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12567839 No.12567839[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I’m Jewish and I’m becoming anti-Semitic. Not because of some grand conspiracy theories about Jews taking over the world but because I genuinely dislike Jewish people, who I have been interacting with all my life. There’s something wrong with them. I’m fairly religious and believe in G-d and the Torah to an extent, but how do I reconcile this with my growing contempt for the Jewish/Hebrew people themselves?

>> No.12567852

where are you from? are you an american jew?

>> No.12567860

What does talmud say about Jesus Christ?

>> No.12567866

S y n a g o g u e o f S a t a n

>> No.12567868

Born and raised in America, however one side of my family is Israeli.

>> No.12567875

>There’s something wrong with them
Why though? I really don't think they consciously coordinate how they act, but why are so many of them so fucked up?

>> No.12567876

If the few references to Yeshu are about Jesus, then only that he is a false prophet/ a bar person. That being said, I’m not a fan of the Talmud.


>> No.12567880
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So many people in history can't be wrong. Jews were, are and will be scum.

>> No.12567899

eh I was born and raised a Jew, had my eyes opened to kikery, then found Christ. Good luck bro, feel free to ask me questions if you want. The truth is calling you

>> No.12567903

I’m not sure, I can say from first hand experience tho that majority of them are freaks.

>> No.12567908

Circumcision and inbreeding

>> No.12567916

I don’t believe in Jesus tho, I still believe in the Hashem of the Torah. What made you convert?

>> No.12567919

>jesus will never ask you about your day while serving you strong ale

>> No.12567931
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>I’m becoming anti-Semitic.

Welcome to the club!

>> No.12567935

I think your distaste with Jews is a sign that God is trying to call for you. This is how it manifested at first for me as well. Try reading the Gospels, I really unironically believe it will help you. Christ was the prophesized messiah.

>> No.12567938


Do you really call non Jews goyim or is that just a meme? Have you read culture of critique or the Jewish Revolutionary Spirit?

>> No.12567957

I’ll look into it but I’m skeptical. Can you tell me more about your experience?>>12567938
Yes we call you guys goyim kek

>> No.12567973

What happens if you eat non-kosher salt? Do you die? Can it be used to drive your kind away like vampires?

>> No.12568012

>how do I reconcile this with my growing contempt for the Jewish/Hebrew people themselves?
By realizing that your growing contempt of them is itself a part of their influence on you. Try meditation and relaxing a little, maybe read some Nietzsche on top of that (Nietzsche contra Wagner for example) to get an idea as to how someone outside their influence thinks about the Jews.

>> No.12568016

I think a decent amount of this must be personally experience, so I am not going to try to "convince you." However, I will urge you to seriously consider reading the Gospels.

If what you're looking for is my journey, here goes. I was from a pretty normal conservative/sometimes reformed Jewish intelligentsia family. My dad is secretly an atheist, but goes to shul anyway, and we were raised in a way where at least half of everything in the Torah was a "metaphor" of some kind. So very "culturally Jewish" Jews, but with enough of a sense of the underlying kernel of truth. Maybe this led to me being somewhat open to look for better answers elsewhere. Anyway, I had my bar-mitzvah and everything, no problems. Around 14 I discovered 4chan, went down the rabbit hole, around 17 or 18 started seeing jewish tricks everywhere thanks to things like /pol/. This helped me open my eyes onto the truly disgusting nature of the Jewish community, which is inherently subversive and against the nation in which it lives. I started defending Americans and Christians in family discussions (my grandma always said i had a goyishe kup). Gradually, I began to hate them.

Anyway, basically I became filled with hatred and torn about my identity. I first delved into the Gospels driven by this hatred, a burning desire first of all to prove my parents wrong, and only secondly in order to seek truth. But what I found saved me.

>> No.12568038

I hate Jewish men, but God do I love Jewish women

>> No.12568114
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my social/business circles have a lot of jews and i've been intimate with a few jewish women. they are peevish, neurotic, compulsive, spineless people with no moral standards whatsoever. for years i was patient with them and mistook their verbosity for intelligence, but i eventually saw through the smokescreen. gradually, then suddenly, i began to hate them.

>> No.12568131

are you retarded?

>> No.12568138

"Just as the ocean has a gradual shelf, a gradual slope, a gradual inclination, with a sudden drop-off only after a long stretch, in the same way this Doctrine and Discipline (dhamma-vinaya) has a gradual training, a gradual performance, a gradual progression, with a penetration to gnosis only after a long stretch."

>> No.12568150

you're in good company

>> No.12568161
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You're taking LARPing to a new level, Anon.

>> No.12568176

>no one could ever dislike jews, especially not other jews!

