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/lit/ - Literature

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1258679 No.1258679 [Reply] [Original]

Ok so basically I am doing my boyfriends college english homework, now I have been through college already and this has me stumped.

The assignment is to choose 2 photos, he chose darth vader and cobra commander and has to write a thesis on them and use rhetorical writting.

NOW a thesis is basically what you are trying to prove and how you are going to prove it

But how do you write "that" about 2 photographs and also she doesnt want whats IN the photograph she wants details about the artwork itself the angles lighting etc...

Now am I stupid for not being able to figure this out
or is the teacher an idiot and not know how to give an assignment.

Help is much appreciated since you guys probably know a lot about this stuff

>> No.1258691

>Now am I stupid for not being able to figure this out
or is the teacher an idiot and not know how to give an assignment.

Neither. Your boyfriend is a moron for picking two stupid photos, then making his girlfriend do his homework for him.

What was stupid on your part was agreeing to do this in the first place.

>> No.1258695


well thank you for your input but thats not really the issue im having right now

>> No.1258702

it's a good thing there's no such thing as an afterlife or charles darwin would be rolling in his grave so fast it would slow the earth's rotation

>> No.1258708

I dunno, write some shit about how the dramatic lighting or harsh angles in the photos make the characters look more severe or evil or whateverthefuck. Your boyfriend is a goddamned moron.

>> No.1258718

Well, "rhetorical writing" doesn't make an argument, like a traditional essay. It's just rhetoric, i.e., you're being artsy, pretty, flowery, euphuistic, purple, descriptive, and generally painting a word picture. Obviously any writing is more bearable if it has a structure, but if you're seriously working with photos of Darth Vader and Cobra Commander then you're not really looking for a "thesis statement" per se. You're looking for a rhetorical attention-grab at the opening. "Lord Vader. Cobra Commander. Perhaps the evil of cartoons lies in their cartoon of evil...." and so on.

>> No.1258726


That's what I said, his teacher is fresh out of school and in the power point she blatantly demands for it to be a rhetorical thesis...which makes no sense to me at all, nor him which is why im trying to figure it out as I did very well in english. Should I try to just BS something or tell him to get more detailed instructions.

>> No.1258734

You should tell him to grow a fucking forebrain.

>> No.1258739

Your boyfriend sounds like a retard lol..

But then again so are you for doing his homework

>> No.1258740


Well, in that case, what is wrong with "Can popular culture truly depict evil?" or "What does the cartoon of evil as depicted in popular culture tell us about the real nature of evil?" or something like that.

Either that or tell your fool boyfriend to pick 2 different photos, because his choice sounds imbecilic.

>> No.1258742


You are an idiot. I am trying to help him. Dont be mad because you dont have a girl there to do it for you.

>> No.1258743

Could you at least provide the fucking pictures?

>> No.1258744

>The assignment is to choose 2 photos, he chose darth vader and cobra commander

I love Star Wars, but I wouldn't refer to it for classwork. At all. The mind boggles at this.

Get some actual photos that aren't related to pop culture, and work with those instead. He'll thank you for it.

>> No.1258745
File: 17 KB, 479x550, Darth Vader.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1258746
File: 315 KB, 710x553, 1281853902493.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he chose darth vader and cobra commander and has to write a thesis on them

holy fucking asscock. I'd be inclined to suggest this was trolling, but it's too stupid for you to have made it up.

>> No.1258748


>> No.1258750
File: 114 KB, 360x576, Cobra Commander.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.1258751
File: 91 KB, 400x300, 1246540994286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're made for each other.

/thread, enjoy the homework.

>> No.1258754


it made me go back because of flood protection, and forgot to upload the pic again, shit happens