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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 408 KB, 1200x1650, 1200px-Ireland_(MODIS)[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12550504 No.12550504 [Reply] [Original]

>stupidest, ugliest, and most obnoxious people in all of Europe
>inbred, parochial, pasty, violent savages who inspire revulsion in all who meet them
>didn't know how to use toilets until 1982
>produce the single greatest novelist of the 20th century
>produce the single greatest short story writer of the 20th century
>produce the single greatest poet of the 20th century
>produce the single greatest dramatist of the 20th century
>outskill England, the mother of modern literature
>using the English fucking language
How? How?!

>> No.12550526


>> No.12550538


>> No.12550555


>> No.12550559


>> No.12550574

the emerald of the snotgreen sea !

>> No.12550578

Ah yeah wrong century. Go on, who's the short story writer?

>> No.12550580

damn Ireland looks kind of like Vvardenfell

>> No.12550586


>> No.12550595
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>> No.12550598

The Irish are an annoying nation but sometimes the boys are irresistible. God I just wanna dominate and torture a hot Irish lad, with red hair and freckles and plump hands, I wanna hold his wrists up over his head and tie them together while he looks up at me with furtive, anxious, angry eyes. The Irish brute captured at last—bigger than me, physically, but inevitably outwitted by his shrewd Anglo tormentor, helpless. I’d suck his fingers and then migrate down the soft tanned flesh of his arms, he’d start to wriggle and squirm as my wandering tongue would tickle the crevices of his underarms. Nay, this cannay be happenin’, I’m in charge ‘ere!

>> No.12550600


Suffering produces great art you fucking idiot. Oh who am I kidding, you already knew the answer before you wrote. Likewise, the Russians are a backward and pitiable people, and the same goes for them.

>> No.12550609
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>> No.12550610

Going a bit mad there Ferdia

>> No.12550611


>> No.12550617

Same but in reverse.

>> No.12550624

>you will never bind an irish man
>you will never taunt him with a dangling potato just out of his reach

>> No.12550625

>using the English fucking language
Hiberno-English is a superior variant, if you ask me. The accent has a pleasing pronounciation in the way of the Wake. Oral tradition just gone gives an idiomatic turn of phrase and a storyteller's vocabulary. Irish people all talk to each other as if they're already friends and it can be seen in their language.

>> No.12550660

british guidance

>> No.12550663

Suffering produces passion.

My proof: Russia is the other great nation for contemporary literature.

>> No.12550676

I'm quite good looking actually

>> No.12550680

The mind of the white man and the soul of the jungle man

>> No.12550681
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>produce the greatest architect of the 21st century

>> No.12550699
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When will his masterpiece be complete?

>> No.12550719

Whiskey and Catholicism.

>> No.12550739

Ugliest Celts, maybe. Slavs are more aesthetically challenged by a wide margin.

>> No.12550854


Shut up, I made your post before you did.

>> No.12551134

Slavic women are good looking and South Slavs aren't ugly.

I'd put the Cornish well behind the Irish though, and the Manx too for that matter

>> No.12551136

What country is that ?

>> No.12551363


>> No.12551406
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>that scheming, devilish look

>> No.12551508

I love seeing Anglos try and put us down at every twist and turn, but one must ask why? Is there some sort of, oh I don't know, resentment in the air? You literally just typed out all the stereotypes Anglos are usually hit with but put Ireland in there instead, which is laughable, pathetic even. Please stop dwelling on my little country would you?
Love from an actual ginger slightly freckled Irish lad.

>> No.12551519

Upset about the backstop are we?

>> No.12551575

Guinness is the Bud Light of stouts.

>> No.12551576

t. American

>> No.12551581

>Love from an actual ginger slightly freckled Irish lad.
You must have the horn pretty bad to be trying to get raped by English lads, anon.

>> No.12551878


You know, maybe we could find an answer to the housing crisis here, because we seem to be living in the br*ts minds R E N T F R E E

>> No.12552034
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>> No.12552112

>produce the single greatest novelist of the 20th century
>produce the single greatest short story writer of the 20th century
Borges is Argentinian.

