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12578458 No.12578458 [Reply] [Original]

How do I get out of my head bros? I'm stuck in a loop of depression and anxiety. Books for this resolving this feel

>> No.12578470


>> No.12578473

I don't "get" femdom. Are they just low test?

>> No.12578476

high test actually
domcucks are literally failed men and future trannoids

>> No.12578483

i like they idea of being protected and cared for by an woman 3 years older than me or so. i also am very aroused by tease & denial.

>> No.12578485
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>> No.12578501 [DELETED] 

big time cope from a tranny nigger
go take your hrt you fucking SUBHUMAN SLIME

>> No.12578549

who said anything about maledom

>> No.12578573

It's fun

>> No.12578720

Eh. It's an unfortunate aspect of human sexuality. It triggers some primordial thing in my head to submit to a woman for two reasons. Firstly it'd be trivial to overcome their dominance. I could literally beat that girl to death if I were interested in doing the jail time, and yet I am humbling myself before her. Secondly, there is a thrill associated with the fact that women are fundamentally less rational and predictable than men, and women have a much larger capacity for psychological cruelty. Something about the combination of how easy it would be to overcome that submission, and how capricious and sadistic women are towards each other makes the whole idea exciting in a way that's hard to describe.

With that being said, it's not a thing I practice with my fiance for a couple reasons. Firstly I can tell she's not into it beyond just humoring me, and me scratching my psychological wound isn't worth trying to force her into something she doesn't really like. Secondly, if she were to enjoy it, that would be basically a ticking time bomb before her natural instincts kicked in and she internalizes the idea that you are in fact a submissive weakling, which is essentially a guarantee that your relationship is going to grenade itself.

Tl;Dr it's unhealthy in a lot of ways, but fairly straightforward as far as human sexuality is concerned. Dominatrices have existed in some form of another for literally thousands of years and have been a consistent feature of Western civilization since at least the hetaerae in Greece. The thing that has really driven it into overdrive is the ubiquity of pornography which has allowed men to become very easily psychologically addicted, requiring more and more depravity to scratch that dopamine itch.

>> No.12578744

my mother neglected me

>> No.12578753

books for this feel?

>> No.12578758

Start exercising, books will make you smart but also will make you moody

>> No.12578782

gotcha any good books on exercising?

>> No.12578879

I was thinking a book more along the lines of something that will break my shitty pattern. But I guess exercise could work

>> No.12579588

>and women have a much larger capacity for psychological cruelty.
How so?

>> No.12579658

Sadism is inherently feminine, the Marquis was a Frenchman after all.

>> No.12579661

something by De Sade I guess

>> No.12579677

Doesn't mean women have a much larger capacity for psychological cruelty, women aren't faggots

>> No.12579696

yes they are

>> No.12579713

I'm a woman and I would say that yes we do have a much larger capacity for psychological cruelty due to the pains of birthing and period cramps numbing our sense of empathy to others in pain and possibly making us want to inflict pain on others, subconsciously as revenge for our necessarily consistent pain.
A woman does not become a psychopath until their first period.

>> No.12580156

>Firstly it'd be trivial to overcome their dominance. I could literally beat that girl to death if I were interested in doing the jail time, and yet I am humbling myself before her. Secondly, there is a thrill associated with the fact that women are fundamentally less rational and predictable than men, and women have a much larger capacity for psychological cruelty.
you're just a fucking casual and sound exactly like the person whose fetish developed from porn

>> No.12580212

I like how pain feels, it turns me on, I like having my face sat on, I like being the center of attention, I cum really hard when she messes with my prostate, latex looks great on women, it's really simple.
t. girlfriend is teaming up with a pro domme to fuck me up this valentines day.

>> No.12580215

post feet

>> No.12580280
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>I like how pain feels, it turns me on, I like having my face sat on, I like being the center of attention, I cum really hard when she messes with my prostate, latex looks great on women, it's really simple.
>t. girlfriend is teaming up with a pro domme to fuck me up this valentines day.

>> No.12580289

feel free to imagine me in whichever way best justifies your biases.

>> No.12580297

you sound like someone who would unironically consider cuckoldry

>> No.12580326

I do not find black people, psychological abuse, or infidelity sexy at all. Seems like a great way to fuck up your life.
Keep trying to pigeonhole tho. I'll be honest, the femdom stuff only started seeming hot when I started succeeding in life. Maybe it's hard for you to experience cathartic vulnerability because submission is your default.

