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12562384 No.12562384 [Reply] [Original]

Which degree is objectively more useful in the job market: english literature or philosophy?
no meme answers pls

>> No.12562396

an english degree is good if you want to teach grade school
literature might land you a job writing for a shitty online magazine or something
a philosophy degree will get you nowhere. literally NOWHERE. it's worthless. has absolutely zero value. pointless. don't bother. no value AT ALL.

>> No.12562403

English literature would have more high school level teaching opportunities, with philosophy you would be consigned to prep schools, colleges, universities, boarding schools

>> No.12562410

Do you want to be a teacher?
If not then pick something else.

>> No.12562418

what about politics

>> No.12562422

I am a philosophy major and I approve this message.

>> No.12562426

Yeah bro just send your cv to the junior politician job search, are you retarded or just pretending?

>> No.12562428


>> No.12562436

Politics is about networking you fucking autist

>> No.12562445

you still need a degree

>> No.12562456

My English degree got my nowhere, I work for my dad's firm now. My philosophy major friends are similarly employed. I'd suggest something else if that's not an option for you.

>> No.12562465

This isn't true. If you are interested in any type of grad school, philosophy is a great major. Phil. majors do better than just about any major on the GRE, LSAT, GMAT, and MCAT.

If you're not interested in grad school, philosophy is the highest earning humanities degree, among graduates with just an undergraduate degree. I can link you to the data if you are skeptical.

>> No.12562472

listen here fucker.. your fucked either way and no amount of majors will change that. but there is one way... go to amazon and buy fanged noumena and learn all about the accelerationist movement, and how neochina is arriving from the future and stars deaths (its complicated but try to keep up).
also (fucker): buy a black long sleeve shirt and start smoking cigs, then write really intimidating long posts about how fucked everything is online. then talk about bitches, the hot kind, and how you fuck em.
only own solid gold bars just like in loony tunes

>> No.12562476

Everything this person said is wrong.

>> No.12562480

Is this the cringiest post in the history of /lit/?

>> No.12562491

how is that possible? most people in the workplace don't know what they're doing. somebody told them to hire somebody, they'll just hire anybody with the certification.

>> No.12562497

well it's pretty standard shitposting. your reply is way worse

>> No.12562503


>> No.12562508

Dont fall for the degree meme

>> No.12562511

>only own solid gold bars just like in loony tunes
You should invest your savings into this and stocks IMO

Holding on to dollar bills is literally paying to get fucked

>> No.12562767

Anyone who says anything other than philosophy is just a seething jealous faggot. Philosophy majors have highest standardized test scores and make the most money out of all humanities majors. Here's the proof: https://sites.google.com/site/whystudyphilosophy/

>> No.12562772

I fucked your girlfriend

>> No.12562777

ok, now this is based

>> No.12562786

Undergrad degrees aren't useful unless you're already at least high middle class.
You need to plan on grad school. Not cut out for it, then don't go to college.

>> No.12562833

i know i was there

>> No.12562907

>here's the proof
>posts (((google)))
yeah fuckin right

>> No.12563076

It's a site hosted by google? If you click through the links, you'll see that they're all legit. Or check out 538, and a lot of other resources that say the same thing

>538 predicted Hillary
yeah, they do statistics, sometimes unlikely things occur.

>> No.12563078

>also (fucker):
holy shit this one line had me rolling, don't know why. Thanks anon, made my day pretty enjoyable.

>> No.12563993

>yeah, they do statistics, sometimes unlikely things occur.
Margin of error was less then 10%. The media was really confident in Hillary winning lmao

>> No.12564461
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Thanks, i needed this.

>> No.12565250

retard, just kys

>> No.12565508

As if humanities majors make decent money in general

>> No.12565542


>> No.12565611

If you want to work at something like a shitty law firm philosophy can work.

>> No.12565819

what kind of job do you want

>> No.12566075

>not doing something out of passion and intrest

t. plebs

>> No.12566691

Right, but the question was comparing english to philosophy, so the info is relevant, as they're both humanities.

>> No.12567005

red and basedpilled.

>> No.12567175

That's life in the fast lane.

