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12559875 No.12559875[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Has any philosopher ever been able to define what "evil" is in a somewhat satisfactory manner?

>> No.12559885

Evil is that which is necessary.

t. new philosopher on the black who just defined "evil" in a somewhat satisfactory manner.

>> No.12559970

>Christian morality

Evil is the aspect of the strong that offends the weak in their weakness.

Or, once you’re potty-trained, evil is vice.

>> No.12559982

Evil is that which tends to non-existence, and the good is that which tends to existence.

>> No.12559996

Man, that's explains why there is no life outside Earth. We're just an accident of malevolence.

>> No.12560001


>> No.12560102

Man, that's explains why there is no life outside Earth. We're just an accident of malevolence.

>> No.12560107

Things I REALLY dont like

>> No.12560111


>> No.12560129
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plenty of attempts have occurred. the best definition we have today comes from neesha

badioufags stay clueless

>> No.12560140

God is perfectly good because he gives existence to all things. Evil to God is that which hinders his own existence, or fails to display his godly qualities, such as omnipotence, omniscience, etc. Therefore the existence of human suffering is a subjective evil, tending to the non-existence of some humans, yet is objectively good to God.

>> No.12560150

>Evil is the aspect of the strong that offends the weak in their weakness.
I like that definition

>> No.12560152
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It is (also) you.

>> No.12560161

but isn't weakness seen as evil?

>> No.12560163

>17 For Scripture says to Pharaoh: “I raised you up for this very purpose, that I might display my power in you and that my name might be proclaimed in all the earth.” 18 Therefore God has mercy on whom he wants to have mercy, and he hardens whom he wants to harden.

>19 One of you will say to me: “Then why does God still blame us? For who is able to resist his will?” 20 But who are you, a human being, to talk back to God? “Shall what is formed say to the one who formed it, ‘Why did you make me like this?’” 21 Does not the potter have the right to make out of the same lump of clay some pottery for special purposes and some for common use?

>22 What if God, although choosing to show his wrath and make his power known, bore with great patience the objects of his wrath—prepared for destruction? 23 What if he did this to make the riches of his glory known to the objects of his mercy, whom he prepared in advance for glory— 24 even us, whom he also called, not only from the Jews but also from the Gentiles?

>> No.12560174

keeping a completely tangible 3D experience in motion for eternity isn't a small feat though anon. If he promises his followers there's eternal life at the end of the tunnel, what's there to complain about?

>> No.12560209

That he created the majority of people to get tortured in hell for all eternity out of his own vanity.

>> No.12560269

Bad stuff

>> No.12560274

I’m not complaining, I’m supporting the position.
If God doesn’t exist, then “the universe” also necessitated human suffering for its own logical reasons, as well

>> No.12560277

It wasn't for his own vanity; it was a lesson for his followers

>> No.12560286

>then “the universe” also necessitated human suffering for its own logical reasons, as well
If the universe isn't sentient, then it's not really the same thing

>> No.12560288

>to make the riches of his glory known to the objects of his mercy

No. Then suffering would be a side effect not a goal.

>> No.12560293

Put your hand on a stove.
It's really profound if you go and do it.

>> No.12560301

Evil is the scapegoat for negitave things happening to the protagonists of their own story.

>> No.12560309

From Sockracheese

>> No.12560312

What should make God desire that there be no suffering to humans? God didn’t evolve from monkeys like we did, so why should he be so averse to suffering? It’s almost as if you think God should think like you or something.
Everything is a side effect, by that logic. Consider the possibility that suffering is a necessary quality in a rational universe. It makes more sense for God to create a world with suffering than without it.

>> No.12560321

There have never been any philosophers, so no.

>> No.12560331

Well you don't agree with anything do you yah big fuck nut.

>> No.12560341

absence of good

>> No.12560345

Stop using mind fucks and use your brain for something more productive.

>> No.12560347


Plotinus did.


is correct

God is the Good and the Real. Evil is that which deviates from God.

>> No.12560348

>Evil is that which deviates from God

>> No.12560353

I'd fail you for unoriginality and simplicity.

>> No.12560360

>Consider the possibility that suffering is a necessary quality in a rational universe.
>It makes more sense for God to create a world with suffering than without it.
No why? Also the question is not suffering as a side effect of life but eternal torture in hell. And the christian jew god expliciteky said he does so to make his glory known

>> No.12560361

But God is evil. Or at least he employs evil to his own ends.

>> No.12560369

Evil is doing what you know you shouldn't, without a concern for its effect on others, without any regret in hindsight.

It's not robbing a bank because your family needs money

It's robbing a bank because you like money and shooting an unarmed security guard because it was funny

>> No.12560377

I'm god pussy suck the long side of mine Holy cock you arrogant shit sniffer.

>> No.12560378

God knows his own glory when perceiving suffering due to the absence of Himself. Without creation, God has no mirror to view Himself.

