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12549320 No.12549320 [Reply] [Original]

why are they despised by academia

>> No.12549324

they're not...

>> No.12549331

because their work is obvious nonsense to anyone who isn't a low iq pseud.

>> No.12549345

because they're the most radical anarchists to come out of france, every institution in existence shudders at their revolutionary thought

>> No.12549352

>Hey, Gilles, what do you wanna do tonight?
>Same thing we do every night, Felix - try to destroy capitalism!

>> No.12549365


>we've done it, groovy G!

What exactly was "it"? What was done? Also why were they always touching on each other like a couple of homos?

>> No.12549368

They may surround their philosophy with nonsense, but the actual philosophy is very real and continues to be a driving force in its influence to this day. I don't expect a pseud who skimmed a page of C&S whenever it was shitposting to know that though. G'day to you, mam.

>> No.12549369

They're not. Critical theory is the foundation of comparative literature.

>> No.12549372

deterritorialized sexuality, cuckbrain

>> No.12549376

They aren't despised at all. They're niche but rather well respected. Not by philosophers, a little by political theorists who work on French bullshit, and a great deal by arts people who think French bullshit makes them better artists. I wish they were despised. They've been ignored in the past because, for some reason, even people who are into post-structuralism gravitated to Derrida, Lacan, and Foucault (especially Foucault) more than Dolce&Gabbana here.

>> No.12549387

>driving force in its influence to this day.
We all know about the absolute state of media theory or cultural and gender studies.

>> No.12549396
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they are very well respected, you're just a stupid poltard incel.

>> No.12549397

They are. Philosophers completely ignore them. Psychologist dont even know who they are + recognize Freudianism/Lacanism for the sham that it is. Professors of literary theory and/or literature are more interested in formalism and more traditional shemeneutics like Gadamer, Ricoeur, and their contemporary descendents. And as for sociologists, most of them are even more rubbish than Deleuze and Guattari, and would unironically consider them worthless white men, despite being mostly white women age 30-60 who are married to white doctors, lawyers, and consultants that make $300k+ a year.

>> No.12549406

op here im not even trying to meme ive taken some philosophy classes in my uni and whenever deleuze is mentioned it is always in a negative light

>> No.12549408

academia is frequently despicable

>> No.12549414

because the rhizome is anathema to an academic setting

>> No.12549417
File: 22 KB, 297x499, what is phiolosophy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this a good place to start with deleuze?

>> No.12549421

>dude just start wherever you want and go from there
how is this in any way a novel idea?

>> No.12549424

reposting another anon's suggestion

>S Practical Philosophy>N and Philosophy>LOS>AO>ATP>D&R

>> No.12549431

Yes academia doesn’t condone becoming schizophrenic and pedophilia, but does condone fucking your students, forcing niggers and women into department chairs they did not earn, subjecting white high iq males to castigations and indictments against their character for crimes of the fathers and meddling in, defacing, mutilating, sullying the beauty of classical thought in an impotent, nihilistic frenzy of ressentiment towards higher peoples that by sheer comparison emanating from their own existence, render you, your benighted subdominant tribe and all your thoughts little gnats swirlint in the dung heaps left behind by these BEAST MEN. I understand what you say and these antipathies do arouse in me great shame that gay pedo confusion of Nietzschean thought is censured, SILENCED, while the whimsical reinterpretation of GIANTS, TITANS OF THE OLD WORLD, are bandied about by squat obese half human myopic goblin people. HUH BRÜDER

>> No.12549433

If not academia, who out there likes Deleuze?

>> No.12549437


based and le ebinpilled

>> No.12549443

me desu

>> No.12549449

They are not, unfortunately. Are frenchfags cynical or just delusional?

>> No.12549451


>> No.12549456

>op here im not even trying to meme ive taken some philosophy classes in my uni

there's your problem. there's a 99% chance you're being taught by - and may allah forgive me for uttering this word - analytics

>> No.12549466

So Deleuze’s fan base is just random people on the internet?

>> No.12549467

Is that Contra far left?

>> No.12549469

im not though

>> No.12549472

i like him

>> No.12549481

yes, ergo authority deterritorialized

>> No.12549487

Is the takeover of college art and English departments by Deleuzians an example of reterritorialization and so paradoxically counter to Deleuze's purpose?

>> No.12549489

Plz tell me ypure not just another stereotypical litfag who thinks analytics are "autists". Both continental and analytic philosophy are legitimate.

>> No.12549495

>Neither continental nor analytic philosophy are legitimate.
Fixed that for you.

