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12569060 No.12569060 [Reply] [Original]

How do Catholics respond to Matthew 23?

>23 Then Jesus said to the crowds and to his disciples: 2 “The teachers of the law and the Pharisees sit in Moses’ seat. 3 So you must be careful to do everything they tell you. But do not do what they do, for they do not practice what they preach. 4 They tie up heavy, cumbersome loads and put them on other people’s shoulders, but they themselves are not willing to lift a finger to move them.

>5 “Everything they do is done for people to see: They make their phylacteries wide and the tassels on their garments long; 6 they love the place of honor at banquets and the most important seats in the synagogues; 7 they love to be greeted with respect in the marketplaces and to be called ‘Rabbi’ by others.

>8 “But you are not to be called ‘Rabbi,’ for you have one Teacher, and you are all brothers. 9 And do not call anyone on earth ‘father,’ for you have one Father, and he is in heaven. 10 Nor are you to be called instructors, for you have one Instructor, the Messiah. 11 The greatest among you will be your servant. 12 For those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.

>> No.12569070

God I hate the fucking Pope. That piece of shit made me lose faith in God with his retarded politics.

>> No.12569084

Why not become Protestant?

>> No.12569087

So kids who call their dads "Father" are going to hell?

>> No.12569096

>2000 years of theology

>> No.12569103

OP BTFO, that was quick.

>> No.12569104

It seems like Jesus is only referring to religious leaders using the name “father” as if to denote superiority, or that they are the source of wisdom, when God is. Calling your actual father “father” is unrelated, obviously.

>> No.12569105

I'm sure you were such a devout Catholic beforehand

>> No.12569107

I've seen the retort to this. It was good.

>> No.12569110
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>It seems

>> No.12569117

I’m a Presbyterian.

>> No.12569129

Not an argument. Contextually, we know that Jesus is referring to religious leaders wrongly using the names “master,” “teacher,” “father,” etc. That such a thing would occur in the Catholic tradition is proof to me, that I am doing no wrong by not being a Catholic. The Bible gives us answers, if only we read it.

>> No.12569158

So Catholics respond by saying we can definitely call our biological fathers “father,” therefore we can call religious leaders “father”? How was I BTFO? I’d just like to see how Catholics do what they do when it seems, to me, that they are blatantly disobeying what Jesus commanded.

>> No.12569233

This. Based protestant libertarianism.
America, and thus the world as we know it, was founded through it's realization.

>> No.12569238

we have different translations and interpretations than you do

>> No.12569245

Surely you could post it, then.

>> No.12569254

>Teachers of the law-- do everything they tell you
How does this btfo Catholics? He's saying it's important to follow the religious laws, instead of just getting by through imitation. It's more about why faith is dead without deeds

>> No.12569256

Remember to love thy enemy anon

>> No.12569280

we dont take the bible as literally as you do, also we include the catholic tradition into our understanding of the faith

also pope is 90% show and rethoric
substance of what he says and does is completely unremarkable and generic catholicism, he just dresses it into leftist wording hes familiar with and tries to present his political squabbles with burke and company as some major revolutionary struggle in the church

>> No.12569300

>we dont take the bible as literally as you do
Well what is the figurative interpretation? I don’t believe that anything that Jesus said is in the Bible for no reason, so tell me, why are those verses there? What does Jesus mean when He says, “call no man father”? Surely you could see how troubling this is?

>> No.12569302

The most devout Catholics I know love Pope Francis. It's only ever edgy rad-trad 4chan converts that I hear complain about him

>> No.12569303

>Surely you could see how troubling this is?
not really
you are searching over random things in the bible and take them super literally so you can all virtue signal to each other who follows them the best

>> No.12569310

>Jesus’ words
>”random things in the Bible”
You are digging yourself deeper and deeper. Do you think this passage has a meaning that I have not understood, and if so, please tell us about it. Or do you think this passage has no meaning at all?

>> No.12569315

jesus also said that you need to hate your parents and cut off your limbs
do you do that too?

