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12558472 No.12558472 [Reply] [Original]

What are your thoughts on Murakami?

>> No.12558512

you're talking about Ryu Murakami right

>> No.12558528
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>he's my favourite writer, how do you know it?

>> No.12558535
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>why yes I'm a big fan of Murakami, I'm in the middle of my yearly rereading of Kafka on the Shore right now.

>> No.12559660

I just finished Colorless Tsukuro Tazaki last night. A weak first few pages, and a weak last few pages. The rest was enjoyable.

>> No.12559662


>> No.12559670
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>> No.12559687

>A weak first few pages, and a weak last few pages. The rest was enjoyable.

That was my assessment of it as well

>> No.12559710
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1Q84 is kino.

>> No.12559717

I think he is palatable. His books go down easy, and whenever I finish one, even if I hadn't been experiencing very strong feelings toward it as I was reading, I find myself wanting to go back.

Of the three that I have so far read (Dance, Wind-Up Bird, and Tsukuru) I think Tsukuru is my favorite. It was very straight forward, not any longer than it needed to be, and the descriptions of despair right at the front were delicious. I'm looking forward to reading more.

As an aside, someone help a brainlet out here. Are there any clues as to who the Hollowman was? Who was the "boy" and what was in the sack? (Is it just the same sort of nebulous psychic no-nos that have been plaguing the Hanging house/Middle Aged Women?) Send help and brain cells please.

>> No.12559726

I loved his work before I was well-read. Now that I started with the Greeks and read most of the classics up to the present time, I still think he's great.

>> No.12559730

I enjoyed this also.
Even though the third book stalled for hundreds of pages, I just enjoyed reading it!

>> No.12559737

Very comfy writer. I read Sheep Chase and Elephant Vanishes before, but it wasn't until recently, that I read Norwegian Wood for a literature course, that I really got into his writing. Now, I am going through all his books people have gifted me over the years that have been sitting on my shelf.
I know enough Japanese that I with a dictionary I could read the originals at a reasonable pace, so I might give that a stab as well if the uni library has any.

>> No.12559825

I wish I could send brain cells but I have precious few as is

>> No.12559958

is it called that because you need an IQ of 84 to enjoy it?

>> No.12559971

Norwegian Wood is my favorite anime.

>> No.12560028

the movie is surprisingly kino

>> No.12560066

I'm currently reading the Rat series. Finished Hear The Wind Sing and now I'm nearly done with Pinball 1973. Has anyone else read these? They're comfy as fuck.

>> No.12560072

Unironically this.

>> No.12560285

Wild Sheep Chase is probably my favorite novel of his, alongside Hard-Boiled Wonderland. I've read all of his novels

>> No.12560736

i really like him. his books have a great mix of comfy and mysterious/ disturbing and his writing style just feels good to read