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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 763 KB, 1200x1600, iPhoneUpload_ya67kjmuyc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12566740 No.12566740 [Reply] [Original]

Found this at an antique store. Let's crack it open, shall we?

>> No.12566747
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>> No.12566749
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The introduction is by a bishop. That's promising. Wait, no it isn't.

>> No.12566765

plebbit thread

>> No.12566769
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Table of contents part 1. "Good Breeding" catches the eye.

>> No.12566773
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>> No.12566780
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Table of contents part 2.

... "Secret Diseases."

>> No.12566781
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There's nothing morally objectionable about eugenics as long as they are available to everyone who wishes to access them.

>> No.12566789

Skip to "consummation of marriage" I wanna know if I'm doing it wrong.

>> No.12566791
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The masculine ideal.

>> No.12566802
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The feminine ideal.

>> No.12566817
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This might have been considered progressive for the time - sleeping in the same bed is A-OK!

>> No.12566824
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Oh, never mind. "The mind away from sexual thoughts, and the hands away from the parts."

If you chant it repeatedly, it has kind of a fun rhythm.

>> No.12566839
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Masturbation is bad. Very bad.

>> No.12566850
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Also, sex itself is bad too.

>> No.12566867
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Women in particular shouldn't need sex.

>> No.12566880
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What a foolish notion that any kind of sex life is conducive to health.

>> No.12566883

Lol this guy is a total loser
t. Jail bird and degenerate

>> No.12566886
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Diseases are from God.

>> No.12566905

show them secret diseases NOW

>> No.12566917

*tips fedora*
tiests are sooooo dumb XDDDD
let's watch sum rig and morgy :D

>> No.12566928
File: 520 KB, 1600x1200, iPhoneUpload_01v5icpb3u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How to have the most boring conversations.

>> No.12566966

I don't even understand what this post is trying to say

>> No.12566969

Where's the lie in these? All very sound advice. Keep posting.

>> No.12566974

>look at these sheep bitches
>uploaded from iPhone

Upload more tho

>> No.12566989

Scan the whole thing, OP.

>> No.12567021

Hepathitis, HIV and herpes fit accurate description of doctor.

>> No.12567039

>using the uploaded from iphone joke after the occupy movement
It's very hard to exist without a smart phone. Owning one is not a sign of hypocrisy and doesn't say anything about your beliefs.

This is like saying
>haha, he's an anarchist but he doesn't break any laws

>> No.12567063

Get a sub-100 dollar android you mong

>> No.12567078

I thought the dig was about corporate conformity. Buying an android is just supporting google instead of Apple

>> No.12567092

This is fascinating anon. Even the victorians suffered from premarital sex and constant masturbation. Will you post some of the reproductive organs?

>> No.12567099


>> No.12567113

ok whatever

>> No.12567157

/lit/ - Smartphones

>> No.12567381
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>> No.12567399

Post an excerpt from "The Toilet".

>> No.12567428

thanks for sharing. These are all great
>If you're too horny just exercise and take a cold shower
>all men can be chaste in body and mind
>except the genetically inferior ones, who are doomed to promiscuity and alcoholism

>> No.12567430

this is fantastic, thanks op

>> No.12567435

upload it as a pdf

>> No.12567442

>he owns a computer
kek what do you do play video games? They say I owned a computer until I saw someone create memes on a phone, then I threw out my computer.

>> No.12567460

You forgot to post a meme frog pic alongside your text.

>> No.12567472

Holy based

>> No.12567526

>It's very hard to exist without a smart phone.
holy shit is this a fucking joke

>> No.12567541

>book from 1917
>female ideal involves getting educated

hey thats actually pretty progressive

>> No.12567568

Best thread in a looong time. Please do post more!

>> No.12567578

I second this

>> No.12567580

It's a normal female ideal in west (and curiously Ming China, Korea and Japan) for at least past thousand years. Feminism is based on giant strawmen and deliberately erroneous historical narrative.

>> No.12567581

>no memes, no irony, no attention-whoring
god if only more people followed these principles

>> No.12567582
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Makes me sad. Those were better times

>> No.12567588

because school is where all good virgin boys are

>> No.12567594

Do it, OP, please

>> No.12567599

well, yeah, having sex doesn't make you healthier. If anything it can only make you unhealthy and diseased.

>> No.12567601

>using the occupy movement in rhetoric as if it were a pivotal moment in modern history

>> No.12567603
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>> No.12567604

this is all relatively sound wisdom. appreciate it, OP.

this, please.

>> No.12567613
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Unlike some of the other pages, I don't find too much to object to on this one.