>> No.12567212

t. brainlet poorfag

>> No.12567237

Either of them will make you a perfectly fine Buzzfeed writer.

If you want to get a degree for a job then pick something practical. Do philosophy as a minor or study it in your free time. At this point all the material worth studying is available for free on the internet.

>> No.12567365

>Phil. majors do better than just about any major on the GRE, LSAT, GMAT, and MCAT.
[citation needed]

>> No.12567369

if you think philosophy majors end up at buzzfeed then you're retarded

>> No.12567386

Oh sorry mister barista

>> No.12567414

he has a point though - buzzfeed where tf did that come from

>> No.12567422

philosophy majors generally opt for either, law school or postgrad degrees afterwards, granted they attended a decent school. nice try, mr reddit memer

>> No.12567452

As someone who has (idiotically) taken each one of those tests and is well versed in the data, I'm pretty sure you are dead wrong about the MCAT - by the AAMC, it was chemical engineers scoring the highest, followed by other engineering/mathematics/chem, etc. That being said - the GMAT and GRE are easy to ace with any major, as long as you are not a complete retard. Philosophy will give you a significant advantage on the LSAT IMO due to the quantity of reading you have to do in such a small window of time. I realize these are slightly older numbers (quick duckduckgo search), but philosophy is still not number one. You should link your references.

>> No.12567453

Internet "journalism" is a refuge for kids with huge student loan debts and non-marketable degrees.

>> No.12567474

Not the guy you responded to, but
is the key word there. If you clearly know in undergrad that you want to attend law school or graduate/doctorate, then yes. That being said, every college friend that I know who isn't attending either of those, and majored in the assorted humanities/philosophy/etc, are all either "journalists" (lol) or work odd jobs (book store/barista/etc) while "exploring themselves".

>> No.12567549

Sort of sounds like fun at this point.

>> No.12567554

>I just read the economist!

>> No.12567556

Coming from an elite-tier college at least, Philosophy has pretty good outcomes.

>> No.12567559
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>wasting your money on any degree

>> No.12567562

It's true. You can angrily greentext all you want.

>> No.12567587

>not being eligible for a full ride scholarship to your state’s flagship public school
>not knowing you can attend top tier schools for free if you can’t pay
You’re right but nobody who belongs in college in the first place has to pay more than it’s worth

>> No.12567596

Education is nice because you don't have to do much and thus can spend time on your hobbies and such. If you have parents who can support you for a couple of years, it's a waste of time, no matter what degree you choose.

>> No.12567674

>which is more useful
>useless degree A or useless degree B
Does it really matter?

>> No.12567905
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>normalfags frame every occupational and educational decision in the mindset of what is "objectively more useful in the job market"
NPCs are willing slaves of capital and it is not feasible or possible to wake them before it is too late, indeed it is already too late and we have become in a sense inhuman

>> No.12567942

If you live in the great debt slave country of burgerland then you shouldn't get a degree that doesn't pay back its costs.

>> No.12568120

>"Even though I studied something useless, I am owed a job!"
>implying I don't enjoy working in medicine, as well as the paycheck I receive
Happiness and wealth are not necessarily inversely related. Additionally, have you ever considered that humanities/philosophy are easier majors than 'hard' STEM?

>> No.12568133

The subject of a degree is far less relevant than where it comes from.

Outside of STEM, degrees might as well be interchangeable; even within STEM it is possible to change fields.

>> No.12568186

>Which degree is objectively more useful in the job market
you have already failed.

>> No.12568192

Absolutely this.

you haven't even begun to understand the what the anon you replied to has said.

>> No.12568625

now this is what I call based

>> No.12568893

Exquisite post. A true privilege to read.

>> No.12569068
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thinking about skipping the country to escape debt lmao

>> No.12569993

based and cringe

>> No.12571146

Do philosophy, but also do a degree ins something STEM for a job. Don't do biology unless you have the chops to get the grades for med school or something lesser like dental school, PA school, or podiatry school etc.

A philosophy degree cannot be overstated how useful it is, but not in a practical manner of larger salary. Reading philosohpy on your own is great, but have a rigid curriculum is amazing for really grinding in a lot of core canon and being exposed to a lot of discussion and debates by smart people. I did a dual degree in biology and philosophy before going to med school, and philosophy is the gift that will forever keep on giving in your own life.