>> No.12552116

>Suffering produces passion.
Can you tell me more?

>> No.12552123

Literally all of the noteworthy irish writers descended from prominent Anglo families that just happened to be in Ireland. They have produced nothing.

>> No.12552127

Joyce sweaty

>> No.12552138

You mean the most overrated trash the 20th century produced? He's also half anglo if i'm not mistaken.

>> No.12552170

>tfw máirtín ó cadhain will never get the respect he deserves

ní thuigfidh plebes aonghnéitheacha GO DEO

>> No.12552178

Borges has a lecture on James Joyce were he compares the irish with the jews. How do they produce so many geniuses from such small populations? The answer seems to be that their native culture always exists inside a bigger culture, and their native language isn't very much used for everyday conversation, but nevertheless influences their thought at the moment of expression. They see the very culture and the very language they live in as outsiders and insiders at the same time, therefore they have more room to sort of wiggle it towards an artistic intent. Incidentally, that's, according to Borges, the reason they're so hated as peoples.

If this doesn't make sense, go watch the lecture. It's on Youtube.

>> No.12552203

being 1/64th irish doesn't mean you were adressed

>> No.12552239

Been to the factory. Not even comparable. Bud light is the piss of drinkable liquids. Guinness is the loaf of Jesus made sipable.

>> No.12552243


When I'm home I basically only drink guinness. I can't stomach the stuff outside of the country. It sits in the pipes too long and develops this awful metallic aftertaste, and often seems to lose a lot of it's thickness and creaminess.

>> No.12552282

Why would I go watch and gather a proper representation of the argument when that could compromise my ability to dismiss it here and now and preserve whatever I want to think?

Now watch as I hit you with whatever insults come from my loftiest lexical shelf. That way you know i'm above you.


>> No.12552444

Thread theme:

>> No.12552904

Ni raibh o cadhain ar an gcaighdean flann

>> No.12552919

You're mistaken. Joyce, the man who singe-handedly created the 20th century, was 100% Irish on both sides of his family

>> No.12553002

I don't think you understood what I'm saying, I'm saying there are much better stouts.

>> No.12553019

I don't think you can even get Beamish abroad, anon. Since he went to st James's he's probably a tourist.

>> No.12553046

>>didn't know how to use toilets until 1982

t. asexual male

>> No.12553142

do people here really believe that Anglos have some kind of monster within themselves, that drives their behaviors? i don't believe the notion that one's ethnicity has any bearing on one's behaviors, only the culture one is raised under

>> No.12553170

ok britbong

>> No.12553177

Do you even get American microbrews in Ireland?

>> No.12553207

>America thinks it's more hipster than Europe
No, we're still waiting on indoor bathtubs and two way telephones before we start spruce beers and "authentic" recipes from a country that thinks history started in 1776

>> No.12553260

>top poet
Realistically only for the anglosphere

>> No.12553271

>Irish monolinguals in literature

>> No.12553272

Well I was asking so I recommend you some good American stouts, but if you're going to be rude, I'll just leave.

>> No.12553278

>allow me to recommend a drink innplace of the drink you already like
>Btw I can't banter
I guess you guys don't drink them for breakfast

>> No.12553286


An bhfuil tú ag caint faoin Flann ó Brian?

má ceart agam, is patrician tú

>> No.12553304

>not detecting my ironic pouting
Irish and American.... clear language barrier here.

>> No.12553309
File: 29 KB, 640x430, Beautiful Russian Bride.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Slavic women are good looking
I know you think they're anime irl or some retarded shit like that but bruh...

>> No.12553537

I am Russian and I can confirm this. Americans on the other hand are virtuous and admirable.

>> No.12553570

No offense but as an American, our fiction is really for its time and it's difficult for me to get invested in a lot of my fiction when it's so obviously targeted towards specific political events from some other era.

