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/lit/ - Literature

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12572492 No.12572492[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

montaigne was feminine
nietzsche was feminine
deleuze was feminine
spinoza was feminine
the romantics were feminine
proust was feminine
rimbaud was feminine
mishima was feminine (all the bodybuilding shit was cope)
pessoa was feminine
bernhard was feminine
being literary is feminine prove me wrong

>> No.12572504

wtf i'm a girl now

>> No.12572509

We're all girls now :3

>> No.12572524

lol, not at all you faggot

>> No.12572568

this is what anime does to a mind

>> No.12572708

All the masculine men were in military or politics. Men are prone as intellectuals to being legalistic and rigid fools. The profound men utilize their anima, their meloncholy, and their poetic sensitivity.

>> No.12572865

Poetry was a must for knights and samurai, a lot of writers were professional soldiers. Do you know the warrior poet trope

>> No.12572869

Cervantes was a Chad and he's better than all of those writers

>> No.12572873

masculinity & femininity are spooks

>> No.12572906


>> No.12572946

based femposter

>> No.12572960

i'm sick and tired of you trannies infecting every board with your faggot shit

>> No.12572962

Kill yourself

>> No.12572965

i just wish ugly people would stop associating themselves with beauty, i don’t actually dislike anime

>> No.12572978

Real men beat their wives, father illegitimate children, show up drunk at the construction site, and die in car wrecks. And here you are whining about a post you read on a literature board. You are feminine and you will always remain that way. Deal with it.

>> No.12572981
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>The profound men utilize their anima, their meloncholy, and their poetic sensitivity.
No, they integrate it without becoming autogynephilic neurotic faggots.

>> No.12573021

>literature is feminine

Then how come 90% of good authors are male?
How come for the majority of history, reading was a male activity?

Fuck off with your asspull bullshit faggot

>> No.12573025

real men beat the CRAP out of trannoids

>> No.12573029

>howncome 90% of tge good authors are male?
they were all femboys lol

>> No.12573044

Art of war is a book of poetry made by a mercenary

>> No.12573051

art of war is garbo lol

>> No.12573061

Neither chads nor girls are able to write. Only cute boys can achieve beauty in literature.

>> No.12573062

hehe xD
kill yourself faggot

>> No.12573067

>In modern day USA writing isn't a considered a masculine activity some faggot believes that in other ages people thought this
Every fucking time. Burguers reveal themselves as the end of arts a cultural vacuum

>> No.12573070

Hemingway, London, Hamsun, Faulkner, etc

>> No.12573072

i do all of those things, tranny

>> No.12573075


Was not he a closeted tranny?

>> No.12573080

Trannies OUT

>> No.12573093

Yeah so? European literary culture developed out of middleclass women talking about books in the 18th century. Everyone knows that. I also enjoy bubble baths and being told I'm pretty.

>> No.12573119

I wish I was a cute boy, literally my dream in life. Sadly, life gives you a certain level of it, a cap on your cuteness, and you can't do anything to attain more of it, no matter how much you want to.

>> No.12573123

>I wish I was a cute boy

Lmao, ugly babyfaced numale detected

>> No.12573133

His son was a tranny iirc.

>> No.12573134

Genuinely terrible thread
A waste of time, data, and any iota of human thought

>> No.12573142

Why wish to be a cute boy when you can wish to be a girl?

Being a cute boy seems like a compromise.

>> No.12573159
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Because trannies are disgusting abominations 90% of the time
Definitely women, but uncannily not appearing to be fully man. They are anathema to the natural order of things.

>> No.12573168

woops, I meant definitely not
I don't recall Lord Farquuad definitely being a woman

>> No.12573188

A man can dream about becoming a biological women though. It would be so great.

>> No.12573192
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Maybe if you're a faggot.
Real men dream about exploring Morrowind

>> No.12573213

Dante, La Rochefoucauld, de Vigny, WB Yeats, Gottfried Benn, Juenger, Wyndham Lewis

>> No.12573219

Imagine thinking everything is feminine, including some of the manliest of men. I think this is what's known as projection.

>> No.12573238

The dream can only go so are though. Sure you can be a cute teen girl and embrace the chad. But eventually you grow older. I would much rather be an older man than woman.

>> No.12573253

Imagine never reading a book and failing to see the complexity of humanity.

>> No.12573263

So complex that everyone is a tranny. Ok, epic.

>> No.12573269

Define feminine

>> No.12573277
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>to see the complexity of humanity.

"uwu every boy wants to be a cute girl!!!11"
":3 nietzsche was a femboy!"

>> No.12573295

That's not what I had in mind, but perhaps this is the wrong decade for this discussion. It has to be sjw bullshit or right wing bullshit.

