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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 122 KB, 520x767, 6gy95l7t8of21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12571936 No.12571936 [Reply] [Original]

lets see you're shelfs

>> No.12571950

Bait thread fuck off sage

>> No.12572048

kill yourshelf

>> No.12572942

This just reminded me to go rewatch the Last Jedi on Netflix - which is easily the best Star Wars movie.

>> No.12572989 [DELETED] 


Pretty cool if it belongs to a teenager. Revolting if belonging to a grown man.

>> No.12573652
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>> No.12573659
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>> No.12573663
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>> No.12573672
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>> No.12573678
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>> No.12574048


>> No.12574059 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12574067 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12574116
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>> No.12574117
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Only 2 of your books look like they have ever been opened wtf anon

>> No.12574121
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>> No.12574128
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not pictured: Delueze's essays critical and clinical.

>> No.12574139 [DELETED] 

That's a very thin copy of Dicken's collected works.

>> No.12574148


>> No.12574200


not my library. someone's private membership library i found online.

>> No.12574376
File: 1.36 MB, 2560x1440, Liberia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tulsi Gabbard 2020

>> No.12574489

>Ayn Rand
>Malcolm X

Another Radical Centrist I suppose?

>> No.12574494

Are you 12 years old?

>> No.12574675



>> No.12574695
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>> No.12574697
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>> No.12574701

These threads always expose how horrible /lit/'s taste is and confirm the /pol/ invasion

>> No.12574703
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>> No.12574710
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>> No.12574726
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>> No.12574736
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>> No.12574742
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>> No.12574750
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>> No.12574754
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>> No.12574760
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>> No.12574943

Based Tintin poster

>> No.12574962
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Shelf is under construction atm

>> No.12575147
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>> No.12575229
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>> No.12575255
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>> No.12575296
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>> No.12575321
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>> No.12575340

The funny thing is this stack actually looks like it's been read which can't be said for the rest in this thread.

>> No.12575352

nice selection of utterly unread books

>> No.12575369


>> No.12575441
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>> No.12575458

What do you think of Naked Earth?

>> No.12575519
File: 65 KB, 525x551, step up nigga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you should spend less time showing off your books and actually read them

>> No.12575590
File: 389 KB, 1198x800, CwUvQ28WgAA9Cdl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shelves lol fags just stack your books floor to ceiling like a true alpha

>> No.12575654
File: 1.74 MB, 3910x1587, E6320000-9FD5-4BEF-A3F6-8615DC85310F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of my books. Also have an assortment of comics and manga on other sections

>> No.12575689
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>> No.12575695
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>> No.12575762

hardly any of these books have the wear of use concomitant to a full and thorough reading

>> No.12575778
File: 668 KB, 1856x1392, img_3965-copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i said before: it's not my library. it's a private, membership-only library. i have no idea how read they are/how circulated they are.


>> No.12575970

How do you get the ones from the bottom out?

>> No.12576392

because we try to keep our books in decent shape?

>> No.12576422

The Orlando Furioso, who's translation is that?

>> No.12576426

They look old, read, and poorly looked after. If your books look like that after you're done with them you probably belong on 4chan, not 4channel.

>> No.12576494

why are you posting someone else's books?

>> No.12576625

that complete set of tintin looks good but i found the illustrations too small at that size. too easy to miss a lot of herge's fantastic background detail

>> No.12576837

your collection is insane and that animal money is based

>> No.12576860

2nd shelf is fully read 1st shelf is half read. Maybe if you took care of your books you wouldn’t sperg out at the sign of thinking someone hasn’t read books like the pseud you are.

>> No.12577178


>> No.12577213
File: 2.97 MB, 3264x2448, 20190209_182951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Books are in my kitchen pantry cause my shelf fell apart

>> No.12577250

The Book of Gene the New Sun Wolfe

>> No.12577493
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>> No.12577521

thoughts on JM Coeetzee?

>> No.12577529

That's ghetto af

>> No.12577558

Ya but I do most of my reading/writing on the kitchen table anyway cause I don't have a desk so its practical.

