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12550565 No.12550565 [Reply] [Original]

Is Pilate innocent?

>> No.12550581

Bigus Dickus

>> No.12550585


>> No.12550601

>white jesus
jesus is not your waifu you fucking cringy degenerate

>> No.12550606

I think The Master and Margarita has a pretty good answer to this

>> No.12550607

He is most definitely burning in purgatory right now

>> No.12550620

Is Pilate a real historical figure?

>> No.12550622

Heh, catholics...

>> No.12550626


Based and redpilled

>> No.12550628

I will ask my goons to tie you up, arbitrarily ask some people if you should live or die, ask my goons to torture you and leave you to die nailed to a couple of planks.

Am I innocent?

>> No.12550632

>ctrl+f purgatory
>no results

>> No.12550636
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>Then answered all the people, and said, "His blood be on us, and on our children!"

>> No.12550640

1 Corinthians 12-15
>Now if anyone builds on this foundation with gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, straw, each one’s work will become clear; for the Day will declare it, because it will be revealed by fire; and the fire will test each one’s work, of what sort it is. If anyone’s work which he has built on it endures, he will receive a reward. If anyone’s work is burned, he will suffer loss; but he himself will be saved, yet so as through fire.

>> No.12550646

They were going to kill him anyways. There was a mob. He wanted nothing to do with his death and made it clear. It wasn't arbitrary. The guilt belongs on him not sending him to Rome for a trial which stems from his ambivalence to the truth. Even his "goon" on the hill said, "truly this was the son of God".

>> No.12550648

>tfw salvation wouldn't be possible without judas and pontius Pilate
>Judas is our real lord and savior

This is the final Redpill guys

>> No.12550655

Most likely. Look up the 'Pilate stone.'

>> No.12550669

No, he was afraid the Jews would complain to Caesar that he was literally Hitler

Yeah and he was an asshole who was on thin ice because he liked to troll the Jews.

According to Chrysostom most of the Jews who said that were saved in Acts

>> No.12550679
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I still take it as an admission of guilt for collective deicide.

>> No.12550686

Catholics used to think that you could somehow affect your relatives in purgatory by donations. It’s clear they’re exaggerating a bit. Yes there is a test after this life, as a fisherman grabs only the good fish out of the net, but all the connotations with purgatory are pretty far-fetched

>> No.12550688

Yet he still did it.
even if he sent Jesus to trial, he wouldn't be 'innocent', he would be conniving.
Innocence stems from ethics, not law.

>> No.12550702

>The New York-based Anti-Defamation League on Thursday urged the world's Orthodox Christian leaders to support a Christian proposal to excise ancient anti-Semitic passages from their liturgy.

>Unlike the Catholic and Protestant Churches, the Orthodox Church has never removed anti-Semitic passages from its liturgy, which still refers to Jews as Christ killers, said Dr. Dmitry Radyshevsky, director of the Jerusalem Summit, a conservative Israeli think tank. He noted that the anti-Semitic passages were most conspicuous during Easter services, and included such statements as "the Jewish tribe which condemned you to crucifixion, repay them Oh Lord," - which is repeated half a dozen times during the liturgy - "Christ has risen but the Jewish seed has perished" as well as references to Jews as "God-killers."


This is Hilarion's (the bishop in charge of Orthodox-Catholic dialogue) response to that

>Russian Orthodox theologian and bishop Hilarion (Alfeyev) of Vienna's lecture on "Theological Education in the 21st Century"

>Even more inadmissible, from my point of view, is the correction of liturgical texts in line with contemporary norms. Relatively recently the Roman Catholic Church decided to remove the so-called 'antisemitic' texts from the service of Holy Friday.

>> No.12551466

Revelation 3:16

So, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spew you out of my mouth.

>> No.12552228


>> No.12552369

>Ctrl-f Sola Fide Sola Scriptura
>0 found
>Ctrl-f counterarguments to Sola Fide Sola Schriptura
>Matt. 28:19; Mark 16:15; Matt. 28:20; John 20:30; 21:25
Buttblasted heretics.

>> No.12552384

based schizo poster

>> No.12552388

We still believe We can pray for the dead. Or have Mass recited for them to help them out in need. Sometimes we donate to a Priest so that he'll recite a mass for someone.
No, "donations" don't affect people in purgatory, prayer does and It's Scriptural (unless you decide that "sola Fide and Sola Scriptura BUT after we cut the parts of the Scriptura We don't like for extra Scriptural reasons" like protestants do).
It was important in my decision to convert, the realization that Protestants have no argument except strawman.