>> No.12573300
File: 127 KB, 474x624, Anime-boy-boy-cute-kawaii-Favim.com-3042909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because I'm a boy, anon. I don't have the authentic essence of a girl in me, else I would embody it honestly. But I don't. I want to be a cute boy. A pretty boy. A boy that rivals women in his prettiness. A boy who has a girlfriend, who I am as beautiful as. I want to be beautiful, but still a boy. It's a weird position, I know. Not many men seem to fit such a class. Most desire to be manly, and have bulging muscles and beards and all these other features which resound as aesthetically savage to me. No disses to them, wear the look that expresses you and that you like. But for me, I want to be the boyish equivalent of a pretty girl. Refined in appearance, attire, and manner. I wish I had an image I could post to show the look I mean. It would likely be of an anime character, since anime is replete with such archetypes of the male. I love it. Those sensitive, boyish, poetic, dainty males. Something like pic attached. Oh, I desire to be that so badly. Sadly I can only alter my dress to match, my face and hair are the product of nature, and are outside my control. Rimbaud might be another nice example. DiCaprio, in his Titanic avatar, another example. I have tried to "feel like a girl" before, and it is always inauthentic. I don't have their essence in me. I don't have anything against those men who do, but it's not me. I am putting on an act when I try to be that. But to be a cute, sensitive, pretty, beautiful young male, with a pure heart and a poetic disposition, is all I desire to be.

Sorry for sounding pretentious. This is just the ideal of myself that I wish I could become, but sadly am barred from reaching by the constraints which nature has placed on me. Anyway is there something wrong in what I've described? Does that make me defective, in some manner? Would many men and even women view or accuse me of being gay, or not a man in the true sense? Not that I care, but I'm curious to know.

>> No.12573322

what kinda psy-op even is this?
grotesque totalization of historically determined feminine aspect-->self-parodying hypermasculinized reaction-->destruction of both male and female aspect of humanity-->absolute queerness as only reality
screens within screens man

>> No.12573354

>durrr why is a conceptual category not the same thing as biological identity?
There's a difference between "the feminine" and women, but you're probably too dull-minded to comprehend the distinction.

>> No.12573359

>Would many men and even women view or accuse me of being gay

Well, are you? a-asking for a friend of course.

>> No.12573363

Learn how to write coherently and stop sounding so fucking paranoid, you maniac

>> No.12573371

There is nothing intellectually stimulating about your wishy-washy ponderings on the ""feminine"" nor is there anything admirable about your autogynephillic fetishism

>> No.12573381
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Become a kpop like that one brazilian guy

>> No.12573384

>tfw want to be a softboy but beard genetics too strong
I've grown my hair out for the past year and a half in an attempt to bring out my feminine side, but what good is it if my beard grows back a day or two after shaving?

>> No.12573386

I like this meme desu masculine people are so tense and uptight chill niggas

>> No.12573390

fuck off fag

>> No.12573397


>> No.12573407

>wishy-washy pondering
I knew it, you ARE too thick to understand, I bet you think the map is the territory. Also autohynephillia is a buzzword at this point, learn to make actual points instead of just ranting and raving.

>> No.12573409

You sound sane and functional to me. Any impulse to be a cute boy in me has been squashed by women who become overbearing in their excitement with it.

>> No.12573410

good job proving his point

>> No.12573418

Epic burn bro, but please learn to make actual points instead of ranting and raving

>> No.12573420

how would you have phrased my post, friend?

>> No.12573423

>masculine virgin
>will never write a successful book
>will never write at all
>doesn't even read, just shitposts on 4chan
>no one likes him
>women refuse to lay him
>probably smells like onions and foot fungus as well

>> No.12573424

if they're spooks then why are they valid and functional parts of grammar?

checkmate atheists

>> No.12573431

I reject more women in a week than you fuck a year

>> No.12573432

>articles have referents

>> No.12573433

I wouldn't have told you to be coherent if I could understand what the fuck you were trying to say

>> No.12573449

Yeah he had autogynephilia

>> No.12573453

>feeling the need to brag on 4chan(nel)
I'm lmaoing at your life right now

>> No.12573456

what was confusing to you? maybe i can clarify

>> No.12573457

I wish that I were cute, too. People say that I am handsome, so it could be worse, but it's not the same.

>> No.12573464

I know what you mean. I look masculine and have tons of body hair, but I'm such a girl inside, and trying to show that physically requires tons of bodywork.

I wish I was born a woman. I would make getting the physique I want so much easier.

>> No.12573465

Just proves my point you're a virgin, hahahahahaha.

>> No.12573469

the future is female, deal with it nerds

>> No.12573470


>> No.12573473

lol masculine people are so insecure and too boring to meme with I am convinced femininity is indeed the GOAT

>> No.12573495

I take it you've never considered transitioning? For me it's never been a case of body dysmorphia, if anything I'd feel more comfortable with the contradiction between my male physiology and performative female characteristics. Only trouble is my gf isn't really that comfortable with the idea, though she has encouraged me to try drag in the past

>> No.12573505

It's basically impossible to be an actual man these days, might as well be a quisling and transition

>> No.12573506

It fills me with warmth to see how /lit/ is gradually becoming more open to the idea of femboys and the feminine space in general. Obviously you still have the occasional hateful thread about women, but I genuinely believe there's a few brave posters who are having a positive impact on board culture. Keep up the good work boys :)

>> No.12573523

Good to know that >>12572873 is a wrong opinion. Thanks.

