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/lit/ - Literature

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12560491 No.12560491 [Reply] [Original]

Post your results /lit/

>> No.12560552
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>> No.12560586
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Am I retarded?

>> No.12560606
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>> No.12560625

Ah cant be fucked, my best result was like 300. The obvious cheat to the test is pronounce all words out loud

>> No.12560648


>> No.12560751

I mostly get 50 to 70, got up to 140 once though.

>> No.12560784
File: 87 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2019-02-09-00-24-16-59.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty nice

>> No.12560790

Le no

>> No.12560797

hundo first attempt.
Just say the words aloud, muscle memory is helluva drug.

Is there a test like this which uses sentences?

>> No.12560844

I'm getting over 95 in all the tests, but reaction time isn't even over 20. What the fuck?

>> No.12560882

My reaction was like 0% even though I thought I was pretty fast. I wonder if bots have ruined it

>> No.12560885
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ur not supposed to cheat, why even take the test

>> No.12560888
File: 98 KB, 750x1334, A9096208-18A2-466B-A883-BAFCF3E5DD50.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Y’all some retards. My first mistake was just a misclick though :/

>> No.12560923
File: 85 KB, 1080x1118, 20190208_150319.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

148 on verbal

>> No.12560933


how does this make sense. wtf?

>> No.12560946

Ingot 68th percentile because I didn't read the instructions on my first shot and I got 3. It calculates the average for all the runs you do. I'm assuming if you want to reset it you'd have to clear your cookies

>> No.12560999

164, followed by 67 and 32. High variability scares me.

>> No.12561122

Is this thing legit? I've scored above 145 on a school-administered IQ test and I'm getting 75% percentile on this stuff...am I a brainlet? I understand there's a bias in the type of people who will this, but still...

>> No.12561127

same here mate
don't tell anyone

>> No.12561158

Y'all liars.

Also percentiles on this site are probably screwed, its easy to cheat and you know people will do it.

>> No.12561176
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did this happen to anyone else?

>> No.12561190


>Is this thing legit?

this is a very low iq question. what do you even mean by this? percentiles are calculated from everyone who takes the test. you are right where you belong in context to everybody else who took this test. legit? what?

and you think 75% is low? brainlet? sorry you're not at the absolute tip top of everything you deign to partake in. god you're awful. i bet i've been trolled.

>> No.12561192

>Actually believes in IQ

>> No.12561196

What did you get? I got 145 without cheating fyi.

>> No.12561231

I got 156 but after several tries

First try was 66

>> No.12561244

intelligence has mutliple independent dimensions, IQ has no way of perfectly capturing all of that.

>> No.12561269

I think that this is more of an acquired, specific skill than an indicator of “intelligence.” I’ve studied several languages and I think that prepared me to do well on this task.

>> No.12561273

Sure, intelligence has multiple components, but memory is the second biggest component IQ tests for after reasoning and I've always been told i have an extraordinary memory, but these tests make me recognized I'm just mediocre

>> No.12561275
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Is this thing legit? I've scored above 145 on a school-administered IQ test and I'm getting 75% percentile


>> No.12561286

You could say the same thing about IQ or any other measure of intelligence which rely on tasks that can be repeated.

>> No.12561327

Yeah, but it's better than saying "I'm good at video games."

>> No.12561336
File: 4 KB, 742x106, 208.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My parents said I'm retarded and I'm not very smart. How do I read percentiles?

>> No.12561344

You've scored higher than 100 out of 100 people.

>> No.12561351

Well, sure. IQ is bunk too (but I’ll have u know mine is high :^) )

>> No.12561374

Thanks. I could never understand that percentile shit from highschool.

>> No.12561458

Is /lit/ full of geniuses or are people "inspect element"ing the shit out of these screenshots

>> No.12561481

If I were inspect elementing shit, I would've done 301 so I could beat that poster who claimed he had a 300 score.

>> No.12561482

I guess people are replaying it again and again. It's hard to get it on the first try.

>> No.12561498
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57th percentile heck yeah dudes

>> No.12561517

I scored highest on my first try.

>> No.12561541

Got 149 first attempt

>> No.12561641

It was not hard to get 262 the first try. You guys must just be really impatient.