>> No.12577576

they're not his books

>> No.12578174
File: 3.94 MB, 4160x3120, IMG_20190211_184127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read on the left, unread on the right
Missing a few that i've lent to people Way of Kings, 101 åringen and Röde Orm
Currently reading Oathbringer

>> No.12578224

How do you only have that many books?

I'm envious yet curious and suspicious.

>> No.12578228

This looks bad. What's with this trend?

>> No.12578243

Spoiled by rich parents

>> No.12578664

Is that a paperback Library of America? Yikes.

I saw some Cortazar at the local bookstore and wondered if it was any good. Anyone care to give their thoughts?

Also, post more of that library my man.

>> No.12578702
File: 506 KB, 980x1307, img_3916-copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


unfortunately it's not my library. i found it online and would love to talk to the guy at some point. so many fucking questions.

>> No.12578707

so what do you do if... you know... you want to read one of those?

>> No.12579820
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DESU it's one of the nicest i've ever seen, though. i'm openly jealous.

>> No.12580039
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>> No.12580239
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people who don't get it
will never
get it

>> No.12580284
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>> No.12580332
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>> No.12580403

underrated ,

>> No.12580713
File: 2.67 MB, 1400x1401, bookshelf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

top shelf is books i haven't finished, bottom shelf is books i have.

>> No.12580859
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chess books

>> No.12580865
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Go books

>> No.12580870
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washington power politics

>> No.12580884
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washington power politics

>> No.12580889
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washington power politics

>> No.12580954
File: 1.90 MB, 4160x2159, IMG_20190107_195505_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't hit on me, silly boys

>> No.12581082


what's "apocalypse culture" like/about? for someone with an academic interest in cults and millenarianism, is it a worthwhile resource?

>> No.12581217
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random shelf. pretty much my goals in life.

>> No.12581387
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theory of music

>> No.12581394
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theory of music

>> No.12581399
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theory of music

>> No.12581570
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>> No.12581730
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>> No.12581748
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>> No.12581835

do you just throw away your dust jackets?

>> No.12581857
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>> No.12581876
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>> No.12581881
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>> No.12581910
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>> No.12582775
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>> No.12582777


>> No.12582779

whenever you are in that room you know there is a little trump face scowling down at you

>> No.12582788
File: 133 KB, 635x623, 1548221014467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you read '101-åringen' yet? I loved the first part when it came out and have bought '101', haven't read it yet though.

>> No.12583043

How much of a retard do you have to be to make your books look like that after one or even two readings?

>> No.12583051
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>> No.12583439

I really like her, but would never vote for her. A Trump/Tulsi ticket would be interesting

>> No.12583458
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I have three other shelves but this is my most recently read one in chronological order

>> No.12583463
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>> No.12583490

based /ck/fag. What's your favorite cookbook?

Gonna be a yikes from me, dog

Comfy comfy

Thoughts on Halberstram?

So many questions


>> No.12583885

glad to see someone with the robber bride, probably one of Atwood's best. Next to Alias Grace

>> No.12583924

>a series of unfortunate events
Mah nigga

>> No.12584061

I remember this one: it was one anon who claimed to be working in politics and that this great library he built in his basement was very important for his work. He posted a lot of photos, seemed very big

>> No.12584132

I have, personally i thought it was pretty shit
Partially because every character except Alan and Julius somehow disappear without an explanation between the books and partially because the story is basically just: Alan and Julius go to country, meet current leader of said country, leader is an idiot, Alan reads a bunch news about wars and shit around the world on his ipad, Julius tells him to shut the fuck up, they go to the next country and then repeat that like 4 times.
It has some good parts sure, but its not even nearly as good as the original

>> No.12584185

If that person is over the age of 16 that is a fucking shameful shelf. I bet it belongs to a 30 year old bugman living in an apartment in portland.

>> No.12584198


that was someone impersonating whoever owns it.

from what i've gathered, it's a private library in washington, DC. not sure who it's owned by, but i'd guess they don't actually post here.

>> No.12584245


what's "forbidden archeology" about? any good?

>> No.12584439


>> No.12584471

I keep them in a drawer under my bed.
Yes that's really the only downside to them. I have an incomplete collection of the full sized editions elsewhere.

