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/lit/ - Literature

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12564529 No.12564529 [Reply] [Original]

Are e-readers a meme for brainlets?

>> No.12564538

How dumb do you have to be to make threads like this

>> No.12564544

Just answer the damn question, nigger.

>> No.12564551

There's YOUR answer now FUCK OFF back to, you guessed it, R*ddit!

>> No.12564554

No. e-ink readers, open source file sharing, writing, translational and configurative software merge to create an incredibly potent and almost self-contained form of learning. If you locked a man in a cell with just loaded kindle and a power source for a year he'd emerge a sage. Traditional books are outmoded in most criteria but aesthetic (extremely important)

>> No.12564560

seriously. some of the fucking people on this board lack a basic level of critical thinking

>> No.12564621

Basically, you need to have very little ability to talk about /lit/wise but a strong desire to post ANYTHING on /lit/. Prognosis: an /r9k/ crossboarder who thinks /lit/ is the "smart board" and by posting on it he is accomplished is some way.

>> No.12564647

They have their advantages, and shortcomings.

I use one sometimes, but still prefer a psysical book over it.

>> No.12564967

so basically, /lit/ is turning into reddit. :(

>> No.12564976

>nobody arguing about whether or not reading off screens effect memory retention
>just whining about OP
hello plebbit

The absolute state of this board. How did you guys become even more low energy and gay?

>> No.12564987

E-ink =/= screen

>> No.12564992

Prove it faggot

>> No.12564999

i read books on my phone and i think its great

have a proper discussion fellas you look as handicapped as OP

>> No.12565007
File: 60 KB, 600x399, 1t0amw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he "reads books" on his phone

>> No.12565020

I'm a poor college student who lives in a dorm. I love physical books but I don't think I'd be able to continue buying them. I'm considering just buying a used kindle and pirating everything :(
Oh well

>> No.12565039

Women are beautiful

>> No.12565066

People are insufferable as a whole.
Ereaders are a good investment if you’re borderline poor and need to pirate your books. I agree that there is no parallel to reading a physical book. However, if you can’t and don’t want to visit a library because it’s bothersome or out of your way, an ereader works wonders. I don’t have the space or the money to buy physical books, so I download books onto either my phone or kindle, and read them when time permits. I get exactly the same information because it is not medium dependant.

>> No.12565202
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Man imagine to have the money to buy every single book you want to read.

Real talk, I try to read multiple books a week and if I were to buy every single one that'd just be fucking bad. I only buy books I finshed and genuinely want a copy of.
OP is probably a faggot that reads one book every few months and takes it on the subway every day to read it in public (like 1 page or some shit because he spends most time trying to nonchalantly see if people are admiring him reading)
Wouldn't be surprised if said book is Infinite Jest as well.

>> No.12565207

Are you retarded? you do know that libraries exist right?