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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 158 KB, 1448x980, living the dream sad neet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12579865 No.12579865 [Reply] [Original]

any books about hikkineets?
any books of people getting out off/leaving hikkineetdom?

>> No.12580040

Unrealistic pic. Why shower?

>> No.12580050

literally me except the first and last panels are me sleeping like a baby. i have NEVER been so perpetually well rested before i became a full time neet

>> No.12580205

you mean "hikkikomori". don't try to fabricate new portmanteaus. you're shit at it.

>> No.12580287

>fapping once a day when being a neet

>> No.12580409

neetkikomori is better

>> No.12580421

it feels nice

>> No.12580475


How do you support yourself?

>> No.12580590

That isn't new, newfag.

>> No.12580636

i hate showering i hate water and getting wet

>> No.12581705

confederacy of dunces is about a neet's journey among the unenlightened

>> No.12581818
File: 288 KB, 850x1303, __nakahara_misaki_nhk_ni_youkoso_drawn_by_abe_yoshitoshi__sample-acdbcac3b1b59a47b6b83497736129aa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to the NHK has got you covered, bro.

>> No.12582157

meant actual books
that girl is a shit

>> No.12583556

>modern economies are now structured so you can plausibly live out a whole life like this
>everyone chips in so these faggots don't starve to death

How is this a good idea

>> No.12583578
File: 37 KB, 639x480, 9E28B319-30BB-4898-B401-7422232A16A0-453-00000049B13D082E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Otaku: Japan's Database Animals by Hiroki Azuma

Beautiful Fighting Girls by Saito Tamaki

>> No.12583582

Fuuuuck, this was me a year ago, why did I ever give up the NEET life.

>> No.12584840

NHK novel >>> NHK anime, if you're judging it solely on that.

>> No.12584856
File: 7 KB, 250x223, pleasedbythispepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Story? Greentext?

My diary desu. I nearly became a full-time NEET for five months. Had a blast, but I wouldn't live like that forever.

>> No.12584955

this is actually pretty close to my day today, only i'm not a neet i'm just working at home
i did stop for a wank though

>> No.12585027

what's your job and how can I get it

>> No.12585709

>doesn't live in a welfare state

>> No.12585777

can I emigrate to some scandinavian country and live off of neet bucks?

>> No.12585788

u have to convert to islam first

>> No.12585797

Does sufi work?

>> No.12585913

Is there somewhere online I can read it with a good translation? It's the only LN I have the remotest interest in reading