>> No.12584473

>that guy who thinks you have to bend, tear, mark up, spine-break, and damage a book until it's ragged to "enjoy" it

>> No.12585695
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>> No.12585733

It's dealing with the original of humanity, more specifically it postulates that humans have been
here for millions of years. Furthermore, the book sites studies, inaccuracies in archeological dating methods, cherry picking of data that fits into the present evolutionary theory of human Kevin's, dogmatic scientists ignoring evidence, and much more... Personally I'm a proponent of the multi-regional hypothesis. My advice, if you want to keep whatever faith you had in what you've been taught, don't read this book. Upon reading, you'll be sceptical, critical, pretensious, judgmental, and dismissive of almost all archeological evidence proposed by supposed "scholars". Ignorance is bliss: so which pill do you take?

>> No.12585762

*Human origins

>> No.12585783

Not him but looking at the table of contents and you'll see if it interests you.

It's more or less just an anthology of wacky writings is all. I wouldn't call it "academic" but it might highlight some people or movements you haven't heard of elsewhere.

>> No.12586771
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>> No.12586816

Why do you have English Yotsuba if you can read Japanese?
Also what instrument did/do you play (Accent on Achievement)

>> No.12586841
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>> No.12586869

hey anon do you play shogi as well? looking for people to play with

>> No.12587036
File: 1.88 MB, 2348x2600, Book-shelves_02-12-19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please indulge my bloated sense of self-worth.

>> No.12587047

hehe... hi! *waves towards you* i-i saw you passing by! well, I was just passin' by as well and, well, uh... *twiddles thumbs* i-i... um... *stammers* i just wanted to say hi! *frantically bows apologetically* g-gomenasai!!! *stands up straight again* s-so, uh... are you... *looks shyly towards the ground* s... s... single? *looks up towards you*

>> No.12587090

Sweet New Yorker tote

>> No.12587175

>local man buried alive
>last seen stating "The Earth is my shelf"

>> No.12587185

It’s like a Jenga game that’s end in you smothered to death by your copy of ‘A Canticle for Leibovitz’

>> No.12587491

oh my girlfriend was having me read nausica out of that same two book set

>> No.12588041
File: 3.44 MB, 4032x3024, AD58507C-8CD7-4776-AA54-D18DEC6D1B51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12588051


>> No.12588122

early millenial tastes

>> No.12588335

Yea basically. I barley read, mostly get by recs from lit and reddit

>> No.12588782

go back to /a/

>> No.12588839
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>> No.12588981

normalfag core

>> No.12589211

How so?

>> No.12589224


>> No.12589420

I was going to buy a new Nausicaa manga edition but ended up buying the Utena Musical DVD instead.
What is your edition like? I have the 4 volume VIZ perfect collection edition.

>> No.12589491

What did you think of House of Leaves?

>> No.12589545

I got one page into that gchq quiz book before I realised it was a "you have to guess the answer that the questioner thinks is the correct one even if others are valid tee-hee" type deal and threw it in the bonfire

>> No.12589683

you're a little bit too obsessed with them japs anon
i do approve of your lego great wall of china though

>> No.12589756

The quality falls off pretty fast.
>Masters of Doom
I'm guessing this is stuff you had from when you were 16.
Everything else looks like a standard Western canon set, not bad.
That Bible is basically just an accessory though, I seriously hope you don't read the KJV of the Bible for any reason other than to be aware of how shit it is.

>> No.12589940


>> No.12589952

I get it you're a retarded subhuman and a nigger, but criticizing the KJV of the Bible isn't a criticism of Christianity as a whole. It's just a bad translation and heavily outdated in 2019 - where better translations are available.

I hope you learned something Tyrone, praise Jesus you fucking moron.

>> No.12590420 [DELETED] 

Second shelf of that pic is almost exclusively Christmas presents from parents with the exception of everything left of Maus, the constitution, and soundings which is my father's old school poetry book. Narnia is what I read at age 6 or 7 so I keep it for sentimental reasons.
I don't read the Bible for religious reasons. I got that edition for the Dore illustrations. Divine Comedy and Shakespeare editions are gifts.