>> No.12567619


>> No.12567624

>when you are leftist and someone gives you good advice.gif

>> No.12567625

skip to the toilet section

>> No.12567629
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"Hallowed Pleasures"

>> No.12567631
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>mfw much of this is considered offensive now

>> No.12567635
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I half-expected to find "Eye of Newt" somewhere in this section.

>> No.12567637
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>> No.12567646


>> No.12567652
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"Bark and acid mixture"???

>> No.12567670
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Masturbation will injure you, apparently.

>> No.12567678
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>> No.12567688

>implying that a normal sex life isn't conducive to a healthy psyche

>> No.12567691
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Based and redpilled.

>> No.12567717

Where is the lie?

>> No.12567744

I would definitely imply that yes. It's more important to the psyche to have romance in your life than sex. You aren't gonna get any long term fulfillment from hiring prostitutes that's for sure.

>> No.12567767

>Women should know nothing about sexual pleasure. Just be happy to take care of kids and the house.
Look, I'd consider myself very right wing and traditionalist. But this shit is retarded. With a mindset like that they where practically begging to have something like feminism wreck society. Assuming anyone actually thought like this anyways, and this wasn't written by some weird faggot

>> No.12567773

For me they go hand in hand. Having sex regularly with someone who is attracted to you is a natural, healthy way to improve your mental state

>> No.12567812


Sedative No 13: Morphine + chloroform + alcohol

Yep that'll put you down all right

>> No.12567828

>hurr promoting value A causes value B durr
You argue exactly like dumb marxist whores. Problem wasn't strictness but leniency. Suffrogettes and other outlier weirdo cunts should have been whipped and raped into submission. Civilization had worked just fine for a few thousand years based on those sexual mores. It was leniency that led to catastrophe.

>> No.12567836

Well I hate recreational sex. I wouldn't be so strict as to say only after marriage, but as this book put it you should "not separate sensuality from these ends which hallow it", as unhallowed sensuality leads to hedonistic excess which is both morally and emotionally bankrupt and unhealthy. I just dont see sex as some sort of psychiatric remedy like you seem to

>> No.12567847
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>Well I hate recreational sex.

>> No.12567859

It's not just a psychiatric remedy but that's one of the nice things about it. I tend to think that the relationship between two people is what "hallows" sex. Not being religious, I'd never have sex with someone who I wouldn't want to talk to afterwards.

>> No.12567879

desu the "Avoid oddity. Eccentricity is shallow vanity." is true

>> No.12567901
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No it isnt

>> No.12567914

All of them are true desu

>> No.12567960

>Problem wasn't strictness but leniency
As a general rule I agree. I guess i'm coming from the assumption that people historically weren't this autistic about sex and the more Victorian era views where a purity spiral interpretation of older customs and not the same sexual mores of thousands of years before. I'll admit though that I haven't read into the history of this stuff so might be completely wrong

>> No.12567987
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>> No.12568010

what the fuck is going on in this picture
aside from the "How to be Black"-book, that is

>> No.12568014

also, is that infinite jest on the shelf below? jesus christ

>> No.12568018

Yes and of course its real

>> No.12568026

It definitely is

>> No.12568027

Oh and the link.

>> No.12568035

keep in mind nomalfags don't actually read books. Chances are no one there knows anything about those books other than that some liberal source rated them positively and therefore its good for status signaling.

>> No.12568085

Is infinite jest bad or something?
sound like a funny joke book 0u0

>> No.12568109

it´s the lesser man´s gravitys rainbow

>> No.12568113

Is that about trowing gays to their deaths 0_0?

>> No.12568127

Not really even superficially other than going "I assume this guy has read pynchon and delillo"

>> No.12568132

I really hope we get to live in a really uptight fascist state. So you stupid fucking niggers and your families get enslaved and executed by the state you yourselves helped create.

>> No.12568386

This is advice actually seems pretty brilliant. Saved.

>> No.12568438

Based Noted Specialists.

>> No.12568462


This is good advice.

>> No.12568480

>servants and people of loose morals
I knew they were behind all this immodesty.

>> No.12568499

Chaste and breadpilled.

>> No.12568513

It's true.

>> No.12568537

A lot of this is just common sense

>> No.12568582

Is it really?

>> No.12568585


>> No.12568591

Found it on archive.org

>> No.12568600


>dont be a irresponsible idiot
>dont beat your meat too much
>dont be a obnoxious tryhard during conversations


>> No.12568621

thanks for sharing OP, this is unironically good stuff

>> No.12568632

yes you dumbass lmao

>> No.12568654

>man i need to beat my dick otherwise i go insane xD
>waaah i need pussy :(( why don't i get any pooosssyy!!??? :((
choose one or both i dont care

>> No.12568660

Thanks. This is a good book.

