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12588001 No.12588001 [Reply] [Original]

Is this book reasonably accurate and free from distortion?

>> No.12588032

>Is this book reasonably accurate and free from distortion
it is a book, so no.

>> No.12588110

The author got killed for it, so it must be doing something right

>> No.12588224
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Can't be accurate if it never happened.

>> No.12588250

Meaningless contrarian response
Deranged conspiracy theories
Even more deranged conspiracy theories

Thanks so much, /lit/. You never let me down.

>> No.12588253

No, it inflated the numbers a lot and was mostly there to make a point about a shitty textbook some guy was getting sued over by the government at the time.
She killed herself, though the people that harassed her are still an offending party.

>> No.12588264

IIRC she "killed herself" while in the process of writing a book about the Bataan Death March. Definitely some foul play involved.

>> No.12588276

She killed herself because of endless harassment. You can place blame on the people that contributed to her depression without leaning on some foul play claim.

>> No.12588291

>She killed herself, though the people that harassed her are still an offending party.
I'd like to know how she came to own the revolver that she used. I'm an American and own guns so I know it's far from difficult to buy them over the counter but it is trickier in california and she doesn't strike me as the gun owning type. Not to mention suicide by gun is pretty rare among women.

>> No.12588297

>reading fiction in 2019
Also Bataan Death March was a literal voluntary marathon to keep the prisoner in shape. It was documented

>> No.12588306

I wouldn't be surprised if all the detractors of this book are nips and jews
ignore shitposters

>> No.12588323

the misinformation is on par with grain silos

>> No.12588325

Nobody actually knows (even Asian history scholars can only speculate) but based on everything that's known about early 20th century Japan nothing I can recall seemed outlandish.

>> No.12588326

>Not to mention suicide by gun is pretty rare among women.
So is spending sleepless night after night researching the Bataan Death March while being on a cocktail of medication as well as being a controversial and beset academic. I'm amazed by this do people really think Iris Chang was murdered and the investigators just didn't notice? This is all based on projections about the type of woman you think she is. This is crazy.

>> No.12588350

I'm not trying to advance a conspiracy theory, I'm just genuinely curious about why she owned a revolver? Did she buy it for the purpose of suicide or because she was worried about death threats from Japanese nationalists?

>> No.12588356

Probably the latter, I would imagine. Also she died in 2005, and even today it's still not that difficult to get a handgun in CA, provided you don't also expect to get a CC permit with it.

>> No.12588390

Okay, >>12588253 poster here again. No, I'm not a Japanese or Jewish. I have no idea what being Jewish even has to do with this. But yes, she did in fact highly inflate numbers. She took a death toll reported by a British officer that counted the whole region and applied to the city of Nanking. It has also come to light she staged photos.

If people are interested into the extent of the books flaws there's a full review by Joshua Fogel. //www.jstor.org/stable/2658758

For those of you that are denier assholes, here is another review counteracting claims made by prominent deniers. https://www.jstor.org/stable/3096672

Please OP, look for real analysis and don't let yourself be swept away by conspiracy theorists that invent a murder of a woman, try to deny the Nanking Massacre or spread weird shit about modern Japanese people and Jewish people trying to make some cover up.

>> No.12588424

Why are Jews interested in trying to deny the Nanking Massacre? To keep themselves portrayed as the only victims of the war? And why did you even mention Jews in your post? Kind of weird.

>> No.12588482

Oh the death thing was a British reporter this was a point made by Prof Ikuhiko Hata, in case you wanted to know where that came from.
Please get help. Joshua Fogel did not become an expert on Chinese history in order to deny Nanking, especially since he doesn't deny Nanking, he objects to Iris Chang's claims about modern Japanese academics.

>> No.12589110
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>> No.12589117

How large they printed "RAPE" on the cover should tell you some things about the content.

>> No.12589123

no chinese trash to demonize japs

>> No.12589129

jews fear the samurai

>> No.12589141


No. It has been criticised by several supposedly unbiased historians in the west, as well as from Japanese scholars.


>> No.12589143

Does nationalism inevitably result in the genocide of a population