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12554288 No.12554288[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Does knowing french get you lad?

>> No.12554293

Get me what?

>> No.12554295


>> No.12554300

I speak semi-fluent French and when I was in France for two months I fucked 7 frenchies

why are french girls so fucking easy

>> No.12554306

Gets me every time, lad.

>> No.12554308

Girls have decided whether they will fuck you or not before you have uttered a word

>> No.12554311

Get me what?

>> No.12554314

>cette face quand pas de fille-amie

>> No.12554337

The French are unholy degenerates and I blame the Anglos for not finishing them off

>> No.12554526

de temps en temps

>> No.12554562

>votre visage quand pas de petite amie
C'est pas si difficile la langue.
en tous cas, je suis une fille dégénérée, mais pas Française.
Mon livre préféré est Notes From Underground. Je suis accro aux antidouleurs et j'aime acheter de la lingerie chère que je ne porte JAMAIS.
putain de merde

>> No.12554564

I had sex with two girls from my french class

>> No.12554826

I see this a lot, and at this point, I actually think that all these people having sex live in a different dimension.
I can't fathom any circumstance which would lead to sex, even paying prostitutes seems utterly unrealistic to me. I'm not going to bother going through the whole "how did you do that sir, gee whiz, that's a hell of a thing etc." How someone can go to a bar or simply be in a class and end up touching each other in some bed is alien. Courting to me is an absurd process. Even stranger is the modern equivalent of texting someone for sex and them agreeing, coming over to your house simply to touch your skin and then leave. How does someone get across that mutually touching each other in a way that doesn't instigate child birth is alien to me. I understand that these women want to have sex for pleasure but I cannot understand how simply "being" in a french class and using language and your body could create a scenario where you are able to do this. It is almost like people have a special Freemasons handshake that lets them know they would also like to put skin on skin. In the past women who have flirted with me have only been cognisant to me through another party saying what the deal was. I honestly believe I can't humiliate myself more by living and at this point I have almost resigned myself to a life of pure ignorance about it. How is sex more preferable to say, a nice walk in the park? Why instead of "I had sex with two girls from my french class" couldn't you have said, "I had two lovely nights with girls from my french class". I am absolutely sick and tired of sex being the be-all-end-all of the world. I hope you thought my post was funny.

>> No.12554859

>I hope you thought my post was funny.
I did, thank you for it. And I'm not some crazy sexual guy or anything, I already sort of knew both of the girls from my wider social circle. It had more to do with us going to the same parties and stuff than being in French class, though that gave us more stuff to talk about. I have as much trouble getting laid as the next guy.

>> No.12554865

c'est juste du sexe, pourquoi es-tu un tel incel

>> No.12554918


you slept with 7 prostitutes, ma cherie

>> No.12554924

to be honest mate a lot of these people are lying

>> No.12554945

Alright, if that makes you happy, godspeed
A vast perfectionist complex set in by my father and his father etc. "That I'll never be good enough". People qualify sex as an achievement in the modern age. Put two and two together.
Figures, whilst I was at university people used that kind of talk like social currency.

>> No.12555043

Who is this character?

>> No.12555061

No. And also, as a woman who learned French because I'm attracted to Canadian men, French men from France are absolute degenerates. Not only are they smelly Catholics, they're disgusting and old and refuse to flirt with people their own age. Their cuisine is like eating sea scum with grass clippings and their idea of "romance" is cringey. France is a meme and one worse than Italy.

>> No.12555081

Wonderful post. It is an interesting idea, if you have never had sex you have no frame of reference for it, you can’t crave and be obsessed with it like people who have had sex. It means nothing to you

>> No.12555091

tu peux toujours juste dire que tu crains de te faire baiser.
Bien que je sois d’accord sur ce que tu dis à propos des hommes français, on peut en dire autant des hommes québécois.
arrêtes de perdre ta temps, l'horloge biologique tourne, chienne Americaine.

>> No.12555104

Guys, I just want get *laid* by anyone not just French girls.

>> No.12555114


My grammar sucks

>> No.12555118

ferme ta gueule grenouille degoutant

>> No.12555123

Learn German. Women love German. German men are the apex predator and they have big dicks.