English/literature is phenomenal as well, and I would have probably done that if not philosophy, but I feel like literature is a lot easier comparatively to do on your own without a degree to jumpstart it for you

>> No.12572213

Both are useful if you're capable enough to put them to use, but the former will land you jobs more easily.

>> No.12572226
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>job market

>> No.12572228

I still got my nowhere.

>> No.12572238

That's because you and your friends are in fact incapable of putting your degrees to use and rely on nepotism to save you, which it did and fair enough.

>> No.12572341

is that how debt works?

>> No.12572448

I'm about to graduate BA in philosophy soon and I'm considering going to get a PHD in philosophy. I originally went in wanting to become a teacher and then hopefully a principle of a school.

However, if for whatever reason that doesn't work out, am I fucked in the real world? I was thinking getting a job for a conservative-leaning think tank was my best option.

>> No.12573311

With a single post, this anon has achieved the pinnacle of his brief, insignificant, life; and he wasted it on a 4chinz post.

>> No.12573385

Philosophy degree is garbage apparently, my philosophy teacher in highschool was a priest, fuck him

>> No.12573416

Yeah, reread my post, I didn't say they were number one. I said phil majors are near number 1, which they are. And I was mistaken about MCAT, it's acceptance to Med School that phil. majors do better on.

>> No.12573452

There's not much difference between the two. You'll end up being a """"writer"""" if you do anything that isn't teaching, or you'll roll right back around into academia. If you stop at an undergraduate degree with either, you're an idiot. If you want to be an """"influencer""""" and make money off of disagreeing with people, I'd suggest you go the philosophy route.

Regardless, higher education is not intended to a career for you. If you're doing either of these things in pursuit of a job, you're doing it for the wrong reason. You need to face the reality that higher education literally isn't for everyone. If you want good chances at getting a job, learn a trade. If you want to become educated, get a degree.

>> No.12573458

t. philosophy major trying to scare off the competition

>> No.12573489

>You need to face the reality that higher education literally isn't for everyone

Literally is considering it's the new high school equivalent.

>> No.12573580
File: 31 KB, 601x508, Fine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw Philosophy/Theology double major graduating this year, trying to ignore everyone asking me what I'm going to do after this

>> No.12573808

>tfw philosophy major graduating this year
we are going to make it brah, I promise

>> No.12573823
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philosophy/poli sci double major graduating this year as well

>> No.12573903

If you don't want meme answers, don't ask meme questions.

>> No.12573962


what? like half of my friends that did philosophy degrees are lawyers or ethicist

ethicist work in hospitals and help families make decisions on whether pulling the plug is responsible or not. I had one help when my dad was dying of cancer, very useful.

>> No.12574006
File: 67 KB, 1024x634, 14B5016E-0AB3-4D93-9775-FEA22D8D6F6E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What can i do with a history degree from a state school. I’m graduating soon. Did I fuck up?

>> No.12574040

how much does an ethicist get paid?

>> No.12574050

based schizo poster

>> No.12574086
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>> No.12574191

do you need to go to mee school? holy fuck

>> No.12574212

Anon please teach us your based wisdom

>> No.12574268


No, don't need medical school. Likely need a 1 year grad program though.

>> No.12574288

what the fuck are you on

>> No.12574374

seems very exclusive job prospects

>> No.12574516

This poster is making a good point. This is exactly the tier of advice you get asking this type of question on 4chan

>> No.12574649


>> No.12574769

pls help

>> No.12575075

How would you not be. The only way i think you could not be a cog in the wheel is being a independent artist.

Also how would you and how do if you do and kudos to you.

>> No.12575216

Being part of the machine is not the issue here in itself. The problem lies in changing the operative from "which is more useful to myself" to "which is more useful to the market". Granted, the former can lie within the latter but the latter cannot be subsumed in the former. By doing so you renounce your humanity and become a replicator or worker of the machine and not merely circumstantially for it. If you're interested in this idea, read Eumeswil by Ernst Jünger.

