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File: 272 KB, 500x492, Libertine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12580092 No.12580092 [Reply] [Original]

Worth reading his works or are they just edgy pretentious pornography?

>> No.12580098

He's the logical conclusion of liberalism, so yeah it's just edgy pretentious pornography.

>> No.12580107

They aren't pretentuous and most are not really pornography despite being lurid, they're not extremely graphic except 120. They are edgy as hell tho

>> No.12580108

It's french literature so just another word for calling garbage what it is

>> No.12580112

He was just bored

>> No.12580114

He is the single most edgy man who ever lived. I say this as the dystheist antinatalist who is routinely accused of having schizophrenia.

>> No.12580134
File: 15 KB, 150x387, 150px-Stirner02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He is the single most edgy man who ever lived
Not even close anon

>> No.12580139

Read Rousseau first since that's whos worldview he's BTFO

>> No.12580149

Stirner never shat into a chalice while cursing the name of Christ.

>> No.12580170

this is a completely erroneous statement. libertineism =/= liberalism. his political views were kind of bizarre, he advocated a kind of anarcho-republicanism or something

>> No.12580186

>the first one to announce the death of god
>BTFO Christianity (any religion really)
>BTFO moralfags (both consrevatives and liberals)
>BTFO Feuerbach and his weak critique of religion
>BTFO the concept of "Humanity"
>Egoism as the only imperative
>BTFO tradition
>BTFO Hegelians of all kind
Seems pretty edgy to me

>> No.12580191

Stirner had a radical philosophy but lived a fairly quiet life whereas De Sade had a radical philosophy and lived a life of repulsive hedonism. De Sade is edgier.

>> No.12580203
File: 19 KB, 250x328, schopenhauer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not even close

>> No.12580208

His philosophy might seem edgy but actions are edgier than words. If you hate God so much you're willing to irreverently defile holy objects, that's a lot edgier than some basic bitch nihilism.

>> No.12580230

He was just a mysantropist, not the big thing

>> No.12580250 [DELETED] 

I would lose hard my shit if some perverted french nobleman defeated me intecetually

>> No.12580255

Wow who cares. So he shat into a chalice. It's the equivalent of shitting on the Koran.

>> No.12580261

I would lose hard my shit if some perverted french nobleman defeated me intelectually

>> No.12580277

What about that philosopher that fucked in a church? Can't remember his name

>> No.12580295

About 2/3rds through 120 days off Sodom.
It's kind of a drudge desu, it would be fine if it was maybe 200-300 pages, not close to 500.
For all it's edgyness it gets really monotonous after a while, in a way it's kinda funny though.

>> No.12580303

How did he do that? I read Philosophy in the Boudoir, and it was if anything, sophistic. I mean I don't remember exactly the crap that was in it because I was primarily trying to get off to it when I was a nihilistic teenager. I don't know much about Rousseau's philosophy beyond the general edicts of his ethical ideas but something like Kant certainly holds up against this ponce.

>> No.12580340


>> No.12580345

Yeah that one

>> No.12581216

120 is his worst work imo

>> No.12581252

It's an interesting point of view and an entertaining read.

>> No.12581275

Unless you really want something profane and edgy to a level of insanity, there's no point in reading him. Nothing about his writing indicates he had either fine sentiment, or profound thoughts. At most, he presents the combination of viciously selfish and vulgar thoughts with a patience to write and apply some polish to them, along with a vivid imagination.

>> No.12582456


>> No.12583815

sounds like a faggot

>> No.12585077

I remember reading Sade in high school. I think that if you've jerked off to the quality of porn that I have, his work is pretty tame.