>> No.12552428

Yeah bro, he was just doing his job. The Romans had a system that was unconcerned with schizophrenic conmen and their semitic followers. Until it wasn't. But that's a later issue. It was easy to make Jesus a religious martyr, especially when everyone is basically retarded, lacked the ability read, and believed heavily in myth and superstition.

>> No.12552453

>Is Pilate a real historical figure?
Butterfly I swear to God I hate you so fucking much. Kill your ego and just become another retarded anon that I can hate without wasting the effort of giving you some vague persona based on how fucking abhorrent every one of your posts are. You detract from the entire purpose of this site and I want you to take your Reddit and "Cicada 3301" shit and fuck off.

>> No.12552486

But the main issue still remains unaddressed: how does man know what comes after the experience of death? How can a 2000 year old book allegedly have that information and yet no accounts of the afterlife have ever been verified?

>> No.12552541

>What is Truth?

>> No.12552552


>> No.12552571

God came, died, came back to tell you.
It's litteraly the best he can do without compromising your free will.
You can't ask anyone to do anything more than dying and telling you what It's like.
>>muh main point unaddressed
The main point was addressed: in that post I'm answering protestants calling me heretic not atheists calling me deluded. Claming that I'm leaving anything unaddressed to the main point of that post and then changing the subject is a trick so old the Church father already laughed at it.
>>muh 2000 year old book
Do You believe de bello gallico was written by Cesar?
Do You believe the accounts of Herodotus? Why do You even believe there ever was anything like The Persian Empire by that metric?
>>but i can verify the existance of the Persian Empire through other sources
And you can verify the accounts of Jesus's life by various Gospels, official and Apocriphal.
>there are points in wich they seem to not agree completely
And there are points in de bello gallico in wich Cesar is fucking lying.
>>muh unverified
It's as verified as it can logicaly be given circumstances. The problem is with you.

>> No.12552580

hehe based

>> No.12552591

He had It in front of him.
That's the funny part

>> No.12552798
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I know it's your thing, but never change Orthbros

>> No.12552827

No, Pilate is condemned here:
John 19:10 Then saith Pilate unto him, Speakest thou not unto me? knowest thou not that I have power to crucify thee, and have power to release thee?
11 Jesus answered, Thou couldest have no power at all against me, except it were given thee from above: therefore he that delivered me unto thee hath the greater sin.

>> No.12552832

None of those refute sola scriptura in any sense. I doubt you know what protestants even mean by the term.

>> No.12552836

>Do You believe the accounts of Herodotus?
lol no

>> No.12552844

>therefore he that delivered me unto thee hath the greater sin.
What did he mean by this?

>> No.12552855

From John Calvin's commentary on John:
>"Therefore he who delivered me to thee." Some think that this declares the Jews to be more guilty than Pilate, because, with wicked hatred and malicious treachery, they are enraged against an innocent man, that is, those of them who were private individuals, and not clothed with lawful authority. But I think that this circumstance renders their guilt more heinous and less excusable on another ground, that they constrain a divinely appointed government to comply with their lawless desires; for it is a monstrous sacrilege to pervert a holy ordinance of God for promoting any wickedness. The robber, who, with his own hand, cuts the throat of a wretched passenger, is justly held in abhorrence; but he who, under the forms of a judicial trial, puts to death an innocent man, is much more wicked. Yet Christ does not aggravate their guilt, for the purpose of extenuating that of Pilate; for he does not institute a comparison between him and them, but rather includes them all in the same condemnation, because they equally pollute a holy power. There is only this difference, that he makes direct attack on the Jews, but indirectly censures Pilate, who complies with their wicked desire.

>> No.12552880

Calvin actually right for once? Wow.

>> No.12552895
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He wrote a whole book of correct things.

>> No.12552918

He was a lawyer, I'd expect him to have a proper perspective on the event.

