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12563459 No.12563459[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>fell in love with a girl who doesn't even believe in monogamy
what to do lads

>> No.12563469

abandon ship it will only get worse

>> No.12563471

There are two options, you can either be a bitch about it or not

>> No.12563472

Smack her ass and find someone hotter.

>> No.12563474

Date her and then fuck another girl in front of her so she becomes monogamous.

>> No.12563492

This desu. OP can try to explain himself to her, that he cannot be with an non-monogamist, perhaps she will change but do not hold hope. This is your test, OP. Abandon the jezabel.

>> No.12563506

women are so vacuous that you can meme them into anything with enough time and just a pinch of charisma

don't be a bitch

>> No.12563532

don't fall in love

>> No.12563584

I know it's hard to hear, but this is for YOUR best interests. There are a lot of great girls out there, forget this one who will only bring you pain and heartache - find a girl who shares your values and will bring you happiness

>> No.12563614

do nothing because she will never love you back

>> No.12563633

probably true, definitely hard to take

>> No.12563636

rape her

>> No.12563643

If u really love her and want her to be yours... you gotta lay the pipe like a Mac, daily, then you done give her what she ain’t trying share. That’s what monogamy is; it’s not “I’m faithful”- it’s “that’s mine!”. You gotta giver that thing that makes her tell everyone “that’s mine!” kinda feeling

If she don’t feel that way about u it’s not love. Love is possessive, she seems like she don’t care about losing u

>> No.12563669

Need more details.

Mostly this though >>12563471

On what principals? She just wants to screw, or is it some ideological position?

You can love a fuck-buddy. Just not the same way you would a would-be wife

>> No.12563686

she's obsessed with feminist bullshit basically. not enough to read actual theory but enough to call things social constructs.

>> No.12563717

So she wants to remain unattached? Does she think she'll have children someday or has she renounced that?
Would she/you desire a threesome, as one-off or a semi-permanent situation?

Not asking for myself of course

>> No.12563736

yo anon, I know it might be hard to understand but you need to realize that:

1) you will never become non-monogamous
2) she will never become monogamous

Please.. find someone else.

You don't want to be there when she will tell you: '' yeah I fucked him, so what? I told you I wanted an open relationship ''.

The feeling you will resent at this moment is worse than death by inhalation of sperm.

Don't be this guy, be a man instead.

>> No.12563777

>yeah I fucked him, so what? I told you I wanted an open relationship ''.
I think he's well aware of this.

I just suggest exploring these ideas of hers. Get her to think on them more. Enjoy her company for as long as you or she pleases

>> No.12563850

Why bother? Feminism (especially all that intersectional nonsense) is about as self-destructive as a worldview can get. While some of it might sound decent on paper, anyone who falls for the current zeitgeist of "Wamen do no wrong and deserve respect" is not a serious person with ideas of their own.

>> No.12563974

Is this OP?
That is a perfectly good reason to bother. Discus these things with her. The both of you would grow.

If you're just not up to it and you'd rather deny yourself the experience stimulating sex and conversations, why even make this thread?

>> No.12563976

Leave her

>> No.12563987

I'm not OP, but I have tried to date women who didn't want to be monogamous, when I did want that. No matter how cool you try to be, if you want something like that and they don't, it only hurts. My rec for OP is to find someone else that he is more compatible with. You can talk with her and try to rationalize it to yourself until you are blue in the face, but it will just hurt, and keep hurting.

>> No.12564009
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>when I did want that.
There's your problem. Be what it is you can, not what you want.
I don't mean for him to try to talk her out of her lifestyle choices, but to accept it, roll with it, learn from it.
He says he's in love. Then love a "friend with benefits" for what she is. Not as the future mother of your children or whatever.

>> No.12564030

Shoo, buttfly, shoo

>> No.12564031
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Read pic.

>> No.12564047

This isn't how it works in people who have emotions and feelings. You can try your hardest, and I have, to love what I could - but in the end, it isn't something you can just make go away. At a certain point, you need to realize that you two are incompatible, and go your seperate ways. It doesn't mean you hate her, or don't value her, or whatever. But it will never be what you want, so you need to separate and find something that can be. Anyways, I don't know if you're trolling or not, but I'm done arguing with you on this point. If you don't understand, you never will, no matter what I say.