>> No.12561966

Stupid test. I got two hundred and something then stopped because my CS queue popped. But it depends way too much on technique to be a meaningful test. If you stop and think about each one for a second or so it's really easy. If you didn't stop to think at all it would be more difficult.

>> No.12561968

148 and I just kind of spilled my spaghetti and clicked way too fast on two occasions

>> No.12562025
File: 60 KB, 750x856, Screenshot 2019-02-08.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this a joke?

>> No.12562181
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Any books to improve visual memory?

>> No.12562340
File: 273 KB, 828x1792, 5276F670-1366-4CA9-B221-19131E8EF42A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn’t sleep last night, I’m high, I’m watching a video in the background, and my stomach is killing me.
Could’ve been worse

>> No.12562350
File: 473 KB, 828x1792, 32626DB2-4959-45EE-BE57-709DC1F30BBD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And the visual

>> No.12562740


18 on first try, 10 on second, I read it out loud on third attempt and got 98.

You get better the more you do it and if you say it outloud.

>> No.12562744

I scored in the 99th percentile.

>> No.12562817


>> No.12562904

Doing it more would make it more difficult because you have to consider whether you remember the word from this test, or the previous tests. I mean, unless you wait a sufficient amount of time to clear your mind.

Reading it aloud is for NPCs (no inner voice).

>> No.12563309
File: 285 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190208-232851_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Math chad coming in, stop reading and start working with numbers.

>> No.12563316
File: 255 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190208-232758_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12563767


>> No.12565003

Keep getting 50 to 70 here but my memory in real life is probably at least 95%, wouldn't put too much on it.

>> No.12565234

Stupid wording.



SEEN makes you say. Yeah I see it! The hardest part was coming over accidently clicking that.

>> No.12565363

Got 3 hours of sleep, haven't eaten today, it's 3pm, and I'm hungover. 103. Am I retarded?

>> No.12566073

52% and english not my first language

>> No.12566095

64% after cheating

>> No.12566210

english as a fourth language, i dont know the meaning of 90% of the words there and i still got 105

>> No.12566214

>i still got 105
first attempt

>> No.12566237

what's frustrating about this test is that it's so rng dependent
if there are nicely defined structures it's super easy but when they're just scattered all over the place it's a lot harder

>> No.12566299
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I still remember a couple of basic mnemonic tricks I learned as a kid. Basic association chain can probably take anyone into 500s

>> No.12566304

how long do you take per word?

>> No.12566333

Like 3-4 seconds per word to build a mental image. I only really lost cause the test was asshole enough to throw both "fueled" and "fulled" at me along with a bunch of synonyms, which made me frustrated and sloppy

>> No.12566385
File: 64 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2019-02-09-23-56-47-09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, I tried to form mental images and got this, previously couldn't get past 60 or so.

>> No.12566562

Maybe you have ADHD?

>> No.12566663

I can't concentrate for entire 3-4 seconds. Doing it as fast as I can got me to about 80.

>> No.12566693
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>> No.12568477
File: 5 KB, 563x45, file (21).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know a dude that got 800. Tilts me because I only died at 650 because I got bored

I genuinely don't get how you can die on this. I spend like 5 seconds trying to spin every word I see into something ridiculous, and if that something ridiculous feels familiar I know I've already seen it

>> No.12568501
File: 48 KB, 950x576, 1549052237535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anons, it's really easy. I could only get up to 90 points in this, but there's a really simple trick, you have to SAY THE WORDS ALOUD, and the first time I used this I got upwards to 160. First try. This thing is whack. Say the words aloud and you'll improve twice as much instantly.

>> No.12568589

>I spend like 5 seconds trying to spin every word I see into something ridiculous, and if that something ridiculous feels familiar I know I've already seen it
Because nobody else is doing this, everyone is just clicking based on instinct, 'does it seem familiar'

>> No.12569037

And out of those people doing it by instinct are those that take a second to focus on the word's meaning/its letters and those just glancing at its visual shape.

It's a bad test honestly, anybody could get over 500 if they wanted and everbody would get under 80 if it automatically went on every half second. If there were some kind of timer it'd at least be interesting to see how quickly people can form these associations