>> No.12555140

I'll clap you if you bad mouth Italy, few countries have such rich culture and tradition

>> No.12555149

>pense que je suis une grenouille
Je briserai ton scooter avec un club et vous nourrirai des morceaux, ce qui ne fera aucune différence, car t'es tjrs une Américaine souffrant d'obésité morbide avec facultés affaiblies.

>> No.12555193

Every time I got laid I spoke french. So yes, OP.

But I'm French.

>> No.12555211
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Ok sorry. I used to be an italiaboo and obsessed over Italy and learned Italian before learning French and read tons of books about Northern Italian history and I lied. I don't actually hate Italy.
Je ne suis pas obese. Je suis chinoise alors je seulment mange le nourriture chinoise. Les hommes americains n'aiment pas moi parce je suis trop maigre alors les coreens de canada sont mon seulement option maintenant

>> No.12555246

"Je ne suis pas obèse. Je suis chinoise alors je mange seulement de la nourriture chinoise. Les hommes américains ne m'aiment pas, parce que je suis trop maigre alors les coréens du Canada sont ma seule option maintenant."

J'ai corrigé ça pour vous anonyme.

>> No.12555251

ahh, désolé pour le malentendu, bonne courage, anon chinoise, je vis à Montréal, les hommes ici sont assez bons, je suppose.
les filles asiatiques n'ont pas de problème à rencontrer des hommes ici.
si tu m'excuses, j'ai de l'oxycontin à consommer

>> No.12555278

Merci. Je n'ai pas parle francais depuis longtemps.

>> No.12555329

Take your Discord cartoons back to your shithole, tranny.

>> No.12555335


You speak French good enough, any French can understand you with that level, I only wanted to give you a grammar boost. Félicitations pour ce niveau dans une langue difficile, et ton trilinguisme (au minimum?) - Congrats for your level in French ( a difficult language) and you speaking three language.

Do you have any resources t o help me learn Chinese? All i know is saying "thank you". Chinese is beautiful i'd love to speak it fluently.

>> No.12555413
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I'm not fluent in Chinese but my family are/were. My grandmother was a translator and I inherited pic related which were helpful. They teach you simplified Mandarin Chinese but also have references to their traditional counterpart and even have a bit on ancient chinese (which I have a lot of objects in my house that have traditional chinese writing on which is why I went to my grammy's books to learn what they said), along with easy to read cartoons that have a handwritten font so you're familiar with handwritten Chinese as well. And if you're an auditory learner, they also have very basic songs to sing to (they write the notes in the book, no CD required) so you can learn with that. They're very thorough and I definitely suggest them.

>> No.12555424

Pour répondre à l'OP, peut-être aux US où la france est considéré comme le pays du sexe, mais pas en france x)

If you want to learn any european language, especially if it's a romance language, I highly recommand learning Esperanto first
A lot of people hate it, but it actually brings a fuckton of vocabulary while having a simple grammar.

>> No.12555457

Dubs checked.

Get me lad ... why would I want to acquire boy?

>> No.12555465
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See, this is what I was worried about with the "discord tranny" meme, that Discord itself would be made the target of the invective. What the fuck do you use to talk to your online pals? Skype?

>> No.12555493

If I'm being honest, any communication outside of artwork, locations and real human contact is pretty lame

>> No.12555505

Which resources did you use to learn French? When did you start studying?

>> No.12555506
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>> No.12555537

French Canadians have extremely low IQs, you might as well go fuck Nigerians

>> No.12555541

Not necessarily true. I had a girlfriend for years, but after that ended I've found myself in almost the exact same position as anon. I just got lucky once that a girl was blatantly clear with what she wanted of me

>> No.12555542
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>will x get me laid?

>> No.12555544
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I started when I was a freshman in highschool but I also read french comic books, french animated movies, french music, belgian animated films, operas, you know, the regular. Occasionally I'd watch a French Canadian tv show here and there (Virginie was one series) but they're not very good.

