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File: 55 KB, 850x400, god is not real.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12554277 No.12554277 [Reply] [Original]

You cannot refute him

>> No.12554537

How ironic

>> No.12554548

>If Gods real how come I can't see him?

>> No.12554576

It's true. Compatibilism is a condition that affects thousands of people all over the world, and we need to approach them with frankness and honesty.

>> No.12554605

There’s simply no polite way to tell people ur so much smarter than them

>> No.12554615

If theres no god why dont we just kill this faggot lmao?

>> No.12554618

Does anyone else simply refuse to read books written by bald men? lmao

>> No.12554623

Because you're a pussy

>> No.12554635

doesnt matter according to this guy

>> No.12554643

The struggle is real

>> No.12554795

I thought this was intense until I read the filename. This quote should be acknowledged as something else. Aspirations and illusions are not the same thing.

>> No.12554813

You cannot redire Him

>> No.12554832
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>> No.12554903
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Yet, he's dead now. How ironic.

>> No.12555571

Is Yahweh making you a pussy or what the fuck are you implying

>> No.12555578

poosay you GET it or you ARE it. (No one steal this im posting it to showerthoughts right after this blunt)

>> No.12555595

I hate this line of thought, I mean shit you old faggot bastard, don't every single human being dedicate themselves to illusions? No, go ahead, tell me what part of human endeavor is not an illusion you cum guzzling harlot, tell me what part of your life was not dedicated to illusions.
Eat dirt, you fucking chicken shit intellectual.

>> No.12555601

He’s an atheist. They operate out of pride. It’s really as simple as that.

>> No.12555695

more like everything we know about the universe points to it operating automatically.

>> No.12555701

>if God’s real why cant i see him?

>> No.12555716

what do you even mean by this?
deterministically? independentally? what?

>> No.12555718
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>> No.12555725

>I demand to see that which will kill me
Ok then...

>> No.12555739

>new atheists
The only group that manages to be dumber than modern Evangelicals. Bravo

>> No.12556105

wtf did I just watch?&

>> No.12556107

>Aspirations and illusions are not the same thing.
Then what the fuck is an Illusionist?

>> No.12556169

>proving my point

I operate out of love, anon.

>> No.12556513

He probably meant mechanistically. What a psued

>> No.12556524

>If xrays are real then why can’t I see them?

>> No.12556550

Everything is an illusion, one decides to dedicate the time you want.
We are responsible for our destiny, we know very well within our beings that destiny is written.

>> No.12556581

>you can’t know nuthin you can’t know nuthin!!!

>> No.12556584


I don't get the connection between atheist and pride.

>> No.12556656
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One way I can think of that they would determine that is that it has to do with thinking you are better than God by not following His word.

>> No.12556690

Atheist preacher, the self awareness of an insectoid: can one refute a dung heap?

>> No.12556713


That would be in the case that you believed in God.
Here we do not touch the issue of the existence of a God. Simply that one can consider his destiny and know that all of us are building it day by day.

2/10 bait

>> No.12556724

That quote lives independently with daniel dennett.

>> No.12556749
File: 37 KB, 400x279, bamboozled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jesus has just stated that some had taught that one should "hate your enemies" and in this verse he rejects this view.
>But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;
Yes, dung heap.

My belief has nothing to do with it, I'm using the Christian perspective/belief. I spoke with one two days ago that used that line of reasoning. Whether the person with the pride believes in God doesn't matter, any act where you don't humble yourself in front of God, whether aware of it or not, will be considered prideful by some Christians.

>> No.12556830

Politeness is an illusion.

>> No.12557635

It's more that people who live off of smug pride are naturally attracted to atheism. It's an extremely simple philosophy. It only requires skepticism of institutions. If you want to illogically leap from apathy about everything to suddenly feeling superior, just act skeptical of everything and adopt super vague principles. That's why these people are also always neoliberal leftists. It's easy to adopt

>> No.12557661

Your smartphone operates automatically, yet it was created by a man

>> No.12557676

If you're a such a miserable cock mongrel that social conventions stop you from shattering someone's illusions you're an illusion

>> No.12557690

the guy is a self admitted p zombie. why take anything he says seriously?

>> No.12557697
File: 158 KB, 937x1200, D855BF5B-262D-4A1B-8423-B6AAAE05FB8B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12557740

Oh look, a meme making fun of Descartes
But that isn't Descartes in the picture.

>> No.12557744

Do you really think someone who has worked for over two decades on a philosophic project didn't think of such a simple quip?

Eliminativism is not undermined by such claims as "illusion is a state of consciousness" (whatever it is that actually means) since they are not denying that consciousness doesn't exist IN ANY WAY WHATSOEVER. Only that it is not Objectively existent.