>> No.12560382

I'm a Christian and I would say the purest definition coveyed by saints like Isaac the Syrian is that evil is one's own transgressions. Offense included

>> No.12560394

Literally the Demiurge summarized in three paragraphs. "Who are you to talk back to God?", for intentionally "hardening you" in such a way that you could never resist, and then being subsequently tortured by God for an action you never even committed, but he himself did? Unbelievable. These scriptures are nothing more than an ancient display of cosmic Stockholm syndrome.

>> No.12560406

the thread wasn't about originality, nor is overly simple a valid argument
nice try tho, namefag

>> No.12560423

Okay, if you think you’re better than God, please tell us all your design of the universe

>> No.12560424

You guys are fucking poumpus bookthumping faggots. Good luck succeeding in life asking stupid fucking questions.

>> No.12560427


Just because we can't understand God's agenda doesn't mean we can assume His reasoning. If God sees the necessity of Evil, then who are we to question it?

>> No.12560432

st augustine

>> No.12560433

You always say this, anon, but it really makes no sense at all. God did not need to create suffering, and yet it exists. When humans bring suffering to others, it's called "evil", and goes against the ethical tenets of Christian living, but you're claiming the God which Christians worship to be the source of suffering, is not at fault for creating it in the first place? I can't harm another person without dishonoring God, yet God can create pain in the first place, the very condition by which "harm" can exist, and this is not his own, first error?

As for humans placing conflict into their art, I'd say that suffering of the emotional, existential kind differs from the one of pure pain, and plain evil. The former builds character and is intrinsically meaningful, the latter contributes nothing but sorrow and setback to us all.

I am also not an athiest, or a non-believer in God. I believe there could be a Being overseeing our universe, I only disagree with your personal axioms about God's nature.

>> No.12560440

>God did not need to create suffering

>> No.12560444

Creatures don't need to kill each other to survive. Humans don't need to learn they just know. No poop. No pain. No hunger. Dopamine is constant In the brain.

>> No.12560449

Oh so a bitch who thinks hes got all the answers because you know you'll never have them. Fuuuuck you.

>> No.12560450


>> No.12560458

Why do you exist?

>> No.12560464

I’m asking why you, God, would make such a world. Why?

>> No.12560465

In that case, can we qualify those regimes that massacre hundreds of thousands of people in order to attain a goal they deem "the greater good" as evil?

>> No.12560467

Alright, I'll try my best:

1. Create universe, and beings.
2. Do not create the sensation of physical pain for said beings.
3. Do not create harsh environments for these beings to live under.
4. My presence is automatically and always known directly to all of them, I communicate to them through their mind, and all of them can hear me in a sort-of divine hive-mind setup. (the whole world, not one or two cultures from one or two regions)
5. Tell them how to set-up their societies, around my desired order for them to follow, with no room for confusion or disagreement.
6. Let them enjoy to their heart's content for all eternity, the happiness of their society the highest it could possibly be.
7. Continue forever, everyone frolicking in eternal peace and contentment.
8. Feel based, for creating a universe and keeping the beings in it at a maximum level of happiness.

>> No.12560473

Hiiiiii I love fluffy kittens

>> No.12560478

So then is causing you suffering a good thing, then? Should Christians be violent and murder other people? No? Why? What's wrong with it? If there's something wrong with it, it must be objectively wrong, right? And objectivity here is designated by God, as its arbiter, right? And if God is the arbiter of objectivity, and causing suffering to others is objectively wrong, why did God create something objectively wrong, by his own standards?

>> No.12560479

Why would creating eternally happy beings make you, the creator of the universe, happy? Not only that, but wouldn’t you also get bored?

>> No.12560483

Cause I fucking can im god retard. So I'll ask you again. Why did your god create you?

>> No.12560494

>Cause I fucking can im god retard. So I'll ask you again. Why did your god create you?
Because he can, he’s God, just as you said. Is that enough for you, or do you want a better answer?

>> No.12560499

I'm god. If i don't want to be bored I just won't be. Also even if I get bored whats stopping me to create an alt universe- Holy shit were the alt universe...

>> No.12560506

>why did God create something objectively wrong, by his own standards?
So that it may be known what is good and wha is evil

>> No.12560515

free will

>> No.12560517

Yeah, why the fuck does existing suck so hard for humans. At least I wouldn't force my humans to worship me or burn in hell.

>> No.12560519

>If i don't want to be bored I just won't be.
This is the kind of logic that leads to non-creation, since you can make yourself infinitely happy just because you can. Which doesn’t make sense, because God is only a creator without creation. He’s not a fully developed, sentient being with infinite powers without the creation

>> No.12560532

So that God will know what suffering is like. How can God understand something without its existence? What makes God create a world without suffering? He wouldn’t be operating under the same biological motives that you are, so he would have no need to prevent suffering, but he would rather create suffering, so that he may understand it.