>> No.12569515

>Avoid giving the impression of one filled with "suppressed egotism"
>Avoid oddity
>Never give advice unasked
>Never discourse upon your ailments
>Never tell a coarse story
>Never infringe upon any established regulations among strangers
Never was better advice given in such succinctness.

>> No.12569542

>Those were better times
Someone set the example in the earlier time period for the author to know what to place on the left column.

>> No.12569547

you have to be 18 to post here

>> No.12569564

>Never repeat a word that was not intended for repetiton.

what does this mean

>> No.12569599

I don't know about that. She seems to have Thomas Piketty's "Capital in the Twenty-First Century" and is following the same train of thought as Thomas.

>> No.12569604

Don't say shit like "Fuck", because "Fuck" is a vulgar word and should not be said in public.

>> No.12569609

Also, don't say "shit"

>> No.12569612

Thanks, anon!

>> No.12569642

maybe it's out of politesse concerning certain subjects in conversation, like for example "she's infertile" or "he doesn't drink, he's a recovering alcoholic" or "their baby died" or "she didn't get the promotion"

i honestly don't quite know, that's just my take on it

>> No.12569702

This is good advice OP, its clean.

>> No.12570070

OP please pdf this for the sake of history

>> No.12570103

read the thread

>> No.12570124

Thanks m8

>> No.12570220

Its like you're stretching irony unto another plane of existence

>> No.12570258

It's a decent book on etiquette, morals and all but that title is actually very misleading. I expected more on niggers.

>> No.12570303

Jesus Christ I want to read this. Not joking. I can only imagine the values espoused and rue the life instead that’s come.

>> No.12570335

>idle and immoral
Perfect summary of 90% of the women I know.

>> No.12570388

It's probably available on archive.org

>> No.12570400

>implying 90% of men arent the same

>> No.12571307

I'm gonna live by these pages. Fuck all niggers too

>> No.12572010
File: 560 KB, 750x1334, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based hugo

>> No.12572023
File: 39 KB, 500x500, angry pepe 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want the PDF!

>> No.12572038


>> No.12573521


>> No.12573653

>sad over loss of better morals of times past.
>posts pic of eastern euro-trash porn star slut.

>> No.12573689

>chloral hydrate, chloroform
that shit'll work fine, yo!

>> No.12573692


>> No.12573694

wtf this isn’t what my 100k in student loans told me 20th century sex was like

>> No.12573718

It's not that progressive. I really can't say if public education was ubiquitous for girls in either Britain or America, but I can say manuals regarding raising daughters would have stressed the importance of education as well.

>> No.12573727


Not sure why nobody posted a link to the book, though with a different title.

>> No.12573729

Very based and very redpilled thanks OP.

>> No.12573735

>>If you're too horny just exercise and take a cold shower
Sounds like the nofap guys.

>> No.12573736

Oh, I guess somebody did post it. Is there any reason to prefer archive.org to Google Books? I find the latter much more user-friendly.

>> No.12573763


>> No.12573791

if that ever happened, anyone who had ever posted on 4chan would be first against the wall

>> No.12573837

>regarding raising daughters would have stressed the importance of education as well.
oh no the horror

>> No.12573863

I'm surprised nobody reap off the pages or burned the book considering the era that we live in.

>> No.12573872

can anyone who does not agree with what's being said in the pics, explain why instead of just ridiculing with le epic irony

>> No.12573880

Not that you are implying otherwise, but I wasn't implying it was horrible, only that it's was not progressive to maintain that education was necessary to complete a woman, not even at the beginning of the 20th century. This would have been progressive in the 16th century, and I am unsure when this changed, but Johnson, writing in 1751 wrote:
>There prevails among men of letters an opinion, that all appearance of science is particularly hateful to women; and that therefore, whoever desires to be well received in female assemblies, must qualify himself by a total rejection of all that is serious, rational, or important; must consider argument or criticism, as perpetually interdicted; and devote all his attention to trifles, and all his eloquence to compliment.
>Students often form their notions of the present generation from the writings of the past, and are not very early informed of those changes which the gradual diffusion of knowledge, or the sudden caprice of fashion, produces in the world. Whatever might be the state of female literature in the last century, there is now no longer any danger lest the scholar should want an adequate audience at the tea-table; and whoever thinks it necessary to regulate his conversation by antiquated rules, will be rather despised for his futility than caressed for his politeness.

>> No.12573898

"Men more frequently require to be reminded than informed."

