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/lit/ - Literature

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12560697 No.12560697 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw I realized I don’t truly have an interest in literature, I just pursue it in the hopes of one day obtaining a qt intellectual gf
Anyone else?

>> No.12560704

You're what's called a "pseud"

>> No.12560709

Pick one

>> No.12560714

Intellectual girls are the worst.

>> No.12560716

Aye I do not deny this.
I wonder if my efforts are futile though. Will the hypothetical gf even care if I can sustain a literary conversation with her? Or if bookshelves replace a TV set in my apartment?

>> No.12560721
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>tfw had a chance at a literary qt
>tfw didn't get her

>> No.12560729

you will not find any qts in literature departments. i only know of two, and they're both professors in their late 20s to early 30s.
if you mean out in the world, then yeah, i guess having a genuine interest in literature (which you don't) makes you a more interesting person, thus more likely to get a qt intellectual gf. but since you're pursuing it anyway, i guess the end result is the same.
in my experience most girls won't even be interested in sustaining a literary conversation unless you find a unicorn. you can impress them with your eloquence and knowledge but after that it'll be back to their futile life dramas
you should have whatever you want in your apartment, woman be damned.

>> No.12560753

>you will not find any qts in literature departments.
False, in my experience girls in the humanities classes at my school are way cuter than the stem girls.

>> No.12560771

Maybe other humanities. I remember meeting a lot of qts in education or psychology.
My lit department is 90% female, but many of them are classic SJW types, trannies, or just extremely plain, and all of them have wacky ideas about feminism and race.
I study in the UK, though, which isn't particularly famous for having pretty women.

>> No.12560775

QT gfs like brutes. If you don't read I hope you lift... If you have no skills just that much more likely she will cheat with someone who does read or lift.

It's more complicated than that but that's the abridged version.

>> No.12560780

Maybe the grass is always greener...
I love UK girls. The accent, the posh fashion, and regal aspect they carry themselves with are great. Plus they seem more humane and caring than many Americans

>> No.12560794
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Ah, yeah, maybe the ones rich enough to study in the US (I take it that where you're based). I can tell you the average British university-aged woman carries herself with zero class and has equally poor fashion taste.
I'm a dirty slav though, so I'm biased.

>> No.12560878

>The accent, the posh fashion, and regal aspect they carry themselves with are great.

I once had to attend a Kony speech in high school and the presenter was a British Indian girl. Her accent and sense of class was what turned me on the most.

>> No.12560908

Chicks who read are the opposite.

>> No.12562379

>The accent, the posh fashion, and regal aspect they carry themselves with are great
Fucking lol
I live in Surrey, which is supposed to be one of the poshest areas in the UK, and you'd still be incredibly disappointed, >>12560794 is more accurate, especially the pic. Roadman talk is infesting everywhere, and creating a bunch of 'skets' or 'slags' as they would be called.
I know exactly which accent you're thinking of and let me tell you it's complete bullshit, the only accurate impression of how most Brits talk by an American I've ever seen was Chris Pratt who was absolutely spot on
As for the 'posh fashion' and 'regal aspect' you're deluded, stay in America and stay with your little fantasy, trust me, you're better off for it

>> No.12562388

I wouldn't bang a single one of those broads. Disgusting.
Maybe the 2nd from the left because she's the least European looking one of the mix and looks more like a pom and probably has huge tits.

>> No.12562390

>reading for girls

never going to make it

>> No.12562553
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>I know exactly which accent you're thinking of and let me tell you it's complete bullshit,
How? Zoella, or Emma Watson, and others like lily collins are sort of what I’m talking about as a British qt

>> No.12562645

It’s ok to have shallower motivations when you’re starting out, but if at the end of the leg of an intellectual journey you are still going “where’s all the pussy,” you are a damned soul. For instance when I began studying Sanskrit I half-hoped that Indian chicks would dig it, but as you might guess they have even less of a care for culture than white girls do. But the literature to which I am now beginning to have access is of far greater worth than the companionship of one who does not care.

>> No.12562658

And by the way I’m disgusted by the implicit comparison of Byron, who was a great talent.

>> No.12562676

So the rich ones who only have those things because of wealth and status?

>> No.12562746
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>life is just like my animes