>> No.12568177

They're unironically taking religions seriously lmao

>> No.12568180

Lol what? Why do u think I’m larping? What makes you think that? I promise you this thread is 100% genuine, I’ve actually been appreciating everyone’s responses

>> No.12568184

>letting 4chan indoctrinate you so badly you turn against your own heritage, family and people
This site and its people are pathetic.

>> No.12568190

>t. neurotic kike

>> No.12568193

>I think your distaste with Jews is a sign that God is trying to call for you. This is how it manifested at first for me as well.

Like who says shit like this and who takes it seriously? Fuck off with your kike shit.

>> No.12568195

How about stop asking 4chan and speak to your local orthodox rabbi.

That's what I would say if this wasn't a troll.

>> No.12568198

you're responding to OP not me. I am the one who said that. It is completely true.. I'm sorry that you haven't found Christ yet anon

>> No.12568204

Reminder that all of the Abrahamic renderings of God are genealogically Jewish.

>> No.12568222

Lmao all religious people talk like that, that type of statement is so normal to me I didn’t even think twice when I read it, even tho i disagree with Christianity.

>> No.12568223

I am Jewish ethnically, obviously I don't think that it is something wrong. It's only wrong if you persist in the error of denying Christ and symbolically reenacting his murder with your denial of Him

>> No.12568232

I don’t know how I could have this convo with my Rabbi, he’d be shocked

>> No.12568246
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You may like pic related

>> No.12568265

Are you just growing tired of how the group of people around you act?
Maybe you just need more diversity in your friend group - mayo is nice, but too much mayo on your fries ruins them.

>> No.12568684

Maybe he would, but if he knew its a conversation you needed to have it would be a mitzvah. Obviously some Rabbis are better at dealing with these problems than others, perhaps it might even be better to talk to one who you don't know [very well].

>> No.12568692

Also I would suggest learning more about the fundamentals of Judaism (I would suggest forcing your self to read Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan's 13 principles of faith & 'The handbook of Jewish thought') the more you understand this the more you realise how intellectually braindead the antisemites on this site are.

>> No.12568699
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You know what you have to do OP.

>> No.12568764

shoo kike

>> No.12568778

Why does this thread belong on the literature board?

>> No.12568805

Fischer was definitely /ourjew/

>> No.12568823
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Is pic related what his reaction would be?

>> No.12568830

t. Otto Weininger

>> No.12568848

Mods can please move this thread to it's containment board /pol/, that would be lovely...

>> No.12568867

This board just gets worse each day...

>> No.12568875

Then leave

>> No.12568932

really? I have been seeing him recommended a fair amount on here for his misogyny. Worth a read?

>> No.12568938

Is the self hating jew the best trope? I always kinda got that vibe from larry david

>> No.12568941

Jews killed Christ. They’re Judas parasites, the lot of them.

>> No.12568948

There's still hope, but /pol/ threads and threads that are not about /lit/ needs to become less...
I don't get how the mods will remove every Nick Land/Accelerationism thread but not this bullshit.

>> No.12568973

?שלום ופ, אתה מדבר עברית

>> No.12568995

Dude, I think your Jewish subversive instinct is acting against your family, instead of society

>> No.12569000
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stockholm syndrome from visiting /pol at a young age

grow a spine, kid. these antisemites will never be your friends.

>> No.12569005
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Ivanka is the most powerful Jew in the world! And the most beautiful. She is better than all the natural born Jews

>> No.12569006

well, I guess that's for the best then if that's the case. I think I have been cured from my intense hatred and subversiveness by God, though. I no longer even hate Jews, just recognize them as misled (and I think most of the problems of "Jewry" stem from this ultimate continual denial of their own messiah as well), which allows me to tolerate them much better, and mostly just pity them

>> No.12569174

no shit retard

>> No.12569186

I actually like much of ancient Jewish culture and several individual Jews themselves. I am reading the Old Testament atm and constantly I'm amazed by the beauty and intelligence of the people it describes. But Abraham and Moses have a VERY tenuous genetic connection with modern Jews. It's sort of like the Irish relationship with the Celts--the Irish believe they are Celtic, thus they are Celtic. Jews believe they are Jewish, thus they are Jewish. It's a will to biology, a will to race, that was so concentrated and lasted for so many years that it eventually became true through force of cultural pressure.

To your point: there is honestly a "conspiracy" of "Jews," but it's mostly one of nihilistic Jewish elites (elites within Jewish communities, I mean) who just happen to believe they are Jewish and take advantage of Jewish social technology within wider elite circles. That social technology of Jewishness, the Jewish culture of paranoia, resentment, nepotism, supremacism, usury, cowardice, lying, outsider status, self-praise, victimhood, racialism, and greed is what allows them cut through Europeans and Europeanness like a knife through butter. Jews are very much a parasitical people, but a nearly perfect parasite evolutionary selected to adopt and destroy Europeanness after spending so much time along its periphery. Sometimes when I look at Jew faces I get that uncanny valley effect. They are SO close to being European, but a minor detail, a dead kike glint in an eye maybe, ruins the effect and triggers my revulsion.