>> No.12576781


Dad and his two sisters all majored in English. Today he's a lawyer, aunt #1 is dean of a law school, and aunt #2 was a Wash Post Journalist then IMF then Soros Foundation.

>> No.12576852

Are you Jewish

>> No.12576958

What the fuck doing "110" on the highway mean?

Is this some burger thing? 110 being the highest maxium speed limit you can drive?

Help me out

>> No.12577023

Answer's the same as it is for everyone: if you need money, apply for jobs

>> No.12577078


Going 110 miles per hour. Not that there's anything particularly significant about the exact number 110, just that 110 is "very fast."

>> No.12577146

>he does a meme degree
ok hehe
>to get a job

>> No.12577183


Catholic, but that's the Wasp half of the senpai. The Soros one is actually a pretty devout Episcopalian.

>> No.12577188


>> No.12577217

So I gots this philosophy degree, right? And I've never worked (though I've we're talking philosophy here, then don't it make sense I ain't never had no philosophy job before?). So I sez to myself, are there any philosophy jobs out there? (A-and I ain't talking academia, nor innanet personality either...) Well, anyways, I'm supposed to apply for a big-boy occupation, and they gon' say, well, like, you'se smart, generally, you'se obviously gots this degree, and ... and that's good enough for us: w'come aboard, skipper! T-that's a real thing? I axe you (no, srsly).

>> No.12577223


>> No.12577227

>i.e. second I've...

>> No.12577239
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>the year of our lord 2019
>pursuing philosophy degree
>pursuing english degree
>pursuing any degree

The last batch of degrees that were "worth it" were the engineering degrees handed out this decade.

Interest rates are not going to go down and the world economy is on the brink of turmoil. If you're not on some mystical scholarship, interest rates will make engineering barely pay for itself and wages will not keep up as inflation will skyrocket when the capital that was parked at the fed and is currently entering the market starts to affect real wages in a few years. Even engineering is going to shit as all the positions and schools are being flooded with affirmative action women and browns.

>oh I'll get a philosophy degree and teach

Yeah, good luck with that. Its gonna take you 6 years to get the qualifications and the public sector massively outpaced private sector growth in the last 20 years. When cards come tumbling down in a few years you will see very real reduction in hiring, pay, and even job cuts for jobs like professors or social workers.

>> No.12577594

It depends much more from which institution you graduate and with what results. Any of these majors from Harvard/Oxbrdge is far better than whatever you do in some state uni. Also for philosophy: it matters what areas you cover. If you are exceptional in politcal phil, you can continue with things like law or politics and be miles ahead of normal law/politics students in terms of your market value. If you have very good foundations in formal and mathematical logic, you can think about compsci stuff for instance.
Surely, going for engineering and the like is in a sense a "safer" choice, but if it you are not passionate about it you will be also frustrated by being an average engineer. Most people studying philosophy (some ITT) that are salty about their degree, dimiss this major because they have spent their time thinking their forced interpretations of some continental pseuds like Derrida will somehow impress people. And it turned out to be false.

>> No.12577716

Bumping this bc I'm considering the same path minus the teacher

>> No.12577738

Thanks. This lines up with a lot of what I believe but I've never been able to properly express this sentiment.

>> No.12577794

English is probably more useful on its own, since there are at least some jobs that will value an English degree (publishing, marketing, etc.). It’s also probably easier to go into teaching or academia with an English degree. Philosophy is probably more valuable for things like getting into law school and making actual money at some point, but on its own is pretty useless.

Both are obviously worth very little.

>> No.12578066

You stole that last line of off Ideas Man by Million Dollar Extreme. Pseud.

>> No.12578110

both majors are more dependant on your extra cirriculars and work/research portfolio than anything else in job matket.

it doesnt really matter what you write about.
if people believe you or like to read you thats good enough.

>> No.12578182


>> No.12578201

Lol i just tell people im gonna be homeless.

>> No.12578209

was just about to point this out>>12562472
good try

>> No.12578238

mde jacked every bit they have from the last two hundred years of pop culture, brainlet, looney tune gold bars included

>> No.12578263

Just makes it that much sadder that anon felt the need to plagiarise it, dipshit.

Also welcome to pastiche and postmodernism grandpa.