>> No.12580336

>he's still replying

>> No.12580343

This guy is so much of an insecure faggot that he won't eat a perfectly good cunt in front of him. Turns out you were the faggot all along anon.

>> No.12580346

so are you faggot, I promise you will reply to this. In fact, I predict you will stay on 4channel forever and keep shitting up threads forever. Prove me wrong.

>> No.12580362

>he's STILL replying

>> No.12580960
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>> No.12580978

The Power of Now - Eckhart Tolle

>> No.12581086
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They are worshiping and serving the creature, not the creator, who is blessed for ever, Amen. For this cause, God delivered them up to shameful affections.

>> No.12581106


>> No.12581155

>sadism is inherently feminine
literally any man who has been to high school can tell you this is bullshit

>> No.12581410
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Its a fetish, what is there to get. Its not like I chose to be attracted to dominant women, it just happened. I am sure there are psychological reasons why I love to be ordered to strip by Her before setting down on my knees with my head bowed. There may be some insight in why I feel such an erotic rush when She puts my collar on and has me follow Her, crawling on my knees, to a dimly lit bedroom where She shackles me to the posts. With my body helpless to Her will, She teases my nipples and straps an electric tens unit to my balls and cranks it up.

I don't really "get" it either, I just love it.

>> No.12581465
File: 108 KB, 738x900, FAC298AC-AF8D-4965-B50B-115E2283A804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me, /r9k/, have you ever been whipped on the soles of your feet? I hear it's excruciating...

>> No.12581539
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>tfw when you get more (you)s than the OP

>> No.12581551

Yeah, it hurts really bad.

>> No.12581557

>>12581539 >>12581539 >>12581539 >>12581539 >>12581539 >>12581539 >>12581539 >>12581539 >>12581539 >>12581539 >>12581539 >>12581539 >>12581539 >>12581539 >>12581539 >>12581539 >>12581539 >>12581539 >>12581539 >>12581539 >>12581539 >>12581539 >>12581539 >>12581539 >>12581539 >>12581539 >>12581539 >>12581539 >>12581539 >>12581539 >>12581539 >>12581539 >>12581539 >>12581539 >>12581539 >>12581539 >>12581539 >>12581539 >>12581539 >>12581539 >>12581539 >>12581539 >>12581539 >>12581539 >>12581539 >>12581539 >>12581539 >>12581539 >>12581539 >>12581539 >>12581539 >>12581539 >>12581539 >>12581539 >>12581539 >>12581539 >>12581539 >>12581539 >>12581539 >>12581539 >>12581539 >>12581539 >>12581539 >>12581539 >>12581539 >>12581539 >>12581539 >>12581539 >>12581539 >>12581539 >>12581539 >>12581539 >>12581539 >>12581539 >>12581539 >>12581539 >>12581539 >>12581539 >>12581539 >>12581539 >>12581539 >>12581539 >>12581539 >>12581539 >>12581539 >>12581539 >>12581539 >>12581539 >>12581539 >>12581539 >>12581539 >>12581539 >>12581539 >>12581539 >>12581539 >>12581539 >>12581539 >>12581539 >>12581539 >>12581539 >>12581539 >>12581539 >>12581539 >>12581539 >>12581539 >>12581539 >>12581539 >>12581539 >>12581539 >>12581539 >>12581539 >>12581539 >>12581539 >>12581539 >>12581539 >>12581539 >>12581539 >>12581539
a (You) has no value

>> No.12581565

What was the occasion?

>> No.12581797

this is some serious cope OP

>> No.12581809

I get bored.

>> No.12581848

Way to go, at this point OP has either killed himself or is on his way to see a dominatrix

>> No.12582858

Maybe she can beat it out of me?

>> No.12582862

Lol, wasn't me. But this poster might be having the same problem

>> No.12583363
File: 843 KB, 570x663, 10986312566.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine a girl teasing you with her soft feet and breasts. Imagine playing along with it, amusing her until you can hold it no longer, your submission entirely voluntary and rescinded at any time because you are stronger. Play time is over Venus, time for Mars to awaken
>mfw Stacy tickles me with her feet

>> No.12583375

>blah blah blah my life/interests
>what's a book for this

great thread love it

>> No.12583376


>> No.12583680

Thank you for contributing. Your post has really turned around this thread.

>> No.12583800


>> No.12583873

I appreciate Bresson-spreading, but not misogyny-spreading, Bressonanon. It seems I may not watch Diary of a Country Priest after all, if it reflects views as closedminded and insulting as yours here do.

>> No.12583884

Confessions by Augustine