>> No.12549500

i dont even read and just funpost with words i dont understand

>> No.12549504

what will d&b illuminate for me if i read them? is it just cynical lefty kino or does it have some real significance?

>> No.12549507


>> No.12549508

its not paradoxical at all if you actually read deleuze, or at least a several paragraph quick rundown of difference & repitition which is basically all the experience i have with deleuze but i feel like that that's good enough. as schopenhauer once said, reading is for pseuds

>> No.12549516

That's the opposite of what Schopenhauer said, he said that most people buy books without reading them, a worse sort buy them to show them off, and the very worst sort buy them to not read them AND review them.

>> No.12549518


>> No.12549524

i think that was a joke friend

>> No.12549533

schoppo tricked me into starting the upanishads and i'm convinced he was just shitposting.

>> No.12549539

absolutemente basado

>> No.12549551

lmao okay bud whatever you say

>> No.12549553
File: 33 KB, 620x264, David-Bowie-Space-Oddity620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i need to know more senpai

tell us about the age of heroes and the times of legend

>> No.12549621

Who is Academia?

>> No.12549631


>> No.12549701

I don't think they ever claimed it was their idea, they simply borrowed a botanical image and used it to generate the exploratory nature of the text. Good artists borrow, great artists steal. That's the point of the metaphor, it isn't original, its part of a immanent ground and the vectors of intensity that intersect it, the ecology which creates mountain ranges, forests, and fertile lands. The book offers a freeform process of engineering, hijacking different conceptual plateaus and welding them together.

>> No.12549965


>> No.12549977

Fella Deleuze has over 200,000 citations, he's a subject of constant interest among academic philosophers. Just because the Anglosphere doesn't cover continental philosophy doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

>> No.12549996

Deleuze let mold grow on his daughter because he thought cleaning was fascist. How could anyone take him seriously

>> No.12550024

first of all that was Guattari's daughter, not Deleuze's

and second of all that mold was removed and went on write several excellent articles on Merleau-Ponty's concept of the flesh, altho they have not been translated into English, so perhaps you haven't read them yet

get your facts right

>> No.12550034
File: 1.88 MB, 230x250, 1546620454858.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12550209

That was Guattari but yeah. Everything he didn't like was fascist. Weird thing is that he mostly disliked good things.

>> No.12550266

rhizomes, man
start anywhere

>> No.12550331

>I don't think they ever claimed it was their idea, they simply borrowed a botanical image and used it to generate the exploratory nature of the text. Good artists borrow, great artists steal. That's the point of the metaphor, it isn't original, its part of a immanent ground and the vectors of intensity that intersect it, the ecology which creates mountain ranges, forests, and fertile lands. The book offers a freeform process of engineering, hijacking different conceptual plateaus and welding them together.
The one person here who has actually read something.

fuck off

>> No.12551727


>> No.12551732

The thing about different philosophers and universities are that they are different. There are also people who don’t despise them. However, you can imagine why some people would rather read a two page article about what truth is, rather than things like D&G.

>> No.12551954

because they're literally sasha grey tier philosophy.

>> No.12552864

Of course it's influential since Internet clickbait uses falsehoods and base sophistry to its advantage. Plus affluent woketards want their diploma mills to have special snowflake courses in everything that aligns with their mindset. Having a PhD in romcoms is perfectly logical when you follow in French cultural marxist wake.

>> No.12552870

there is no intensity if the text is an intersection. the books are read from beginning to the end.

>going on a nonsensical tangent about ecology and mountain ranges

even perennial fags look like intellecuals compared to this tripe

>> No.12552956

The text isn’t an intersection, you dnot understand what the rhizome means. Also the reference to landscapes is perfectly applicable if you’ve read the chapter of faciality, but then again, most people who accuse D&G of being charlatans almost always have read next to nothing of their work.

>> No.12553104

The IDF are big fans.

>> No.12553109

>you don't understand this arbitrary definition!

>> No.12553120

Surfers and origamists.

>> No.12554312

Yo that article was classic IDF dank memery. "Yeah so when D&G talk about smooth surfaces we realized... why not just tear down any walls that stand between us and create a smooth surface, really open up the battle field."

Lol why did they need D&G for that?

>> No.12554363


>> No.12554369

Anglo philosophers ignore everyone from the continent after Kant who isn’t a logic obsessed Jew or scientist

>> No.12554570

Did I stutter when I said metaphor? Their process is one of short-circuiting new connections between distinct ideas, metaphor-as-tool for the pursuit of knowledge. That isn't a "definition", its just a description of how they use the image or idea of the rhizome as a procedural function for the text.