>> No.12560551

>>12560424 I love fluffy kitty. Cats

>> No.12560554

Ok suffer all you want fag. No one's stopping you. Once it goes through your thick fucking skull that suffering sucks I'll bet you ask your god "why me".

>> No.12560569

>>12560532 hi god made fluffy kittens and pretty rainbows explain that

>> No.12560582
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Hmmm the all knowing creator of the universe? Really? He dosent understand? Are ya suture? Iiiidunnnooo that sounds a little bit retarded.

>> No.12560588

God doesn’t have magical powers pre-creation, or, to be more accurate, without creation. And God doesn’t strive to be “happy,” or “bored,” or anything of that nature, but to have understanding of creation, and therefore Himself. This is what glorified God, and shows what he is, to his creations, and to Himself.
>Ok suffer all you want fag. No one's stopping you. Once it goes through your thick fucking skull that suffering sucks I'll bet you ask your god "why me".
Unironically I’m glad I have suffered in life, because it makes worshipping God that much more rewarding. I don’t feel as though I’m suffering when I remember that everything is for the glory of God. Worshipping God is part of the process of fulfilling God’s omniscience, and allowing Himself to be perceived as being great, something that he could not do without creation.

Atheists struggle with belief due to their own pride. Align yourself with God’s will with humility, and you will be happy.

>> No.12560614

I'm not an atheist dick choker. But it appears were both stubborn as shit with our own opinions. Not to mention I don't feel like reading all of that. So let's reach an ultimatum. "To each his own" I don't care if you don't care "believe what you wanna belive. I don't care enough to write an essay.

>> No.12560632

Badiou - Ethics: An Essay on the Understanding of Evil
enjoy, my friend :)

>> No.12560639

What even is your opinion? That you would make a better God?

>> No.12560649

>shilling Badiou
didn't this guy hate Deleuze so much he sent false flaggers after him?

>> No.12560669
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>> No.12560681

My diary desu

>> No.12560684


>> No.12560719

How this instead of completely removeing suffering why don't we just get rid of minor inconveniences? Like roaches, crackheads, "this operation could not be completed", tyrannical governments, etc. And instead of hell you just throw people in a bottomless void.

>> No.12560741

What about killing evil people?

>> No.12560772

Evil to the evil people, good to the people who benefit by the killing

>> No.12560916

>What should make God desire that there be no suffering to humans? God didn’t evolve from monkeys like we did, so why should he be so averse to suffering? It’s almost as if you think God should think like you or something.
Uhh that has nothing to do with what I'm talking about
I'm saying a non-sentient being has no intention, therefore no moral responsibility over its actions

>> No.12560935

>why the fuck does existing suck so hard for humans
you're a damn fool

>> No.12560943

There is no such thing as evil, only those who are extremely destructive. Read The Foundation for Exploration by Goonan.

>> No.12561072

>Read The Foundation for Exploration by Goonan.
Dude seriously stop shilling your book. It's been almost two years; cut your losses and move on

>> No.12561162

Goonan has been dead for like 9 months now, the poor guy has been made into a meme

>> No.12561239


Not only is this a terrible argument, but calling the world a magnum opus would be tremendously insulting to its creator. Talk about Yahweh's anger...

But if you must know, I would make it such that you would have reprieve from this world in one or more "lesser" worlds with little consequence, so that you might experience why and how I want you to experience this world rather than another.

>> No.12561297

Damn really? Link to the obituary?

>> No.12561377

Evil is when you get butthurt about existence and either conciously or unconciously work against it. This is perfectly clear with a lot of school shooter types and a lot of them have fairly well developed philosophies of why everything is shit and that it should be undone.

Another close correlate to that type of pure evil would be the extreme narcissism to think that reality can easily change at your whim and that your version would be much better. Think of the supreme gentleman, he had exquisitely retarded ideas of enslaving all females on earth and his autistic rampage was I guess some attempt at doing this. Actually, now that I think about it, this group is probably just deluding themselves, the 'plan' is almost certainly a cope so that you don't have to accept that you are simply anti existence.

>> No.12561422

No. If your intent is pure I would agree that the action was not evil.

That's where it gets complicated though, like if someone is gonna say nazi Germany I would say the redeemable action would have been to crate the heebs up and ship them far away, once you hit death camps I think you've missed your exit and gotta take a Uwey

>> No.12561438
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>fairly well developed philosophies of why everything is shit and that it should be undone.

>> No.12561455

Oh no, that's terrible

>> No.12561463
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>> No.12561469

I looked it up, it's a different Sean Goonan you moron
It looks like we'll be blessed with more Goonan knowledge soon

>> No.12561477


This is a retarded definition since being cowardly or pathetic can be evil

>> No.12561491

Literally just fairly high iq pseuds throwing a tantrum that people with actual skills and talent have a bigger effect on society than a bunch of gay playwrights, journalists, and 'philosophers'