>> No.12555570

Sounds like you are a complete virgin. When I was still a virgin I was just as mystified. However, once you get some experience, you realize that sexual undetones are hiding in way more interactions than you think. The probelm is that virgins are basically spergs in this regard and cant read these vibes to save their lives. Once you can read these tones though, meeting a girl in a class, cafe, bar, etc and taking it to sex is completely possible. Im not necessarily advocating or denouncing this, Im simply saying that this potentil will become visible once you get more flirtatious/sexual experience with women.

>> No.12555584

How old are you now? Did you use any textbooks to study?

>> No.12555620

Only my highschool textbooks so I'm sure I'm fair from fluent. I don't study French in school anymore but I still use it to talk to French Canadians in chatrooms occasionally. I also want to become fluent enough to sing to my favorite operas and read old French novels of the 1800s in their original language.

>> No.12555956


>> No.12555989
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you literally LITERALLY and ACTUALLY have to go back

>> No.12557071

Do you recommend casual sex to get used to the whole process? I’m a senior in college and still a virgin. I’m always getting looks from chicks in class, but I really just want to fall in love and find a damn wife. I’ve kind of embraced my celibacy, but sex would still be nice.

>> No.12557086
File: 93 KB, 736x535, 1f8d9f353c0dd82d0f7ccb48e89c0570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are people making a bunch of "getting laid" posts to counteract the rise in asexual posts? Is this entire board just sexual pathology?

>> No.12557105

Je ne dirais pas non à vous voir porter cette Lingerie, anon!

>> No.12557112

nice one

>> No.12557149

I was positive this was pasta but it isn't
There was a post very much like this about the guy thinking the laws of physics just wouldnt allow him to have sex

>> No.12557166

Do you actually want to have sex? Maybe you're unironically asexual. (swear to god I'm not memeing)

>> No.12557197
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>> No.12557207

>unironically asexual
no such thing barring psychotropic and hormonal agents side effects, severe neurological problems, and extreme mental illness.

>> No.12557246 [SPOILER] 
File: 470 KB, 800x450, 1549599065784.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

welcome home fren

>> No.12557267

I know the asexualposter here makes asexual look retarded but there's plenty of perfectly normal asexual people around you. You just don't know because they're shitposting about it 24/7. Not everybody experiences sexual attraction. It's just a normal variation of human sexuality.

>> No.12557403

Girls are attracted to guys who are attractive to other girls. Girls can tell if a guy is a virgin very easily, and most of the girls you probably want won't be attracted to this. When I was a virgin, I also remember getting attention, but it was mostly from the types of girls that wanted to dominate in a relationship (which is not at all what I wanted). The reason being, is that they sensed my obvious virginity as weakness. Feminine girls don't want a guy who comes across as weak.

Casual sex is an excellent way to get experience with girls and to gain a subconscious demeanor that they find attractive. Most importantly, is to not show any fear when interacting with them, and to make subtle sexual/flirtatious advances (this is stuff as simple as proper eye contact, speaking with a commanding tone, teasing, etc). Usually its much easier to develop these subtle social skills after you have gained some experience of using women. And yes, I do mean "use". Its not about whether you are a literal virgin or not, its if you emit the aura of a guy who hunts for woman, or emit an aura of a guy who doesn't.

Nice feminine (virgin) girls, find this kind of guy attractive. But once you find this gem of a girl, I suggest abandoning the philandering and enter a serious relationship with her.

TL;DR: Use loose women to learn how to interact with women, and when you finally attract good wife material commit to her.

>> No.12557469

Gloria from Big City Greens

>> No.12557478

>tfw not a virgin but might as well be one due to lack of any women in life or relationships

>> No.12557527

Fuck off discord faggots

>> No.12557537


>> No.12557544

French women are all whores because French men are all homosexuals

>> No.12557546
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>variation of human sexuality
Pick one.

>> No.12557930

Any lewd from her?

>> No.12558662

I'm a 23 years old virgin so obviously no.

>> No.12558676

heterosexuality is one of the variations of human sexuality dumbo wumbo

>> No.12558707


>> No.12558717
File: 180 KB, 639x360, just kill me now.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12558738

There's a simple biological reason for this. Sex carry a much greater cost for the woman and thus she have to be much more selective. Thus, when a woman see that you are attractive for another woman it bump your trustworthiness.

>> No.12558790

I love making garbage threads too.

>> No.12558832

>Hirls have virginity sensors