>> No.12553000

Ok then. I suppose You don't believe in the Persian Empire. That's fine.
What about Cesar, did he exist?
I do and they all do.
Sola Scriptura is self refuting, not everything Jesus done was written and What was written is only part of whats important for salvation. Makes sense when You realize that Jesus didn't write anything, rather he founded a Church and gave his apostles and their descendants authority to formalize Doctrine. Wich they did, and decided wich books were Canon and wich weren't.
Luther on the other hand says that only Scripture is necessary and then since said scripture 1) doesn't come with a rationalization for wich books are the word of God and wich aren't and hence 2) was formalized by his enemies and contained things he didn't like, went to the Jews of all people to ask them what should the Canon of Scripture be.
Then he even had the brillant idea to write "the jews and their lies" because he felt his new system wasn't self disproving enought.
You can fairly asses this by
1) asking yourself "How come the books that aren't considered canon by the Catholics like the Shepherd of Hermas or the book of Enoch haven't been reviewed back by the protestant theologians for their Bible?" If the Catholics added bad things they could have Also removed good things. There were centuries of debates on wich books should have been included in the Canon at the time, Luther resolves them by removing the things that coincidentaly don't agree with him and that's it. the rest of the councils are accepted whole cloth.
2) How come the Trinity is in and prayers for the dead are out? The Trinity is a lot more difficult to justify by Schripture alone If You don't play pick and choose.
3) How come Luther went asking to the jews of all people, considering that they had a rabbinical reform about wich parts of the old testament were Canon no long before?
4) How come the justification for books of the old testament being out is just "Jesus doesn't quote them" when we extabilished that not all that Jesus did was written down? He could have.

>> No.12553010

>Calvin defending his bosses
How curious

>> No.12553021

>white jesus

>> No.12553068

This is normal, just throw as much shit at the wall as you can so that it makes it near impossible for anyone to respond to everything. But I will, with only this post and not any more, since you are not attempting to have a discussion in good faith.
>I do and they all do.
They do not. I'll get into why as it comes up in the rest of your response.
>Sola Scriptura is self refuting,
Empty claim. I know what you're getting at but I'm not going to respond since you didn't bother to write it out.
>not everything Jesus done was written
And? Is there a repository of everything else he did within Catholicism or Orthodoxy? No there isn't.
>and What was written is only part of whats important for salvation.
You of course cannot demonstrate that.
>Makes sense when You realize that Jesus didn't write anything, rather he founded a Church and gave his apostles and their descendants authority to formalize Doctrine.
Yes he founded a Church. That bare fact proves nothing.
>Wich they did, and decided wich books were Canon and wich weren't.
When did they do that? Not until the Council of Trent in the mid 1500s apparently, in response to Protestantism.
>Luther on the other hand
You people always want to go to Luther, as Protestantism hangs or falls on Luther. It does not and you sound ignorant whenever you do this.
>says that only Scripture is necessary
That it is the only infallible source of doctrine.

>> No.12553107

I'm sure It's not that your theology doesn't make a lick of sense in a myriad of ways, It's just that people throw shit against the wall in lieu of arguing the points.
Except I argued the point.
>When did they do that? Not until the Council of Trent in the mid 1500s apparently, in response to Protestantism
Nicaea and then Athanasius In 367. You're only wrong by 1200 fucking years.
You're not taking This very seriously.
Come back after you've read a book

>> No.12553108

>and then since said scripture 1) doesn't come with a rationalization for wich books are the word of God and wich aren't and hence 2) was formalized by his enemies
The Council of Trent did not confirm the canon until after Luther's death.
>and contained things he didn't like, went to the Jews of all people to ask them what should the Canon of Scripture be.
And? The Jews prior to Christ are part of the same covenant as Christians. All of the same tree of the Patriarchs (Rom. 11:17).
>Then he even had the brillant idea to write "the jews and their lies" because he felt his new system wasn't self disproving enought.
Again with Luther. I don't care. I'm not a Lutheran. Most Protestants are not Lutherans. He was not the only theologian of the Reformation.
>You can fairly asses this by
Here we go.
>1) asking yourself "How come the books that aren't considered canon by the Catholics like the Shepherd of Hermas or the book of Enoch haven't been reviewed back by the protestant theologians for their Bible?" If the Catholics added bad things they could have Also removed good things.
Why would they be? There is a universal consent among all orthodox Christians as to the content of the New Testament. Christ's sheep hear his voice and know him.
>There were centuries of debates on wich books should have been included in the Canon at the time, Luther resolves them by removing the things that coincidentaly don't agree with him and that's it. the rest of the councils are accepted whole cloth.
There was no "removing" because there had never been any formal inclusion of the Apocrypha in the Old Testament canon. The only actual canon is the Jewish canon, which is the canon of the covenant of which Christians became grafted into. It is the only OT canon.
>2) How come the Trinity is in and prayers for the dead are out? The Trinity is a lot more difficult to justify by Schripture alone If You don't play pick and choose.
Because "difficulty to prove" is not the criteria for doctrine?
>3) How come Luther went asking to the jews of all people, considering that they had a rabbinical reform about wich parts of the old testament were Canon no long before?
Already covered this.
>4) How come the justification for books of the old testament being out is just "Jesus doesn't quote them" when we extabilished that not all that Jesus did was written down? He could have.
What if Jesus said the moon was made of cheese?