>> No.12569323

Both of those sayings have clear meanings that every good Christian understands. Even when taken not literally they still have an important message. Not only that, but I’m those sayings He is telling us to DO this or that, whereas in Matthew 23 He is saying DO NOT do this. Why do what Jesus said not to do? And what is the meaning of Matthew 23? This is the 3rd time I have asked, and you haven’t responded.

>> No.12569330

I could say the same about this verse
>whereas in Matthew 23 He is saying DO NOT do this
according to your interpretation, which frankly, doesnt make much logical sense knowing that the bible is generally very metaphorical and with hidden meanings

>> No.12569331

Jesus sounds very based, the church does not.

>> No.12569352

So there is a hidden meaning behind this passage, but you do not know it? That is all you had to say.

>> No.12569354

You must be trolling. I don't believe Catholics are this retarded.

>> No.12569357

look mate, its a passage on hypocrisy of religious authorities, not an instruction on priestly title usage

>> No.12569365

answer the question anon

>> No.12569374

it means that you should do whats right because its good, not beacuse it could be useful like the pharisees do

>> No.12569377

>And do not call anyone on earth ‘father,’ for you have one Father, and he is in heaven.
So when a religious leader isn’t a hypocrite, he is allowed to be called father? That kinda makes me wonder why Jesus said there is only one Father. So title usage obviously does not depend on the character of the man, because all men fall short of the true Father.

>> No.12569381

you can call anyone father or master
it matters what you do and believe, not how you coat it

>> No.12569401

>you can call anyone father or master
Then what is the meaning of
>9 And do not call anyone on earth ‘father,’ for you have one Father, and he is in heaven.

Wouldn’t it be the safest bet just to do what the verse says? Why come up with excuses?

>> No.12569412

Why do Catholics seem to worship the pope

>> No.12569420

there Jesus talks about how pharisees use their position not to do God's law, but to honour themselves
among other things listed from their behaviour is that they like walking around public places knowing that their authority will bring them respect (among other things) in form of others calling them names out of reverence - "rabbi"
so this is the warning to christians to do the religious law, but to do it because of reverence to God, not because of personal honour of pride

>> No.12569432

most catholics dont really care about the pope much, its just a big honour when he comes to visit because he is a respected important figure so a lot of more impressionable people can be in awe, just like when a big president or king visits, but even greater
your vision of him is magnified because the level of ritual and pomp is unusual for protestants

>> No.12569434

But why would any Christian want to call any religious leader father? How can it be excused when Jesus said there is only one Father? I just don’t understand why anyone would take that risk. There’s literally no benefit to doing it, especially considering Jesus never offered any reason to call religious leaders “father.”

>> No.12569442

Atheist, is there a denomination only follows Jesus's word and nothing else?

>> No.12569449

>But why would any Christian want to call any religious leader father?
my guess is because catholicism is very influence by aristotelian philosophy
aristotelianism sees father figure as important and relates it to authorities - which are an extension of fatherly authority
>How can it be excused when Jesus said there is only one Father?
>I just don’t understand why anyone would take that risk
only reason why you would consider it to be a risk is because you ignore the actual meaning of the line and instead focus on what is literally written
as i said bible is full of such things, its not to be taken literally, which is frankly something id expect even a child to understand
>There’s literally no benefit to doing it
what exactly is the benefit of using any religious title in general by that logic
>Jesus never offered any reason to call religious leaders “father.”
Jesus also lived as a poor fisherman and got
circumcised should we do that too

>> No.12569464

Just read the Bible. It’s not that difficult to see what denominations make sense and stay true to the word. Catholicism won’t make much sense if you do read the Bible, so other Catholics won’t like the idea of you trying to read and understand God’s word for yourself.