>> No.12564071
File: 208 KB, 1280x943, Smiles of a Summer Night.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This isn't how it works in people who have emotions and feelings
Yes it is. I am saying for him to get over her, get over his expectations of her. AND fuck her. Grow from the relationship.
It takes maturity, certainly. I know I wasn't ready for anything like that when I was younger. I do understand your perspective.

Seen Smiles of a Summer Night?

>> No.12564073

>people that don't believe in monogamy

we are truly in a decadent age

>> No.12564076

Shoo, buttfly, shoo

>> No.12564086

What a great and literary thread.

>> No.12564092

Shoo, padre, shoo.

>> No.12564093

Shoo, buttfly, shoo

>> No.12564431


Prescribing self-help rhetoric as a panacea is not even close to maturity; actual maturity is understanding that different people will react differently to a situation this broad.

You literally just encountered an example of this from yourself and the anon your replying to; and you're both just saying "white not black", "no black not white". It's idiocy.

>> No.12564453

>Accept her as she is
>Be always there for her
>Be her rock
>Let her fuck other guys
>Be her dream-come-true-man
>One day she walks in on You fucking somebody else
>So that is what my Rock was up to
>Watch her reaction

>Might make a novel out of it later

>> No.12564558

There has never been a decent argument presented against the notion of open relationships. Monogamy is the expression of selfish greed and insecurity.

>> No.12564709

You'll raise someone elses kid, other men will mock you, your wife will be empowered to play you off against her lovers, your wife will humiliate and mock you.

>> No.12564732

Love is possesive.

>> No.12564763

its a lot more sanitary
condoms can shield you against STDs but they are not infallible (specially if there is alcohol involved), now imagine you are in an open relationship and your partner (male or female) sleeps with some rando and something happens, voila! now you got AIDS, parasites or a myriad other things

of course this happens a lot in monogamous relationships, but thats not the point

>> No.12564796

I had the best sexual experiences of my life with a girl with whom I wasn't in a relationship, and who was very polygamous. She had regular sexual contact with like 2-3 dudes that were all more attractive than I was.

I can only encourage you to go for it anyway, if you know how to handle the potential pain. These experiences are key moments in your life, not only /lit/-related. It teaches you to lay down beliefs and standards that you think you have to adhere to. But if you succeed, the experience will probably benefit you, or at least add experience. If you fail, you learn a lesson in pain. I had both, and it was a very enriching experience for me if I consider all the aspects.

You guys can shit on me all the way you want. Love might be possessive, love might be obsessive, but imo this is not a valid argument to refrain from a potential plunge into an emotional challenge.
At least don't let yourself be fooled by people who are neurotic about cultural boundaries.

Anyway, good luck OP

>> No.12564798


>> No.12564813

If she falls for you she will listen to you

>> No.12564848

There's a very simple reason for it it's just that you're overcultured orangutan. An intelligent idiot. Moron with a degree. It's absolutely disgusting for a man, and you have to lie to yourself that you absolutely love your wife whoring around - let's be honest, if you'd take random number of "open relationships" and asked them about how many different partners do they have yearly and how often do they have sex with them, woman will at least quadruple the man in track record. This will knock on the primal part of your brain that tells you - that woman is mine and it's me who should breed with her, not other men even though you're conscious of anticonception. You may say - but look, I am very civilized person, thinking rationally etc. etc. I don't get fooled by "lizard"(figuratively speaking) parts of my brain! Well lizard brain exists for whatever millions of years while our civilization for about 10-15 thousands assuming you take invention of agriculture as year 0, and given the likelyhood of you being American derived from whatever Germanic group that settled it(which explains why do you even raise such cuckish argument), it's probably just about 5000 years. 5000 years of civilization, most of which was as possessive as the lizard brain dictated regardless of being civilized and you believe this will overpower the millions of years during which every male felt bad about female he thought is his copulating with other males. Yes dude, you're totally going to tell that instinct to fuck off, it's not gonna linger in your dumb brain. Also mind you that female lizard brains like when "her" man kills her potential new mates as it confirms his genetic superiority over them.

Now why is this bad? You will be jealous, your woman will get a nudge from her lizard brain that you're pretty bad choice if you let her act like that. It won't last. Lasting relationships meanwhile are important for the sake of children as the objectively best environment for them to grow up is heterosexual parents + occasional presence of other extended family members(going by metrics ranging from "hard" numbers like incarceration rate, SAT score or IQ through things overeducated idiots won't agree with like number of children to self-reported happiness). Therefore the argument against open relationships is as simple as it's possible - by discouraging them instead of normalizing them you're adding the brick to the wall of self-preservation of your genome.