Little old ladies in Long Island aren't part of the cabal, obviously. But they are not harmless. They do promote the virus-like weaponized version of Jewish culture that allows Jewish elites to assume so much power and influence. Speaking as a more moderate strain of anti-Semitie, I believe that it's not their fault. Most Jews are not even conscious of what they're doing; they just instinctively behave like Jews because they are Jews. To push and doubt and cheat and lie is simply how they've been trained to interact with the world. We can't hate the Jews for this, and to a surprising degree we can reform individual ones. To do away with all Jews is not a real answer to the Jewish question. I know pol-types on 4chan will roll their eyes at this, but the Holocaust was an abomination. It was one of the most disgusting things the European right has ever done, and easily the most self-destructive. It gave Jews the greatest weapon they will ever need, and the second half of the 20th century and the crisis of the modern world is to a massive degree simply a backlash against the right and the Holocaust which they created.

I am not sure it's possible to not feel contempt for Jews as a people once you're aware of what the Jew today is. You cannot consciously "unlearn" knowledge. In your situation, I would simply try to be the best person I can be

tl;dr I don't hate you, honestly. What you're doing is hard and I appreciate it

>> No.12569197

i knew all the anti-semitic spam was coming from a jewish guy

>> No.12569208

>they are peevish, neurotic, compulsive, spineless people with no moral standards whatsoever
So they are like all other women?

>> No.12569219

Don’t do this. There’s no one less able to help than a Rabbi

>> No.12569224

Why do you say so?

>> No.12569227

you are not alone
im a catholic by conviction and i personally cant stand catholics, the whole community and mentality is so cancerous

>> No.12569231

>It's sort of like the Irish relationship with the Celts--the Irish believe they are Celtic, thus they are Celtic
irish are actually genetically extremely similar to the celts

>> No.12569232

The Old Testament was not composed by modern Jews. It was composed by the Hebrew race, and they are not more closelt related to modern Jews than to certain Arabs.

>> No.12569253
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i like catholicism but i hate the kennedys they were the worst kind of identity politics abusing the irish voting bloc in boston to propel themselves to wealth and power, i know there was a lot of anti-catholicism and they broke some barriers (like being president, rip) but at the same time they conducted their personal lives like total assholes and were nasty to everyone despite claiming liberalism, and they got away with murdering women which in this woke era should put get them airbrushed out of history, but no we still have to like them as the dems trot out that drooling guy

>> No.12569299

>but i hate the kennedys they were the worst kind of identity politics abusing the irish voting bloc in boston to propel themselves to wealth and power
yea its all populism and using their ethnic and religious identity to get political power
i mean they were family friends with mccarthy and got popular support from bleeding hearts
typical democratic party crap - they always did the same shit, used different religions and ideology as tools

>> No.12569500

What remains of Irish Catholics are mostly aware now. There's this image in media like The Departed that the Irish Catholics are still devoted to the guy but I don't think it's the reality. My granddad says the first vote he ever made was for JFK. Same deal with my grandma. You HAD to vote for JFK, he says. Everybody in his Irish Catholic Philadelphia neighborhood voted for him because the guy was of course Irish and a Catholic. And he wasn't a dumb mick like the people they knew. He was smart and rich and cool. He went to Harvard and flirted with pretty girls. He made good speeches and dressed well. He represented the best of what Irish people could aspire to be in America, and he and his family and his friends recognized that.

But in the long run, JFK and JFK-influenced policies of forced integration totally decimated those very same Irish Catholic neighborhoods that turned out for him. They were pushed to the suburbs by the resultant crime waves, drug use, and drop in quality of life. You couldn't raise your kids there. You couldn't LIVE there. Then they were splintered apart by consumerism and capitalist brain rot. There is no real Irish community in the US today, there are no Irish churches and Irish neighborhoods, and anybody who tells you otherwise is either in denial or lying. Sometimes you'll see news stories on Irish grannies who haven't got the picture yet. Determined to live in the house they were born in until the day they died. Get their skull cracked open when they're coming home late at night. Get robbed when they're going to the 7-11 that used to be a corner store. Trip while drunk, break your hip, and die alone in the city cold.

My granddad says he wishes he voted for Nixon now, and he's hardly alone. Look down the list of Fox News boomer Republican commentators and you'll see a lot of Irish names. O'Reilly, Limbaugh, Hannity, McMick, O'Bogtrotter. Nobody speaks worse of the Kennedys than the Irish side of the family. Started the Vietnam War, you know. Gave away the inner cities. Forgot where they came from. Wanted to be WASPs so bad they really did become them. Lace curtain faggots

>> No.12569512

pretty sad, but this is what happened to all culture in general