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12557100 No.12557100 [Reply] [Original]

Why are so many writers homosexual?

>> No.12557103

I think there's a disproportionate number of asexual writers too.

>> No.12557108


>> No.12557281

why are so many engineers homosexual? Lawyers? Yoga teachers? Teachers? Artists? People?

>> No.12557290

Coping mechanism

>> No.12557319

Why are the fag writers of today so inferior to those of the past?

>> No.12557334

Because wrting be gay AF

>> No.12557387

tfw no bf

>> No.12557407

Not any more than other professions.

>> No.12557542
File: 78 KB, 750x795, Yourcenar-Opus-Nigrum-Belgica-frances_LRZIMA20120817_0101_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perhaps it's like there being a large number of bisexuals in acting.


I suppose.

>> No.12557548

Repression made them better at writing. >>12557100
There weren't even that many.

>> No.12557560

Oscar Wilde. Capote. Who else? Modern Burger faggots like Pahlashit and Ellis don't count.

>> No.12557571

They aren't. There are a lot of writers out there, and there are a lot of homosexuals, naturally there is some overlap.

>> No.12557591

Because writing is a feminine pursuit.

>> No.12557605

Art is a masculine pursuit. It requires reason, drive, spirit, and balls.

>> No.12557622

because homosexuality used to be like a hobby, something you did in addition to you normal work/life..basically a sexual outlet..not an identity.
and so many writers, and artists, explored these backdoors and recesses to fucking just like we spend time in the shady corners of the internet. nowadays the fags are just as stodgy as the straight people. in fact EVERYONE is straight nowadays. the trannies are even straighter than most. frankly it makes me want to just fucking kill myself.

>> No.12557665
File: 436 KB, 2000x1334, Billy Wigglestick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taking into account bisexuals;
Sappho, Virginia Woolf, Tove Jansson, Carson McCullers, Donna Tart, Marguerite Yourcenar, Patricia Highsmith, Susan Sontag, Jane Bowles, Mary Renault, Simon de Beauvoir
Wilde, Gore Vidal, Walter Pater, Walt Whitman, Arthur C. Clarke, Andre Gide, Billy Wigglestick etc.

Ball art is the worst. It takes sensitivity, empathy, understanding to make the best artists.

>> No.12557692

>Ball art is the worst. It takes sensitivity, empathy, understanding to make the best artists.
It takes balls showing the world your art, to open a wound and make them watch it bleed. It takes balls risking it all for the sake of art. It takes balls to begin a long journey without guarantees, knowing full well that you may be forgotten. I think a more apt word would be bravery. The best artists are brave people, and generally good.

>> No.12557715

Because gay culture used to be about being an outsider. It used to be about striving to create, innovate, and be the best that you could be as someone who was considered an outsider to society. Not only were you an outsider, society despised you. That's a hell of a motivating factor to create beautiful art.

>> No.12557719

Putting pen to paper is an instrinically phallic action though.

>> No.12559125
File: 2 KB, 125x116, wannabefiendspepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based and redpilled. Stay away from the written language, kids

>> No.12559165

art is born out of struggle

>> No.12559170

Old gay writers were pederasts who were obsessed with teenage boys. Those people today are in prison and don't write anything anymore.

>> No.12559251

Female brains, sensitive, artistic.

>> No.12559279 [DELETED] 

simple explanation? Jews.

>> No.12559370

The pen is a metaphor for cocks

>> No.12559425

You mean it can be taken as a symbol for.

You sound like you're referring to a poem or something, when you're not.

>> No.12559429

Not all of us are fags. It’s only the ones you hear about on social media who are. We’re just spergs who keep to themselves, hoping our work will be discovered posthumously.

>> No.12559508

>pursue intellectual pursuits
>make money fuck bitches

>> No.12559543

Henry James, Thomas Mann, Francis Bacon, fucking Plato

>> No.12559550

was Henry James really gay?

He seems like such a straight writer

>> No.12559713

If only we could know who all the closeted greats were as well...

I would add May Swenson and Elizabeth Bishop as great gay poets who didn't make their sexuality the focus of their work; although they, or at least Swenson, were great at expressing love of the human body and female form.

>> No.12559727

I thought Henry James was asexual. Queer theorists love him, though I've never heard a suggestion from them that he was actually gay. I've heard people suggest he was closeted once or twice.

>> No.12559748

How are so many writers NOT faggots???!?!?

>> No.12559794

Fellas, is it gay to read a book with a male protagonist? I mean, you're inserting your consciousness into the perspective of a male.

>> No.12559800

There's some letters to other men which suggest very strongly he was gay but so closeted he never did anything about it. Of course his writing is so indirect and ironic it could mean nothing

>> No.12559821

>Donna Tart
Wait, what?

>> No.12559834

There are also homosexuals that choose to be celibate for variety of reasons, who knows

>> No.12559835

Well she writes gay characters, and is a short-haired, unmarried, pants-suit wearing, working woman.

>> No.12559865

>that fucking list

Why aren’t you banned yet? Your idiotic posts never contribute anything to this board. Do you only namefag so everyone can see how utterly and consistently retarded you are? Susan Sontag, Christ.

>> No.12559876

Including Susan Sontag in that list is totally relevant to this discussion because she's a gay writer. Calm down.

>> No.12559879

Susan Sontag is as much a relevant writer as you are an interesting human being. Are we including everyone who’s ever written an essay as a writer now?

>> No.12559888

Essays are writing so it stands to reason that people who write them are writers.

>> No.12559896


>> No.12559903

Writing is narcissistic. Gays are narcissists.

>> No.12559913

Everyone who’s gone through elementary school is a “writer”. When someone asks “why are writers x” they’re asking why people who write as a profession are x. Sontag wrote exclusively garbage, and there’s a reason she isn’t talked about today much despite being an influential, wealthy, far-left Jewish woman who wrote about popular minority identarianism.

>> No.12559921

>Isn't talked about today
What are you talking about? We're talking about her right now, and your reaction to Butterfly shows that you've heard of her. She's clearly a professional writer with some cultural influence if you're this angry about it, and she's gay, so she's relevant to the conversation.

>> No.12559929

I’m only talking about her because that retard brought her up as a relevant writer. When’s the last time you saw a Sontag book or idea being discussed in academia - or even on here?

>> No.12559939

I've saw someone recommend Sontag yesterday. I'm not interested in her, but I've seen her stuff discussed on here before. I don't know why you're getting so fixated on this. She's a professional writer who is gay, so she's relevant here. I don't need to prove that Susan Sontag is a writer

>> No.12559949

I’m not sure how you are completely missing my very simple points but okay.

>> No.12559953

I'm not missing them, they're just not substantial. Susan Sontag is a well known writer and is regularly mentioned on /lit/.

>> No.12560077

shut da fuck up

>> No.12560085

>Old gay writers were pederasts who were obsessed with teenage boys. Those people today are in Washington DC and don't write anything anymore.


>> No.12560091

mental disorders (or aberrations, whatever) enable great art
meme sexuality, doesn't real

>> No.12560130

Because homos make the best art.

>> No.12560169

They did when they were outsiders struggling to exist in society.

The kind of art that is created by "queer" and "lgbtqi+" people today is garbage.

Wildes and Rimbauds they are not.

>> No.12560225

Gays do it for 'inclusion' nowadays.
such a cringy word

>> No.12560525

A Freudian interest in pens attracts them to the craft

>> No.12560906

only faggots read and write.
real man make history by their actions.

>> No.12561193

She wrote a couple of novels and screenplays too.
Bisexuals are all over the place. Probably the most common sexuality. Sontag had a son, but had girlfriends later