>> No.12569466

Jesus always says things metaphorically and within a certain context
Bible is not meant to be a legalistic text like quran is - it is a work of art as well as a religious text, it is very picturesque and tells to people the spirit of the law, not its exact letter

>> No.12569478

>my guess is because catholicism is very influence by aristotelian philosophy
aristotelianism sees father figure as important and relates it to authorities - which are an extension of fatherly authority
Irrelevant. The Bible is all that matters in this regard. Does Aristotle have precedence over Jesus?
>only reason why you would consider it to be a risk is because you ignore the actual meaning of the line and instead focus on what is literally written
as i said bible is full of such things, its not to be taken literally, which is frankly something id expect even a child to understand
What other meaning is there? It seems obvious to me.
>what exactly is the benefit of using any religious title in general by that logic
That’s the point... there isn’t one. We’re all brothers.
>Jesus also lived as a poor fisherman and got
circumcised should we do that too
Missing my point. There is reason to believe Jesus would condemn the act of calling religious leaders “father,” and there is no reason to believe Jesus would support the act. Therefore the best decision is to not do it. Does this not make sense? Or am I an idiot?

>> No.12569494
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No, I refuse.

>> No.12569498

>Irrelevant. The Bible is all that matters in this regard. Does Aristotle have precedence over Jesus?
its not literal aristotles philosophy jsut like its not trying to replace anything
its theology/philosophy influenced by aristotlelian tradition
its really tiresome that you think that faith is incompatible with 90% of culture
>What other meaning is there? It seems obvious to me.
the one which i just told you
if you take bible literally means you didnt understand anything out of it and that yo uread it like quran
>That’s the point... there isn’t one. We’re all brothers.
so all earthly authority should be abolished?
except Jesus literally spoke out agaisnt that in "render onto caesar"
>Missing my point. There is reason to believe Jesus would condemn the act of calling religious leaders “father,” and there is no reason to believe Jesus would support the act. Therefore the best decision is to not do it. Does this not make sense? Or am I an idiot?
Jesus also didnt offer a reason for doing 90% of things we do cause that would make no sense, what should we revert to anarchoprimitivism just in case
ultra legalistic reading is completely missing the point of Bible

>> No.12569519

>so all earthly authority should be abolished?
What? We were clearly talking about religious authority: >>12569449
>what exactly is the benefit of using any religious title in general by that logic

>the one which i just told you
if you take bible literally means you didnt understand anything out of it and that yo uread it like quran
What does Jesus mean when he says
>9 And do not call anyone on earth ‘father,’ for you have one Father, and he is in heaven.
What is the figurative explanation?

>> No.12569527

>What? We were clearly talking about religious authority
i raelly find it hard to understand your logic mate
so according to you this line refers only to religious authorities? despite the fact that saying that goes against your original literalist logic
>What is the figurative explanation?
i explained to you what it means in context back here: >>12569420

>> No.12569540

>so according to you this line refers only to religious authorities?
Yes, that is what the context of the verse implies. In all the Protestant churches I’ve been to, the pastors are called “Brother x” and not “Father X.” Why can’t Catholics do the same?
>i explained to you what it means in context back here
You didn’t explain why it said that Christians shouldn’t call them father, nor did you explain why we are supposedly allowed to call religious leaders father

>> No.12569550

>Why can’t Catholics do the same?
because thats extremely autistic and perverts the meaning of the Bible into trivialities
>You didn’t explain why it said that Christians shouldn’t call them father
i literally said it, you need to read the whole excerpt not just one line and pull it out of its context

>> No.12569594

>But you are not to be called ‘Rabbi,’ for you have one Teacher, and you are all brothers
>and you are all brothers
Note the word “all.” No one on Earth is a spiritual father, but a brother. There is nothing autistic or wrong about following Jesus’ words on this. It upsets me that you defend this point so much when you surely know how troubling it is. If you were not indoctrinated into Catholicism, but read the Bible beforehand, you would be agreeing with me.

>> No.12569596

look im really losing my patience with you
i cant keep repeating the same thing over and over as you keep ignoring what i said and saying the same thing

just know that i lost all the respect i had for protestantism from your replies

>> No.12569606

>How was I BTFO?

Exactly. Obviously in context he's telling people to not call religious leaders Father in place of the Lord, and not to deny the title of one's actual father.