>> No.12573939

>There prevails among men of letters an opinion, that all appearance of science is particularly hateful to women; and that therefore, whoever desires to be well received in female assemblies, must qualify himself by a total rejection of all that is serious, rational, or important; must consider argument or criticism, as perpetually interdicted; and devote all his attention to trifles, and all his eloquence to compliment.
Unironically good advice.

>> No.12573978

Maybe /b/tards in 2008. 4chan is the 21st century salon for young students. Most people who post here (on the hobby boards at least) are young and attending college

>> No.12574015


>> No.12574019

lol'd so fucking hard

>> No.12574046

partially true but there are a lot of christcuck boomers especially on /lit/.

>> No.12574144

this or send it to archive.org so they can

>> No.12574239

We destroyed the whole happiness of civilisation simply to satisfy our perverted fetishes for a few seconds of pleasure? It makes me so sad to think about all that was lost so people wouldn't feel ashamed of how they live their pathetic private lives

>> No.12574336

>christcuck boomers
are you retarded? do you think anyone who shares christian beliefs is automatically a boomer?

>> No.12574348

honestly, what's with the fucking invasion by meme marxists who spout atheism and materialism like mad? bro you think jerking off is bad? lol bro it feels good just do it

>> No.12574380

Who let you out of the kitchen?

>> No.12574382

Don't gossip. Don't repeat words which were given to you in confidence

>> No.12574431

>female education
Other than that I think we have a decently redpilled book in our hands

>> No.12574438

>20 year old who dates is idle and immodest
>26 year old with children is loved and honored
pedos BTFO

>> No.12574894

so, it's a picture book for plebs, and every other reply to this post is positive.

>> No.12574967

>better times
>someone felt there was a need to write the book in the first place and even brought up the "all the other guys are having sex" line

>> No.12575004

In modern society you are right. The "take care of the house" thing made more sense back in a day before modern conveniences where cooking or chores took hours instead of minutes.

>> No.12575021

>unironically using the word pleb

>> No.12575133

I suppose it's just preference, and I prefer archive.org. However, I'll accept a copy from anywhere.

>> No.12575155

The poster has that persona associated with a fat, neck-bearded, fedora-wearing, atheist/anti-theist. After seeing the "god is punishing us" reference he scoffs and goes to watch Rich and Morty.

>> No.12575714

Very spot on actually. I am surprised. People seriously need these lessons. I love old books.

>> No.12575781

Like like like like like like like like like, etcetera.

>> No.12575841

>a bishop talking about sex

Thanks OP, this is literally "20th century incels: The Book"

>> No.12576259

bro bishops are so stupid lol

>> No.12576492
File: 84 KB, 413x496, 1539845572923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great thread, thanks of the laughs OP

>> No.12576517

>i-if i say great thread ironically maybe people will think everyone else is d-doing the same

>> No.12576572

Literally the shit from tumblr
>if you look at a woman you raped her in your mind

>> No.12576577


>> No.12576605

Honestly, apart from the first one these are all spot on.

>> No.12576608

I know for sure this apply to 99% of modern USA. And I love it

>> No.12576612


>> No.12576651


>> No.12576703

how can this concept be so foreign to you? how can you not understand it?

>> No.12576863

Most of it is sound though basic advice, which doesn't mean it shouldn't be said at some point.
I guess I'm a degenerate compared to the standards put there but I can't object to 95% of it.
Are the niggers itt really surprised by an advice book saying not to indulge in every whim that passes through your head and having standards of order and purity?

>> No.12576989

some people seem to take great offense

>> No.12577008

Arbitrarily suppressing our animal instincts is a good way to ensure they get unleashed elsewhere, in some incredibly unhealthy manner.

Remember, this is the same civilisation that sent millions of men to die in industrial slaughter for a pointless war that amounted to nothing.

>> No.12577009

All christlarpers are spiritual boomers.

>> No.12577022

>being this delusional about the past

>> No.12577030

>Ugh people are so degenerate compared to the past

>> No.12577089

He is describing Syphilis pretty accurately, it actually transmit from father to mother, and then to the offspring (look up congenital syphilis) and it can actually be transmitted by a kiss. Take into account that it had epidemic proportions in those days and there was no penicilin to treat it easily.
t. Med student who loves History.

>> No.12577094


>> No.12577624
File: 300 KB, 838x793, SCIENCE DISCOVERS THE PHYSIOLOGICAL VALUE OF CONTINENCE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All true.

>> No.12577657

When I saw "Eugenics" I was expecting some ethnical cleansing manual with ammends to gene editing, but this is actually a wholesome book.

>> No.12577663


You've never been to jail

t. Jailbird