card carrying member of the Spanish bourgeoisie that can't stand her freedom and ultimately does her in.

>> No.12590204

ever heard of idunno.... Broadway?

>> No.12590723

Is this bait?

>> No.12590750
File: 878 KB, 1795x1795, 1533683143925.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>music + theater =/= music + theater


>> No.12590784

Try under 50 except for certain shows. Part of the problem is that opera is prohibitively expensive to go see. Check those ticket prices, you think the 20-somethings that end up being the next generation of artists have the money for that? So it becomes increasingly irrelevant to the people who make art.

>> No.12590921

Just in case someone takes your idiocy at face value:


>> No.12590939

>So, are musicals basically modern-day operas?

even the article you linked proves you wrong

>> No.12590942

>Check those ticket prices
You can go to Covent Garden for £10. Clearly you've never checked actual opera ticket prices. If ticket prices prevented people from going to events, professional sport would have folded long ago

>> No.12591233

Are you even able to read properly?

>So, are musicals basically modern-day operas? Sort of – but there are also plenty of modern operas.

They aren't the same. There are modern operas and many classic operas are performed with contemporary trappings, but saying Broadway is opera or the epicenter for a revival of opera is moronic.

>> No.12591255

>implying Ariana Grande is not Gregorian plainsong

>> No.12592896

>watch half of an opera that's been on youtube for years
>get tired and decide to just finish it tomorrow
>"This account has been terminated for multiple copyright strikes."

My fucking luck.