>> No.12564849

Lmao kill yourself my man

>> No.12564856

Absolutely. If he wants to go for it, then "You do You". Sounds like a lot of potential fun, however love is possesive, but that does not mean there is only one way to love.

>> No.12564883

>a threesome
He said she's not monogamous and your solution is that he become a sex fiend himself? Are you a devil?

>> No.12564886

>but enough to call things social constructs
I mean they are social constructs, but that doesn't make them wrong

>> No.12564925


Dont listen to this dumb bitch tranny that everyone despises. Its of no use trying to embrace a relation of "friends with benefits" when you are not into it; that relation will never go anywhere but your doom.
Its of no use trying to explore her "ideas" you will only get more attached and embracing her isnt going to lead to anything useful.

>> No.12564944

Idiocy is whatever that tripfag follows and posts.
Trying to mask that attitude has "maturity" is plain dumb teen tier.

>> No.12564948


>> No.12564981

A wise man once said: "you can't make a hoe a housewife".

>> No.12565012
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>Hurr if you "accept" her ideals and fug her then you will be happy
>This is called "maturity" tehee
This kind of posting and endorsing can only be done by a dumb whore. Hopefully you use that shitty tripcode so i already know who's opinion this is coming from.

>> No.12565014

Based and Weiningerpilled

>> No.12565027
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>Monogamy is the expression of selfish greed and insecurity.
And what is the problem with greed and selfishness? A person that doesnt want to have the owness feeling on someone else in the relationship is more likely not going to be happy in older age.

>> No.12565043

>tfw been in an open relationship for three years but she's scared of sex and socially awkward so I'm the only one taking advantage

>> No.12565147

fuck her and make her cum and leave for someone better

>> No.12565159

A lot of girls doesn't believe in monogamy until they fall in love - my own gf for an example.
Just be clear and tell her that you do and keep the question open until you are committed.

>> No.12565164

Abandon ship dude, seriously

>> No.12565186

by keeping the question open i mean "I believe there's something beautiful in being committed to each other - that sex isn't arbitrary"
And not like "Reee stay true to me or this is over!" by the first one you rationalize your position without forcing it on her, and once your partner falls in love their will becomes very flexible - this is also where you can make your partner a better person by helping them reach their goals.

>> No.12565188

You can either use electrcity or MK ultra like drug fuelled brainwashing.
Or break up with her. It will hurt in the short term, but pay off long term.
The choice is yours my friend.

>> No.12565212

If it's because she wants to actualize a bisexuality you can maybe get some joy out of it mate

A lot of shit is social constructs. The problem is the double think some people do.
>Gender is a social construction
>Thus my newly constructed gender (triforcegender) is objectively real
You cannot have both
The only objective thing is sex
And sex is only real in the act of making children
Thus most people are nothing in relation to gender and sex if we take social constructions as what they are; spooks.

>> No.12565233

She and he both ought to be fine with scenario.

I wouldn't call it greed. But this girl obviously isn't interested in being someone's possession.

One type of love can be. But it mutates and people fall out of it. Do you possess your mother or your friends?

Oh please grow up.

In this case, she's looking for a union og egoists.

I can't believe this is still up.

>> No.12565246

What's with the threads lately that belong to other boards, like that SSRI thread.
And a female tripfag replying... go to twitch.tv

>> No.12565252

>In this case, she's looking for a union og egoists.
That said union isnt good for you since the male will never have the feeling of owness and she is getting more than him. So its obvious that the male doesnt satisfy his egoistic needs. That is why "open" relationships are pure poison and only work with spooked males.

>> No.12565254

We are talking about man/woman, man/man, woman/woman and shit love relationships which are possesive in nature. This is not a discussion about family and shit. This is primarily a metaphysical relationship, not a random-blood-cultural-socio-economical relationship.

>> No.12565263

I hate butterfly so goddamn much
She and her pretentious arrogance really serve nothing to this board
I bet the only reason the slut hasn’t been banned is because mods are too busy jerking off to the idea of having her as a cum rag

>> No.12565265

This tripfag is so shit.
Calls him/her/itself an Epicurean but seems to defend rampant promiscuity.

>> No.12565280

Is that thing a "she"? I always thought it was some faggot or tranny trying to pass out as a woman.
I honestly prefer that she uses the tripcode so in that way i can already tell whose shit opinion it is coming from and their ideals. So its much easier to dismiss and avoid.

