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/lit/ - Literature

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12560603 No.12560603 [Reply] [Original]

>Actual quote from IT,
"I beat you because I wanted to FUCK you, Bevvie, that’s all I wanted to do, I wanted to FUCK you, I wanted to EAT you, I wanted to eat your PUSSY, I wanted to SUCK your CLIT up between my teeth, YUM-YUM, Bevvie, oooohhhhh, YUMMY IN MY TUMMY, I wanted to put you in the cage ... and get the oven hot ... and feel your CUNT ... your plump CUNT ... and when it was plump enough to eat ... to eat ... EAT...”
Umm. Excuse me? You can write about anything you want, but I think this is probably crossing the line. He's done tons of writing like this too; The Library Policeman, Gerald's Game, The Outsider, and Dolores Claiborne are just a few examples that come to mind. Does he take it too far or is this kind of writing ok?

>> No.12560754

It was okay for the 80's. Everyone was an edgy bastard then.

>> No.12560834

Everyone who lived from post war through to the 80's was/is a pedo

>> No.12560845

Stephen King is #cancelled

>> No.12560889

>you'll never nut down her throat only to turn her around and pound her womb even more vigorously

>> No.12560901

He also writes a lot about murder

>> No.12560924


>> No.12560928
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And yet he is Cervantes when compared with DFW.

>> No.12560947

That quote wasn't meant to elevate King, but to deprecate Wallace.

>> No.12561053


>> No.12561069


Being Stephen King is more vile than being a pedophile.

>> No.12561104

IT is both an independent, predatory entity, as well as a manifestation of the fears of its chosen victims
this scene, placed in comtext, finds Beverly reconfronting memories of her childhood, which include of course her fraught but complicated relationship with her father.
at one point, beverly's mother asks her if her father has ever touched her
he never has, not sexully, and until the question is posed beverly had no suspicion that her father might be capable of abusing her in this specific way.
as she gets older, she continually falls into absuive relationships, where physical violence is paired with sexual desire and release
she lives out in adulthood this imaginary possibilty posed by her mother when she was a child, and this is what IT can sense--the fear that her father COULD want to fuck and destroy her, not that he ever actually DID.

>> No.12561126

Okay, but in The Outsider, which he wrote less than a year ago, a boy is brutally raped with a tree branch. You can't make this shit up. Sexual abuse of children has been a constant theme throughout his work.

>> No.12561145

because the abuse of children is horrific, and it is something that actually happens, which augments the horror
a horror writer writes of horrific things

>> No.12561146

Yeah, but murder is acceptable in America.

>> No.12562341

I think Stephen king is a hack, but you faggots realise he is a horror writer right? the entire point is to confront the uncomfortable, dark, subterranean shit.

>> No.12562370

This guy sounds like a real jerk

>> No.12562375

>if you write about a fictional character doing bad things this represents your own views and beliefs

>> No.12563001

based norm poster

>> No.12563011
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>puts the header in greentext
>but not the actual quote
>put off by sexual intentions toward a child IN A HORROR STORY
>vague insinuations of censorship for obscenity contradicted by a reflexive and unconscious defense of "free speech"
normie newfag brainlet bugman

>> No.12563317


>> No.12563392

what is a bugman?

>> No.12563726

Have you looked at him? Total pedo. Whatever, his books are shit and that's all I care about.