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12573092 No.12573092[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

how do we tear down capitalism frens

>> No.12573118

Read What Is To Be Done anon

>> No.12573136

NEET revolution

>> No.12573147

>The point of an analysis of capitalism, or of nihilism, is to do more of it. The process is not to be critiqued. The process is the critique, feeding back into itself, as it escalates. The only way forward is through, which means further in.

>Marx has his own ‘accelerationist fragment’ which anticipates the passage from Anti-Oedipus remarkably. He says in an 1848 speech ‘On the Question of Free Trade’:

>"…in general, the protective system of our day is conservative, while the free trade system is destructive. It breaks up old nationalities and pushes the antagonism of the proletariat and the bourgeoisie to the extreme point. In a word, the free trade system hastens the social revolution. It is in this revolutionary sense alone, gentlemen, that I vote in favor of free trade."

>In this germinal accelerationist matrix, there is no distinction to be made between the destruction of capitalism and its intensification. The auto-destruction of capitalism is what capitalism is. “Creative destruction” is the whole of it, beside only its retardations, partial compensations, or inhibitions. Capital revolutionizes itself more thoroughly than any extrinsic ‘revolution’ possibly could. If subsequent history has not vindicated this point beyond all question, it has at least simulated such a vindication, to a maddening degree.

>> No.12573156

By watching Kenny vs Spenny daily on my YouTube channel. I know nobody here will believe me but this is actually Kenny Hotz. Don't ask me to timestamp.

>> No.12573157

Be a drain on the system by being NEET. I’ve been doing it for 8 years now, pretty proud of myself.

>> No.12573175

first we gotta decide which of the four strategies we're going for:


>> No.12573176

Not having to work is an underrated skills. Most normies can't do it. And even if they can, they generally can't stand having all their time to themselves without being ordered around by some external force.

>> No.12573191
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>> No.12573196

I don't think they crave a boss bossing them around, I think they miss having a sense of purpose.

>> No.12573199

by posting on chapotraphouse2 :P

>> No.12573205

Wasnt their boss that gave them purpose though? It seems they find it hard to create their own

>> No.12573206

it's not fast enough

>> No.12573212

By posting on-topic threads exclusively.

>> No.12573220

This is the gayest thing I've ever seen

>> No.12573228

Amen. Fuck, /lit/ is full of genuine bad shit

>> No.12573231

Stop consuming and let the beast starve. Civilization will fall in a couple of generations anyway. We can just speed it up a bit and live more independent from its influence.

>> No.12573233

It's accelerating, the fastness gets faster every day and it's very likely that it will surpass humanity within this century.

>> No.12573234
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Edgy Pinker.

>> No.12573235

>infinite knowledge at their fingertips and they can't create a purpose
Truly subhuman behavior.

>> No.12573251


>> No.12573259

The big question of our time is if Land or Kaczynski was right. Either capital transcends the human or civilization collapses into a lower stage of organisation.

Since we can't prepare for the former, we might as well prepare for the latter.

>> No.12573265

>faster than the slowest humans in history
Why didn't Edge Pinker include this in the formula?

>> No.12573271


>> No.12573272

The article is good, dude. I think it's a very thorough mapping of the possibilities.

>> No.12573286

Their type tends to rely on externalities for purpose creation.

>> No.12573293

Remember saying things when you really start experiencing the horror of its acceleration.

>> No.12573302
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>> No.12573303

What's your third position? Business as usual?

>> No.12573307
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>we transcended the human guys

>> No.12573312

We open a milk co-operative

>> No.12573327
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It should've been torn down in the 20th century, however the socialist movements of the day failed in their basic task.
Now it's far too late. I get so sad when I see anti-capitalists with faith in their eventual victory. Capitalism will end us before we end it.

>> No.12573340

>being centuries later and calling others late

>> No.12573357

I'm sorry I wasn't born in 1900s Germany and didn't help the spartacists win, anon

>> No.12573367

Stop buying shit?

>> No.12573393

Get rid of the Jews obviously

>> No.12573402

I don't mean in the transhumanist/Kurzweilian sense where we are along for the ride.. I mean an eradication of human beings by the technological as soon as we have become superfluous, or worse, a threat, to the continuation of the system.

>> No.12573406

Yeah lets all just die

>> No.12573421

You won't make it.

>> No.12573428
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>> No.12573444

Never said it was bad, I said it was gay in an aesthetic sense

>> No.12573468
File: 26 KB, 122x126, what the fuck charles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>poor urban dweller
>lol just farm feget

>> No.12573480

the page has a minimalistic aesthetic.

>> No.12573510

>thinking state capitalism ends capitalism

>> No.12573514

Fuck me you're dense

>> No.12573518

This but unironically

>> No.12573522

worst pickup line ever

>> No.12573525
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lmao, accelerationists

>> No.12573575
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>> No.12573621


>> No.12573645

That pic is peak irony

>> No.12573658

by becoming a HIV positive, stim-addicted trans latino hooker with mirror shades and a bad attitude, blitzed on a cocktail of K-nova, female orgasm analogues, etc.

>> No.12573660

A new event will change capitalism. The negative and predictable event will be another economic crash, sending millions destitute and scrambling, revolutions will occur in the first world.

The second could be a conscious change. Something from afar could reassess our species will and collective life. Technology, alines?