>> No.12565286

It's safer to just call them all trannies

>> No.12565287

>she is getting more than him
Bunk. She isn't in love, and he needs to stop with the possessive love. The relationship could be completely equal. That's what she's after.

All's fair in love.

Why haven't you closed the thread? Oh this is copy/pasta.

I am a her.
From the start I said take this >>12563471
If it hurts, get going. She isn't in love. Simple

>> No.12565288

fuck her sister

>> No.12565295

What does "All is fair in love" meaning within the context of this thread? How does it add in any meaningful and constructive way to the line of thought that Love is possesive, but "You do You". What is the point of Your meme? O.o

>> No.12565298

I guess the tripfag is female.

>> No.12565326

Is that Joyce? I have never seen that photo.

>> No.12565336

Dude fucking abandon ship as other anons have said. Some of us are speaking from experience. I don't believe women are evil, but love is extremely powerful and WILL fuck you up hard if you're not careful. You've got to pick your partners carefully. You posted this thread because you have doubt or hesitation. LISTEN to that voice.

>> No.12565342

Love is possessive, but love is also a mysterious thing which often draws incongruent people with conflicting worldviews together. It doesn't really operate on rules or reason. If OP thinks his feelings for this girl are worth pursuing, for however long and regardless of pain, then he should do that. Love isn't always possessive, it can't afford to be, though it often is, and its natural to be jealous. If OP thinks it would be too painful for it to be worth it to spend more time with this girl then he shouldn't do it.

The important thing is that OP shouldn't expect her to change for him because that never ends well.

>> No.12565343

Has nobody had the awareness to point of the shee volume of replies in such a trivial matter? As a (((well read))) population, I propose we spend time inquiring on OP’s love to devise for his a course of action that will both yeild him positive experiences and save him heartache. Who would like to begin?

>> No.12565358

So basically be her beta provider on the chance she might realize the error of her ways if she sees you fucking another girl? Definitely the worst idea in the thread.

>> No.12565359

>She isn't in love, and he needs to stop with the possessive love.
I dont want to jump into the shitty "what is love" cherade but im pretty sure that every amorous relationship is possesive in some way. And giving yourself up to some shitty ideals and not listening to your egoistic needs isnt going to help that much.
>The relationship could be completely equal. That's what she's after.
equal in what sence? the rules? In every "open" relationship there is always a side that gets more than the other unless they are both some pornstars or super models.

>> No.12565361

Love is mysterious, but it is always possesive. Why are you spooked all of a sudden? I said "Love is possesive, but You do You", which means he cannot go around the framework of love (which is possesive). How many times do I have to repeat myself before You actually read my words?

>Love isnt always possesive, it cant afford to be

It literally is. He is not trying to date his own mother.

>> No.12565385

What you're telling him to do is fundamentally unhealthy. Women who have many partners become fundamentally unable to pair bond, and you're advocating for OP to encourage that behavior in her. If she wants to be a harlot, there's no use trying to stop her, but it's utterly pointless trying to emotionally accept her throwing her long term happiness in the dumpster over cheap dick. Accepting her for who she is and fucking her (effectively encouraging her behavior) will help neither of them. He will still be attached, and she will still continue to be psychologically broken.

>> No.12565413

>He is not trying to date his own mother
How is this proof that love has to be possessive? I think there are instances where you can love someone and not want to possess them. I think its rare but it happens.

>> No.12565479

Not sure if misintepreting my words on purpose or... I am saying stop bringing other kinds of relationships into this discussion when we are talking about romantic 1on1 love.

Please give me an example.

>> No.12565505

I don't know. I don't think OP has to spend his life with this girl, but I think there's something to be said for ephemeral relationships. Love can be beautiful and fleeting and sad and still have been worthwhile. You don't have to own somebody to love them, nor do you have to spend your life with them.

I thought this would go without saying on a literature board. So many of the greatest works in history involve ephemeral love. Look at Greek homosexuality, look at Achilles and Patroclus or any number of John Cheever stories about infidelity. Attraction is mysterious.

>> No.12565510

Then OP should murder her, flee the control, write a book about the perils of modern romance, and then settle in the Eastern European contryside. That would be lot as fuck.

>> No.12565512

Same guy. For the record I actually did misunderstand your point about mother because I didn't think I was bringing other kinds of relationships into this.