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1257538 No.1257538 [Reply] [Original]

What sort of books/authors do hipsters enjoy the most?

>> No.1257548

Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, Vonnegut, maybe Camus or Sartre.

Just get an edition of Crime and Punishment with a cover large enough for the title to be read from space, and you'll have a pile of hipsters swarming you.

>> No.1257547

they enjoy nothing but pretend to enjoy everything.

>> No.1257574

>That feel when you like Dostoevsky and Vonnegut. :(

I actually don't care.

>> No.1257633

I would say Vonnegut for sure. Everyone I know who's even vaguely hipsterish worships the ground he walks on.

Also, enjoys nothing but pretends to enjoy everything is a pretty funny definition.

>> No.1257634

Henry Miller.

I live in the Hipster capital of the USA.

>> No.1257639

My wife's hipster friend has a copy of something by Nietzsche that she's never read. Pretty much anything that makes you look intellectual and subversive without being so obscure that no one would get that you're intellectual and subversive. Also, it helps if people are getting back into that author, so you can say you were into them before they got popular again. It's the fuckin' hipster mantra.

>> No.1257653


Also Bukowski

And Roberto Bolaño

And random poets too obscure for you to know

>> No.1257659

I like some of the authors in this thread so I guess I must be a hipster. As a culture I think we need the hipster equivalent of Jeff Foxworthy to make jokes about it.

>> No.1257662


I liked those random, obscure poets before you ever heard about them.

>> No.1257663

Tropic of Cancer is one of my favorites. feelsbadman.png

>> No.1257667

In SF: fucking beat poets. Ginsberg, Burroughs, Kerouac. City Lights has an entire floor dedicated to that crap and its ilk. Justified, given its history, but still annoying as fuck. I'm sure they make a mint out of all the wannabes with moleskines and turtlenecks who come to worship at their shrine.

>> No.1257681

Explain 'hipster'.

>> No.1257684

I know it's really cool and funny to make fun of hipsters because supposedly they are trying to be more cool and funny than everyone else and so making fun of them is cooler and funnier than anything that exists, but I've found that hipsters, keep in mind I live in the hipster capital of the USA, in general are usually pretty intelligent, about as annoying as everyone else but they try, fuck do they try and man there's something to be said for those who try and succeed because there are some damn hot damn interesting hipsters out there who are doing some damn cool stuff.
And a lot of them read good books. Believe it or not the reading thing isn't always an act.

>> No.1257685

It's meaningless, therefore anyone who throws it around as an insult is automatically a hipster.

>> No.1257689

This is a good post and you should feel good.

It will be lost on the typical /lit/gremlins in this thread, though.

>> No.1257693

Oh shi- I'm fucked. How to undo this cancerous spell?

It's not fair, I don't own anything that's made by apple, I never entered Starbucks and all that other shit they do.

>> No.1257692


I'm sorry, I can't hear you over the Joyce I'm reading.

>> No.1257738

>hates on people who try to be counter-culture
>wants everyone to know he is counter counter-culture
>hipster hipster

>> No.1257749


It's true. The first (and only) step of becoming a hipster is denying that you are a hipster.

>> No.1257757

I do not reside in western world,and so am immune to all accusations of "HIPSTER"

hipsterism is a western disease

>> No.1257762

sup, hipster wannabe?

>> No.1257767

So, what happens if someone admits being a hipster? Is that a wannabe hipster?

>> No.1257833

The good lot of you are a bunch of stinky vaginas for not letting yourselves enjoy anything for fear that someone might think of you as a "hipster."


>> No.1257840



Howard Zinn

David Sedaris

J.D. Salinger

Yann Martell

Mark Z. Danielewski

Jose Luis Borges

Gabrial Garcia Marquez

Karl Marx

^ all pretty damn hipster

>> No.1257841


Just another form of hipster, e.g. the meta-hipster.

>> No.1257854


both of you need to get on your fixies and ride off to die in a fire. i know that will be lost on you hipsters, though.

>> No.1257859

Russians. Hipsters love russians. Much like their musical taste, it's the safest thing that their peers in tight girl's jeans will approve of. Hipsters wait for their crowd to let them know what's acceptable, that or Pitchfork.

>> No.1257863


they try too hard to be cooler than everyone else, you mean? fuck you faggot

>> No.1257871

That's unfortunate. Russians have made some fine books.

>> No.1257872

Why do hipsters love Russians? I've noticed it too. I genuinely love Russia and when I go to find other sources of Russia-lovin' on the internets, I always end up among hipsters. Why is this? Got any insights? I don't, really. I mean, they certainly don't love Cuba...

>> No.1257878


There's a lot of inferiority anger talking in this post.
What happened? Your girlfriend dumped you because you're a fat slob who wears t-shirts and baggy pants and have never seen the inside of a hair salon?

>> No.1257902

i like to make fun of hipsters and also the people who make fun of hipsters because i'm the coolest of the bunch and also hate people that are pretentious but also say how people should act, oh the irony, i guess i'm a hipster but up the ladder to the 3rd degree
you're all lame, and you should be acting like me.

>> No.1258043
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ITT: litfags considered pretentious by the rest of the world list the writers they consider pretentious

for me, i would say, it's pynchon. i saw some hipster fucker reading vineland on the subway the other day.