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/lit/ - Literature

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12565962 No.12565962 [Reply] [Original]

Post your favorite writer and a fact about them maybe a little anecdote.I'll go first

>Signed books by shooting them

My favorite anecdote of him
was when he was sent to Africa to cover the fight between Ali and foreman.
He sold his tickets for weed and went to go look for pygmies in the jungle. Apparently he met some locals instead and bought some ivory, then went back to his hotel.

And On his flight back to America, Thompson's ivory was confiscated by customs. Instead of paying the fee to get the items back, Thompson "charged past airport security, jumped over a desk, grabbed the tusks and ran for it, with airport security hot on his heels."

>> No.12565994
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>Work your whole life through education/apprenticeships to follow your dreams as an artist
>be gay

>> No.12567278
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>> No.12567290
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Will post more pictures if interested

>> No.12567454

yeah, he is v cool. I like this vid:

>> No.12567468

Daily reminder Hunter Thompson is a satanic pedophile who made snuff films for the judeo-mason-rosicrucian-jesuit-royal family international pedo ring loosely known as le cercle

>> No.12567651
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Recommended reading

My favorite author is Dostoyevsky by the way

>> No.12567666
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Owl farm is a cozy place

Nothing like shotgun shells all over the yard and peacocks screaming

>> No.12567686
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Asshole tier animal

>> No.12567694
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long live aspen

>> No.12567755
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>> No.12567762

Yeah, Owl farm seems cool.
P cool living in the countryside.

>> No.12567811
File: 1.35 MB, 973x723, Screen Shot 2019-02-09 at 3.12.04 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon. Here's where the king blew his brains out.

>> No.12567888

did he actually do it inside?
is the house a museum now?

>> No.12567917

1. Yes
2. No. It's where his widow lives. I heard awhile back that she was planning on doing private tours though. Not exactly sure when. I grew up in Colorado and his widow has a small music festival at Owl Farm each year. That's how I ended up meeting her and seeing the house.

>> No.12567933

>1. Yes
>2. No. It's where his widow lives. I heard awhile back that she was planning on doing private tours though. Not exactly sure when. I grew up in Colorado and his widow has a small music festival at Owl Farm each year. That's how I ended up meeting her and seeing the house.
cool. what music was played at the festival

>> No.12567977
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Mainly local acts. Nothing fancy and is family-friendly. It's meant to raise money for a local charity dedicated to wildlife conservation. Not sure if that was a one time thing though..

>> No.12567993
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>invite a date to a ball well in advance
>day of the ball
>cancel on the girl saying that the pleasure of anticipation is greater than the pleasure of actually attending the ball

>> No.12568001

>local charity dedicated to wildlife conservation
I was asking what genre/did it have a theme or something alike.

>> No.12568025
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No specific theme. I don't have much to say about the music anyway. I mainly walked around, drank, and hung around the house.

>> No.12568072

hehe cool.
didn't expect his widow to be so young

>> No.12568104
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She's a really sweet person. You can tell that she loved him dearly.

>> No.12568147

I hope so.

>> No.12569124
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>write a book because your upset at life
>trigger half of the country and get death threats decades after the book is published
>forced to have his book sold in shrink wrap in Australia
>Don't give a fuck and continue to have a successful career being a screen writer/author

>> No.12569133

I thought schizophrenics weren’t very good with computers

>> No.12569198

Not true my schitzoid brother is pretty good with them. Delusional as fuck though

>> No.12569206

He's one of my favorite authors. Any chance you care to list you're very favorite books he wrote or do you love them all equally?

>> No.12569248
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Not OP here, but I recommend anything with Ralph Steadman's art. Just not the same without it. Fear and Loathing, Curse of Lono, etc. Hells Angels - Good, but rushed. No art.

Autobiography of a Brown Buffalo by Oscar Zeta Acosta (his buddy) is good too. Highly recommend if you're a doomer.

>> No.12569338

I'm definitely gonna have to check these out. I've read fear and loathing but not the others. Ive also read the rum diaries but to be honest i don't remember it very well because I was kinda drunk when I read it. Do you know why was hells angels rushed?

>> No.12570132
File: 1.37 MB, 985x714, Screen Shot 2019-02-10 at 12.42.11 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Rum Diary was a continuation of an old project that he gave up on. His widow (then editor) found the old draft for it and encouraged him to finish it. Personally, I wasn't a big fan it either. Again, Steadman's art adds character to his work.

The latter half of Hell's Angels was rushed because he had a deadline and wrote the latter half within a few days. He locked himself in a hotel room with a bunch of dexedrine and was set on finishing it by his deadline. Within a couple days, he was done. He wrote it on napkins, tissues, and receipts. It was up to his employer to sort it out.

If you enjoy Autobiography of a Brown Buffalo, I'd recommend reading The Revolt of the Cockroach People as well. However, I'd recommend reading about the Chicano movement before reading about Acosta's Cucarachas. Without previous reading, it can be a bit difficult to follow.

>> No.12570150
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>Perfect purity is possible if you turn your life into a line of poetry written with a splash of blood.

>> No.12570291

How can you not love this man?

>> No.12570414

Terry Davis says otherwise