The ground of consciousness is undoubtedly Illusion. Consciousness does not exist.

>> No.12557751
File: 177 KB, 1366x768, Mind.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best thing ever.

>> No.12557754

I meant
>Consciousness does not exist beyond that.

>> No.12557780

>the ground is an illusion
>but don't worry, the sensation of standing is still real

>> No.12557806

They associate everything they say with the certainty of science.

>> No.12557821

>the certainty of science
but science is the pursuit of facts

>> No.12557825

I hate you

>> No.12557826

1. You definitely operate out of pride. Everything you post strokes your ego.
2. There is no struggle. If you really believe in letting people live their lives then you have absolutely no struggle regarding the faith of others.
3. You have made a god out of a strange hybrid of the self/society/history/the state. Odds are you'll deny this with half arguments and that's fine. Basically all I want to say is that you're self righteous and full of shit.

>> No.12557840


>> No.12557845

See? A smug and condescending sense of superiority that is typical amongst marxists. There is no right side of history. There is no glorious future. There is no utopian dream. You can dance around it all you want but you just keep making a new god out of mortal things and doing so while denying an immortal god doesn't make you any better than religious zealots. It makes you a religious zealot.

>> No.12557895
File: 605 KB, 750x1011, 736795D3-354D-477D-AE87-61FEE3CE16F5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12557940

>an illusion is an appearance that is contrary to reality

stopped reading

>> No.12557981

>consciousness is necessary to observe reality
If I program a robot to say "I am conscious" every 5 minutes, did I create real consciousness?

>> No.12557997

let's hear your definition then eh

>> No.12558003

I actually have a gloomy prospect for the future.
The universe is an eternal and infinite no-so-void. And I think it's likely an immense fireworks display. No god, no eternal soul, no after life nor before. That's not a "new god"

>> No.12558022
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What is your take on pic related?

>> No.12558035
File: 560 KB, 1080x776, 777optic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that guy, but I would define illusion as an abberation in representation borne out of the imperfections of transmission. Simplest example is colorblind people. The see the world of illusory colors (or lack thereof, I don't really fucking know how colorblindness works), yet they have the chance to be aware of this imperfection due to the vast majority of humans not having it. If consciousness is illusory for all people, we'd have no chance to reconcile with it because only a few intellectuals out of billions of people could reason their way into realising it.

>> No.12558073

>an abberation in representation borne out of the imperfections of transmission
how is this substantially different than
>an illusion is an appearance that is contrary to reality
you've just included a cause of the contrary appearance as part of the definition, making it less valuable, as it is now contestable in a way the more abstract definition was not.

>> No.12558080

1. I know some things. But I ask questions too.
2. True enough, but I care enough to challenge their minds. I was once in their place.
3. There is no replacement god in my mind. I think the universe was created, I know their is no eternal soul and therefore a before or after life. There no hybrid god here.

Le Guin described it in The Dispossessed as a joke. Well, isn't it?

>> No.12558082

an illusion is a commonly believed misperception

>> No.12558084

Yes, he could easily be wrong. Doesn't matter if he spent 20+ years on this project. Hippocrates and his followers were wrong about the four humours for over 2 millennia. Listen to Chalmers and research neurophenomology.

>> No.12558102

that is an auxiliary definition, yes, but very obviously not the one needed for the discussion

>> No.12558119

We use instruments, like the brain you seem to lack :^)

>> No.12558124

*I DON'T think the universe was created

>> No.12558136
File: 15 KB, 333x499, 41ON58e81FL._SX331_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would it be a joke? It is useful to consider the question of change in an eternal universe.

>> No.12558142

Science can't say that God doesn't exist but only that there's no way of testing whether or not he exists, nor is there any consistent definition of God that could be used in a working hypothesis. It's a vague, unscientific question that he's trying to treat in a scientific way, because ultimately he's just as much of a pseudo-scientist as any religious person.

>> No.12558167

Not good in mathematics. I've only ever heard of it in The History of Philosophy podcasts and Le Guin's

>> No.12558633
File: 2.05 MB, 480x366, 1546296474377.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eliminativism is just silly m8.

>> No.12558817

Of course there is a polite way. Engage them in a debate and try to interrogate why they seem attached to what you consider an illusion. You might both learn something.

>> No.12558839

>That's not a "new god"
>There no hybrid god here.
A green synthetic cock could be someone's god, many people do that today.

Some people even worship actual tools, like hammers and sickles, in the 21st century.
Post atomic age, people still thinking inert instruments are sacred cows and must not be slandered, despite believing themselves atheists.

A lot of nihilistic materialists worship their own assholes. Maybe you got some of the "I AM GOD" bug from 3rd wave feminism on the internet, idk.

>> No.12558933

Who is it hearing the robot?