>> No.12553586

Yeah, maybe like the past century

>> No.12554431

Is uafasach i do ghaeilge, ach ab e an Flann sin. Beir bua len an ghaeilge agus beidh tu i d'uasal freisin

>> No.12554677

>anglos seething
>na hEireann ag caint le craic
>Americans trying to fit in
and here I am still fucking trapped in Dublin.
Books for this feel?

>> No.12554806

O-okay Sam

>> No.12555487

It's a meme, although the British do have a long and proud history of being horrible people to those weaker than them and that history likely eclipses any other European power
t. Anglo

>> No.12555501
File: 8 KB, 320x180, mqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop saying "oh i'm english, we invented the english language"
No, no you did not invent the English language.
The Germans (specifically the Danes) brought it to your country. Your native language is pic related. Your language isn't your own. Telling people to stop speaking English because it's your language is as retarded as when Americans do the same.

>> No.12555523

>produce the single greatest novelist of the 20th century
>>produce the single greatest short story writer of the 20th century
>>produce the single greatest poet of the 20th century
>>produce the single greatest dramatist of the 20th century
>>outskill England, the mother of modern literature
>>using the English fucking language
All wrong. Joyce is the great Irish poet.
Yeats was of Anglo protestant descent, Shaw was Anglo protestant and a worthless minor writer, Sterne and Swift were Anglo protestant, so was Goldsmith. And Burke was at least half anglo and protestant. Beckett was fully anglo protestant.

>> No.12555526

>for contemporary literature.
What. Russian literature died a century ago

>> No.12555531 [DELETED] 

>No, we're still waiting on indoor bathtubs and two way telephones before we start spruce beers and "authentic" recipes from a country that thinks history started in 1776
Well, you have the wit of an American yokel, so I can see why we'd think of you as behind

>> No.12555538

I was at the Seamus Heaney exhibition thing in Dublin this week and someone wrote on the chalkboard "tier 1 poet :^)" which one of you faggots did it.

>> No.12555545

What kind of butthurt is this??

>> No.12555633

The English did speak it natively, they just then started filling it with French words. The structure is still the same though.

>> No.12555652

No, they didn't.

>> No.12555726
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>> No.12555760

they're descended from the Angles, Saxons and Jutes who settled in the region after the fall of Rome. The Welsh are the continuation of the Britons

>> No.12555767


Have to agree with this.

>> No.12555787


>> No.12555808

so the language they brought turned into the one they spoke natively
and that language is still Germanic and its closest equivalent is still Frisian
and French loan words doesn't change that Germanic root

>> No.12555880

>so the language they brought turned into the one they spoke natively

>> No.12555923
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>> No.12555965

>germanic = german
love this meme

>> No.12556016

American here.

We don't tell people to stop speaking English because it is "our" language. We expect them to speak English.

>> No.12556024

The Irish are an annoying nation but sometimes you boys are irresistible. God I just wanna dominate and torture you, with your red hair and freckles and plump hands, I wanna hold your wrists up over your head and tie them together while you look up at me with furtive, anxious, angry eyes. The Irish brute captured at last—bigger than me, physically, but inevitably outwitted by his shrewd Anglo tormentor, helpless. I’d suck your fingers and then migrate down the soft tanned flesh of your arms, you'd start to wriggle and squirm as my wandering tongue would tickle the crevices of your underarms. Nay, this cannay be happenin’, I’m in charge ‘ere!

>> No.12556072

I was referring to the senile hicks who say "speak American durr hurr hyuck fuck obama" on facebook.

>> No.12556126

Borges wrote that it was precisely because of Ireland's marginal status that they produced such great literature in his discussion of the relationship of the European literary traditions with the Argentine writer; they were able to benefit from the accomplishments of the tradition without being slaves to it.

>> No.12556364

What the fuck are you going on about

>> No.12556411

But then again Russia is still a inhuman shitheap of concentrated human suffering and hasn't produced a good book since The Wall fel.

>> No.12556481

Not true. You should check out Victor Pelevin

>> No.12556486