>> No.12590434

Second shelf of that pic is almost exclusively Christmas presents from parents with the exception of everything right of Maus, the constitution, and soundings which is my father's old school poetry book. Narnia is what I read at age 6 or 7 so I keep it for sentimental reasons.
I don't read the Bible for religious reasons. I got that edition for the Dore illustrations. Divine Comedy and Shakespeare editions are gifts.

>> No.12590787

so this is what people mean when they say "triggered"

>> No.12591689


>> No.12592636
File: 3.04 MB, 4032x3024, 20190213_184443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use the library when I can

>> No.12592657
File: 3.31 MB, 4032x3024, 76A72D78-A102-46F9-80A0-368BDA9F1D04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12592711

nice exegesis
how is it?

>> No.12592717
File: 1.85 MB, 4032x3024, book piles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

recently moved so no shelves but I've got these here piles that represent about 90% of what I've read in the last 1.5 years or so

>> No.12592718

Are you a C.O.?

>> No.12592734
File: 159 KB, 573x414, Stacked-1-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw adultery is still a NY chargeable misdemeanor in current year

>> No.12592820

Cool stack bro. I've read a quarter of those, want to read half, and never heard of the rest. This is why I love shelf and stack threads

>> No.12592846

Love me some Wendell barry

A man who knows what he wants. Good for you. What's your favorite king story?

Im guessing you know Nothing of the alexandrean or Byzantine textual bases, not to mention the dubious personages of Wescott and Hort. KJV is the Word of God.

>> No.12592879

didn't know girls actually came to this site

>> No.12593326
File: 31 KB, 300x300, d1d5ed8acdac694b7247ea2a555c931bcd22ac47e7925cdfc259a16570cd5f41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How's that Alice book? Book outlet sent me a coupon but they have fucking nothing. Might as well get some dog eating books

>> No.12593339

>be a literal pleb who reads an objectively dogshit translation
>project others dont know anything
Kill yourself my friend

>> No.12593344

Star Wars and other licensed media is a pox on Science Fiction

>> No.12593437

>Ad hom
>Can't answer points made
I'm afraid I win this one, my friend :)

>> No.12594048

good picture
All The Light We Cannot See was the last book my grandmother read. How did you like it if you've read it?

>> No.12594478

KJV is the authoritative English version of the bible, you peasant

>> No.12594492

great taste

>> No.12594753

>having to tell yourself you win against objective reality

>> No.12594899
File: 76 KB, 800x530, Germans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was a sad book. Didn't fall into the disrespectful but common trope of viewing the war as good vs bad. Just told the story of some young europeans who were inevitably caught up in the violence.

>> No.12594974

My favorite King story is probably a tie between Wizard & Glass (Dark Tower IV) and The Dead Zone. Pet Sematary is also up there.

I just love when he doesn't give the reader a happy ending.

>> No.12594992

Wizard and glass is the one I can't finish. Haven't read pet semetary...weird how he spelled that. I just love when he gives the Constant Reader any ending at all.

>No argument.
Now this is just the cherry on top.
Happy Valentine's day anin. :*

>> No.12594996

>was the last book my grandmother read...
I wonder what the last book I'll ever read is.

>> No.12595032

I like how you used book lists to build a library and didn't even read any of the books.

>> No.12595045
File: 1.80 MB, 3264x2448, C0C2FC49-256F-4947-B595-8FCC10CEC0B3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really beautiful edition. I highly recommend it.

>> No.12595283
File: 162 KB, 1024x768, 20190214_040654~01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice, not enough music theory in this place. The books on the shelf that gets enough light to take a photo of, the rest are mostly musicology related, non western theory, tuning and the like.

>> No.12595385

Should i get the old or the new Thrawn novels? I want to experience the western "keikaku doori" fag

>> No.12595417

nice. 1900 elo reporting in. forever shit :(

>> No.12596211
File: 3.48 MB, 4160x3120, IMG_20190214_161647103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just what I have in my student apartment tho, most of my books are with my parents.