>> No.12553124

>And? Is there a repository of everything else he did within Catholicism or Orthodoxy? No there isn't.
Yes, tradition.

>> No.12553133

>Nicaea and then Athanasius In 367. You're only wrong by 1200 fucking years.
There was no declaration of the canon at Nicea. Feel free to prove that there was. Athanasius is a single man, so I'm not sure what you even mean.
Point me to this magical repository of everything else that Jesus did. It doesn't exist. You have a catalogue of extra-biblical doctrines, oh yes, but not a list of Jesus' actual actions. The idea is ridiculous. I decided to reply once more since you seem to be resorting to lying at this point. That will be the last from me.

>> No.12553182

>The Council of Trent did not confirm the canon until after Luther's death.
Protip If You have to actively ignore history to make your point You're probably wrong.
>i-I'm not lutheran
Don't give a shit. He is at the original of This mess and everyone agreed with him on the "apocrypha".
>And? The Jews prior to Christ are part of the same covenant as Christians. All of the same tree of the Patriarchs (Rom. 11:17)
Not a word about the logical fallacy inherent with saying that no extra schriptual authority is infallible and then going to ask the jews?
>Why would they be? There is a universal consent among all orthodox Christians as to the content of the New Testament. Christ's sheep hear his voice and know him.
And yet they were all wrong for 1200 years.
>There was no "removing" because there had never been any formal inclusion of the Apocrypha in the Old Testament canon.
Factually wrong. Councils and litteral saints include What You call the Apocrypha 1200 years before your small inconsequential heresy.
>Because "difficulty to prove" is not the criteria for doctrine?
You're playing games at This point, You know what I mean.
>What if Jesus said the moon was made of cheese?
Would Jesus lie?
Choose your words carefully.
Or don't.

>> No.12553198

It's the story of your faith.
>there was no declaration
Shut up autist kid. There was everyone That's was someone discussing This very thing. You're confusing "declaration" as "making official" with "declaration" as "We declare these german heretics are wrong". We did the same with the Cathars.
Half your argument is based on not knowing history and the other half on salty german princes not wanting to pay the Tithe anymore.

>> No.12553285

There was *no discussion at all* of the canon at Nicea.

>> No.12553321

>your small inconsequential heresy.
Is it a small inconsequential heresy or the destruction of western civilization and christendom? You people need to get your story straight.

>> No.12553351

He very likely killed jesus without ever having a second thought about that jew. Once the kikes wanted to convert the romans, they changed the story to make it seem like the romans did nothing wrong and that pilates was the good guy.

>> No.12553442


Jesus looks like a swarthy med nigger in that picture, I don't know what your problem is regarding his representation.

>> No.12553867


By virtue of being a man alone, yes.

>> No.12554397

That was never believed. What you are accepting as the Catholic position is actually Protestant propaganda passed down as historical fact. The supposition of purgatory comes from the simple idea that no one is perfect, but only the perfect can enter heaven. We know that perfection is not required for one's soul to be saved, but by the time anyone is in God's presence, all sin must be burned away. (That burning comes from descriptions in the Bible, not as literal fire, but as some divine action which we can describe in no other useful way.) Of course, Time, as we recognize it on Earth, cannot be the same after death. So, we know that there are those, many in fact, who upon death are not yet fully ready to enter Heaven, but who will not be in Hell. There must be then some transient state in which the Soul exists in neither Heaven or Hell. Out of convenience and utility, this was called purgatory. After several centuries of confusion and purposeful misrepresentation by protestants, the Vatican has largely abandoned this term.

>> No.12554429

>says Jesus is innocent
>condemns him anyway
He's a coward that was too scared the jews would revolt and he'd lost his position. What happened was unjust and he is no innocent.

>> No.12555189

They are all guilty--Pilate, the Pharisees, and the crowd. If you do not understand this, you cannot understand Christianity. For the soldiers who actually drove the nails Jesus said to forgive them, for they did not know what they were doing. But the Crowd, the Pharisees, and Pilate--they all knew. They tried to wash their hands of his blood, but you cannot wash yourself of sin. No contrivance of the law, no technicality, no maneuvering, no scheming can hide you from the sight of God. God sees not only your actions, but your thoughts, your desires, your will. Pilate may be less guilty than the Pharisees, but he still did the deed. It was Pilate who sentenced Jesus to death.

>> No.12555558

Very based