>> No.12573532

/lit/ is a cesspool anyway, chucking some mentally ill faggots in the water shan't make a difference
not that femininity or women are bad -- if anything some real women would improve the place--unfortunately all we get are ugly fetishistic impostors

>> No.12573543

Maybe literature isn't for you. There are plenty of less wishy-washy fields out there with more than a lifetime of books to read.

>> No.12573548

>implying /lit/ wasn't populated by mentally ill faggots already
At the very least, we're moving away from a space in which one group of lunatics isn't stigmatising another for being insane. Pot– kettle– gay?

>> No.12573551

muh capital

>> No.12573565
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Nick Hazelbaker / Aeromatic / WindowsMilennium2000 / Nicholas Foxworth/Fedorov

Some may be familiar with Nicholas "Foxworth" Fedorov for his infamous deviantART waifu photoshops, surreal 3D animations/pictures and his unhealthy obsession with broken-down computers from the late nineties. For a while Foxworth/Nicholas seemed to 'mature' and grow out of his obsession with underaged anime schoolgirls. Around a year after he had quit making waifu photoshops, he had a bit of e-fame , gathering up fans (underage fans FYI, but we'll get into that later) after spamming himself around YouTube, 4chan, 8ch, various Reddit communities and so-on. But, unfortunately, Foxworth found new ways to get into trouble. Foxworth started home-schooling at age 14 and hasn't done anything with his life since. Foxworth is also, you guessed it, a NEET trap (soon to be tranny) and is border-line schizophrenic. Around late-November of 2016, Foxworth came out as bisexual on his social media, and spammed pictures of his thighs and blue-striped socks on 4chan's tech board. He held a Discord server during this time called '2hu time~!' specifically for trannies/Touhou fans. Essentially just another generic "anime and chill" Discord server but with broken computers and his filthy room. A common trait Foxworth has is his inability to stick with one opinion. This includes but is not limited to sexuality, friendship and the ability to meet deadlines. An example would be his betrayal of @Drossel, although if you were to ask anyone he was seen associating with two or three years ago they'd tell you the same story. Around early 2017, Foxworth gathered a bunch of his anime friends and decided they were going to put a stop to 'the fags' and end all degeneracy. Of course, this fell flat on its face, thus making Foxworth more bitter/cold towards other people. Now, you may be asking why I mentioned him having underaged fans in the beginning. During Foxworth's tranny days (late 2016-early '17) he spread rat-spyware to both his twelve year old fans and random Discord users. It got so bad, there was a widespread Discord warning to prevent him from entering servers and spreading RATs, keyloggers (with screenshot abilities), encryptors, etc. Foxworth was ashamed of his trap days so much, he 'left the internet', only leaving a few videos behind on his YouTube channel, but deleted his Gmail account a few months after he got the last of his Google tugboat, and supposedly left the country. So, what is Foxworth up to now you may ask? Foxworth is currently 19 years old, living with his mother in Cincinnati, Ohio. He takes HRT and is currently on a lovequest for a boyfriend-free, neet trap sweetheart, going by the name "Aeromatic". He currently runs a (unfinished) website, makes disturbing deviantART photoshops/drawings and does webcam livestreams filled with random access humor.

>> No.12573566

If I want to explore "femininity" I shall explore it through literature (or actually talking to women, lol), not the musings of some trans moron on /lit/

>> No.12573581

The problem with transitioning is that I'll never be a REAL woman, and thus I'll never be able to perform all the biological functions of women. I wouldn't be regarded as a woman by larger society either.

I think it's better then, to simply be a feminine man who loves and admires women for all they stand for and is able to at least do all the things a man can do. Still, the idea of magically becoming a girl and being referred to by female pronouns gets me all flustered.

>> No.12573593

Of course you wouldn't be a woman lmao
You'd just be an estrogenised man; a freak; an insult to real women and femininity.

>> No.12573601

I don't know where you got the impression that I'm trans, literally all I said was that there is a difference between "the feminine" as a conceptual category and "women" as a category of identity. Are you genuinely retarded that this doesn't make sense to you? Or do you think plug sockets are women too?

>> No.12573604

there aren't enough mild, decaf schizoposters around, a dying breed. we often get overlooked

>> No.12573626

where can i find his livestreams

>> No.12573628
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>pinkpill /r9k/ faggots trying to take over every slow board

>> No.12573638


>> No.12573646

My bad, those are his weird youtube videos. Somebody on the foxdick farms probably archived them.